Tag Team Breakups: How soon is too soon?


It is common knowledge that Tag Team wrestling is past the point of decline. If it were the economy, I'd guess you could call it a depression. However, only eight years ago (2002), a Tag Team contest was declared Match of the Year (Edge/Mysterio vs Benoit/Angle, No Mercy). One of the big issues that many blame for this downfall is the breakup of tag teams. Too many teams are build up only for one guy to go on to singles success, while the other falls into mediocrity (or release).

It isn't anything new for teams to be split. The most common example used is The Rockers, with Michaels turning heel and Janetty falling into obscurity. This is hardly unique though, with countless teams splitting up, turning against each other, or simply ceasing to exist (retirement, release, etc.). It seems that whenever one guy becomes too big for the team, he is elevated to the singles level, usually at the cost of his partner. Of course, as with anything, there are exceptions, but this is usually the case, and I'll treat it as such.

On the flip side, some teams have remained together forever. Team 3D (Dudleys) have been together for the majority of their careers, and have had massive success as a tag team as a result. Several older favorites, such as the Legion of Doom and Demolition, enjoyed the majority of their success as a tag team, and are mentioned as such. What separates these teams from the ones that constantly get split up? Are they too equal, with no breakout star between them?

One of the biggest problems with breaking up a team is the potential failure of the split. Perhaps the breakout star of the group flops, what then? Obviously, this has happened. So, you lose the one guy automatically, then proceed to lose another with a failed push. All this at the expense of a working tag team. No wonder the division suffers. Continuing down this road, many have stated the reason behind this failure is breaking up a team too soon. This is where my questioning starts to come in.

How can you tell if a team is ready to split up? If at all? What are the signs? What separates the teams building breakout singles stars from the tag teams for life?

In short, how soon is too soon?

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to the comments.

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