Tag Match... TLC?


I'm better than you!
Reading all the threads about the tag division got me thinking about wether or not we'll ever see another one.

Pretty much everyone here seems to post about how good those match's were with the Hardy's, Dudley's and E&C at WM. We seem to always mention them when talking about how good the division used to be.

There's always some kind of thread about how shit the tag division has become etc etc so I wanted to see what people's opinions were on seeing another TLC tag match, it could be 2 teams or 3 like the old days. For me, I can't really see it ever happening again, at least not for a decent while.

Back then you had a thriving tag division, people were interested, you had 3 great tag teams that had been together for a fair while and you had a WM atmosphere. We don't have any of this anymore. If they were to do it who would you use? I mean, TLC match's use shit loads of spots but is there any teams that could excel in this type of match. Hart Dynasty would probably do pretty well in it, maybe Cryme Tyme but other than that I'm not sure. Of course teams like DX and JeriShow could pull of something decent but probably no where near as epic as watching Edge spear Jeff off the ladder:


Or this:


I just couldn't see this type of match being any where near as good as these old ones. There doesn't seem to be any teams with TLC caliber wrestling ability right now.

So, what do you think?
completely agree with the fact there is no tag teams that could pull this type of match off anymore

god damn i truely remember how amazing those matchs were to watch on PPV and the whole concept was just awesome and its kinda sad that we probly wont see 3 great tag teams go at it like that again
I think it's more of a case of these guys not being allowed to do these types of high risks anymore.

This was back in the Attitude Era when the Monday Night Wars were thriving. WWF were doing everything and anything they could do out-do the competition, and thus the result.

WWE no long need to do so, so whilst that continues, you will not see a TLC match like that again.

PS - I didn't rate the Hardy/Punk TLC too much. 2 tables in a TLC match..? Hmm..

I do not think we will see another TLC, sometimes things just work for whatever reason and in this case lightning struck twice. It would be a miracle if anyone could pull something like this off again.

However that does not mean the division is ruined. It seems that the WWE has a youth policy happening right about now so I think that there is some chance that they will one day return to those glory days. Maybe not the attitude Era but at least the 80's when tag team wrestling was important.

Hell for the 80's and 90 and early 2000's (01,02,03) the tag division was solid. Thats 23 or so years of decency compared to 6 of mediocrity and the WWE have already noticed the mistake.

Have some faith, I know 6 years is a long time to wait for the tag division to fire up again but I think we are past the worst for this division.
not only do they not have the quality tag teams to pull it off, i wouldn't want them to do it anymore for tag teams...what E & C, the Dudleyz and the Hardys had were special. They would do it such a dis-service to try and duplicate it when they know it would be unsuccessful.
We had a similar scenario a few years ago, it was a fatal four way ladder match for the tag titles. It was the hardys vs MNM vs London/Kendrick vs somebody else?? I forget. But I remember it was a pretty damn decent match. Not nearly as good as Wrestlemania 2000, but you know, it was better than the shit we're getting now.

I agree with you that we'll never come close to watching a match like this ever again, but you never know, with Jerishow as tag team champs, maybe they'll get more teams like them together, MVP/Henry, Batista/Rey, etc, and get the tag division back on track.
Another TLC match for the tag titles would be great but the problem with it is that there are not enough legit tags teams that are built up properly to have such a big match.

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