Survivor Series: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

World Tag Team Title Match
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdock (c)vs. Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly​

Ok so this match certainly isn't worthy of one of the big 4. Like I said in previous threads. A tag team elimination match would be. Heels vs. Heels or brand vs. brand. It didn't matter. But this match will not only get zero heat. But it will probably suck. Cade & Murdock have improved greatly over the year. I feel that Cade has the potential to go far. But they still get very little response. Add to that a rookie who was only popular in his initial debut (because of his father) and a vet that only ever got over because of a comedy cousin. This will draw so little heat it'll be embarrasing.
I'm split on this match. While it's one of the four big shows of the year and definately deserves a title match, it's not much. ALthough it is better than the same matches we've been seeing. Not to mention it's the first tag title match in 3 months and the 3rd in about 6 months. But in the end I guess any title match is better than no title match at all.
I do have some interest in this match, I have always liked Holly, because he can wrestle, and Cody Rhodes works well with him, so that half of it does interest me, but for Cade and Murdock, I again don't get the whole fuss over them, Cade is a decent wrestler, but what else is so good about him, he might have a good future, but right now the tag team bores the living hell out of me, even with them trying so hard to give them a storyline with the rubbish scottish blokes and now Mickie James... They just don't work in my opinion. I see a split up happening, but thats just my opinion.
I take a big steamy Shit all over this bathroom/merch break will prob open the show and will be a major snooze fest...the Rhodes kid wrestles ok i guess nothing special at all basic as they come and his gay tights and little booty's don’t help either..Holly is over the hill job squad 4 life just give up on this Jabrone who gives a shit about earning his respect. IMO London and Kendrick should be in this match and win the titles and maybe bring some excitement back in the tag division. But no they get buried....Damn u Paul had to tell some mark kid about Ashley in survivor
I'm pretty sure we're going to see a title switch, and possibly a break up of Cade and Murdoch since Murdoch is busy with Mickie James anyway at this point. I think giving the belts to Rhodes and Holly would actually benifit both men. It gives Holly some TV time, and it really helps for Rhodes to hold the title with a vet like Holly. Like him or not Holly is a well respected vet in the industry, and having a rookie like Rhodes with him will do nothing, but help Rhodes get respect from both the locker room and the fans. Should Rhodes and Holly win like I said I'm looking to see the Rednecks split and probably fade out of the picture like La Resistance did. They'll probably feud with one another, then that'll be the end of them... Hopefully not Cade, but meh
This match just shows how important the tag division is in the WWE. The contender match took place on No one will give a shit about this match, and it will be a piss break match. Hopefully Cade & Murdoch lose the belts because I'm getting a bit tired of them. If Holly & Codes win then Codes will get some recognition, and Holly will get the TV time he needs so much. I do think this will be the beginning of the end for the Cade/Murdoch tag team. If they lose they will shortly split. Hopefully Cade stays in WWE because I see a bright future for him.
This match really is pointless and the only reason they added it to the card was to begin the break-up of cade and murdoch. Rhodes and Holly are going to be the tag team that gets the titles simply because there are no other worthy ones on the show. The Murdoch/Mickie James thing is stupid, i mean honestly, Murdoch? This probably will be the end of the tag team, they got destroyed on Raw by Taker and Batista, which again what are you saying about your tag division when you champs get killed like that. At this point the tag team division is dead and i cant see it revitalizing any time soon. This match will be extremely boring and a good time to check the score of the football game.
I just don't see Holly & Rhodes winning. Yeah they will get it eventually. By Rhodes is supposed to be a rookie, so he'll make a mistake. Holly will be fine with it and they will challenege for the titles again at some point. There's just nowhere for this angle to go if they win the title on the first attempt.
Meh? I dont really care about this match. If Rhodes & Holly win the titles and we see the begining of the end of cade/murdoch what will this do to the already frail tag team divison. If they break up the only teams on raw will be wgtt, londrick, highlanders, rhodes/holly. It just shows how vince doesnt give 2 flying crap about tag team wrestling. I see either rhodes/holly winning ir cade/murdoch winning but barely.
Jake brings up a good point. Alot of the luster has ben taken away from the Tag Team Titles because rookie teams win it on the first try, leaving fans to ask "Who?" It's great for the wrestlers in those teams because it works them in, but still, the Tag Team Titles become as hard to follow as the old Light Heavyweight belt.

A tag team title match at Survivor Series TOTALLY drops the ball. Some of the best Classic 4-on-4 series matches have been two tag teams vs two tag teams. Cade, Murdoch, Benjamin, and Haas vs Rhodes, Holly, London, and Kendrick would make more sense in terms of competition.

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