Survivor Series: Championship Scramble?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the SS PPV coming up soon, should WWE hold a WWE & WHC Championship Scramble?

With Survivor Series being the event for multi-tag-elimination matches and with some of the main event and top mid card superstars often feature in these matches, their may not be enough superstars that are main eventers to take part in the championship scrambles.

If they did go with the CS matches, this will open up opportunities for other stars (perhaps lower in the mid card) to take a spot in the elimination tag matches such as Gabrel, Kidd, Sandow, Clay etc..

The 6 superstars that should take part in the WWE title Championship Scramble should be:
CM Punk, John Cena, The Miz, Big Show, Daniel Bryan & Kane.

The 6 superstars that should take part in the WHC title Championship Scramble should be:
Sheamus, ADR, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes & Rey Mysterio.

I think this idea could work as a Championship Scramble is all about 'surviving'.

So, what do you think? Do you agree with my idea? Do you have another idea of your own?
With the SS PPV coming up soon, should WWE hold a WWE & WHC Championship Scramble?

Another one of these topics? I don't get how the Championship Scramble got popular all of a sudden. I seem to recall seeing lots of rants on how complicated it was 4 years ago when they did those matches. I have retained my opinion from back then and still think they are too much of a cluster-mess to put on a PPV. I would be in support of bringing them back as #1 contender matches on Raw and Smackdown to determine who will face the WWE and World Heavyweight Champions respectively, at Survivor Series.

With Survivor Series being the event for multi-tag-elimination matches and with some of the main event and top mid card superstars often feature in these matches, their may not be enough superstars that are main eventers to take part in the championship scrambles.

All the more reason to have a Championship Scramble be for #1 contendership rather than the actual title. That frees up the other participants for the traditional elimination matches at Survivor Series while the two winners of the Scrambles get the world title matches.

If they did go with the CS matches, this will open up opportunities for other stars (perhaps lower in the mid card) to take a spot in the elimination tag matches such as Gabrel, Kidd, Sandow, Clay etc..

They could still do elimination tag team matches that feature talent who are not main eventers. There's roughly 55 guys on the roster who would be available for the PPV. 4 of them will be in the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship matches. Bump that up to 8 if you'd be interested in going the route of Fatal Fourway Elimination Matches. 2 can be in a US/Intercontinental Championship match, 4 can be in a Tag Team Championship match.

14 can take place in just one 7 VS 7 elimination match, so with the 40-45 or so who are not competing in a world title match or a tag/midcard title match, that leaves enough people for three of these matches, and there's still room for a filler match or two despite nearly the entire roster getting to be a part of the card at this point. Throw in a divas match too, and there's your card. WWE just need to book it properly.

The 6 superstars that should take part in the WWE title Championship Scramble should be:
CM Punk, John Cena, The Miz, Big Show, Daniel Bryan & Kane.

Replace CM Punk (or whoever is WWE Champion by then) with someone who has nothing else going on, there's your contendership match with the winner going on to the Survivor Series WWE Championship match. The others can be in traditional elimination matches.

The 6 superstars that should take part in the WHC title Championship Scramble should be:
Sheamus, ADR, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes & Rey Mysterio.

Same thing here. Replace whoever is World Heavyweight Champion by then with a new contender, the winner faces the champ at the PPV and the rest can be in traditional tag team elimination. Why not even have the faces and heels from these two contender matches face each other? There's your first elimination tag team match for Survivor Series. Now they'd just need to throw together a couple more.

I think this idea could work as a Championship Scramble is all about 'surviving'.

What about #1 contendership status? "Surviving" to achieve that makes sense too.... and so does winning the belt at Survivor Series under elimination rules in a Fatal Fourway or Triple Threat match. I'd personally rather see that at the PPV with the Scramble being done to see who is going to challenge the champions.

So, what do you think? Do you agree with my idea? Do you have another idea of your own?

It's an interesting idea, I just was never a fan of the Scramble match type. It could work if brought back, just not for a title win/defense. They are a cluster-mess. I'd rather more emphasis be put on elimination at the PPV, mainly the traditional elimination matches but also perhaps a Fatal Fourway or Triple Threat match for the world titles under elimination rules. That's just me though.
I am not huge on Scramble matches but we haven't had one in awhile & it seems battle royals are a thing of the past. (Not to mention fatal four ways are really rare and triple threats are somewhat rare occurences for PPV's or one special match on RAW.)

I like the idea mostly because it free's up spots on the card and in the Classic Survivor Series Tag Match for younger guys.

They already started to lower it to only 1 classic 5 on 5 Survivor Series match last year, so they need more spots for the younger guys.

Just a rough example:

-WWE Title Scramble: CM Punk(c) vs. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Big Show vs. Kane

-WHC Scramble: Dolph Ziggler(c) vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Wade Barrett

-Team Rey: Rey Mysterio, Zack Ryder, Brodus Clay, Sin Cara, & Christian vs. Team Miz: The Miz(IC Champ), Tensai, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, & Hunico

-United States Championship: Antonio Cesaro(c) vs. Brodus Clay vs. Santino Marella vs. Heath Slater

-Tag Team Championships: PTP(c) vs. R-Boom vs. Epico & Primo vs. The Usos vs. Gabriel & Kidd

Even add a Classic Survivor Series Match to the Pre-Show:

-Team Ryback: Ryback, Alex Riley, Mason Ryan, Yoshi Tatsu, & Joe Henig vs. Team Mahal: Jinder Mahal, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, David Otunga, & Curt Hawkins.
I think personally the WWE should have the Elimination Chamber matches take place. After all...survivor series is all about "surviving" so why not have these matches take place here??

WWE title: Punk, Cena, Big Show, Kane, Daniel Bryan, and The Miz
WHC: Sheamus, ADR, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, and Christian

Other matches can include a WWE Tag Team Fatal 4 Way match; other mid card matches...and of course the Youtube pre-show.
Make one of the major singles and minor singles championship matches scramble matches. Takes away an elimination tag match, which are clusterf**** to begin with, and adds some intrigue to the titles.

Make the WWE Championship Match and United States Match Scramble matches. Good way to show of the survival part of the pay per view
i would prefer lethal lottery tag matches.. than all the survivors would compete again in a one ring battle royal.. than the last two superstars left begin a submission only match..

I'd love to see Championship Scrambles return, they are one of my favourite matches in the WWE. It's just a fun concept, it's like a game of Pass the Parcel, anybody can get the title and anything happen in them, like Brian Kendrick winning the WWE Championship for a few seconds in the 2008 SD! one, that was a highlight for some around the world. I'm not really in favor of it returning at Survivor Series though. SS is one of the big 4, it should be all about everyone just wanting to fight each other in the title matches, Survivor Series matches & non-title matches, there should be none of this #1 Contender bullshit on the card or on RAW & SD! to a set up a title match for the card. I think I've mentioned before that I'd like to see Championship Scramble as a PPV, so maybe they could replace one of the gimmick PPV's like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, or Money In The Bank with a Championship Scramble PPV. People are always complaining about how they shouldn't be PPV's and that WWE should revert to putting on only 1 match for them, which I can agree with, and with a Championship Scramble PPV, I don't think anyone will complain since CS matches aren't as important as those matches and WWE always put on 2 of them on PPV's.

Actually, thinking about it, I'd probably replace Elimination Chamber with it. One Scramble could be used as a #1 Contender match for whichever title the Royal Rumble winner isn't going for at WM, and the other could have one of the World Titles on the line. I do like the idea of one being for the #1 Contendership & the other for the World Title instead of both being for #1 Contendership or both being for the World Titles. And Elimination Chamber would go back to being used on special occassions for title matches only instead of as a #1 Contender match every year, the way it was meant to be.
The matches have a tendency to become clusters, but they can be entertaining with the unpredictability. I liked the idea of using them as number 1 contender matches though. I really wouldn't want SS dominated by scramble matches.
The thing spreading on dirt sheets is Team Lesnar vs Team HHH it seems like a ok thinking that HHH would win.......which would piss me would end the storyline which would be good......but it should be over NOW we shouldnt see HHH the rest of the year.....Brock should challenge Taker and have HHH and HBK putting doubt into the streak saying Taker cant do it......great storyline built in that wwe will blow as NORMAL!
I like the idea of scramble matches. I feel like they're underused in the WWE. I'm not sure if i would have more than one scramble match on the card though. With the elimination tag team match that takes place every year at Survivor Series it could be to much. Raw always gets more attention and time for their storylines so i would say give the scramble match to Smackdown. Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler vs Cody Rhodes vs Sin Cara vs Randy Orton. It would add some interest to the sometimes stale storylines for the World Heavyweight Championship.
I liked the Championship Scramble match. I actually just played that match type twice on WWE 12 this past weekend. Once defending my World Title against some of WCW’s Legends and once defending my Undisputed WWE Title against some of WWE’s Legends.

I think the Survivor Series should only have 5-on-5 Survivor Series Style Elimination Tag Team matches. 4-on-4 is cool, but 5-on-5 is better. No Title matches, just storyline advancement.

I think the Championship Scramble match should take place at Night Of Champions for both the WWE Title and the World Title each. I think I’d go with:

World Championship Scramble match:
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian vs. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry.

WWE Championship Scramble match:
CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

Since the ECW Title is defunct, I’d go as far as having Championship Scramble matches for the Miz’s and Antonio Cesaro’s Titles as well.
I loved all 4 of the Championship Scramble Matches and I was hoping Wwe would continue doing them, So Yes Wwe should bring back the Type of Match but Maybe not at such a Huge Pay Per View as Survivor Series. Maybe they should bring the Match back at Night of Champions instead.
While I am open to the idea of seeing a Championship Scramble, I don't think that Survivor Series will be a ideal place for it. Considering that they will have a 10-man traditional elimination match (which stopped being meaningful years ago), I doubt that they will have the star-power required to have one, let alone two Scrambles.

I would rather that the WWE have a Championship Scramble at any other PPV (as long they don't make it a Championship Scrabble PPV).
I think the Championship Scrambles could be a good replacement for the Traditional Survivour Series Matches, but not an addition. The Survivour Series Matches have ran its course, they should have a new tradition.

I would have the scrambles as:

WWE: CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Big Show vs Kane
World Heavyweight: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio vs Wade Barrett

I think these matches and Brock Lesnar vs Triple H, with Michaels as the ref, could do well for Survivour Series.

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