Survivor Series 2003

Cena looks so young. Team Angle v Team Lesnar was solid just for the last few minutes of action
The only things i can remember is Vince blading after 2 punches and always thinking that the buried alive match was the main event. Never knew until only a few weeks ago that HHH vs Goldberg was the main event.
Possibly my two favourite Survivor Series rules matches of all time in there and I dont know why but I love those type of matches.
I just got to the end of Team Austin v Team Bischoff and the emotion Austin shows at the end of the match is off the hook. It seems so real. The interaction between Austin and a bloody Michaels is actually pretty touching :icon_cry:
The first PPV I remember seeing live so it holds a special place in my heart, so I love the show.
I would of made a few changes to this show, even though it was a good ppv it wasn't great and it could of been a lot better. The changes I have would be:

Sunday Night Heat
1) Tajiri (C) Vs Billy Kidman Vs Jamie Knoble Vs Funaki
Fatal 4 Way Elimination Crusierweight Title Match. Would be a great match for Sunday night heat and keep it with survivor series tradition and have Tajiri keep the title.

Main Card
1) Team Angle (Angle, Benoit, Cena, Mysterio & Holly) Vs Team Lesner (Lesner, Show, Albert, Jones & Morgan)
5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match. Inset Mysterio into the match have the same outcome but make the match longer and don't eliminate Holly so quickly.

2) Team Lita Vs Team Holly
4 on 4 Diva Elimination Match. Have this match take place instead with team lita going over.

3) The Basham Brothers (C) Vs Los Guerreros Vs The Apa Vs TWGTT
Four Corner Elimination Tag Title Match. Have this match instead and have the Bashams go over by eliminating both face teams to make them look strong.

4) Kane Vs Shane McMahon
Stays the same.

5) Rikishi, Goldust, Spanky, Val Venis & Jordan Vs Regal, Storm, La
resistance & Nowinski
5 on 5 Survivor Series Match. But all the midcarders era together and have the faces go over.

6) Goldberg (C) Vs Triple HHH
World Heavyweight Title. Stays the same.

7) The Undertaker Vs Vince McMahon
Buried Alive Match. Stays the same.

8) Team Austin (Michaels, Rvd, Booker T & The Dudley Boys Vs Team Bishoff (Ortan, Jericho, Christian, Steiner & Batista)
5 on 5 Survivor Series Match have Batista in the match instead of Mark Henry and have the same outcome.

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