Survivor Series 2002 vs Survivor Series 2003


Championship Contender
I thought I would do my own PPV vs PPV discussion here with a Survivor Series comparison. This is 2002 vs 2003 and I really like both overall but lets see what you guys think. Here are the Cards,


1st Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Title-Triple H (c) vs HBK vs Chris Jericho vs RVD vs Kane vs Booker T

WWE Title-Brock Lesnar (c) vs The Big Show

WWE Tag Team Titles (3-Way Elimination Match) Edge & Rey Mysterio (c) vs Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs Los Guerreros

6-Man Tag Team Tables Match-Bubba Ray,Spike Dudley,Jeff Hardy vs 3MW & Rico

WWE Crusierweight Title-Jamie Noble (c) vs Billy Kidman

WWE Womens Title (Hardcore Rules)-Trish Stratus (c) vs Victoria


World Heavyweight Title-Goldberg (c) vs Triple H

Buried Alive Match-Undertaker vs Mr.Mcmahon

SS Elimination Match-Team Austin vs Team Bischoff

SS Elimination Match-Team Angle vs Team Lesnar

Ambulance Match-Kane vs Shane Mcmahon

WWE Tag Team Titles-Basham Brothers (c) vs Los Guerreros

WWE Womens Title-Molly Holly (c) vs Lita

I would have to give a slight edge to 2002 with it being in MSG,all 5 Titles changed hands,Scott Steiner Returned,the Dudleyz reunited,etc. 2003 I like for the Team Austin/Team Bischoff & Team Angle/Team Lesnar SS Matches. Buried Alive is fun to see Vince get destroyed despite winning thanks to Kane. Shane/Kane is a fun Match going all over the place and a decent World Title bout with Goldberg & HHH. Which do you guys like?
As much as I loved Survivor Series 2003, I take 2002. Going away as a matter of fact.

The SS 2002 card was so solid and every match delivered. The crowd was hot the whole night seeing how it was New York City. We had the debut of the Elimination Chamber, Paul Heyman turning on Brock Lesnar, the amazing Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Titles with Edge, Mysterio, Benoit (RIP) Angle, and Los Guerreros (RIP Eddie), the Cruiserweight title match was good, the Women's Title match was damn exciting, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner debuted and my god the opening match was even so spot on and it set THE tone for the night. What better way to start off a show like that with 6 Man Tag Team Tables Match?

To be fair to SS 2003, it was a great event. Kane and Shane was the show stealer and a great contest, there was Team Lesnar and all the big guys they had and John Cena's face turn with Team Angle, the Tag Team Title Match wasn't anything spectacular, the Women's Title match was pretty good. I just wasn't feeling most matches on the undercard. Undertaker/Vince was pretty much an ass whipping until Kane came out and put an end to the American Badass character for good.

I always did have one problem with the show though. Why in God's name did Triple H and Goldberg end the show? Team Austin vs Team Bischoff should've been the last match. This show's focus was pretty much around that match. It was probably the most hyped match on the card and man, did it DELIVER. HBK being a bloody mess at the end and almost winning the whole thing, until Batista came in and took him out allowing Orton to shine and get the pinfall. The ending was emotional with Austin saying bye to the fans and the way it ended, that should've sent us off the show. I thought the show was over until they mentioned Triple H vs Goldberg was up next. The match was so much of an afterthought because of the great SS Elimination Match.

Overall, SS 2002 gets my vote easily.
As much as I love tradional tag matches 2002 was heads and tails above 2003. The feel of the 2002 events riviled WrestleMania the matches were all shit hot as well, one of the best events WWE has ever put on.
Well, before I say anything, I will say that 2002 and 2003 are arguably the two greatest Survivor Series of the entire 2000's decade and two of the best ever and I've been a fan for a LONG TIME.

That being said, I'm a bit partial to 2003 due to the elimination matches. They are the best part of the show, to me. That's what the Survivor Series will always be about. Team Austin vs. Team Bischoff may be the greatest SS Elimination Match I've ever seen and is one of HBK's best performances of all time, hands down. This was a show stealer. The Angle/Lesnar elimination match was entertaining, but not the show stealer the prior was.

Furthermore, I enjoyed the gimmick matches in Kane/Shane and Taker/Vince.

The 2002 is a VERY VERY close comparison though. The Elimination Chamber match stands up as the very best ever and the tag team match for the titles was great, but one thing I've always been annoyed about was Lesnar/Big Show lasting a mere 4-5 minutes.
Good contest between two better than very good shows. I would give it to 2002 though.

2002 for me had one of the best womens matches of the decade in the WWE. Quality wrestling from top to bottom on the card. One of the better turns of the era (Heyman on Lesnar) and that includes its aftermath. One of the better Elimination Chamber matches I would say with a highlight of seeing Micheals win his final World title at the end of it. The WWE tag title match may not of been as good as the Final match at No Mercy a month before but was still top quality, miss those days of the Smackdown Six...

2003 with it seeing the return of the traditional SS tag matches is a bonus for the event and I did like the gimmick matches involving the McMahons and Kane/Taker. Can't remember what happened with the Goldberg/HHH, Womens match and the tag title match really over leaving an impression, I wouldn't want to track them down where I would want to see the other four matches on the card again tomorrow if given the choice, 2002 for me was one of my top 10 cards from top to bottom.

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