The twentieth season of Survivor was announced and I am very excited for this season, knowing that Russell has a good chance of returning to the show and being given a chance to win. I also believe we will see some of our favourites like WZFs Jonny Fairplay return. The show returns to Samoa, which is interesting after the tsunami. Richard will not be retuning to the show, as he is in house arrest still.
Rupert Boneham
James Clement
James "J.T." Thomas, Jr.
Colby Donaldson
Cirie Fields
Candice Woodcock
Amanda Kimmel
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper
Tom Westman
Stephenie LaGrossa
Tyson Apostol
Randy Bailey
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Danielle DiLorenzo
Russell Hantz
Jerri Manthey
Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano
Parvati Shallow
Benjamin "Coach" Wade
Courtney Yates
So discuss who you think will be on the show, and as the show comes on, who will win and the such.
Rupert Boneham
James "J.T." Thomas, Jr.
Colby Donaldson
Candice Woodcock
Amanda Kimmel
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Danielle DiLorenzo
Russell Hantz
Jerri Manthey
Parvati Shallow
Courtney Yates
So discuss who you think will be on the show, and as the show comes on, who will win and the such.