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Shawn Michaels ❤
Many people believe in superstitions, yet no one really knows where most come from. There are ones which you can understand, such as not walking under a ladder, then others which are not so easy to understand, such as not putting shoes on a table for fear of bad luck.

Most people have a few superstitions but don't let them take over their life. However, there are a few people who get taken overboard with things such as luck, and will do anything to avoid badluck.

Personally, I don't believe in superstitions. They're just not something that I've ever seriously. I don't think that if I do something I'll suddenly get bad luck, things just happen.

Lucky Charms are another thing, which I suppose are to each individual. I have a good luck charm, and even though I know luck has nothing to do with it, I still like having it on me for exams etc.

Do you believe in superstitions? Or do you have a good luck charm you take when you feel it's needed?
Don't believe in any shit like that. I have no superstitions, no lucky charms. I don't believe in any of it.

When it comes to a certain lucky object I just can't see how it will bring luck. Most the time it's just some random moulded plastic. How exactly is something like that going to bring you wealth or whatever, I just don't see it.

Same with superstitions. It seems to be rampant within sports. Putting your right sock on before your left and all that crap. If they don't do it that way they don't play well. Bollocks. Are you going to play well for the rest of your life if you continue to do it? It's a prime thing doofus.

I conclusion I don't believe in much. Certainly not shit like this.
I try not to, but in the end I usually do. I made my living playing cards for a few years and when I was on a hot streak I'd have the same routine every time I'd sit down at a table. Other than that, if I'm going down my stairs I always hit a board I go past then tap a beam above the door. I think it's more out of habbit over superstition though. As far as lucky objects, I did carry a lucky poker chip for awhile, but other than that nothing. Overall, I am superstitious, but not to an extreme level.
I don't really have any superstitions for things. I have habits, but I wouldn't call any of them superstitious (I'll always climb stairs left foot first). To be honest though, I'm rarely in a position where superstition is ever required.

As for the likes of walking under ladders...I'll do it. Friday the 13th is nothing to me and I've had so many black cats walk in front of me i'd be freaked if I was superstitious.

My reasoning behind it is that I'm not a big believer in luck. If something's going to happen, it's going to happen regardless of whether I find four leaf clovers or break mirrors. That's just life and those things don't make a difference
I have been an athlete my whole life and have been a coach for the past 7 years. I am very superstitous, but only when it comes to sports- I think you'll find most athletes are. If my team is on a winning streak, I'll be sure to wear the same attire for every game. The bats can NEVER be crossed (I coach/play softball) and I can never touch the balls used by the infield and outfield to warm up between innings. Oh yeah, as a coach I don't put my hand in for the team "go get 'em" gathering before each game. Although as a player, I will.
I used to do everything the same before every game, but not becuase of superstition, just becuase I had a routine I was comfortable with. Go home, nap, wake up grouchy as fuck, shower, focus, then roll into the locker room to dress. Not becuase I belived this gave me some sort of super power, just becuase It was my routine.

Personally I dont belive in superstition, or luck, in the least. Mostly becuase of the fact that im strongly religous, and strong in my faith. I belive nothing just "happens" for no reason, or that things made of plastic can greatly impact my life in a cosmic manner.
i only have one superstition
If you take a cold shower in pitch black on Friday night
you'll get lucky on saturday night
it always works just try it

I officially love you.

Superstition, meh. I don't purposefully do unlucky things, such as spilling the salt, ect., but i don't freak out when I do. When I go to the outfield in baseball, I always jump on the bag and watch all the dirt fly off, but that's just become a habit over the years, not really a superstition kind of thing.
I do not believe in superstition. Like NorCal I myself am a very religious man. I put all my faith in gods hands and he will lead the way. I do however believe in Karma. Which means that whatever you do will someday come back around, whether it be good or bad. If its good then great if its not then someday God will cut you down.
I don't believe in luck or superstition, but I have on occassion set myself a DC and rolled a D20 for a task as to whether I could do it or not. More than once a dice roll has determined that were I to continue, I would critically fail. Maybe smash my own head in with a hammer or something. So I watched TV instead.

More than superstious, I think I'm just a tad mental.

Some superstitions most likely spawned from simple common sense. Do not walk under a ladder, because you might get hurt. Do not put your shoes on a table because it might get dirty. Etc etc. But they warped into "bad luck" things which are just nonsense. Why do people make a wish on the first star they see, or a shooting star, or when the clock turns 11:11???

Before I continue, let me say something, because I don't want to risk offending anybody. I'm not a religious person. That being said, I'm not 100% opposed to religion. My viewpoint on things is "if its not 100% proven fact, there's room for error", no matter what it is, so religion applies as well. Since there's no proof of God, I can't wholeheartedly believe in one, however, there's no proof that there ISN'T a supreme being, so I can't wholeheartedly deny it, either. As far as the Bible is concerned, I look at it in the same light as other forms of mythology...stories that people based their lives around in order to give themselves direction and meaning, as no human can really fathom existence and the perplexities of the universe on a grand scale. Nobody has all the answers, including myself, so I say believe in whatever religion you want to whatever degree, just don't force it on anyone, just as I won't force my "just be a good person and see what happens" views.


Superstition to me is the same as people instantly believing in fate. They feel that "true love is meant to be", "whatever happens, it happens for a reason", and so forth. Now, I don't have a doctorate in psychology, but I've done extensive research. Believing that there are lucky charms, bad luck charms, or fate that controls your life...it takes all the responsibility off yourself. If you believe that something bad that happened is because of fate, you don't end up looking at yourself and saying "I did this, which caused that".

Probability is probability. Consequence is consequence. Cause leads to effect. Coincidence is merely coincidence. Life is not a movie. You can't dump your girlfriend and say "well, if we're meant to be, we'll get back together", and then when you don't get back together, say "well it must've been fate". Luck is merely a term for "your chance of receiving the benefits from the effects of probability". Did you hit the slot machine and win a million dollars because of the fact that you crossed your fingers....or did you win because it was the X number of pull and you just happened to be the one to pull it?

That being said, some people depend on superstition. To say it in a bold way, "ignorance is bliss". If you believe something that makes you happy, and you never think otherwise, then you're always going to be happy. Just the same, if you're one of those unfortunate people on Maury or whatever that, for some reason, fear pickles and balloons, and you never wake up from that, you're always going to be afraid/sad. Superstition is perfectly fine as long as you don't let it run your life or you don't try to push it on other people. I don't believe that I have a lucky pair of boxers or if I put my right sock on before my left, I'll have bad luck, because I have no reason to believe it as no quantitative studies have shown that if you step on a crack, your mother's back is broken lol.

(By the way, the reason for my user name, NoFate007, has nothing to do with how I don't believe in fate, haha. Its actually because of the Terminator quote, "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves", and 007 for James Bond, as Terminator and Bond have been two of my favorite film series since I was around 4 years old lol)
There is that Magpie (birds who like shiny materials) thing, 1 for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for a girl, 4 for a boy, 5 for sliver, 6 for gold, 7 for a secret never to be told.
Basically if you see a well "flock" of Magpies or a group, according to the song however many you see like if you see 3 you get a girl ect.
Its only supposed to work if its only you who sees them tho.

Its bull but its one of those that people used to say.

Also the crack in the pavement thing.

On a side note we used to do this thing where is you stood on a stank (man hole cover) with FH on it everybody got a free hit into you.

Its impossible for any of these superstitions to work but sometimes they might make you think differently or believe something enuf for you to make it happen, it could increase confidence. For example those that miss their pre match rituals might play bad because they believe it has given them bad luck.

Its all in the mind:headscratch:

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