SuperShow III: Constantine, Wasabi Toyota, Chris K.O. vs. Technosa & Titus

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the Frog
SuperShow III

Wasabi Toyota shocked the world when he returned on Meltdown with a much meaner and LEANER presence. With the recent return of Kravinoff, what will Wasabi's agenda be amidst the chaos? How will Barbosa react with the weight of his match with Celeste on his mind, and what will become of the Elite X Title for Kingdom Come V? In addition, Titus and Chris K.O. will have a chance to trade blows officially before their big match. Titus accepted Chris' challenge for an I Quit Match last round, but he upped the ante to include Chris' EurAsian Title! There is no telling what these two men will do once getting in the ring with each other.

Deadline is Wednesday July 10, 2013 @ 11:59 P.M. (Central). Soft Extensions Only
*Brilliant, bright light.

That was his world now.

Hanging in this white version of nothingness where time had no meaning, Barbosa mused on his situation. This was not the same dark nothingness that usually accompanied his outbursts of rage. Nor was it the kind of white out one might expect when in agonising pain, so he could safely conclude that he had been knocked unconscious.

He was not entirely sure how. Everything had been going well in the match. Any set back had been only momentary as he had had Constantine and Crimson on the back foot throughout, with the manbot occasionally helping.

But then as he had rolled off the apron in order to join a burgeoning melee on the outside, something happened to cut his memory short. It must have been something unexpected and vicious to do this to him but what that could have been would not come to him.

Had Constantine or Crimson hit him with some kind of blunt object? Or was it the doing of another party? Barbosa certainly had made a sizeable list of potential attackers throughout his time in WZCW. It could have been any one of them.

And then in a flash of clarity that tore through the white nothingness. Something he had said mere moments before he had found himself here. It was not accompanied by any pictures or flashes of memory about what had happened but who was behind it was clear.

"that silly man in a box is about to hurt us."

The robot had done this…*


???: Barbosa?

*Suddenly the white is replaced by blotchy stars, although Barbosa can just about make out a face shaped object of the individual who called his name.*

???: Barbosa? Can you hear me?

*Gradually, the blotches are replaced by finer stars and the face becomes more defined. It is an EMT. *

EMT: What do you see?

Barbosa: Stars.

*This brings something of a grimace to the face of the EMT. He pulls out a small pocket light and shines it in Barbosa's eyes.*

EMT: Do you know where you are?

*A quick scan around tells Barbosa that not all that much time has passed since he had whited out as he was seated on the ringside floor by the barricade at Meltdown.*

Barbosa: Ringside. Meltdown.

EMT: Good.

*The EMT shines his pocket light in Barbosa's eyes again and appears to be a little less concerned with the results than he seemed at first.*

EMT: Seems you have a mild concussion. It does not seem too serious but I would like to examine you a bit further backstage.

*As much as he did not like seeming weakness that came with a visit to the doctor's office, Barbosa knew that he was not in the best shape right now and gives his consent with a slight nod and even accepts a hand from the EMT to get to his feet.

However, just as he makes it to his feet, the same flash of clarity that had come to him in the nothingness sparked into life once more.*

Barbosa: Where is SHIT?

EMT: I'm sorry? That does not make sense. Perhaps you are concussed worse than I thought.

*The EMT starts looking into Barbosa's eyes again. However, Barbosa shrugs off the attention.*

Barbosa: No! Where is Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology?

EMT: Oh, you mean S.H.I.T. He is over there.

*The EMT gestures towards the ring where other medics - or is it mechanics - were helping SHIT to its feet following the rigours of the match and the assault from Toyota.

Seeing that his tag partner was in as much trouble as him, Barbosa smirks and begins to make his way gingerly backstage.*


*Over the next few minutes as he walked backstage with his medical entourage in tow, Barbosa inquired about what he had missed in his brief nap.

Apparently, they had won.

Apparently, another old ally/foe had shown up and laid waste to the manbot.

Served it right for, as Barbosa continued to squint through the slight blurring creeping in at the corners of his eyesight, if there was one unmistakeable truth about the match…

The robot had done this.

Or had he?

Apparently, Celeste had pulled him in front of a robotic missile…

As Barbosa digested this piece of information and no doubt quarrelled with himself about its importance, he was interrupted.*

???: Barbosa.

*In all honesty, the forced mechanical clanking of that one utterance of his name was all the evidence that was needed to identify its origin, but with a little pain throbbing through his cranium, Barbosa swings around to see who has called his name.*

SHIT: Victory obtained once again.

*Barbosa does not answer SHIT's pronouncement and after snarling a little, simply turns away from his tag partner and continues on his journey to the medical room. However, seemingly missing the lack of interest in interaction from Barbosa, the manbot follows and continues to talk.*

SHIT: PROPOSITION: After repeated defeats, Constantine will now leave Barbosa and S.H.I.T. alone.

*When Barbosa again fails to answer, SHIT answers its own query.*

SHIT: NEGATIVE: Constantine does not quit.

ALTERNATIVE EXPLORATORIVE PROPOSITION: Constantine has already recruited further aid - entire Pride of Toyota now potentially at his beck and call. Most recent evidence suggests otherwise but Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology's extrapolation subroutines determines significant probability of Toyota's interaction with Constantine to be a ruse.

*Silence continues to be the reply to the robot's musings.*

SHIT: This one is attempting to calculate its options for Kingdom Come. With Barbosa squaring off against Crimson, the likelihood of a tag team match is low. That leaves the chances of a confrontation with some combination of Constantine, Kravinoff and Toyota - even an Ultimate Fighting Machine would have trouble with such opponents.

*There is a slight stutter in Barbosa's stride as the grimace that has been on his face since SHIT came up to him is briefly replaced by something of a smile at the thought of the robot being confronted by three top level performers all at once. However, SHIT does not see this as they arrive at the medical room and Barbosa marches straight in. The EMT looks back to the robot, who is looking to follow Barbosa into the room.*

EMT: S.H.I.T., do you need some attention too? We have a doc… er… an engineer… on staff here too.

SHIT: Negative. The newly-svelte Wasabi Toyota has not done lasting damage to this one's armour. However, Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology requires a continuation of its conversation with Barbosa. May it be permitted admittance to the medical bay?

EMT: I do not see why not so long as Barbosa is okay with it.

*The EMT and the manbot look to Barbosa for acquiense. What they got instead was Barbosa slamming the door in SHIT's face. The manbot immediately reopens the door.*

SHIT: It appears that this door slammed by accident.

*Barbosa grabs the door and slams it in the face of SHIT again.

SHIT again moves to reopen the door; however, this time its arm stops before grabbing the handle, seemingly grasping that Barbosa's silence and actions were not simply due to the presence of the Depressive or the Smoker.

Recognsing the futility of dealing with the increasingly obstinet Manic, the robot lowers its arm and shakes its head with what would have been seen as frustration had it been human and walks away to assimilate this information and how it pertains to its immediate future.

Unbeknowest to either Barbosa or SHIT, there had been another individual besides the EMTs privy to this demonstration of decension within their ranks. Partially hidden around a corner stood an increasingly interested Dr Zeus. Unseen and undetected by the departing Scaled Humanoid, the Good Doctor looks deep in thought regarding the presence of such peculiar individuals within WZCW.*


*Once again the Smoker is pacing around the poker room, remonstrating about his perceived and actual slights. The Manic and the Depressive watch him go back and forward like they are watching a tennis match.*

The Smoker: We do not like it.

Manic: We never like anything.

The Smoker: Yeah, but that is because there is plenty to dislike such as having to step into the ring with Constantine, Chris KO, Toyota and Titus. Now, we might have no quarrel with Chris KO but everyone else in the match we have a bone to pick with all of them; on second thoughts, but this ridiculous White Knight routine really does deserve a good beating.

Manic: Don't forget SHIT too! He is dangerous!

The Smoker: We have not had the chance since Redemption to step into the ring with Titus and pay him back for his interfering in our affairs and taking the World title from around out waist. And now we have to team with him rather than face him…

The robot was right about one thing - we are not convinced by Constantine's little charade between him and Toyota. The likelihood is that Wasabi Toyota is yet another mercenary hired by the politician as an obstacle to us and to safeguard his Elite X championship.

Manic: NO! HE ISN'T!

The Smoker: And that is before we start to think about the debacle of our Kingdom Come match… No opportunity to finally deal with Constantine's constant interference. No world heavyweight title match. Not even an opportunity to finally get our hands on Hunter Kravinoff.


The Smoker: Instead, we have #1 Contender's match. Correction. Another #1 Contender's match at Kingdom Come.

Manic: Is that not good?

The Smoker: Oh yes, it is very good… Right back where we started…

*The Manic turns to the Depressive with a querying look.*

Manic: Is… is that sarasm?

*The Depressive nods in the affirmative, not bothering to correct the pronunciation and taking up the conversation instead.*

Depressive: After months in the tag team division and failing to win the Lethal Lottery, could we really have expected much more than getting a chance?

The Smoker: It is less than the least we deserve. Defeating and then pulverising the World Heavyweight Champion deserves more than just a shot at a shot.

Depressive: We cannot expect to just jump up the rankings straight away. That match against Steven Holmes was only our second singles outing since Unscripted. And we lost the other one.

The Smoker: And whose fault was that? Who took us into the tag team division with the moronic man in a box?

Manic: YEAH!

Depressive: We say that like that foray has not been a success.

The Smoker: Of course, it has not been a success. We have not won the tag titles and we are no further forward than we were this time last year… In no way could it be consider a success.

Depressive: On the contrary, in only one way can it be judged a failure.

The Smoker: What? How?

Depressive: We are not in the main event of Kingdom Come.

The Smoker: And how was joining the tag team ranks to achieve that?

Depressive: We keep talking about joining the tag ranks but that was never the plan. Winning the tag team titles would have just been an added bonus. Interacting with Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology was at first a plan to aid our escape from the directionless nothingness that had befallen us in the aftermath of defeating Ty Burna and not regaining the World title - a plan that succeeded completely.

Then forging an association with the robot became a necessity in order to protect ourselves whilst we sought vengeance on those who had wronged us. Again, that plan was entirely successful.

Finally, we further cultivated that association with Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology in order to regain the World Heavyweight Title…

The Smoker: Which has failed.

Depressive: True, we will not regain the title at Kingdom Come but the only reason that plan has not worked completely is due to unforeseeable interference. And we would say that failure is a somewhat incorrect description - "delayed" would be better.

*The Smoker eventually nods in acceptance of this prognosis.*

Depressive: And what is an extra month to wait when we have already waited so long? It is nothing when it has gotten us an ally who is willing to stand alongside side us and fight off those who would stand in our way.

Or at least we did have before we decided that that was not what we wanted…

*With that, the Depressive turns to stare at the Manic. However, rather than wilting under the scrutiny as usual, the Manic stares straight back at the Depressive.*

Manic: We are right to doubt the robot!

*Both the Depressive and the Smoker are somewhat stunned by this injection of confidence from the Manic and before either can come up with a retort, he continues on a rant.*

Manic: All we want to do is talk about how Hunt is out to get us. How Toto is out to get us. How they have taken the big shiny away from us. And yet when the silly man in the box flies through the air and smashes our head against the barricade, we ignore it because it is supposed to be our friend?

*The Manic turns directly to the Depressive.*

Manic: Our plans and original thinking are so rigid that they fail to take into account changes to the situation or the idea that we may not be in complete control! And when we do not get what we want, we simply mask it with some ridiculous twisting of words to make it sound like we had planned it that way all along!

*In full flow, he then turns to the Smoker, who actually is sporting something of a grin at the Manic's tearing into the Depressive.*

Manic: And despite our gruff, independent, angry exterior, we somehow allow ourselves to be kidded into following along to the beat of another's drum, even when it is not what we want! So long as we hear what we want to hear, everything is fine and dandy!

Neither Hunt nor Toto have attacked us at any point and Toto only attacked the robot when it attacked us first! Hunt and Toto are simply trying to warn us about that evil Poo!

We should not be worried about Hunt or Toto coming after us. We should be worried about being stabbed in the back by Poo! The signs are all there. Spearing us into a cake; distracting us during the Lethal Lottery; not being there to help us against Holmes; knocking us out last week.

What is next?

We will tell you… costing us our chance at the big shiny at Kingdom Come…

*With that, the Manic storms out of the poker room, leaving the Depressive and Smoker struck silent by the sudden clarity, grandiloquence and apparent sensibility of the Manic's words. Eventually, the latter overcomes his shock to ask a question.*

The Smoker: Are we right? Are we on the wrong side?

*For once, deep in thought, the Depressive had no answer.*
Constantine raises his head, his legs still writhing in agony. On the entrance ramp, a familiar looking man stands looking back at him. For a moment, The Power Trip struggles to put a face to the vision. But it cannot be who he thinks it is. The rumours, the entrance music playing? Could they all be true. And even after the talk of Constantine orchestrating such an event and ultimately using it for his own gain, could he be staring at the face of the man0mountain Wasabi Toyota?

Constantine: It can't be...

Like an approaching storm, soon enough Toyota is upon them; the wrath and anger of a hurricane powering through him. Constantine slowly pulls himself to his feet, his legs still aching from only seconds ago. He had never planned to tap out of any submission hold but to do so to S.H.I.T. was adding insult to the injury for sure.

But Constantine could not allow n opportunistic Wasabi Toyota to play him like a fool, he would not! Constantine knew exactly how dangerous the Japanese former super-heavyweight could be and he could not allow Toyota to build a head of steam. As Toyota enters the ring, Constantine senses his opportunity to wreak some destruction of his own. Running towards the slimline version of Toyota, Constantine aims a powerful lariat towards the throat of his enemy, hoping to strike any thought of rebellion clean from his shoulders. But it is not to be. Toyota ducks the strike, exposing a weary Elite X Champion not for the first time tonight. And within seconds The Power Trip is in trouble.

Constantine: Hrgh!

Constantine lets out a yell of agony as the long arms of the Japanese superstar clench around him, lifting him from his feet in the process. Immediately, Constantine begins to fade, oxygen not being allowed to pass through his lungs.

Constantine: … Stop...

The words of the Power Trip are little more than an uttered breath towards Toyota as breath continues to escape the Elite X Champion.

Constantine: … Please.





* * *

Constantine shoots to his feet, his eyes still heavy from the sleep. Another night with broken sleep had left The Power Trip haunted by a loss. But not only a loss, a defeat; mentally and physically. Wasabi Toyota was Constantine's match, there could be no doubting it. His new lightweight physique could only serve to take Wasabi Toyota further in WZCW than he could ever have dreamed of before. Constantine had brought this defeat upon himself; this could also not be denied.

Constantine wipes the sweat from his brow. Constantine had never been one to doubt his abilities in the ring, or outside it for a matter of fact. But there was something more to the emergence of Wasabi Toyota. Something unpredictable at best and wholly destructive at worst. And now, it seems, the net has begun to close around Constantine. The tangents derived from Constantine's social circle had begun to close off his options. Kravinoff's relationship with Wasabi Toyota and his altogether more potentially damaging relationship with Barbosa; this is what had gotten Constantine into this mess.

And as Constantine lay in his bed pondering the implications of being such a social juggernaut in his own right, a thought struck the former politician... All of his chickens had come home to roost.

Constantine did not fear the silence though, he embraced it. It had been a long time since he had been alone with his thoughts. Pressure was everywhere, he had everything to lose heading into the biggest show of the WZCW calendar. Pressure to teach Kravinoff how good he could be; unlocking his true potential as an ally for the future, pressure to fend off the advances of Barbosa and S.H.I.T, and pressure to retain what is most important to him; The Elite X Championship.

But how could he begin preparing for the inevitable match at Kingdom Come Five when he did not know what match he would have? Surely this sort of treatment was not befitting someone of his talent? Surely not befitting of an Elite X Champion? But that was the bind that had presented itself to the Power Trip. And what's more, a six man tag team match was just on the horizon for WZCW's favourite politician. And on the eve of such a big, currently unknown match at Kingdom Come Five, how was it fair that he had to, once again, wrestle against the dangerous team known as Technosa and WZCW's all-time hero, Titus?

And to team with Wasabi Toyota after such a savage beating on Meltdown? How could he trust such a man? Even Chris KO, the lesser of two evils, had history with The Power Trip. After all, he contested a match with him not too long ago. A fact that Constantine was sure that Chris would not have forgotten. Nor would he have forgotten Constantine leaving the match early. More importantly, how could Chris KO and Wasabi Toyota trust Constantine?

As Constantine closed his eyes once more, he thought to himself a repeated thought.

Constantine: The net is closing in around me.

And as Constantine lay there in the dark, he realised that for all of his Empires, his allies and his friends. When it came to the 6 man match at the Supershow this week, he truly was alone. A thought enough to make any man lose sleep.

Titus: Historic really.

Backstage we're stood with Becky Serra and Titus, both were watching a screen showing the Wimbledon victory of Andy Murray.

Becky: I'm sure the importance of it was lost on me. That being said, you once again made headlines. Wimbledon saw A-Listers Bradley Cooper, Gerard Butler, Victoria Beckham watching the final yet you were in amongst them. How did that feel.

Titus smiles at Becky and looks into her eyes.

Titus: Becky my dear, the feeling of excitement wasn't about being amongst those stars. The excitement was seeing a man who lost one year, fight back and make history a year later. Yes E! News were more bothered with my suit that clashed with Gerard Butler or the fact that I was sat next to Jennifer Arabia.

Becky: You seem to be enjoying being an Oscar winner at the moment. Why the change?

Titus: When did I dislike being an Oscar winner?

Becky: Well it's just that I've been reading a lot online that...

Titus quickly cuts her off.

Titus: That he's lost his pizazz? That his focus on wrestling is out of the window? I don't care what Nick Pagleeno has said. Did he watch Meltdown last week? What happened?

Becky: You defeated GM.

Titus: Exactly. People like Pagleeno want me all signing and all dancing to get my point across? Sometimes simplicity is all that is needed. Yet if that's what the people want. It's what the people will get.

Titus pulls out his phone from his pocket and puts a song on speaker. He passes the phone to Becky as he runs off.

Looking directly at the camera Becky looks rather perplexed.

Becky: He's going to isn't he?

Off camera you can hear a robotic sounding voice. Think more Johnny 5 or AWESOM-O rather than C-3P0

Robot: This is Titus' Ultimate Robotic Device. T.U.R.D. at your service.

The camera pans to reveal T.U.R.D who is made of cardboard yet somehow looks nothing like S.H.I.T.

Becky: I knew it.

Becky sighs yet quickly pulls her professional aura back.

Becky: So Titus, this week you're up against Constantine, the returning Toyota and your Kingdom Come opponent. How do you even begin to address the match?

T.U.R.D: This is T.U.R.D. and not Titus. Initiating Titus answer sequence. Loading answer for Wasabi Toyota.

There's a brief moment of silence.

T.U.R.D: It's good to see Toyota back in WZCW. Is that even Toyota? What are his plans? How has he lost so much weight? So many questions. My Uncle once worked in the Toyota factory.

A mechanical laugh erupts.

T.U.R.D: End Toyota answer.

Becky: Right well how can you cope teaming up with Barbosa and S.H.I.T given your history?

T.U.R.D: Loading answer for Barbosa.

Another awkward pause.

T.U.R.D: Titus defeated Barbosa for the World title at All or Nothing. It was All or Nothing as they didn't meet afterwards. A lot has changed since then. Barbosa has become less or more manic depending on who you ask. He is now loved by the people and not hated. S.H.I.T has moved on since the person he was. If Barbosa and S.H.I.T can coexist then why can't Titus?

Becky: Brief but to the point. OK then T.U.R.D It's the first time Titus has had an official chance to get his hands on Chris K.O. since his return. What do you think of that?

Suddenly T.U.R.D kicks off his cardboard legs and throws off his arms. His head is tossed to the floor as Titus breaks free from the cardboard body. He looks intently at Becky.

Titus: THIS is what it's all about. It's not about me wanting to be more out there because Pagleeno said. It's not about the fact that I'm in the ring with Constantine who is the Elite X champion. It's not about the history I've had with that belt or that the last time we faced I almost broke his ankle. It's not about what Toyota has been up to or whether he's been for a run or had liposuction. It's not about the fact that I'm teaming with someone I beat for the world title. Or even the fact that I'm in the ring showing my trust to someone who I faced against at Kingdom Come IV in S.H.I.T. No it's none of that. It all goes out the window and stops for THIS.

Titus brings up his hands to his head holding them to either side.

Titus: At Kingdom Come a man will say “I quit”. The man who says that will not have four Oscars. He won't be a former world champion nor has he won the Elite X title. At the super show all eyes will be on what I do in that ring. “But Titus”, they say, “save yourself for Kingdom Come. You can't go 100% for a six man tag”. You know what I say to them?

Becky: What is that?

Titus: I can!

Fade to black.
WZCW backstage worker Bob is picking his way through what at first glance would appear to be a warzone. Professional as ever Bob can do naught but investigate the cause of this carnage of what was once a locker room in pristine condition. The culprit is soon identified as a stack of boxes stood squarely in the middle of the mass of overturned lockers, kicked over bins and posters ripped off of walls; in particular the one of John Constantine torn to shreds at S.H.I.T's feet, Wasabi Toyota with a whole punched through where his face should be, Hunter Kravinoff's has been wrenched and twisted as though somebody has locked his hands around the poster attempting to apply some kind of submission move and Barbosa, very carefully ripped into 3 exact pieces.
Carefully Bob steps over a bench which has been snapped clean in half and makes his way over to the Machine.

Barbosa has ceased all interactions with S.H.I.T

Bob, clearly not knowing how to react gapes at the outburst.

This ones attack was purely accidental, S.H.I.T was trying to aid Barbosa, Celeste pulled him into the way. S.H.I.T finished the match as he would have wanted.

S.H.I.T lurches forward and grabs Bob by the collar.

That is what he would've wanted isn't it, backstage worker Bob?

Shocked by the desperation in it's question Bob stammers before answering, "I couldn't pretend to know what goes on in that man's inner psyche."

Why not?

"B.. Because I don't think anybody could..."

S.H.I.T slacks its grip on the man. Before cocking its head, as if coming to some kind of realisation. Dr. Rivers might know.


Barbosas psychologist, this one speared him through a wedding cake.

"Do you know where to find him then?" Asked Bob, eager to set the odd box mans attention on somebody else.

Negative. You will pretend to be him.

"But I don't even know who he is..." Bob protested desperately.

Are all Humans as useless as you, backstage worker Bob? Asked S.H.I.T coldly.

Bob seems to recover some of his courage at his pride being insulted, "I like to think I am quite good at my job, for all the flack I take."

Barbosa was good for certain things as well, but this one is starting to reconsider its association with that one. S.H.I.T lets go of Bob and turns, picking up two of the three ripped Barbosa sections of the poster, three known incarnations, each as useful and useless as the next. It drops the two it is holding and picks up the third, the Manic, previously the most dependable. Is he the reason for Barbosas silence?

S.H.I.T returns its attention to Bob.

What do you do when you hurt the feelings of your significant other but are not sure what you've even done wrong?

Bob looks wistfully, "well every man who has ever been in a relationship could answer that for you."

Affirmative. But instead I am asking you. S.H.I.T interrupted.

"I am sorry? Did you just refer to Barbosa as your significant other?" Bob looks pleased at the comeback.

Both stare in silence for a long while.

"I wont tell if you don't," Bob finally piped up, S.H.I.T nodded in the affirmative. "Sometimes only time can heal a breach of trust, all you can do is say sorry and wait it out."

S.H.I.T does not have time, no doubt it is teaming with Barbosa again at the Supershow.

"Yes, with Titus against Chris K.O, Wasabi Toyota and John Constantine."

Barbosa hates all of them! Perhaps Barbosa and S.H.I.T mutually destroying them all will repair the breach.

S.H.I.T has destroyed Titus, S.H.I.T has destroyed Constantine and S.H.I.T has destroyed Chris K.O, Wasabi Toyota will soon be added to that list when he submits to the Industrial Strength Vice. Together S.H.I.T and Barbosa can take them all, then Barbosa will be impressed.

"Titus is on your side though."

Apples and Oranges.

"Yes but... Sorry what?" Bob looks genuinely perplexed by the out of place metaphor.

This one is beginning to question the importance of allies, John Constantine has formed numerous alliances and all have been crushed by Technosa/BarboSHIT/Barbed Wire/Four Faces...

"Yes but you can't attack your tag team partners!" Shouted Bob.

Incorrect, last Meltdown S.H.I.T proved you can attack your tag team partners and still emerge victorious.

Bob gaped, "Barbosa might not thank you for that."

S.H.I.T nodded, accurate assessment, Titus will remain unmolested. We will work together to take down our mutual enemies. But afterwards... S.H.I.T left the thought unfinished, instead turning its attention back to the fragment of the Barbosa poster it had been holding. If the Manic incarnation remains a problem... It said to itself.

Bob looks at the shredded poster, "did you have to rip the poster up?"

S.H.I.T looked back up to Bob.

S.H.I.T has always found physical symbols... Helpful.

"What of those other posters?"

Physical symbols.


The destruction S.H.I.T will cause to Constantine, Kravinoff and Toyota and whoever else had a poster that this one destroyed.

"What about the trashing of this room?"

A long pause follows that, S.H.I.T's angry stare never leaving Bob.

To give you something to do, backstage worker Bob

S.H.I.T stalks out of the room.

"Was... That a joke?"

Falling From Grace

The scene begins with a solemn looking Sam Masters staring out a taxi cab window. He sits quietly in the backseat as the yellow car treads over streets that are damp from a late night drizzle. Sam is caught in deep thought, but a question breaks him out his trance.

???: Hey buddy, you alright back there?

Sam blinks as if he just woke up from a dream. He turns from the window and looks up at the rear-view mirror, where the grungy old taxi driver is staring at him. Sam turns back to look outside the cab.

Sam: Yeah, just thinking.

Cabby: Ah. A lady?

Sam: Not necessarily.

The cab driver chuckles as he turns down a street.

Cabby: So what brings you here buddy? Vacation? Business?

Sam: Business, but I’m flying back home in the morning.

Cabby: Ah, and where is home?

Sam: Oklahoma City.

Cabby: Get out! I have a cousin who lives in Warr Acres!

Sam lets out a small grunt of laughter.

Sam: Small world.

Cabby: Haha, you are telling me!

There is a small awkward silence that you would expect from two strangers.

Cabby: So, how did your business trip pan out?

Sam: Fine.

Cabby: Come on now buddy. I sit up here every night and look back at my passengers. I know when they got something heavy on their mind. Tell me, what’s eating at you?

Sam shakes his head in denial.

Sam: Nothing, really. I’m just thinking about an event I have to attend tomorrow.

Cabby: Oh? A party?

Sam: No, it’s at a church.

Cabby: Ah, so you are the religious type?

Sam: Not really.

Cabby: Then why go?

Sam pauses as he stares out the cab window.

Sam: For my son.


The sound of a lighter being throttled can be heard and then we see the flame held up to the end of a cigarette. A pair of lips and the lower half of a head is shown attached to the nicotine stick. A small stubble covers the man’s chin as he puffs on the cigarette. He immediately reaches up and pulls the stick out of his mouth as he coughs into a fist formed on his other hand.

After a brief stint of coughing, the cigarette graces the man’s lips once more. This time, he embraces it with a long drag. The second attempt is far smoother as he pulls it away and blows out the smoke. We see ashes drop from the bud and the camera shows them falling on the WZCW EurAsian Championship.

The camera shot finally paints the picture of the scene. WZCW Savior and EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O. is sitting alone in a small locker room. He rests on a bench in the middle of the room with his hair disheveled and sweaty. The EurAsian gold rests down by his feet and he appears to still be in his ring attire from his match with Blade earlier in the night. The quietness that surrounds the scene might suggest that Chris’s smoke break is happening later on after the show.

Suddenly, a pair of footsteps echo down the hallway until a rotund curly-headed man walks into the room. It is the Reverend Eckhart with his brown suit and matching brown hair. Chris doesn’t even shoot him a glance as he finds a few seconds nirvana by way of nicotine. Eckhart doesn’t speak as he examines the man in front of him. Finally, with his eyes still closed, Chris breaks the silence.

Chris: Some savior, huh? Beaten and ensnared by a vice. I believe we had a similar discussion once before about my validation as “savior,” didn’t we Eckhart? Except last time, I recall there being a gun pressed against my head and not a cigarette tucked in-between my lips.

Eckhart tries to grin with his sick yellow teeth.

Eckhart: I guess we all stumble Chris.

Chris: Stumble? Sure. But how about falling? I’m falling. Hard and fast.

Chris holds the cigarette in his mouth as he runs both his hands through his sweaty and tangled hair. He looks down and sees the EurAsian gold. He reaches down and picks up the belt as he sets it on his knees. He stares into the reflective gold as pulls his bud away and exhales a set of fumes.

Chris: Who am I?

Eckhart doesn’t answer as he tries to figure out what he is watching before him. However, his attempt is futile. The puzzle sitting before him is unsolvable.

Eckhart: Chris, the situation has changed. I have good news. Ethan has contacted me.

Eckhart’s last sentence is enough for Chris to look up at him.

Eckhart: I’m going to take you to him, and her.

Chris: How? By drugging me like last time?

Eckhart: No, I’m going to tell you the temple’s location and we are going to fly there a few days after the SuperShow. You've been patient and Ethan respects that.

The interest clearly shows on Chris face.

Eckhart: But this will be on your dime. Give me the information I need to book the flights and allow me to access your accounts so I can make the proper arrangements. Can you do that?

Eckhart and Chris have a small stare. Eckhart seems a little nervous as he waits for a response, but Chris just blurts it out.

Chris: Do it.

Eckhart smiles.

Eckhart: Good.


5 Days Later

The scene is set inside of a small, yet tidy, office. A toe-headed man is thumbing through files in front of him when a knock comes at the door. The man at the desk responds.

???: Come in.

A young, well dressed, man walks into the office with a file folder. He holds it out to the man at the desk.

Man: Remember how you told me keep tabs on the expenditures of Chris K.O.?

The man at the desk looks up, but we still can’t see his face. The camera shot is from behind him.

???: Yes?

Man: Well, money is starting to siphen out of his accounts fast through various bulk "purchases." At the rate it is going, millions will be taken out by next week. The amount of money being pulled out is clearly irregular. My guess is whatever he is using it for is either illegal or-

???: Someone is stealing it.

The man at the desk reaches out and takes the folder.

???: That’ll be all. Thank you for bringing this to me.

The young man nods as he proceeds to leave the room.

???: If you could, close the door on your way out.

Man: Sure thing Mr. Crawford.

The camera reveals Ian Crawford sitting at the desk as he opens up the folder that contains the information on Chris’ bank accounts. The scene goes black.
It’s a cold dreary day in the city of Chicago. As nightfall begins to overtake the city a skinny Asian man comes into view, walking slowly. He is wearing all black and carrying a small knapsack. After walking a few blocks he stops in front of the world famous Sal’s Pizza shop. He pauses for a few moments before heading inside. Wasabi Toyota walks up the familiar set of stairs and towards the room he used to occupy home. He knocks on the door and is met by an unclely figure.

UR: Who the hell are you?

WT: Uncle Rocco, it’s me, Wasabi.

Rocco looks on angrily, offended by the skinny dude trying to impersonate his old friend.

UR: Get out of here you frickin’ weirdo. Wasabi is never coming back!

Rocco breaks into tears and is about to close the door when Wasabi stops him.

WT: Wait, I can prove it to you.

Rocco pauses for a moment while Toyota sets down his knapsack and breathes heavily, focusing hard. Toyota then squats down to the floor and begins twisting and gyrating in a strange fashion. This goes on for a few seconds before Rocco’s eyes light up with joy.

UR: There’s only one person in the world I know that can do that dance! Oh Wasabi, I’ve missed you so much.

The pair embrace and many a tear are shed before the two eventually enter room. Rocco has to move a several empty chip bags and cum rags off a nearby chair to give Wasabi a place to sit.

UR: Sorry about the mess, things have been a little rough since you left. I couldn’t handle it for a while and was spending a bit too much time at truck stops trying to sooth my pain and sadness. Anyway, where the heck have you been buddy?

Wasabi stares straight ahead for a few moments before solemnly responding.

WT: I’m sorry, Roc, but I’m not ready to talk about that. It was just so, so...

Toyota again becomes silent, lost in his own thoughts.

UR: Alright, well at least tell me how you lost all that weight. You’re looking quite svelte, brotha!

At the mention of his major loss of mass Toyota begins to sob uncontrollably. He buries his head in his hands and weeps for a few minutes while a shocked Rocco tries to control him.

WT: I... was

Toyota can’t put together a sentence as the grief overwhelms him.

UR: It’s ok buddy, don’t worry about it. We can talk about it another time. Can I at least ask what brings you back here?

Toyota is able to compose himself as it appears this question does not cause any major trauma.

WT: I was just wondering if I could crash here for a few days. Since I just got back from.....I mean since I just came back to Chicago I don’t have anywhere else to go. It’d just be for a few days until I can find my own place and really start focusing on my wrestling.

UR: Wait a minute, you’re wrestling again? Back in WZCW? Of course you can stay here, as long as you like! And once we get you settled in we can get back into training right away. Those leotards have to be here somewhere.

Rocco begins to frantically search the room for the crucial leotards before Wasabi stops him.

WT: Easy there Roc, no need to get all excited yet. I haven’t even wrestled a match yet, just got in a little scrap on Meltdown a few days ago. My first match isn’t until next week; we got plenty of time to get everything together.

UR: Ahh I see, well who are we facin’? I could at least get some scouting down for ya.

WT: It’s me Constantine and Chris K.O. versus Barbosa, S.H.I.T., and Titus. I don’t think you’re gonna have to worry about that scouting though, I already know what my plan’s gonna be.

UR: And what’s that, ‘Sab?

Toyota’s eyes become focus and an intensity rushes over his face.

WT: I’m gonna beat the hell out of whoever is in my way, regardless of what “team” they’re on. Whether it is that crazy schizophrenic, the self-righteous superhero, the dude made out of cardboard, or the couple of tools that are supposed to be on my side, no one is getting in my way.

You see Rocco, the mission has not changed. Time has passed, wrestlers have come and gone, but my goal has never wavered. It’s about vengeance Rocco. VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE!!!!

Toyota begins thrashing about wildly and Rocco, caught up in the excitement, joins him in bouncing around the room. Both men are clearly quite thirsty for some vengeance.
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