Superman Punch GFX Style

Final Form Snyper.

GOAT Human Being
I haven't made many of these lately, being burnt out of ideas is a main reason. Another reason was that I wasn't getting better at making them.

I've started to enjoy making graphics again.

This is my newest piece.

Chuck Liddell.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated and repped.
I haven't made many of these lately, being burnt out of ideas is a main reason. Another reason was that I wasn't getting better at making them.

I've started to enjoy making graphics again.

This is my newest piece.

Chuck Liddell.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated and repped.

To me, this sig is just OK. There's nothing that really stands out about it. I like the idea you're going with here, but the way you are trying to use that idea isn't that good. The main problem I have with it is the fact that you completely blurred the two pictures in the back. To me, it's a real turn-off with the sig. I suggest lowering your sig size, and getting rid of the pictures in the background. That way, you dont have a lot of dead space. Although, I love the idea of the "cracks in the ice." That was well done. Everything else on the sig is alright.

Grade: C
Forrest Griffin

My Inspiration: I guess making a sig in honor of Forrest was the inspiration and main reasons behind making it.

My reason for making this: I made this actually as a request sig for someone, but I've always followed Forrest anyway so making a sig dedicated to him was always on the cards.

Font: Never Winter
Thanks BBC I know it's abit late.

I have made a new one. This was used as a request on a different site.

Size: Height 200, width 400 (pixels)
Text: Electroharmonix
Features Used. Mainly used the glow with a fairly high oblique(ness) outer glow to the pictures. Using a process of his power through his evolution.


Stone Cold Steve Austin.


My Inspiration: Stone Cold to me will always be held in high regard. He is a pioneer of the Wrestling game and is universally respected for his hard work and dedication to the end.

My Reason: The reason I made this was because I was bored and wanted to fill some time. To tell you the truth I thought it was look good without a boarder but I guess it was needed here.
Bumped again.

Randy Orton (Without a boarder)


My Inspiration: I was thinking the other that I haven't made a graphic in awhile and realised that all the time I used practicing was just going to waste.

My Reason: I've always been a big fan of Randy Orton.

WWE Evolution
Size: 500 (width) x 300 (height)

My Inspiration: I was always mesmerized by this group. Evolution with Ric Flair being the mentor, Triple H being the superstar and Randy Orton and Batista being the next generation superstars. This was a well knit group while it lasted. Now with the evolution of Randy Orton is the superstar and others will be his successor such is the way with Evolution.

I was going with a plainer style with a blending city behind them because they were at one time the toast of WWE.
Pretty simple sig and sometimes simple works best. Love that Flair and Batista are faded in a way that sort of resembles them not being present anymore. With both of the guys mostly retired it puts the focus of the sig on Evolution's key ingredients, Triple H and Randy Orton. Not a fan of the font really, but it doesn't really distract from the sig so that is alright. The background is nice and the city works well with Evolution in my mind and the logo is a nice approach. Like I said it is a pretty simple sig so it isn't going to blow anyone out of the water, but it gets the job done ya know?


Not as good as the previous 3, but that isn't anything to be ashamed of as the three above are top notch pieces of work. If you want to compare ratings I'd have to go like this:

Goku: 8.4/10
Austin: 8.8/10
Orton: 8/10

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