Superbad/Pineapple Express Crossover Sequel?


The Wrestlezone Savior
Seth Rogen’s Superbad was awesome, and the studios have been poking him hoping to get him to make a sequel. Instead he made Pineapple Express. Now he wants to make a Pineapple Express sequel, and Sony still wants Superbad 2. Off the cuff in an interview Seth said “combine the two titles, and make one super awesome movie”. Then at SDCC’08 Apatow hinted that they might actually be going in that direction!

Judd Apatow: So, yes, it is very possible that, in the summer of 2010, we will see something called Superbad Express, or Bad Pineapple, or The Further Adventures of Seth, Evan, Saul, and Dale.In the interview, Franco stated, “Even before Superbad came out, I think the studio was trying to get [Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg] to write a sequel, but they really didn’t want to write a sequel. I guess the kids would go to college or something like that. An answer to that was to do a Superbad/Pineapple Express crossover, an unprecedented crossover movie

So I came across this article and it sounds weird as hell but it's intriguing. In my opinion it's definitely something that could work. The problem is that the Apatow movies use many of the same particular Seth Rogen who plays a huge role in both films. Of course, they have suggested killing off the cop character from Superbad. Or having both in it would be interesting I suppose.

Anyway, what do you guys think? I love both of these movies. They're a couple of my favorite comedy films in recent memory actually. And it seems Rogen wants to do a sequel to Pineapple Express, but not Superbad. Why not make the fans happy and probably earn yourself more money by having two of your best films have a sequel together? It would be very unique as I have never heard of two unrelated movies like this having a direct crossover sequel..could be huge if they do it right and capitalize on it never happening before. Do you think this could actually work? And be good?

I loved Superbad. I loved Pinapple Express. And I think a crossover movie between the two would be the most awesome thing ever. So, yes, I really, really hope this happens, just for the simple fact that you can do so much more with the characters established in both films. I mean, seriously, you could build a movie around McLovin alone, but bring back Seth and Evan along with him, and add Dale and Saul to the mix, what you end up with is comedy gold, especially with it being written by the writers of the original two films.
This sounds like a weird idea, but it would be interesting, I loved Superbad but Pineapple Express was kinda boring. There's no doubt with this group of characters and a good writer/director, this could be a great movie, which we need, there's not been many good comedies in recent years with all the Will Ferrell & Adam Sandler bullshit.
I loved Superbad but hated Pineapple Express... I'd watch a cross over movie but to be honest I don't think i'd like it all too much. I think its more to do with the fact I really don't like Seth Rogan as a star actor, I think he is ok as support role with limited screen time but any more and he is just annoying
I loved Superbad but hated Pineapple Express... I'd watch a cross over movie but to be honest I don't think i'd like it all too much. I think its more to do with the fact I really don't like Seth Rogan as a star actor, I think he is ok as support role with limited screen time but any more and he is just annoying

Seth Rogen isn't the problem. He was awesome as the lead in Knocked Up. The problem is that James Franco gets more and more annoying the more time he is on the screen. The first five minutes are funny. The next five are ok, the next hour and half is torture.
Seth Rogen isn't the problem. He was awesome as the lead in Knocked Up. The problem is that James Franco gets more and more annoying the more time he is on the screen. The first five minutes are funny. The next five are ok, the next hour and half is torture.

Agreed, Rogen is good in knocked up and is also good in the 40 year old virgin but I thought in both films he was over shadowed by other actors. Paul Rudd in Knocked up and Steve Carell in 40 year old virgin. on reading your post you have just made me bump Seth Rogen up from annoying to just tolerable

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