Sunny Side Up


Well, the latest story generating a lot of buzz around the internet is that WWE Hall of Famer Sunny's, AKA Tammy Lynn Sytch, porn debut, "Sunny Side Up" is available as of today. Sunny has been in talks with Vivid Entertainment for some time and it was all but written in the stars that a deal would be reached.

Part of the reason why Sunny was approached for this is because of her status as a WWE Hall of Famer and the fact that she's still pretty well known in wrestling. However, what's causing a lot of buzz right now is that, according to the main page, Sunny is wearing her WWE HOF ring in the tape.

Due to various WWE policies, unless changed, Sunny will never appear on WWE TV again, her name won't be mentioned and they'll go on as if she never existed. A few years ago, a policy was initiated that women wouldn't be hired as wrestlers if they had released nude images or videos of themselves online, during photo shoots or porn companies or whatever. Some, such as Kaitlyn, had some pretty risqué photos of her online, but never actual nudes, awfully damn close, but not quite.

With the various complaints of some fans, at times, regarding some WWE HOF members being thrown out, such as we saw with Hulk Hogan last summer, I'd say it's a safe bet the some will be calling for Sunny's removal from the HOF. Vince wants WWE to have as wholesome an image as he can, sometimes to the detriment of the product as a whole, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he considers removing her from the HOF. If people are going to sell their HOF rings, as a few Hall of Famers have, and not be removed, I don't see why making a sex tape should be the final straw. Sunny isn't under contract with WWE, she doesn't work for WWE in any way, shape or form and hasn't for a very long time; however, Vince is known for being unreasonable at times and if Sunny didn't have her ring on in the video, I don't know that he'd care, but she does and, in Vince's mind, that still associates her with WWE in some fashion.

To be honest, I'm surprised Sunny didn't get involved in porn years ago. IF various stories throughout the years are accurate, she basically screwed much of the WWE and ECW locker rooms during the 90s, so much of her character identity was based on sexual allure, so I honestly thought she'd have made the transition a long time ago.
Well, the latest story generating a lot of buzz around the internet is that WWE Hall of Famer Sunny's, AKA Tammy Lynn Sytch, porn debut, "Sunny Side Up" is available as of today. Sunny has been in talks with Vivid Entertainment for some time and it was all but written in the stars that a deal would be reached.

Part of the reason why Sunny was approached for this is because of her status as a WWE Hall of Famer and the fact that she's still pretty well known in wrestling. However, what's causing a lot of buzz right now is that, according to the main page, Sunny is wearing her WWE HOF ring in the tape.

Due to various WWE policies, unless changed, Sunny will never appear on WWE TV again, her name won't be mentioned and they'll go on as if she never existed. A few years ago, a policy was initiated that women wouldn't be hired as wrestlers if they had released nude images or videos of themselves online, during photo shoots or porn companies or whatever. Some, such as Kaitlyn, had some pretty risqué photos of her online, but never actual nudes, awfully damn close, but not quite.

With the various complaints of some fans, at times, regarding some WWE HOF members being thrown out, such as we saw with Hulk Hogan last summer, I'd say it's a safe bet the some will be calling for Sunny's removal from the HOF. Vince wants WWE to have as wholesome an image as he can, sometimes to the detriment of the product as a whole, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he considers removing her from the HOF. If people are going to sell their HOF rings, as a few Hall of Famers have, and not be removed, I don't see why making a sex tape should be the final straw. Sunny isn't under contract with WWE, she doesn't work for WWE in any way, shape or form and hasn't for a very long time; however, Vince is known for being unreasonable at times and if Sunny didn't have her ring on in the video, I don't know that he'd care, but she does and, in Vince's mind, that still associates her with WWE in some fashion.

To be honest, I'm surprised Sunny didn't get involved in porn years ago. IF various stories throughout the years are accurate, she basically screwed much of the WWE and ECW locker rooms during the 90s, so much of her character identity was based on sexual allure, so I honestly thought she'd have made the transition a long time ago.

I can't wait to watch :lol: nom nom nom nom lol. A lot of those stories were rumors btw. Apparently she's only had relations with British Bulldog, HBK, and obviously Skip. All those other guys like Sabu, Raven, Sandman etc made up those stories...a lot of dudes hated her and made it up. She had problems with guys like Xpac, and Paul Bearer, but was loved by a lot of dudes too like Bret and his family. She was a victim of a lot of rumors and stuff, but she did bring some of it on herself. Anyways, with that said, I'm going to look the video up now hahahaha.
Her life and her decision and can't see why an employer she worked for nearly 20 years ago would be bothered by it, If they are bothered by it they would be complete hypocrites as she was there around the same time of when Triple H had sex with a dead body and Mae Young giving birth to a hand and Val Venis in an actual pornstar character and also The Godfather with his Pimp character and a Head Cheese tag team to name just a few I can think of offhand those things were all way worse than what Sunny is doing now.
I don't blame WWE for a second for dropping her from their Hall of Fame (not that one actually exists). I wouldn't call her newfound porn career "just the tip" of the iceberg but it just one issue among many that WWE would want to separate themselves from her. I certainly don't want my kid learning about her on the WWE Network only to Google her to see what she is doing now and finding her in porn. That would be fun to explain to my wife.

Time to add some safe search stuff to my home internet browser.
Her life and her decision and can't see why an employer she worked for nearly 20 years ago would be bothered by it, If they are bothered by it they would be complete hypocrites as she was there around the same time of when Triple H had sex with a dead body and Mae Young giving birth to a hand and Val Venis in an actual pornstar character and also The Godfather with his Pimp character and a Head Cheese tag team to name just a few I can think of offhand those things were all way worse than what Sunny is doing now.

They were all playing characters during a 14+ ratings age era....she's getting completely banged up her shitter in HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY how, in any circle of anything, is that better than the shite they did before? I agree what they did was, quite often, awful and not fit for kids but, honestly, if the choice was between my kids watching the stuff you said above or letting them see Sunny take it up her arse, I know which is def not being seen by them
If she's wearing the ring in her porn video WWE has every right to be upset and take her out of the HoF as well as demand the ring back

It doesn't matter she hasn't been on WWE TV or even involved in the business in decades, people will see it an automatically think of the WWE. It's a publicly traded company so they need to be careful how they are portrayed.

Then there's the fact WWE is PG. If the parents who pay millions of dollars to take their kids to the shows and buy all the merch get wind of a WWE HoFer is in porn they won't care who it is the stop spending their money. Enough stop and the company suffers.

WWE needs to get as far away from this as possible any way they can.
Her life and her decision and can't see why an employer she worked for nearly 20 years ago would be bothered by it, If they are bothered by it they would be complete hypocrites as she was there around the same time of when Triple H had sex with a dead body and Mae Young giving birth to a hand and Val Venis in an actual pornstar character and also The Godfather with his Pimp character and a Head Cheese tag team to name just a few I can think of offhand those things were all way worse than what Sunny is doing now.

I would normally agree with what you say about her employer not caring about what she does now, but in retrospect she is still using her ring name in the video and her skyping sessions. She is using her former popularity as a WWE Diva to sell porn and herself. Not only that she is supposed to be wearing her HOF ring in the video, I mean would it have killed her to take it off.....the ring I mean. You can also use the excuse that no one will be looking at her jewelry, but just the fact that she's wearing it and not much else, is a slap in the face to the WWE.

She only got this porn contract because of who she was, and what she was willing to do for money, so I can understand why the WWE is upset. Surprised though that it seems that just the other day we heard about this movie and it's come out already.....the movie I mean.

Good God you have to watch what you say on this thread, everything could be taken the wrong way. So I'll quit while I'm ahead....arg.
When stone cold interviewed triple h and asked about chyna going into the hall of fame triple basically said no because of the porn. And he said not that they are judging her for it but they can't have kids go looking her up when they see her in the hall of fame and that's what comes up when they google her name. It's the exact same thing with Sunny. There's nothing hypocritical about that and some of the past storylines. They were a different company when Val Venis was there. It's a PG show now and even the most over the top crazy stuff they did was nothing compared to doing porn. And her wearing the ring in the video is a total fuck you to the company. She absolutely should be out of the hall of fame. Now if X Pac goes in that's hypocritical since he was in Chynas first porn with her. I sort of assume he'll go in at some point but we will see. From hearing him on various podcasts he seems pretty accepting of having fucked up in the past and if he's excluded because of that I'm pretty sure he will understand.

Also for the record I just checked and she hasn't been removed yet.
Also for the record I just checked and she hasn't been removed yet.

She probably won't be, blame Vince for being completely out of touch with the real world.

For example, HHH's ex, Joanie "Chyna" Laurer is also a former Porn star, and he wants her in the Hall of Fame, she did a few bits worthy of entry, such as being the first female IC Champ, first woman in the Royal Rumble, but her history in Porn kind of forbids her entry in a PG era Hall of Fame to be honest.
What besides removing her from their HOF could the WWE really do. They can be pissed all they want but if it was given to her, can't she do what ever she pleases with it?
When it's all said and done, does it really matter if she's 'in or out' of the WWE HOF ? I suppose if there was some physical structure that housed memorabilia and back stories on all the guys and gals, it might matter. But aside from long running rumors of one being built in Orlando, it doesn't appear like it will ever take place.

On a more important note -- DO NOT watch the movie. I had the misfortune of seeing a 2:00 compilation and Sunny certainly doesn't resemble the Sunny we'd all love to remember. Obviously, it's been a few years, but she looked pretty good during her HOF induction speech. Not anymore.
I mean ... lets be honest ... we are all going to at least watch a clip, right?

As for the HOF. I have no problem with the E booting her out. Whether I agree with PG or not, it is who they are now and I don't think that having a pornstar in the Hall is a good thing. I understand that there are some other not so perfect people in the Hall and all that, and I do not begrudge her doing the porn, but wearing the ring is a basic slap.

I think the Google argument is good and kind of lame all at the same time. I mean ... keeping Chyna out because she took it up the arse on film, because kids might Google her? I mean, she had already posed for the Bunny under the WWE banner, those photos are going to pop up. So, that does not hold a ton of sway for me ... but business wise ... I still get it.

And, as said, does being in a Hall of Fame that includes Pete Rose really mean anything to WWE folks? It is a nice way to have a night to recognize a solid career, but there is nothing physical to it. Does it change Tammy or Hulk's legacy one bit? Not really.
I'd rather watch two orangutans have sex than trailer trash 2016 "Sunny."

However if this was done 20 years ago I probably wouldnt leave the house.
The status of the WWE HOF as far as I'm concerned is still in the realm of "Absolute joke". They may have had some big names like Bruno Sammartino and Antonio Inoki risk their reputations to validate the HOF. But still, the WWE HOF is something I can't possibly take seriously.

They gave Sunny an expensive piece of jewelry for her participation in the WWF. I'm not remembering any epic spots or amazing interviews, so I'm pretty sure that she was inducted for being a tease and for having hog slop thrown on her. If Sunny deserves to be recognized as a Hall of Famer, then so does Jerry Lawler's estranged step-daughter Miss Kitty.

Is Sunny doing porn really that big of a surprise? I'm pretty sure that she's done independent shoots in the past, plus it's well known that you can pay her for a clothing/morals optional Skype session. I suppose that the implications of what this will do to her status as a member of the HOF can make this news for some people, but for me everything involved with this story is beyond insignificant.

Do kids care about the WWE Hall of Fame? The only risk I can imagine in having a WWE Hall of Famer do porn is that the WWE has sold their souls to this BA Star bullshit and that the kids they're attempting to appeal to might get the wrong idea. I'm pretty sure that kids are so distracted by Kalisto and New Day that they're not that concerned with anything involving some woman who escorted wrestlers to the ring back in the 1990's.
Until there is a physical hall of fame. WWE can't really do anything about it... Once someone is inducted, all we really have is the ceremony that takes place... followed by any mention of that person proceeding with "WWE hall of famer".

I won't be watching the film...I could never knowingly jack to something knowing Mark Madden is probably watching it at the same time across the pond.
They were all playing characters during a 14+ ratings age era....she's getting completely banged up her shitter in HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY how, in any circle of anything, is that better than the shite they did before? I agree what they did was, quite often, awful and not fit for kids but, honestly, if the choice was between my kids watching the stuff you said above or letting them see Sunny take it up her arse, I know which is def not being seen by them

The majority of Sunny fans back in the day wont be kids though, I'm also not a huge Sunny fan anyway I just think if the WWE would be acting all high and mighty hypocrites if they do delete her from the hall of fame after some of the things they have done in their past. X-Pac done porn and ive heard rumours about him being inducted with DX so it can't bother the WWE that much.
I would normally agree with what you say about her employer not caring about what she does now, but in retrospect she is still using her ring name in the video and her skyping sessions. She is using her former popularity as a WWE Diva to sell porn and herself. Not only that she is supposed to be wearing her HOF ring in the video, I mean would it have killed her to take it off.....the ring I mean. You can also use the excuse that no one will be looking at her jewelry, but just the fact that she's wearing it and not much else, is a slap in the face to the WWE.

She only got this porn contract because of who she was, and what she was willing to do for money, so I can understand why the WWE is upset. Surprised though that it seems that just the other day we heard about this movie and it's come out already.....the movie I mean.

Good God you have to watch what you say on this thread, everything could be taken the wrong way. So I'll quit while I'm ahead....arg.

I also think the more the WWE keeps deleting people from their hall of fame everytime they do or say something WWE doesn't agree with the less credibility the hall of fame will have.
I also think the more the WWE keeps deleting people from their hall of fame everytime they do or say something WWE doesn't agree with the less credibility the hall of fame will have.

The only two I know of are Hogan, and we all know one day he'll be back, and Snuka, if he's found innocent he'll most likely be back as well. Chyna deserves to be there, and if they've used the porn excuse against her, then X-Pac shouldn't never go in either. Bit of a double standard if that happens. So no idea how that affects DX as a whole.

Sunny will probably be booted too and that's okay, does she really care? If you know what someone like McMahon is like, and you intentionally go out of your way to piss him off, then take what's coming to you. But really does the HOF have much credibility to begin with? Wrestlers like the Freebirds aren't in there and Donald Trump is.
In regards to the HOF, let's be real people - it's a bit of a joke. Regardless of what it is supposed to be, you have people in there that have done a lot worse than porn and did so before they were put into the HOF, not after like Sunny. Why hasn't wwe kicked out Jimmy Snuka? I mean, he is charged with murder - isn't that worse than porn? If the HOF is supposed to represent people who were important to the wwe and its success, she has every right to be in there despite what she is doing now. Why doesn't wwe help her out if she is in financial problems? They spent how much to send Hall and Waltman to rehab time after time after time, they can't spend a few dollars on her? oh, but she isn't friends with wwe management so sorry Sunny. If wwe doesn't like it, simply don't acknowledge it or her.
SMH, she's such a train wreck. It's too bad. At one time, she was a fantastic talent as a manager. She wasn't just eye candy(though she was very hot back in the 90's), but she was very charismatic and a very good talker. She was one of the best things about 1995-96 WWF.

Some years back she got back into shape and was looking pretty good and seeming to get it together. But nope. She's a mess.
Who is buying this? Like who exactly is the guy that will look passed Mickie James and Candice Michelle and go "MY GOD! SUNNY IS DOING PORN?!? TAKE MY MONEY!"

This is 2016. Sunny is in her 50's and going by that 2 minute hype trailer, definitely looks it. There are MILF videos the world over that are sexier than one from a tummy covered sell-out ****e.

That being said, I'd rather kids look up WWE HoFers and discover the birds and the bees instead of how the guy they really liked on WWE Classics killed his girlfriend. One of these things is definitely worse than the other.

The Hall of Fame ain't exactly pristine at this point, but WWE could do a lot worse than Sunny wearing a ring while getting porked.
She never really recovered after the death of Chris Candido. I doubt her life would have gone so far off the rails if Chris was still alive. Though she is not "Chyna" level nuts, but she really needs some help to get sorted.
Who is buying this? Like who exactly is the guy that will look passed Mickie James and Candice Michelle and go "MY GOD! SUNNY IS DOING PORN?!? TAKE MY MONEY!"

This is 2016. Sunny is in her 50's and going by that 2 minute hype trailer, definitely looks it. There are MILF videos the world over that are sexier than one from a tummy covered sell-out ****e.

That being said, I'd rather kids look up WWE HoFers and discover the birds and the bees instead of how the guy they really liked on WWE Classics killed his girlfriend. One of these things is definitely worse than the other.

The Hall of Fame ain't exactly pristine at this point, but WWE could do a lot worse than Sunny wearing a ring while getting porked.

I saw the trailer myself last night and she's definitely not in the shape she once was. When she appeared on Raw a number of years back, she looked pretty much the same as she did in her prime; if she was still in that sort of shape, it'd be more enticing. Now, to be fair, comparatively speaking, she's still pretty attractive for a 43 year old woman. She's no longer remotely as attractive as she was circa 1997 when Playboy wanted her but, all in all, from a realistic standpoint, she's attractive; she's no longer the goddess she was 20 years ago but, realistically, not all that many women are.

As far as the WWE Hall of Fame goes, I'm of the opinion that we need to stop setting this unrealistic, impossibly high standards for people who go into it. I mean, if only saints should be qualified, guys who main evented WrestleMania, who won more World Championships than they could carry around, etc., then there's going to be no hall of fame in any sort of sports or entertainment genre. As politically incorrect as the following opinion might be, I don't really care about what wrestlers are like in their private lives when it comes to me being entertained by their exploits as professional wrestlers. I don't care if Andre the Giant sometimes made racist jokes, I don't care if Ric Flair cheated on his first wife dozens of times with dozens of different women, I don't care if HBK was the most obnoxious guy in the WWE locker room 20 years ago who sabotaged the careers of other guys; those facts take nothing away from what they've meant to pro wrestling and the moments they helped create inside the ring.

Personally, I think Sunny is an outdated relic and a sad reminder of the not so glorious days of women in WWE. Personally, she pissed me off when she stated that women like Charlotte and Becky Lynch weren't real Divas like she was because Sunny was little more than a backstage fluffer who believes women should be nothing more than sex objects in pro wrestling. However, none of that takes away from the fact that she made an impact, whether positive or negative, and that she was a very memorable presence in WWE.
This is 2016. Sunny is in her 50's and going by that 2 minute hype trailer, definitely looks it.

She looks better than I figured she would, at her age and with all the substance abuse she's put her body through.......and I loved that: "I'm a businesswoman and a good one" statement in the trailer, along with: "If you were getting what I'm getting, you'd do it, too". It makes me think if it weren't for all her expensive legal problems, she probably wouldn't be doing this film at all.

Still, it's sort of a mixed blessing for viewers, isn't it? On the one hand, people love to see celebrities and flock to movies, TV appearances and photos to see the faces of stars, right?

On the other hand, who watches porn to see people's faces? :)
WWE can't do jack to Tammy... literally, they can do nothing other than send her a cease and desist to prevent her using the HOF status or Sunny name (if they own it...) but the reality is Vivid are the ones who took all the risk... and they covered their ass so only Tammy's got penetrated...

The advertising is Tammy Lynn Sytch, her real name so she's not actually trading on the name, they are by calling it Sunny Side Up. Under the same laws that let them make parody porn, they can get away with that. The most WWE can do is make them remove reference to their HOF or Slammy awards, which WILL be WWE owned trademarks... but by that time, anyone who was gonna pay for this will have already done so... it'd be the stable door being nailed shut after the Lillian has... well you get the idea.

Tammy won't be back in the WWE... EVER... they won't mention her again and they'll do their normal removal job from history - as big as she was then, her role wasn't SO big that there is damage if she is cut from history... she's not a Benoit or a Hogan, where the holes would be more gaping than hers at the end of that movie... but she signed knowing she probably wasn't going to be back anyway. Her rep is one of a ho anyway, so now she's taken ownership of it.

Let's face it, WWE was happy to have Sean Morley and Alicia Webb portray pornstars to suit their own ends when the company needed a boost... it's a little hypocritical to say the least to begrudge Tammy the chance to get some cash to rebuild her life, cash they're not prepared to let her earn with them...

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