SummerSlam: John Cena vs. Batista


SmackDown! is MY Show

Singles Match
John Cena vs. Batista

Have to think that the WWE is rushing this match as this match to me had Wrestlemania 25 written all over it. Though I guess the WWE has different directions for both Cena and Batista at WM25. I see this being a one time match between the two as doubt that this will go on to Unforgiven. Should prolly be a number 1 contenders match, but the match does have me interested. You have the two men that has been the focal point of the WWE since WM 21 going against one another in a match where you know strength will be the key focal point of the match. The build has been interesting, but still shock the WWE is rushing this match, but hey I guess they want buys.

This could be the beginning of the Batista heel turn that has been talked about as face vs face matches are not that thrilling, but hey we have had face vs face matches in the past so why should this matchup be any different. I expect a clean pin for either Cena or Batista as I doubt there be any controversy to this match. I expect Cena to win, but this could either way really.
I have to agree that this match should have been saved for WrestleMania 25. I think Cena vs. Batista could be a great world heavyweight championship match at the big show. I know both men are far from being the best at technical wrestling, but there is no denying that both men elicit a huge reaction from the crowd with each appearance they make. I think this could be made into a number one contender's match easily, but that leaves the question of who will be facing Punk at SummerSlam. It will be tough to call the winner for this match as the man who loses will come off looking a little weak but I think the match will end clean with the delayed handshake. As it stands right now, I would have to say that Cena will beat the Animal at SummerSlam.
I expected this to be a WM match as well so I'm just as surprised. They popped this cherry too soon. Hopefully we'll see some sort of stipulation added to this match whether it be Number one contender, or no holds barred; some sort of X factor.
I also believe this will be a one time match, as they may not want to over exploit these two in real feud. At least it adds some much needed cred to the Summer Slam card. I'm taking Batista over Cena (He's been putting people over alot lately).
Mania 26 for a rematch maybe..?
I believe like everyone else has said and most likely everyone in the wwe universe that has heard this is thinkin, what was goin through vince's mind when he put these two together so quick, if it was me, i would have drawn it out until Wrestlemania 25, while i let these two basically continue to run rampid on raw and make them both continue to look like the baddest thing on raw, and then when the royal rumble ocmes around, either have dave or cena win it, and then challenge the other to a match at mania, also i highly doubght this will happen, but what if orton was to return at summerslam and stop this match and then cena and batista curve there rivalry away from each other, and then when mania approaches, all of a sudden out of no where cena goes, dave we know that the whole world is wantin to know which of us is the better man, and like i have said before it is a mania worthy match, and if it wasnt for some outside interference we may have found that out at summerslam, but now at wrestlemania, we can finally see which one of us is the better man. Will it happen, i doubht it, but in my opionon i believe vince is throwin down a mania money makin match down the drain, but idk we will see.
I along with everyone else beleive that Batista vs Cena should have been a WM match for sure. Vince may have something up his sleeve with making this match so early. This will be a strength match obviously because both men have "super human strength". I see Batista going over on this bout because he had the last title shot against CM Punk. None the less who ever wins will most likely get the win cleanly because they probably won't move this match to Unforgiven and on. Maybe they might have someone win cleanly then, at like Survivor Series or something have a Batista vs Cena 2 and have the man that won the first match lose this match. That would make out like an HBK vs Angle feud from 2006.

I did NOT want to see the WWE spend time building up to this match and wasting a main event of WrestleMania. I'd much rather have it ruin the Summerslam card (which is already looking like a dud to me outside of the Hell in a Cell match) than to have it ruin WrestleMania and potentially the Royal Rumble finish as well.

I have absolutely NO confidence in this being anything short of "meh, it was decent, but I started snoozing off". Thusly, the last thing I wanted to see was 5 months of build with one of them winning the Royal Rumble and challenging the other at WrestleMania. Now I just have to hope that they don't do the alternative of something like Batista/JBL, Batista/Orton, or Batista/Mysterio at WrestleMania either haha.

As far as how this match will go down? Just like I said: "meh, it was decent, but I started snoozing off". I don't even expect the two of them to have a clean finish.
I am really worried that this match will be a "Test of Strength" like Lesnar/Goldberg was. Hopefully it isn't as crappy as that match was. I think this match is going to end with a clean win since both of these two are known for their power moves. I can't see either man winning with a quick roll up and I doubt Batista will tap out to the STFU. I think Batista will go over Cena in this match since he has been screwed many times in his past few title matches. Plus, WWE seems to be continuing the "Cena sympathy" by having him lose more often.

Like many others, I also thought this match had WM25 written all over it. Then again, WWE wasted HHH/Edge on a "B" PPV so I'm not really surprised. I think this will be the last match between these two for a while. This is still a huge money feud, much like HHH/Edge so they'll probably resume this feud somewhere along the road.
I like what hhhfan14 said about Randy Orton returning, maybe if he did return to screw Cena over, unite with Batista to form Evolution 2.0 maybe and start to rebuild the tag team division. Just a thought.
Also have you noticed how they always come in sort of pairs in the WWE, For example:
Rock/Austin, Batista/Cena, MVP/Kennedy etc.
But all in all I am looking forward to this match slighty as at one point both Cena and Batista were the 'faces' of WWE(well not so much Batista but tyou know what i mean, as in the SD vs RAW videogame cover, and them both being top of their respective brands at the same time) so maybe this could be a decent match with a couple more down the road, not immediatly into a feud, but more like Rock/Austin with Rock/Austin I, Rock/Austin II etc.
and also i cant wait for the HIAC match =D

This should be a pretty hyped matchup, even though the reaction it got at the end of RAW was disappointing. It should be a decent match and I think Cena wins this match, but honestly this could go either way. I also don't think we've seen the end of this and maybe at WrestleMania they'll fight again in some capacity or at another PPV down the road.
I like what hhhfan14 said about Randy Orton returning, maybe if he did return to screw Cena over, unite with Batista to form Evolution 2.0 maybe and start to rebuild the tag team division. Just a thought.
Also have you noticed how they always come in sort of pairs in the WWE, For example:
Rock/Austin, Batista/Cena, MVP/Kennedy etc.
But all in all I am looking forward to this match slighty as at one point both Cena and Batista were the 'faces' of WWE(well not so much Batista but tyou know what i mean, as in the SD vs RAW videogame cover, and them both being top of their respective brands at the same time) so maybe this could be a decent match with a couple more down the road, not immediatly into a feud, but more like Rock/Austin with Rock/Austin I, Rock/Austin II etc.
and also i cant wait for the HIAC match =D


My first thought when I heard that match last night was why are they wasting this at SummerSlam? This is a WM match IMO but then again when I read your post it makes sense. Its the only thing that makes sense which is prob why it won't happen (it is WWE afterall). Orton coming to interfere and cost Cena the match and Batista finally going heel and joining with him. That would work for me. freshen up Batista big time. This will be an interesting match and I just hope that something good comes out of it storyline wise and its not just a waste of a ppv match between these two where either guy wins clean and thats it. They should've saved this match. Just like they should've saved Edge/Trips last month. WWE is making some curious booking decisions but we'll see where this goes. I'm very interested in seeing this match.
So waht exactly is going to be the main event of WrestleMania? That will be the 25th, so you'd imagine they're try to do the strongest card possible. Something that's never been done before, or done in a high profile way. That would be this match. I honestly can't think of a bigger Raw main event.

But then Mania sells anyway. And SummerSlam is now only a considered big now because it used to be important. Coluld be good, could be awful.
This doesn't seem that surprising to me. While I was expecting Cena vs. Punk and Batista vs. Kane at summerslam, putting these two together will still be a big draw. Summerslam is supposedly the 2nd biggest PPV, so it makes sense that the WWE will want some big matches here too.

In response to what some of the other posters have said, I don't necessarily feel like this is a "wait until wrestlemania match", because that would require a lot of time for the feud to build and grow. Also, there are the rumors about batista taking a heel turn so it's possible that WWE wants to get this match done before the heel turn kicks in and creates new storylines.

Finally, just because we see this match now doesn't mean that it won't be repeated again at wrestlemania later. It's not like the WWE never recycles pay per view matches.

My only head scratcher with respect to this decision though is who is punk going to face? I suppose you could not have him defend the title and throw him into some sort of impromptu tag match or something to keep him on the card. But punk vs. JBL or punk vs. kane or triple threat with punk, JBL, and kane seems like the only valid options here, and none of them sound particularly interesting (at least to me).
I have a feeling this match won't end in a clean pin at all. With the way they've been building up Batista for a while now; he was screwed and unable to get the World Heavyweight title while on Smackdown, then continued to be unable to get the World heavyweight title now on RAW after several opportunities, I wouldn't be surprised to see him turn heel. And I wouldn't be surprised either to see Randy Orton make his return and help Batista, even forming some sort of partnership in the process. I guess we'll see, but I do think a heel turn is very possible for Batista.
When I heard the announcement from Adamle's mouth I could not help but think why? There is no reason for Cena and Batista to be having a one-on-one match-up with NOTHING at stake. This match could end up gimmicked up by SS I guess ... but even then it feels rushed and just not right.
They could have had these guys going back and forth with each other for EIGHT MONTHS while wrestling other people, winning titles, etc. and setting up an epic WM 25 showdown., instead they rush them into Summerslam with nothing real on the line? Does not make much sense to me.
Alright guys, now I haven't posted a comment on here in a LONG TIME. But every day I always read these forums just to see what everyone else feels about certain areas in the professional wrestling world. Now this discussion is the perfect time for me to come back out and speak my peace.

Cena vs. Batista match at Summerslam couldn't come at a better time. I really didn't expect it but at the same time, thats the beauty of this match happening. For some odd reason, I'm not even sure that Cena and Batista even knew this was happening. I don't even think they knew who the Raw GM was. I don't think no one in the WWE knew who it was going to be except Shane. Because if they did it would have probably leaked out onto Wrestlezone like everything else does. So I like the Mike Adamale being the GM. He seems like he has promise. And putting Cena vs. Batista together in a match at the 2nd biggest PPV of the year is a good start.

And I agree with HHHfanboy guy that this should be the turn of Batista. Then, have Orton cause Cena the match and Batista and Orton form the new Evolution. Then, they pick up Rhodes and DiBiase to join the group. That will really give the tag champs much credibility. Then, have a huge feud between Evolution 2.0 and CTC. That would make some great Raw over the next few months going to the end of the year. It would help establish the tag team division more with Cryme Tyme going back and forth with Simply Priceless and then put them in tag matches vs. Orton and Batista to really give them much more hype. This match between Batista and Cena has potential to go over big time. I see Batista winning this match via screwjob by Orton. I love John Cena to homo. And to ya'll Cena haters, let the damn man be. All he does is go out there every week and puts his all into the matches.

Ya'll must understand wrestling. I've read so much discussions and replies by so many people talking about fueds getting too long or going too short. There's no satisfying all of you on this forum and definitely not the IWC. It's not about who's fighting and how long they been fueding. It's about the story between the wrestlers. Cena may not be the best wrestler but his matches entertain me all the time. And he can get annoying sometimes but name a wrestler who hasn't annoyed you from time to time. Even Stone Cold and The Rock got annoying at times. Even the Undertaker. Although I love Taker and will go down as one of the five greatest wrestlers of all-time. So you should all just enjoy wrestling and stop criticizing it. Ya'll are taking the fun out of it.

Oh more thing...Edge is about to be the biggest star in the WHOLE WWE and in the whole industry. He's going to beat Taker at Hell in a Cell. I'm out.
Like almost everyone else has said, having a match with these two on a PPV other than Wrestlemania, seems like a waste. Especially since it's not even for the title. Plus, where would this even be on the card? There's the Hell in a Cell, HHH vs Khali, CM Punk's match, maybe HBK vs Jericho. Cena vs Batista would get buried and lose importance.

Matches are sometimes changed after they are announced and I wouldn't be surprised if that happens here. I can see someone (probably CM Punk) being added to the match and it being a triple threat. If they made it a title match, with interference (Randy Orton?), CM Punk can win and gain a lot of credibility and Cena and Batista wouldn't be hurt at all.
I agree with everything simplejt1985 said....secondly with the exception of the ecw and wwe title matches ss is being booked as wrestlemaina type ppv...I know its the #2 ppv but it hasnt been booked like this YEARS...some ppl people have been bashing wwe but recently they have been getting it right...
Like almost everyone else has said, having a match with these two on a PPV other than Wrestlemania, seems like a waste. Especially since it's not even for the title. Plus, where would this even be on the card? There's the Hell in a Cell, HHH vs Khali, CM Punk's match, maybe HBK vs Jericho. Cena vs Batista would get buried and lose importance.

Matches are sometimes changed after they are announced and I wouldn't be surprised if that happens here. I can see someone (probably CM Punk) being added to the match and it being a triple threat. If they made it a title match, with interference (Randy Orton?), CM Punk can win and gain a lot of credibility and Cena and Batista wouldn't be hurt at all.

God if CM Punk wins another match by interference or DQ he will lose all credibility!! what he needs right now is a clean win over ANYBODY for the title...
i am surprised with the booking of this match and the timing...the announcement seemed rushed due to the announcing of the GM...and i think the crowd were so shocked by Adamle being GM that they didnt react to the announcement...
i see some kind of interference and as someone said the start up of evolution 2.0 wud be good...and with Cryme Tyme making a big effort to show they had Cenas back u can see them getting involved too!! but for christ sake keep Punk away from this match or he will be well and truly buried!!
Man talk about the WWE throwing away big time Wrestlemania matches for nothing. Cena vs. Batista and Edge vs. Triple H should have been used at Mania, instead we're getting them in July and August? What the hell. I guess I can hold onto hope of Taker vs. HBK still at Mania, but it's looking more and more like Cena is going to make the Deadman tap in Houston, ew the horror, the horror.

Anywho, Cena is good, Big Dave Dudd is terrible. Still, they are arguably the two most over guys on Raw. I'm still just shocked that the WWE is shooting it's load on this match prematurely.
Man talk about the WWE throwing away big time Wrestlemania matches for nothing. Cena vs. Batista and Edge vs. Triple H should have been used at Mania, instead we're getting them in July and August? What the hell.

I think it's called "panic button". W.W.E. was losing grip on a fan base apparently, and this only confirms that it's bigger than we could've thought. Something's going on behind the scenes that likely isn't being reported, and it's causing them to extremely turn up the volume on NOW, not later..

While I doubt we have to fear if "later" ever comes or not.. the fact is, you're right. A lot of top quality Wrestlemania options are being flushed away on B-show p.p.v.'s and top quality Summer events that should've been this year's Mania repeats.

I'm convinced something big is happening, that noone sees or knows of, except for Mr. McMahon and possibly his close relation. They've been pulling the plug on doing a lot of extreme things, just to boost ratings.

Could T.N.A. really be becoming a thre.. hahahahaha nahhhhh...

I guess I can hold onto hope of Taker vs. HBK still at Mania, but it's looking more and more like Cena is going to make the Deadman tap in Houston, ew the horror, the horror.

If I see John Cena end the Undertaker's streak.. I just don't fucking know, but it won't be good. Shawn Michaels against the Undertaker in Texas is the best Wrestlemania Main Event they could have.. ever. Cena against Taker, and you'll have Texans killing the white rapper.

Anywho, Cena is good, Big Dave Dudd is terrible. Still, they are arguably the two most over guys on Raw. I'm still just shocked that the WWE is shooting it's load on this match prematurely.

I think I'm well off into the minority, but Batista since moving back to Raw has suddenly become enjoyable to watch (for me) again. He's still lingering in the Main Event Championship scene, but he isn't alone. That's what makes it okay, by me.

John Cena against Dave Batista was the argued match-up in 2005, wasn't it? So we're only 3 years late on this one, but it could still be salvagable. The question is, why is this match taking place? What purpose is it serving? Nothing is building this match, outside of a new G.M. randomly putting two big names against each other.. and an accidental punch. Wow.. I'm hyped. :headscratch:
I like this match up. I really do. I just think they are jumping the gun with it. Why waste a surefire drawing main event style match on Summerslam, when it has Wrestlemania written all over it. It really is a bad Idea especially with little build up. Which makes me believe that this match won't even happen, they are just teasing us with it for now. They will likely add these guys to the World Title match and make it a 5 man with Punk, JBL, Cena, Batista, and Kane or something, but with NO GIMMICK.
Why is everyone upset about this not being a WM25 match? Did everyone suddenly forget that Cena and Batista are two of the most heavily criticized wrestlers out of the entire WrestleZone message boards? Or is this falling into the same category as "MVP should be pushed to the main event. Wait a minute, he lost the US title and he might get a main event push? Well, then, he never really was that good in the first place."

A lot of people don't like seeing Cena. I don't mind him too much as long as he's not the one and only attraction. A lot of people would agree with me in saying that Batista has to try really hard and be placed with someone that can carry him as well, just to have a decent match. So why is everyone bitching about seeing Cena/Batista at Summerslam? You know for a fact that if they DIDN'T do this, and they decided to do it at WrestleMania, everyone would be swarming the forum with "omfg this is a shit main event, Cena the Superman and Boretista only have 10 moves between them, why couldn't they have used this spot for a new star to bring up?" and so forth.

If you're complaining because you think its a bad move marketing-wise for the WWE, because of the fact that Cena/Batista might draw some numbers, that's one thing...however, you don't own the company, so what do you care? And if you're complaining because you honestly wanted to see these two take up one of the main events of WrestleMania (including all of the build-up, with most likely one of them being a two-time Royal Rumble winner)...then you can't possibly continue to bitch about how you dislike Cena and Batista. If you truly disliked them, you wouldn't be craving the #1 match placement of the year to be entrusted with both guys.

Now, if you're simply a fan of both and you really wanted it at WM25, that's different, but I think that's hardly the dominant case here. I think most people just want to complain about it because they think they've got the foresight to do a better job than the WWE and if it doesn't go their way, then it must be wrong.

Bottom line: anybody who complains on a regular basis that you don't like Cena and/or Batista, no matter what the reasons, has no right in saying they'd rather see this at WrestleMania, unless they're genuinely worried about the WWE possibly missing out on an extra couple ppv buyers.
I guess I can hold onto hope of Taker vs. HBK still at Mania

From the best possible Wrestlemania main match ever...

but it's looking more and more like Cena is going to make the Deadman tap in Houston, ew the horror, the horror.

To the worst. I have always said nothing will make me stop watching the WWE, but damn this would be increibly close to making me doing that. No one is worthy of ending the Undertakers streak. Especially not an overrated piece of crap like Cena. I cringe at the thought of this.

Anyway, this match will also be a pile of crap. Extremely glad it isn't at WM, as I want to see good matches at the biggest show of the year. Cena bores the hell out of me, and Batista is one of the worst guys to have ever been pushed as much as he is. It's going to be a painful match to sit through in which I'll take many toilet breaks and watch paint dry.

Batista truely is awful. The name 'Botchtista' is well deserved for him. Cena just doesn't entertain me. Meaning this is going to be one match I could really do without.
Well, unlike some of you I'm glad that this match is gonna happen because it's been buggin' me since Royal Rumble 05'.

These guys finally One on One and I hope this is at least a 20 minute match to excite the fans.
i dont mind this match not being at wm25. i just wished they would have started this feud at say noc. this should be a good match but not a main event match. good wrestling, no meaning

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