Summerslam 2013: Cody Rhodes VS Damien Sandow


The singles match between Rhodes & Sandow has been made official for this year's SummerSlam. However, as of right now, the match doesn't appear to be for Sandow's WHC MITB briefcase. As next week is the go home Raw for SummerSlam, it's still possible that the stipulation will be added to the match.

If the match ultimately is just a standard singles match, then I expect it to be very forgettable. I'm sure it'll be a solid match but it's on the same card with several buzzworthy matches like Cena vs. Bryan, Punk vs. Lesnar & Wyatt vs. Kane in a Ring of Fire match, which I'm assuming is an Inferno Match, and will also be Wyatt's in-ring debut.
I expect the stipulation of Sandow's briefcase on the line to be announced on Smackdown or RAW. It'll help promote some more interest in the match, because I'm quite looking forward to it.

As for who wins, I'm going to go with Sandow personally. It would be stupid to have Sandow win the briefcase only to lose it in my view and Cody still has a chance to be built up for a WHC title feud, maybe with Sandow once he cashes in. Cody could still win, but it would do more harm to Sandow to lose than it would for Cody to lose.
well, it wasnt announced, but maybe on smackdown it will be announced as a match for the (very wet) contract. as for who will win, i think it's Sandow as it wouldnt be wise for WWE to have him win the case only to just lose it a month later....the only way i see him losing that title shot is if he gets hurt or suspended/punished.
I have to admit I've found the promos in this feud a bit underwhelming from Cody, I'm just not convinced that he works as a face. I do think this will be a good match though and hopefully get a good 10-12 minutes, I actually think it might open the show.

I'm not expecting the briefcase to be put on the line here, my feeling is that Cody wins this match and that results in the briefcase being on the line in a rematch at Night of Champions.
I'm looking very forward to this match and feel it will deliver on all accounts. Remember The Rhodes Scholars just split up after the events of MITB. Cody and Sandow are doing an awesome job making this about more than just the briefcase. It's becoming personal. As far as Cody Rhodes face turn do you expect him to come out a la ADR or Miz and just declare that he's seen the error of his ways and to pander to the crowd? Give it time and enjoy this feud for what it is. It's building both guys up. Cody's been on a roll and the crowds are really starting to get behind him. Cody wins at Summerslam, but this feud is far from over and they will have a match for the MITB briefcase eventually.

The crowd was embarassingly dead during RAW for their segment.

It what is a shock to no one, Sandow and Rhodes are only over in smark-heavy towns like Philadelphia and New York. Why?

Because they've been buried for a year and people have no reason to think they're worth a damn.

Sandow was embarassed by Sheamus and didn't win a single match. Rhodes has been in the gutter since Big Show embarassed him at Mania. Of course people don't care.

I'd like Rhodes to win, as I think he's the more talented, but this match is so dull and underhyped its hard to care. No doubt if they don't tear the house down they're getting bumped straight back down to the undercard.

It was supposed to be a coming out party for both, and instead its a wake.

Also, the strange decision to not have the briefcase on the line means Rhodes will win.
The crowd was embarassingly dead during RAW for their segment.

It what is a shock to no one, Sandow and Rhodes are only over in smark-heavy towns like Philadelphia and New York. Why?

Because they've been buried for a year and people have no reason to think they're worth a damn.

Sandow was embarassed by Sheamus and didn't win a single match. Rhodes has been in the gutter since Big Show embarassed him at Mania. Of course people don't care.

I'd like Rhodes to win, as I think he's the more talented, but this match is so dull and underhyped its hard to care. No doubt if they don't tear the house down they're getting bumped straight back down to the undercard.

It was supposed to be a coming out party for both, and instead its a wake.

Also, the strange decision to not have the briefcase on the line means Rhodes will win.

I don't think that's it.

The problem is that the angle doesn't make any sense. Nobody can root for Cody because he's an idiot.
The singles match between Rhodes & Sandow has been made official for this year's SummerSlam. However, as of right now, the match doesn't appear to be for Sandow's WHC MITB briefcase.
I know matches have been done in the past that have been for the briefcase, and the feud has been primarily around the Briefcase, but whyshould it be when the heel has nothing to gain? I could see a situation where Cody goads Sandow into proving he was the one who carried Rhodes Scholars, and proving it by putting up the briefcase. But wouldn't him beating Rhodes in a one-on-one match have the same effect?

As next week is the go home Raw for SummerSlam, it's still possible that the stipulation will be added to the match.If the match ultimately is just a standard singles match, then I expect it to be very forgettable.
Despite the stupidity of putting up the briefcase in a match with nothing to gain, such as RVD and Mr. Kennedy did in the past, I agree. We're often, as fans, asked to forget logic when it comes to wrestling, and this one certainly would do that. Sandow, as a supposed intellectual, would look pretty dumb putting the case up just to get his hands on Rhodes.

The winner of this match will depend on the 'stipulation', I believe. If it's just a standard one-on-one match, I think Rhodes takes it. But if the case is on the line, Sandow wins in dirty fashion. I like Cody as a face right now, and having him win the case, as it usually does, would turn him heel again faster then Alberto Del Rio turned. Further, it makes for a more dramatic match.

I've enjoyed the build to this match, and if booked properly, could elevate both men here. But the only way to do that is for Sandow to win with the case on the line. He continues to be the "Uncrowned World Heavyweight Champion", as JBL puts it, and they could either re-visit the feud later when/if Sandow wins the WHC with RHodes challenging him, and perhaps winning. In the interim, it could make RHodes a strong challenger for either Axel as IC Champion, or Ambrose as U.S. Champion.

But for this match, and it being Summerslam, I think the stakes have to be higher, and the case should be on the line. If it is, Sandow wins. If it's a standard one-on-one match, Rhodes takes it.
Really enjoying this its becoming personal, and was good seeing Rhodes turn the tables on Sandow by stealing the Case.

This doesn't need that briefcase on the line yet, cause it has to be dried first. This is also interesting cause that aren't alot of mid card feuds going on.

Anyways Rhodes for the win and it'll continue at Night of Champions after a good match.
The feud has been a dud so far. There's no doubt about that. If they don't put the case on the line, I wouldn't be surprised if this match was regulated to pre-show status.

As far as a winner goes, I guess Sandow comes out on top, picking up the win by means of cheating somehow. Cody has constantly made a fool out of Sandow for weeks, so I think Sandow will finally get the last laugh and some revenge at Summerslam.
I don't think the briefcase will be on the line in this one either. I think Cody will get the win, and maybe a rematch for the case. I have been liking Sandow a lot right now, and would like to see him get the win over Cody, but I don't think it will happen.
The crowd reaction on Monday wasn't a good sign, but at the end of the day can you blame the fans for not caring about these guys? Until MITB neither had won anything of note in months and it takes awhile to recondition the fans into seeing them as winners. COdy is showing his potential as something special but he needs an opponent with some value to raise his stock.

That being said, the match isn't going to have any heat because the people aren't going to care. It's not too late for these guys to make a comeback, but at this point there's no reason to care because we haven't been given a reason to care. Odds are Sandow wins, but it's not going to help him much at all.
I personally think Cody should destroy the contract simply because "if he can't have it, no one can have it." There should only be one MiTB briefcase in play anyway. And this feud between Rhodes and Sandow has been booked so well that I feel like putting the briefcase up for grabs like it were a title would ruin it. This is the first feud in a long time that WWE put decent effort into that didn't revolve around a championship. I like the idea of them having an epic MIDCARD feud as opposed to simply twiddling their thumbs and "waiting their turn" for a World Title because they're "too important to not be doing anything" the way that Ziggler, Sheamus, Henry, Kane, and so many others are right now.

An epic feud between Cody and Sandow where Sandow is pissed over losing the contract and becomes more aggressive and less of a comedy character will do a lot more for him than giving him a free charity title win where WWE pretends he's a main eventer when he's really not will.

Instead of simply trying to shove everyone into the upper tier, just let Cody and Sandow be two credible guys who aren't "top guys", but they aren't jobbers either.
I think Cody Rhodes will win, showing he's the "better man". Then, because of this he will get a match for the briefcase at NoC, and lose that match. Only way I can see them continuing this feud because he won't receive a match for the briefcase if he loses.
While this is not the most logical or inspiring face turn for Cody I like that this mid card feud is getting so much attention. Even though there was flawed logic originally with the face turn I think the build of the feud has been strong since. From Sandow patronizing Rhodes asking him to be the protector of the case to Cody throwing the case in the Gulf of Mexico to him stopping Sandow from cashing in, the feud has been well done. It’s nice to see a lot of effort and attention being given to a mid card feud. That doesn’t always happen anymore.
While this is not the most logical or inspiring face turn for Cody I like that this mid card feud is getting so much attention. Even though there was flawed logic originally with the face turn I think the build of the feud has been strong since. From Sandow patronizing Rhodes asking him to be the protector of the case to Cody throwing the case in the Gulf of Mexico to him stopping Sandow from cashing in, the feud has been well done. It’s nice to see a lot of effort and attention being given to a mid card feud. That doesn’t always happen anymore.


I'm surprised at the amount of people moaning in this thread, finally after months of being ignored, the mid card is finally getting a half decent feud with some air time. Cody and Sandow have been booked awfully prior to this feud so it's understandable a lot of people wont care for this match, however you've got to start somewhere to start caring. This is a step in the right direction for both of them (hopefully) and I'm personally enjoying the limited air time these two get to make this feud work. I'm rooting for Cody which may continue the rivalry further however if Sandow got the win, I wouldn't be too disappointed.
The crowd reaction on Monday wasn't a good sign, but at the end of the day can you blame the fans for not caring about these guys? Until MITB neither had won anything of note in months and it takes awhile to recondition the fans into seeing them as winners. COdy is showing his potential as something special but he needs an opponent with some value to raise his stock.

That being said, the match isn't going to have any heat because the people aren't going to care. It's not too late for these guys to make a comeback, but at this point there's no reason to care because we haven't been given a reason to care. Odds are Sandow wins, but it's not going to help him much at all.

Yeah, they definitely need to add the MITB briefcase in the match otherwise this match should have been on the pre-show like the Sheamus/Sandow match was a few months ago
I have to admit I've found the promos in this feud a bit underwhelming from Cody, I'm just not convinced that he works as a face.

That remains to be seen, of course, but since the company has been bound & determined for years to keep Cody on our TV screens, I think it's time to try something new with him. His Dad was one of the most popular wrestlers of all time and it always seemed incongruous to have his son performing as a perennial heel. I've been waiting (not anxiously) for him to turn for a long time.

Personally, I don't think he'll be any more exciting as a face than a heel, but I believe the change will last longer than his current feud with Damien Sandow. Yes, it's logical that former partners would go after each other following a rift, but the program is truly uninspiring, mostly because of Cody. He's a useful ring worker but I just never found him interesting.

The thing is, I don't think Sandow should have to be fighting for his MITB briefcase every time he hits the ring. Dolph Ziggler held the damn thing for the better part of a year and I don't remember him having to fight to keep the thing; he won and lost without having to risk his prize.

If Cody's face change can energize his career, that's fine. In the end, though, I would rather see Damien wind up cashing the thing in rather than Cody.
Cody as a face just isn't working for me. His promos haven't been great but I suppose it is only early. This feud doesn't make much sense and Rhodes on Raw really didn't help it. While, I'm not sure why they are fighting I am looking forward to the match. It should be of high quality and I am excited about the future of both.

My best guess is that Rhodes wins and this continues to the next PPV where the briefcase will be on the line. Fantastic. Hopefully that will help the quality of the feud.
Changing my opinion to Sandow winning just because all this feud Cody has had the upper hand, just seems like Sandow will win, dirty of course.

This should be good. I can see the feud lasting beyond Summerslam and with the history these two have with their former tag team there's plenty to work with. This feud has been VERY good for Cody in helping him realize his potential. It's also the most interesting and entertaining that he has been since his Dashing Cody Rhodes days. Sandow's new version of his Money In the Bank briefcase is very strange looking. When Cody threw the blue one into the water it was hilarious, one of the funniest moments on Smackdown I have seen in a rather long time. I won't be against it if/when this feud keeps going.

While a victory here for Cody would be huge, I fully expect Sandow to get the win. He is the one who has the Money In the Bank push and will need the momentum leading up to his eventual cash-in. Rhodes will likely still be booked to look strong in the match though. He'll put up a good fight only to come up short and lose in the end. I expect a sequel at Night of Champions with the briefcase being up for grabs. The match probably goes on somewhere in the middle of the event. Sandow wins and the feud should continue.

Damien Sandow will defeat Cody Rhodes.
I'm going with Rhodes walking away victorious here this match reminds me a bit of Summerslam 2011 Daniel Bryan vs Barrett where Barrett beat Bryan who has just won the briefcase. I go into detail as to why I think Cody wins this in my prediction/simulation vid.
Well you don't get much often to watch a rivalry between two young guys. Since the Cody Rhodes face turn or the betrayal from Sandow, it's been really, really interesting to see the dynamic, the feud and the storyline progression. I'm not sure how technically this match is going to be, but I'm really looking forward to see what happens. I don't know who is going to be the winner, I can easily see it going either way.

Whatever happens, is going to be an interesting match and I really doubt this is going to be the only encounter between these men.
I expected a cody win, but I really expected more from both of them.

This was a very quick match. Both wrestlers missed some moves. Cody messed up with his disaster kick, and lost him with the muscle buster. Sandow almost totally whiffed on the neckbreaker.

I hope they continue to push this matchup, I know they can both deliver a much better match.

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