Summerslam 2004: A Retrospective Look

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
This summer I'll be looking back on each of the previous Summerslam events, one by one. Every few days I will submit a new topic until we reach 2014's edition of the 2nd biggest brand in WWE.

This thread will be for discussing.... Summerslam 2004!


Summerslam 2004 took place on August 15, 2004. It was held at Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Here are the results of the matches from this show:

0. Rob Van Dam defeated René Duprée in a singles match (09:38)

1. The Dudleys (Bubba Ray, D-Von, and Spike) defeated Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, and Paul London in a six-man tag team match (08:07)

2. Kane defeated Matt Hardy (with Lita) in a "Till Death Do Us Part" match (06:08)

3. John Cena defeated Booker T in a singles match part of a best of five series for the WWE United States Championship (06:26)

4. Edge (c) defeated Chris Jericho and Batista in a triple threat match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship (08:26)

5. Kurt Angle (with Luther Reigns) defeated Eddie Guerrero by submission in a singles match (13:37)

6. Triple H (with Ric Flair) defeated Eugene in a singles match (14:06)

7. John "Bradshaw" Layfield (c) (with Orlando Jordan) defeated The Undertaker by disqualification in a singles match for the WWE Championship (17:38)

8. Randy Orton defeated Chris Benoit (c) in a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship (20:10)

Now, here are some discussion questions concerning the event:

What was your favorite match on this show, and why did you like it the most? What about the worst match of this show, why did you like it the least?

If you could change a few things about Summerslam 2004, what would it be and why?

You may only use wrestlers who were available at the roster at that time or make changes that could have realistically taken place in August 2004. Please keep in mind the situations going into the show such as who could actually have been pushed into a title match, or what songs existed back then if you wanted to change the show's theme music, and so forth.

You may only discuss Summerslam 2004 in this thread. The remaining Summerslam events will be getting their own retrospective threads, any posts regarding other events will be considered spam and you risk getting an infraction.

An additional note on Chris Benoit, please keep comments on him limited to the match from this show. There's more than enough topics on him elsewhere in this section.

Discuss! :)
I have mixed feelings about this show. While certainly not a great Summerslam, it wasn't a bad one either. It was definitely an improvement over 2003's.

Best match: The World Title match. I don't know the reason behind Orton losing the belt to Triple H a month later, maybe WWE felt they made a mistake and that he wasn't ready to carry the belt yet, but it was a great match regardless. I loved the counter into the RKO, and Orton winning was an unbelievable moment. I had no idea Orton would win although I should've suspected something when they decided to put Taker vs. JBL on second last.

Worst match: Diva Dodge Ball. They wasted 5 minutes on crap like this when they could've added on time to either Booker vs. Cena or Kane vs. Hardy, making one of those matches better. That's my first change right there, get rid of Diva Dodge Ball and extend the time on one of those matches.

My second and third change is taking Edge out of the IC Title match and leaving Batista vs. Jericho for the IC Title and having Triple H vs. Edge. Batista could've won the belt from Edge sometime after Vengeance with help from Triple H. And Eugene vs. Triple H would've been fine for another time. I actually didn't mind the storyline between Triple H and Eugene, believe it or not, but I couldn't take it seriously as a Summerslam match and neither could the fans, who were rooting for Triple H. B-PPV or a Raw, but not a major event like Summerslam. I'd have Edge take on Triple H because he had vowed to take down Evolution after he returned. They forgot about that storyline after Vengeance. He and Benoit had beaten Flair & Batista for the Tag Titles, he had beaten Orton for the IC Title at Vengeance, but he never had a match with Triple H. As I mentioned in the Good Feud, No Pay Off thread, they could've dragged that storyline all the way to Wrestlemania 21 where Edge could've won the World Title from Triple H and have taken down all the members of Evolution, but they were never gonna continue it as they had Orton pegged to be their next big star, so the least they could've done is blow it off with a match between Edge and HHH. Batista could interfere for Haitch and Jericho could run out to help Edge but end up accidentally costing him the match, setting up Edge's heel turn and feud with him.
Orton winning the World Title obviously stands out, though I'm also reminded here of the Best of 5 series between Booker & Cena, which I personally enjoyed.

The Orton/Benoit match highlighted why Orton was being touted as the future. The finish was shocking & surprising, especially given as it was clean.

Hard to believe its been nearly 10 years...
This was a nice bounce back from a weak SummerSlam the year before. SummerSlam 2004 doesn't stand out as a particularly great show but it certainly wasn't bad. It probably ranks in the middle of the pack. My favorite match was the main event. It was ten years ago so Randy Orton was a fresh face in the world title picture. I felt it was kind of a toss up as to who would win the match. I kind of figured Orton was going to win but part of me wondered if WWE was ready to pull the trigger on him yet. That sense of doubt made it a more interesting match and Orton and Benoit had a match of the year candidate.

My least favorite match was diva dodge ball if that counts as a match. What a ridiculous waste of time. Take a look at the times on the matches. Some of them could have benefited from the time the stupid dodge ball game took up. If I have to pick an actual match I'll say Triple H vs. Eugene. The only reason I'm picking this one is because the crowd turned against Eugene out of nowhere that night. Eugene had been popular all summer and his feud with Triple H was probably the most interesting thing going on in WWE. Eugene was doing a great job playing the inspirational and sympathetic character. I don't know why when it came time for the match against Triple H the fans suddenly turned on him. I felt it really took away from the match.

As for my change, I would leave Batista off the card. He was only a few months away from breaking out as a superstar but at this time his absence from the card would not have been noticeable. I think Chris Jericho vs. Edge one on one for the IC title would have been more interesting and a better match. On a side note like with Eugene the crowd turned on Edge this night. Edge and Jericho were both face so maybe they were just favoring Jericho but the boos toward Edge were noticeable. This was especially unexpected considering SummerSlam was in Edge's hometown. I doubt the reaction of one crowd would play a major role in future plans but the the seeds of Edge's heel turn were planted shortly after SummerSlam.
This show could have been a lot better. For what it is, I'll give it a 6/10. Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit was match of the night.
I would have had Undertaker win the championship at Summerslam and later he could have dropped it to JBL in the Last Ride match at No Mercy. Chris Jericho vs Edge vs Batista could have had a better build and if the match was given some time, it could have been a great match; Cena vs Booker T and Angle vs Eddie were good matches. If Eddie and Angle were given more time, even they could have put on a classic. They could have just avoided some matches and given more time to Angle-Eddie and the triple threat match. This is how the card should have been...

Matt Hardy vs Kane

John Cena vs Booker T

Edge vs Chris Jericho vs Batista

Triple H vs Eugene

Eddie Gurrero vs Kurt Angle

The Undertaker vs JBL

Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit each match enough time, particularly the triple threat, the Eddie-Angle and the double main events, this could have been one hell of a show.
Pretty weak SummerSlam to be honest, worse than 2003 which is saying a lot. The main-event between Randy Orton and Chris Benoit was the best match of the event but still not as good as the WWE title match between Lesnar and Angle the previous year in my opinion. The Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle match was also really good but I'd say forgettable in comparison to their WrestleMania 20 match. Other than those two matches the card was utter garbage, an underwhelming WWE title match between Undertaker and JBL, Booker T and John Cena's feud was great but this match was not a good showing compared to the matches they had on SmackDown and the Triple H V. Eugene match, although it made sense at the time is awful looking back at it ten years later and a complete waste of Triple H, who could have been in another high profile match. The main complaint I have with this card is that none of the title matches seemed like main-event matches, Randy Orton was shoved into the main-event after winning a battle royal and was not ready to win the title and JBL did have a good feud with Taker but in the ring they just did not click together.

All in all this is probably the most forgettable SummerSlam in history, with one match being the standout but due to it featuring Chris Benoit is hardly even talked about.
While not a bad summerslam its sorta in the middle.. Certainly a great improvement over the 2003 one anyway.. Definitely the worse match was indeed the Divas Dodgeball,wasting 5 minutes on that crap made no sense.. They could have had that as a pre-match summerslam just to get the crowd ready!

I would have had Edge go against Trips! That would have been a great match,and thats another feud correct me if im wrong that never happened.. Those two would have had awesome chemistry IMO and would have made a great match.. Plus Edge swore revenge against Evolution,hell he won the tag titles with Benoit against Naitch and Orton.. A forgotten storyline.. Boretista and Jericho could have gone at it,that would have been a great match and I would not have had a problem with Batista at the time,winning the belt from Edge at the next PPV which was I believe Unforgiven!

Orton winning the strap from Benoit was to me at least a little surprising.. A little over a 4 month reign for Benoit,I think he should have retained then dropped it to Triple H a Month later.. All in all a avg PPV

On a side note,its not I didnt mind the Triple H vs Eugene match,but no one thought Eugene would defeat the Future King of Kings.. The crowd turned on Eugene on a dime,that all but killed his character right then and there.. They could have had that match on a Monday Night Raw. It didnt belong on a summerslam card at all.

Undertaker vs JBL i honestly thought Taker would take down the Arrogant champion,and I wish he would have.. JBL winning Via DQ was the only way a heel champion like him,could retain his belt!
It was a decent show and it was better then last year's but the 2005 show was in an another level.
Favorite match: Benoit vs Orton. It was a great Main Event which a lot of technical moves with t\he right man winning at the end.
Worst match:The HHH vs Eugene show because it didn't felt like a match that should have been on a major show like Summer Slam but at the max in a B PPV.

I would have had the card look as follows:
1.Batista defeated Chris Jericho {C} & Eugene & Rob Van Dam in a Fatal 4 Way Elimination match to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
Have Jericho defeat Edge for the title at the previous PPV with a distraction from HHH and then have Batista start chasing after the title. Have Eugene and RVD in the match as they were really over with the crowd and it cannot be a heel vs heel match so having them in the match and have Batista look dominant in it eliminating all three man {In the order of: RVD & Jericho & Eugene} to get more heat from the crowd.

2.Kane defeated Matt Hardy in a Till Death Tear Us A Part match - Stay like it was.

3.John Cena defeated Booker T in the 1st match in the best of five series for the Vacant WWE United States Championship. - Stay like it was.

4.Kurt Angle defeated Eddie Guerrero - Stay like it was.

5.Triple H defeated Edge.
Have HHH cost Edge the IC Title at the previous month. Then in the Raw Iron Man match between HHH and Benoit for the WHC have Edge distract HHH in the end of the match allowing Benoit to pin him and retain the title. The next few weeks could be with sneak attacks from each man on the other where in the Raw before Summer Slam you can pull of an Eight Man tag team match between Evolution {HHH & Orton & Batista & Flair} vs Edge & Benoit & Eugene & Rob Van Dam that will end in a Hugh brawl between all eight man {with Jericho who will be on commentary also involving}.

6.The Undertaker defeated JBL {C} via a disqualification to retain the WWE Championship.
Just reverse the DQ decision in the end and have Orlando Jordan attack Taker with a chair or a pipe to cause the DQ.

7.Randy Orton defeated Chris Benoit {C} to win the World Heavyweight Championship - stay as it was.
this particular SummerSlam is a bit of a head-scratcher to me. it wasn't the worst show i've ever seen, but it's far from the best. like others have said, it's just average and somewhere in the middle of the pack as far as other SummerSlam events go. nothing really stands out to me outside of Angle/Eddie, and even that was better at Mania 20 than it was here. to the changes...

the 6-Man Tag Match between the Dudley Boys and Mysterio/Kidman/London was okay for what it was. i always prefer when the titles are defended on ppv, especially the big 4, so i'd do a change here. Dudley Boys vs. RVD/Mysterio for the Tag Team Titles. RVD was totally wasted on this ppv with a dark match but he and Mysterio did form a team around this time. given the history all four men had with ECW, this would be a fun match and better than the throw away 6-Man we got.

Kane vs. Matt Hardy was okay. pretty short match considering the storyline going into it. maybe a gimmick was needed here? No DQ or Street Fight, etc. or maybe just some more time. mostly leave it as is, i guess. same goes with Cena vs. Booker T as it was good too. my only changes to these two would really be a simple matter of adding more time to let them tell more complete stories between the ropes.

i might be in the minority here, but i really liked the program between Triple H and Eugene. it was pretty compelling at the time. but the culmination between the two in a singles match at SummerSlam just didn't work. maybe a program leading to Survivor Series with both men captaining teams instead? since Eugene was paired with Regal during the summer, i'd do a Tag Team Match between Regal/Eugene vs. Flair/Batista. keeps the same guys on the card, more or less, but this might have kept the crowd from turning on Eugene mid-match. Eugene/Hunter can begin the next night on Raw and culminate at Survivor Series as suggested.

that brings me to Triple H vs. Edge. Edge was on a campaign against Evolution, teaming with Benoit to defeat Flair/Batista for the Tag Team Titles and then defeating Orton for the IC Title. so Edge moving on to Triple H, maybe even making it for said IC Title in Edge's hometown would be a much better match i think.

i'm gonna assume that Christian was injured since i can't remember. too
bad since his program with Jericho was really good. i'm thinking Jericho vs. Orton should have happened here instead. Orton was not ready for the World Title yet, he turned face, lost the World Title and was heel again within months. it would've been better if he just stayed heel and away from the World Title, or so i think.

JBL vs. Undertaker was fine on paper. execution (no pun intended) was a little off. but that might have been the ending. maybe a gimmick was needed here. just not sure what could have been done to make this better, but i really did like the pairing on paper.

my main event idea is pretty radical. i'd do Benoit vs. Angle vs. Eddie for the World Title. Angle/Eddie had a great feud for the World Title on Smackdown, but once JBL got the strap both guys were kinda left out from then on. Benoit/Angle and Benoit/Eddie and Angle/Eddie were all amazing singles feuds. a triple threat between the three could have been really awesome and been easy to write given their histories together.

not sure what i'd do with HBK. i'm guessing he was left off the card since Canada hates him.

so there's my card, for better or worse. move a few guys around, give some matches more time and let JBL/Taker end cleanly.

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