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As a WWE fan who lives in Canada, I watch both RAW and Smackdown on a sports channel called The Score, rather than on USA as the American viewers on here do. I have been in the US for the last couple of weeks on vacation and so have watched WWE programming on USA. Immediately following RAW is this show called "Suits" which I have really been enjoying, although I don't know much about it. Is this a new show or has it been on for a while? What do you guys think of this show if you watch it? I like the way this show portrays the prickish nature of the lawyers involved, and I enjoy seeing the dude who is not a lawyer interact and try to exist amongst the "sharks" .Unfortunately by next Monday, vacation is over, back to the real world and I won't see the show anymore, but from what I have seen, I think it's pretty good. Thoughts?
It's a new show, I think it's only been airing for like 2 or 3 weeks. It's not bad, USA has some pretty good shows, and then they have some really terrible ones, this is one of the better ones, t& White Collar are far far better, so far I I don't mind it, like you I like they way it portrays the prickish nature of lawyers with the new guy trying to fit in where he doesn't belong. It's an interesting show so far, & one a plan on continuing to watch at least for a while more.
Two things I dont care for about Suits: Unlike Psych and Burn Notice, for example, there is no background presented as to how the lead became incredibly gifted with his ability to absorb information. In Psych, Shawn was forced to endure tests of observation from his father on a daily basis, so he developed his keep observation skills that lead him to be able to fool the police that he's a psychic. Second, Gabriel Mecht(Harvey Spencer) is an idiot for hiring him, and all it would take is a simple background check from anyone within his law firm to show he didnt go to Harvard.

Otherwise, this is a darn good show. The leads do play off each other well, and Rick Hoffman(Louis Livv) is excellent as usual as a smarmy, arrogant lawyer out to get Harvey, which is the role hes played in several films as well. The cases are interesting, and the backstory of his friend Trevor using him as a drug runner, along with the reveal that Trevor's girlfriend doesn';t know what his job is, makes for an interesting dynamic. It has a much more authentic feel of what lawyers are like for the most part, obnoxious, degrading, and highly self-absorbed. Ive seen the first 3 episodes, but missed last nights. From what Ive seen, its been well done thusfar, and excellently cast.

And Habs, you do have a computer, correct? ;) You can still watch it here.
Two things I dont care for about Suits: Unlike Psych and Burn Notice, for example, there is no background presented as to how the lead became incredibly gifted with his ability to absorb information. In Psych, Shawn was forced to endure tests of observation from his father on a daily basis, so he developed his keep observation skills that lead him to be able to fool the police that he's a psychic.

LSN, something like his ability to remember stuff is not learned whatsoever. It's the same kind of memory capability that is shown in Good Will Hunting. Some people really do have the ability to read something and recall it forever. The fact that someone with that kind of mind is wasting his time being a lawyer somewhat bothers me about the show though.

But otherwise the show isn't bad so far. It does bother me that they haven't done some kind of background check on him, but I think they're actually getting to that in coming episodes. A few other things about the show are coming off as a little far fetched as well, but I'm willing to let this season play out and see how I like it. I haven't watched the last 2 weeks yet, but I have them DVR'd.
LSN, something like his ability to remember stuff is not learned whatsoever. It's the same kind of memory capability that is shown in Good Will Hunting. Some people really do have the ability to read something and recall it forever. The fact that someone with that kind of mind is wasting his time being a lawyer somewhat bothers me about the show though.

Agree to disagree here? This is absolutely both a natural AND learned skill. If someone isnt using said skill, it tends to slow down. Ive seen it in people myself, and specifically with those who have used drugs, they've lost part of the skill. Its one that needs to be used on a fairly regualr basis to keep with.

But otherwise the show isn't bad so far. It does bother me that they haven't done some kind of background check on him, but I think they're actually getting to that in coming episodes. A few other things about the show are coming off as a little far fetched as well, but I'm willing to let this season play out and see how I like it. I haven't watched the last 2 weeks yet, but I have them DVR'd.

Thats how it seems its going to play out with the background check, as they've already planted the seeds that Louis is looking into him as a way to get Harvey. And all Im saying about the gift is that unlike in other shows, they havent explained his gift well, or what he's used it for in the past. Other then that, I have no complaints about the show, and either DVR it or watch it if Im home.
Agree to disagree here? This is absolutely both a natural AND learned skill. If someone isnt using said skill, it tends to slow down. Ive seen it in people myself, and specifically with those who have used drugs, they've lost part of the skill. Its one that needs to be used on a fairly regualr basis to keep with.

They cover all this at the beginning of the first episode, he's using the skill to take other students exams for them, and nearly gets caught cause he's getting sloppy the more & more he smokes weed, I beleive he even has a line where he says he needs to stop smoking cause he's getting sloppy & nearly got caught that day.

Thats how it seems its going to play out with the background check, as they've already planted the seeds that Louis is looking into him as a way to get Harvey. And all Im saying about the gift is that unlike in other shows, they havent explained his gift well, or what he's used it for in the past. Other then that, I have no complaints about the show, and either DVR it or watch it if Im home.

I think they're staying away from the background check because if they do that right away then there is really no show, part of what makes the show interesting is knowing that he's not suppose to be there and knowing that there is one person in the firm that doesn't want him there & suspects he's not suppose to be there, Louis, & every episode he seems to be trying to throw a new curve ball at Mike, in which Mike has to deal with while also trying to deal with Harvey's shit as well
They cover all this at the beginning of the first episode, he's using the skill to take other students exams for them, and nearly gets caught cause he's getting sloppy the more & more he smokes weed, I beleive he even has a line where he says he needs to stop smoking cause he's getting sloppy & nearly got caught that day.

They show what he uses the skill for, certainly. But the background of the thing is very weak. He dumped his drug dealing friend and weed because Harvey told him he had to after he told Harvey his "story". Except there was little story. Neal in White Collar has his background with Mozz and Kate, Shawn In Psych has his dad who drilled things into his head from day one, and Michael joined the military because of his abusive father. So they explained where the skills of ther aforementioned came from, but didnt cover
why Mike is so smart, I guess we can assume he was born with this memory, but nothing more.

I think they're staying away from the background check because if they do that right away then there is really no show, part of what makes the show interesting is knowing that he's not suppose to be there and knowing that there is one person in the firm that doesn't want him there & suspects he's not suppose to be there, Louis, & every episode he seems to be trying to throw a new curve ball at Mike, in which Mike has to deal with while also trying to deal with Harvey's shit as well.

Well, they went there in the first episode when Louis told Mike his cousin didn't know him, and Harvey sent him to Harvard to brush up on his knowledge. Im not sure why they touched on this in the first episode, but Louis didnt do a simple background check since he was already suspicious. That part to me doesnt make sense. Yeah, Louis throws a new curve ball at him surrounding Harvard, but thats what I would have started with personally. Theyre working their way, apparently, towards Mike breaking in to Harvards records and forging documents to show he was there. All Im saying is thats where I would have gone first, because a law firm like Harvey's would have wanted documentation right off the bat. Harvey knows his secret and doesnt care, but Jessica I think would care, along with Louis. They're just getting to it ass-backwards is all Im saying.
This show has seemed to have gotten away from Mike and is now much more focused on Harvey and the law firm. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, as I like this season already more than last season, but it's barely even used Mike's ability to recall things instantly. They are, however, developing his intelligence as he's learning how to become a good lawyer.
I've started watching it this season and it has been enjoyable. I was able to catch up on season 1 a little bit on Cloo back in June before the new season premiered. It does seem like the focus is more on the firm this time around. Real curious to see the outcome of the final scene from last night.
I've started watching it this season and it has been enjoyable. I was able to catch up on season 1 a little bit on Cloo back in June before the new season premiered. It does seem like the focus is more on the firm this time around. Real curious to see the outcome of the final scene from last night.

I haven't watched last night's episode yet. Got it DVR'd though.

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