
Do you like Suicide?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
As reported earlier, Frankie Kazarian's bad luck continued as he tore his biceps at the 12/15 Impact taping while doing a mere run-in as the masked Suicide character. He was just coming back from a torn triceps. Kazarian underwent surgery, which should put him out of action for another four to six months.

Bryan Alvarez, publisher of the Figure Four Weekly, hinted at the cause of his muscle tears with the following line: "There is a lesson to be learned from this that people in wrestling never learn." While TNA technically has a drug policy in place, they have yet to enforce it. The injury probably would have been prevented if they had enforcement in place.

Suicide was scheduled to have his first match at the set of Impact tapings following next month's Genesis pay-per-view on January 11. While Kazarian will be on the shelf until at least the spring, he will continue to be brought to TV to work backstage and likely film vignettes building his character. Although, there is talk of putting another person in the costume to do run-ins to keep the character alive on television.

The two wrestlers being discussed for the role are Christopher Daniels and Paul London. London was released from World Wrestling Entertainment on November 7, 2008, so his 90-day no-compete clause doesn't expire until early February. London has been telling promoters he doesn't want to think about returning to the ring until at least February anyway.

Low Ki's name was also brought up, but his commitments to New Japan Pro Wrestling would prevent him from attending all the tapings. Low Ki's name came up because he was at an Impact taping last week dropping by.

There is a joke backstage saying they can put Christopher Daniels in the Suicide mask and have him lose the "Feast or Fired" match again next year.

I thought he was mediocre whenever I've seen him. I mean, I even started calling him Kookie Kutter Kaz, he's just bland and generic. The way he was booked didn't help. One week he was having seven shades of shit smashed out of him, but the next week he was getting a world title shot. Guys like Kurt Angle and Christian Cage (in particular) went out of their way to make him look like gold and he just didn't deserve it. It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't getting the rub over guys like Robert Roode, Alex Shelley and, ahem, James Storm. And while we're on it, the Terrordome (or Steel Asylum, as they call it now) was a terrible match and Kaz is in no way, shape or form any sort of replacement for Kurt Angle. I've finished channeling Y 2 Jake. For now.

I'm not glad he's injured, obviously. I mean, despite the fact that he was given the honour of making everyone else look weak (even it was two guys, he had no problem clearing the ring - ridiculous) and depicting a character from a videogame that was released and promptly flopped months ago, at least he was slightly less bland.

If TNA want to continue the Suicide gimmick - it's stupid, so they may but continuing it would make sense storyline-wise, so who knows - then they can give Senshi a call. Maybe he can actually perform the DOA, and not just flop over. Mike Tenay's yells of "That's the DOA!" and the obvious reaction of "Erm, was it?" didn't help matters.
I haven't heard of this article before but if it's true, then Suicide (Kaz) really does have terrible luck. Just when you think he's safe by doing run-in's only, he goes ahead and tears his biceps. I don't wish injury upon anybody, but I'm really not going to miss Suicide and that lame gimmick. Seriously what exactly is his gimmick? TNA has only said he's from the video game, but they haven't mentioned anything else about him. He hasn't even had a match yet under his new gimmick. I hated Kaz, but I think I may hate Suicide even more.

The guy just isn't that talented, to be honest. He shouldn't ever be a main eventer in TNA, under any gimmick. The weird thing about his gimmick, is that he's a babyface. When TNA ran those promos on iMPACT and on that website they made just for him, it gave me the impression that he was some type of evil heel. He looks like a heel, his name is heelish and he should be a heel in TNA. And Sam, you're certainly right about mentioning that Kaz shouldn't be given a push ahead of guys like Robert Roode and James Storm. If Suicide is a mid-carder and nothing more, then I can't complain as much.

I do wish Kaz a speedy recover as he has been out for a long time now and two consequtive injuries can't be good for him mentally and physically. The gimmick is very lame though and needs to be dropped A.S.A.P. I just don't see what's so great about Kaz, and I seriously think he doesn't have a place in TNA at the present moment.


Good to know that it wasn't just my hate for Kaz that made the gimmick seem stupid. Yes, that is definitely, definitely a new Suicide. Judging from the build and the body language, I'd put my money on it being Senshi. They're still really driving it home that the character is from the videogame. Fucking idiots.

Edit: No, wait, it's probably Daniels.
Leave it to TNA to push something that was semi relevant 3 months ago. Seriously, what are they trying to accomplish with this? There's nothing interesting about the character, he looks like a Japanese video game company's mascot, and he does random run ins. Why? he's a hidden character in the video game. Who's next to appear? Metal Mario? The time frame would fit wonderfully.
You know, at first I was alright with the concept of the character. He almost seemed like a good mysterious deep character that TNA has put together. Now he just seems like TNA's Doink the Clown.

Kaz isn't as good as he is said to be, that is more obvious everyday now. But if they wanted Suicide to be taken seriously, something they really seem intent on doing, then they should have someone with some talent perform the character.
Kaz isn't "bad" in the ring but there are better, younger wrestlers who deserved the push he got against Christian & Angle. With that said, the problem with he is that he is bland and has no personality. He still got cheered(because pretty much anything get's a reaction in TNA)but he just doesn't connect well with the audience.

So boring, bland Kaz get's put into a costume so that it might make him interesting, but it doesn't. Suicide was just another over the top gimmick that just doesn't work. I get that the character was a way to promote the game, but when the game was released months ago and already losts it's buzz and did nothing the whole idea just seems pointless.

And now since Kaz was injured and TNA could just get rid of the whole gimmick they make Chris Daniels(who is also boring but could be alot more entertaining)play it. The character is just another crappy "character" that TNA just seems to love "Sharkboy, Super Eric, Black Reign, rellik, ect)but like all of thoes "gimmicks" suicide will be gone soon enough.
I really don't know what they plan on doing with this character, but it's stupid to try to keep it going. Come on, we were so close to getting the old "Fallen Angel" back to give the Frontline some sort of a TNA Original feel to it. Curry man was "fired" everything was in place, but Kaz gets injured and creative feels this Suicide gimmick is so awesome that it has to be kept alive through Kaz's injury.

Honestly it would have been more of benefit to TNA to throw Daniels into the main feud in TNA right now the Frontline/Main Event Mafia Angle, rather than to keep a stupid character from a flump video game.

I don't think it is Senshi because he's signed to WWE in FCW wrestling under the name Kawal.
oh, i dunno....
knowing tna's creative "direction" of late. i can totally see a see a situation wherein they just rotate through.

one year he's daniels, fired at the end due to feast or fired, the next, he's curry man, the next he's suicide.

always fired but never unemployed.

noone can tell me they haven't done worse.

on the other hand, it would require a long term plan, simple though it is, perhaps i ascribe more ability to tna than i should.
Sorry if this is been posted, I couldn't find it. Anyways, am I the only guy who likes Suicide? It seems people are always ragging on him, but I really enjoy him. My only gripes are that
1) He's a total advertisement for their videogame
2) They're using Daniels as Suicide, rether than just bring in a new guy
Still, I like the costume, and his gimmick of doing run-ins on people. Anybody else like him?
I voted no because the character and the name are irrelevant to each other. A character that represents "suicide" would be a Raven-type, an Abyss-type, not this spiderman deal. I'd like to see where they go with this. I actually do like that it's Christopher Daniels doing the part, because it gives credibility to the Feast or Fired match, and even though he's still with the company, they can do a storyline of him fighting for his "job" back, which he lost 2 years ago (?).
I hate him, all I have to say. And, where is everyone getting this whole "Daniels is Suicide" thing? Please, tell me.. Because from what I've been reading, it's still Kaz.
I hate him, all I have to say. And, where is everyone getting this whole "Daniels is Suicide" thing? Please, tell me.. Because from what I've been reading, it's still Kaz.

The plan is Kaz as Suicide. However, Kaz is still hurting from surgery. In order to not reduce momentum for the character, Daniels is temporarily portraying Suicide. However, Daniels could end up portraying him long-term.

In terms of his Spiderman gimmick as not-suicidal......that zipline thing.......thinking about Owen Hart........yea.......suicidal.
No, all he is is a run-in to beat people up. They've been doing that for quite some time and nothing else with him. They should at least have him in some sort of angle with somebody by now.
I should hate him. the whole thing is kind of stupid considering it is as an advertisement for the video game (like the thread started stated), and his costume is kind of stupid and on top of all that he's not a new wrestler instead he's daniels/kaz. With all that said..... for some reason i don't hate him in fact I actually kind of like him. I like his entrance music and I like the zipline, I even like the random run ins. This may change in the future but for now I like Suicide.
Actually what I'd like to see is once Kaz gets all healthy.. they keep them BOTH as the Suicide chartacter.. If it is done one way they could make him another freaky guy that can pop out of anywhere like The Undertaker did for a while and also Sting when he first started with the whole "Crow" story line back in WCW.. (It would also help with the run in and then hide thing... Misdirection)
OR they could make it a tag team incarnation.. Like what the "Bella Twins" were doing and "The Killer B's" sure it is not a new thing either way but what gimmic now a days is?
Besides from what I've seen the video game is not doing as well as they expected.
What I like most about Suicide is that he's here one week and not the next. He should be called Attempted Suicide because I don't think he's been on more than two shows in row.

A character taken from a flop game, that's even worse than WCW using Robocop from a hit movie.
I like the idea of Daniels playing suicide because like the video game which was pretty good now Daniels as Suicide can fight to get back to the big time . I feel Daniels is a better worker then KAZ so it's a better fit .
Well i actually like the gmmick it sorta reminds me of sting a little but the name idk sucide it really dose not fit him they come up with a different name like fang or something
In terms of his Spiderman gimmick as not-suicidal......that zipline thing.......thinking about Owen Hart........yea.......suicidal.

I don't think that has any relevance whatsoever. Owen Hart wasn't suicidal, nor did he commit suicide.
Actually what I'd like to see is once Kaz gets all healthy.. they keep them BOTH as the Suicide chartacter.. If it is done one way they could make him another freaky guy that can pop out of anywhere like The Undertaker did for a while and also Sting when he first started with the whole "Crow" story line back in WCW.. (It would also help with the run in and then hide thing... Misdirection)
OR they could make it a tag team incarnation

To keep up the "mystery", they could alternate who's in the suit, but never have Daniels or Kaz on screen at the same time. Or to throw for a bigger loop, have them both on screen and someone else in the suit. This way they can both still have careers as Christopher Daniels and Kaz.
I actually like the gimmick.It adds some flavour to the X division.
However,his named."Suicide" is a rather iffy name and he hasn't earned the right yet (With the exception of the zip line).Lets wait and see how he does in ultimate x.

I can't wait for kaz to come back for 2 reasons
1) The Fallen Angel will return
2)We will finally see a non-botched DOA as Daniels has a different finisher.
Since petey left TNA is seriously missing flipping finishers
I think that he/it could potentially become a really cool character, or a really stupid one. It depends on what direction they go. Right now, I really enjoy the character (although the name is a little.... controversial.)

If they build up the character as having come into our world directly from the video game, then that'd be really interesting. Have the character learn to talk (doubtful) and reveal that he dimension delved from the game into our world. I for one would like to see something like that.

Either way, very interesting character at the moment.
I don't understand why they are still puhing it. By the time it is Kaz again, everyone will know it is Kaz and we'll end up with a less over version of someone who used to be quite liked.

When the game came out, the character would have been alright, and would have made sense. Now several months and 17 sales later the character is irrelevant and nobody is going to care about it.

TNA should have dropped this once Kaz was injured, but they didn't, and it is going to draw on annoyingly and unecessarily for quite some time, before a crap reveal. "Oh, it's Kaz. Shit the bed." We'll all say.
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