Suggestion- Elimination Chamber- DX vs Straight Edge Society vs A Third Team


Celtic Warrior
After the opening of SmackDown tonight I have to say that the direction of Punk/Gallows and DX seems to be headed in the right direction. Great start to what could be the end of DX's reign as Unified Tag Champs. The match between HHH and Punk was more solid than any Raw match in at least the last month and it was followed by Gallows handing Hunter his ass until Michaels made the save. Great opening and a feud I will be paying attention to

If the DX/Punk&Gallows feud goes until Elimination Chamber I think they should put those two and another team in the Chamber and the last man standing gets the straps for their team. Its a nice twist to the traditional matches and could be very effective if done properly.

The only problem is that you would have to make one of the World Title matches a non-chamber match because three of those would be too many. In my opinion.

Solid Idea?
To me it didn't seem the time for the Straight Edge Society to get the titles just yet. It was just today that I felt the foundations were laid with Serena added to the team and I wouldn't want them to recieve the titles this early. But I do want the SES to recieve the titles by the Elimination Chamber PPV. They're a great stable and for some reason I'm really buying into them as a viable threat to the Tag Team Championships. I think it should just be a straight up tag match. The EC should not play a factor at all. This is just so I can see some interference coming from Serena or Hornswoggle as I expect them to play a factor.

The match between CM Punk and Triple H was an awesome teaser for greater things to come. I'm hoping the SES will get those titles so DX can break up in time for Mania.
Personally, its a good idea, but it wont work. the straightedge society won their chance at the title and if they wait until the EC to give them a chance and then add a third team then them winning the #1 contenders match wasnt much use and it wont make sence.
I'm not sure this feud is going to last too long because this time of year DX is usually involved in bigger and better things. However, if DX weren't the stars that they are, then yea i could see WWE giving this feud the time to develop into something serious and throw it in a EC. It's a good idea, but there is also no way they'd make 1 title match an EC and the other world title a non EC. It's to degrading. If there was time for 3 EC's, maybe.
Like i said, it's somewhat of a good idea, but there are too many factors that play against it.
I think SES vs DX will make a great storyline, especially after smackdown, it really seemed to work, the only problem I have with it is that if they faced of in the EC who else would fit into a match like that, because with Jeri-show gone and Legecy on the verge of a meltdown there is no othe tag teams that could fill the match, they could however do something desperate and add serena and find a diva for a 6-person EC but as I said they'd have to be desperate to put divas into a EC.
I agree I think there is a lot of potential in this feud. I really like the straight edge society and I want them to win the tag titles because punk with a title talking about how having a clear mind free of drugs got him that title would be great. However I dont want a third team thrown in there to ruin the feud. I dont see any reason this match couldnt be held at elimination chamber as a regular tag match or even a last man standing would be something different. More then anything I just want hornswoggle to stay the hell away from this feud. Raw and smackdown were so much better without him. A serious dx is a fun and interesting dx.
I see what you guys are saying about a third team not making much sense. The only reason I would want a third team is that the Chambers obviously have 6 competitors. Plus a Chamber destroys the possibility of a run-in which means that the match could have a legit finish for a change.

I think we will see SES/DX for the straps on tv in the next couple weeks, but much like most main-events as of late, it wont have a clear winner Im sure. Having a Chamber match is a great way to move the titles and end the fued going into Wrestlemania. It gives SES something to do at Mania, and takes the belts off of DX who wont need them anyway as both HBK and HHH will probably have huge singles matches at the event.
I am down with the idea, but why not have 6 tag teams in it? Otherwise, it sounds too NWA/WCW having one tag team member at a time. WWE hasn't done that sort of tag team match, and I feel they aren't big on it.

You could have the Straight Edge Society versus Degeneration X versus The Hart Foundation versus Legacy versus Cryme Tyme versus Trent Barreta & Caylen Croft. That way, you still have enough talent for the main event of Smackdown, Raw, and even ECW Elimination Chambers if they ever wanted to do 4.
First off let me say the idea is a great idea, just to add to it, you actually don't have to do a last man standing style to the match. Instead do it like WCW war games where a pin/submission can't happen til all people are active in the match. Also someone mentioned how Punk/Gallows have a shot already with DX, that doesn't mean DX can't win originally vs SES dirty in the first match. Maybe interference from a member of a 3rd team happens. Kudos on the idea
Im loving the SES as a legit tag team. I think they should be involved in the tag title mix and would love to see them get the titles soon. Having them off of DX hopefully gives us a tag title match at WM which i would love to see. Teams like the Hart Dynasty and Cryme Tyme could atleast get on the PPV. I think it would be cool to see an EC tag title match. My personal choice would be putting the Hart Dynasty in there as the 3rd team. They put on solid matches each week and have legit heat. They also have a bit of history with HBK so that ties in there. Here is hoping that maybe they could actually start a decent storyline involving the Tag Titles.
I would like to see the match between DX and the SES at EC, but not in an actual EC match. It just wouldn't make sense to put DX, SES, and a suprise team in the EC for the tag titles. That would mean one of the World titles would not be on the line in an EC match, which i would NOT wanna see happen. Either both world titles on the line in EC, or neither of them on the line in EC. Anyway, just DX vs. SES for the Unified tag titles would be a good upper-card match at EC, which, hopefully, would be the end of DX's tag title run :)

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