Success, Bust or In-Between: Mr. Kennedy

Success, Bust or In-Between: Mr. Kennedy?

  • Success

  • Bust

  • In-Between

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
With a relative success rate for these in the TNA section, I figure it can't hurt to try an expansion into a larger market with the WWE/F.

Just as was done with the series in the TNA section, former talents of the company will be critiqued (by you) regarding their work in said company. You can vote them either a success, a bust or in-between if you don't feel they deserve either extreme.

In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?

First in the series is Mr. Kennedy.



Mr. Kennedy
Years with WWE/F: 5 (2005–2009)
Number of titles runs: WWE United States Championship (1x)

Notable Feuds:
• Tony Chimel (2005)
• Batista (2006)
• Undertaker (2006)
• Brothers of Destruction (2006)
• Chris Benoit (2005/2006)
• Bobby Lashley (2007)
• Jeff Hardy (2007)
• Shawn Michaels (2007)
• William Regal (2008)

Other Accomplishments:
• Debuted in the WWE on SmackDown! in a match against Funaki in which he also created an on-going mini-feud with SmackDown! ring announcer Tony Chimel over how Tony announced Kennedy's introdcution
• Owns what he considers to be the "unfortunate honor" of being the last wrestler to face Eddie Guerrero in a televised match

Previous Polls:

• N/A/
Well this pretty easy for me, he was a complete and total bust. I like Kennedy, but this guy just could never get on track. Now a lot of that had to do to the fact that he is VERY injury prone. Seriously, this guy had feuds with The Undertaker,Batista,Shawn Michaels,Benoit, and was seemingly on his way to a feud with Orton right before he got released. All those names mentioned are some of WWE's top guys, and those feuds went no where, and aren't memorable at all.

Kennedy was given chance after chance, and he just went no where. Now, I will say I think it was a HUGE mistake for WWE to turn him face once he arrived on Raw. Kennedy was doing very good as a heel, and turning him face was just very bad timing. Plus, entrance music as a face was just horrible.
I'd have to say In Between. His time in the WWE, while it never amounted to much, due to his constant injury leave, it got him a fairly decent sized fan following. He feuded with all of the top guys in his time, but he could just never get things going. He had the mic skills to get over, and his ring work wasn't bad. It's a shame he couldn't put it all together and get a run with a championship of some kind.

Now that he is in TNA, I believe he will succeed and possibly be champion by the end of the year. I look forward to his work in the coming months and hope he doesnt' receive any more injuries.
I don't see how Kennedy can be graded one way or the other, which automatically makes him "in-between." He seems like the perfect case of an "in-between." He's not really a success, because he never got any big title runs, and he missed a lot of time with injuries. He's not really a bust, either, though, because he feuded with lots of big names and got WAY over. So, he's in-between.
Kennedy is an "in between" for me. I'm sure many will argue that his run in WWE was a complete failure, but he just had some really bad luck. He had some memorable feuds and matches even though he never got the one big push he needed.... and there were a few times when it looked like he was finally going to get that big main event push, but he kept getting injured or having wellness policy violations every time. I'm leaning closer to "bust" rather than "success" but since there is a happy medium in between the two, I'm going with "in between" because he was successful enough to get main event pushed planned for him, then just kept getting unlucky in terms of his injuries etc. If he was a complete and total failure then he would not have had any pushes planned for him, those storylines would have been scrapped. I hope that things turn around for him now that he is Mr Anderson over in TNA.
I really want to say he's a bust, since I can't stand his matches or promos, but you really can't deny that he had a measure of success between injuries and suspensions.

He defeated a lt of the biggest names in the company, and even won MiTB, which meant he was going to win the title. He could have been a rousing success, but he ended up as a bust, so that lands him in "in-between" territory.
Based on living up to potential Kennedy was a bust in my opinion. Everyone and their mother billed Kennedy as the future (including myself). But I'm voting in between. When he was healthy enough to compete he was pretty decent. He had a short US title reign and some big victories over some big name superstars. His promos were decent and he had some decent matches to boot. Plus he won the MITB briefcase, so you had to think had he not gotten hurt he would have been a world champ. So I'll say in between here.
Are we talking about overall? If we are then it's still way too early to tell. He's been wrestling for awhile, but he'll be in the business a hell of a lot longer. It's not fair of anyone to judge him just yet. Everyone wouldve said that Jeff Hardy was a bust 4 years into the mainstream. Or even Edge. A moderate amount of success sure. But Kennedy still has some years on him, so I think for right now it's pretty much in-between.
I went with In Between, when Kennedy was healthy he had some pretty high profile fueds and matches and had wins over some pretty big names, even winning a Money In The Bank match. He had some pretty good matches and was okay on the mic even though I never really liked him. If he didn't get injured or get suspended he would probably be a big success from hearing stories about how he was meant to be in some pretty big story lines and win the world title with his briefcase.
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