Success, Bust or In-Between: Gregory "Hurricane" Helms

Succes, Bust or In-Between: Gregory "Hurricane" Helms

  • Success

  • Bust

  • In-Between

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You know the series by now, I'd hope, but for those of you who don't, here's the run down:

• Former talents of the WWE/F are to be critiqued regarding their work with WWE/F, and only their work with WWE/F for the basis of these polls.
• Any work from the performer that was not done during his/her tenure during WWE/F should not factor into your vote.
• You can vote them either a success, a bust or in-between if you don't feel they deserve either extreme.

In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?

Next in the series is Gregory "Hurricane" Helms.



Gregory "Hurricane" Helms
Years with WWE/F: 9 (2001–2010)
Number of titles runs: WWF European Championship (x1), WWE Cruiserweight Championship (x2), WWE/World Tag Team Championship (x2), WWF Hardcore Championship (x1)

Notable Feuds:
• Billy Kidman (2001)
• The Hardy Boyz via Lance Storm (2001)
• Molly (2002)
• Jamie Noble (2002)
• The Rock (2003)
• La Résistance via Rosey (2003)
• Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (2005)
• Rosey (2005)
• Jerry Lawler (2006)
• The Cruiserweights Division (Nunzio, Kid Kash, Scotty 2 Hotty, Psicosis, etc.)(2006)
• Matt Hardy (2006)
• Jimmy Wang Yang (2006)
• Shelton Benjamin (2008)
• Paul Burchill (2009)

Other Accomplishments:
• Debuted in the WWF/E on SmackDown! as "Hollywood Gregory Helms as part of the Invasion storyline as a member of The Alliance losing the Cruiserweight Championship to Billy Kidman.
• Was the longest reigning cruiserweight champion in WWE history.
• Longest reigning champion of any kind in SmackDown! history.
• Was managed by Stacy Keibler, Ivory and Mighty Molly.
• Was awarded best gimmick in 2001 by The Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
• Ranked the 21st of the 500 best singles wrestler by Pro Wrestling Illustrated in 2003.
• Is widely considered a core member of the Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts (OMEGA) with Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore.

Previous Polls:

• Mr. Kennedy – 47.37% In-Between, 31.58% Bust, 21.05% Success
• Shelton Benjamin – 49.25% In-Between, 31.34% Bust, 19.40% Success
• Jeff Hardy – 75.00% Success, 16.25% In-Between, 8.75% Bust
• Mickie James – 93.22% Success, 5.08% In-Between, 1.69% Bust
• Charlie Haas – 75.68% Bust, 21.62% In-Between, 2.70% Success
• John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) – 80.17% Success15.52% In-Between, 4.31% Bust
Gregory Helms was a pretty decent talent, he was incredibly over with the crowd especially as Hurricane.

Gregory Helms held his share of championships as we can see, and feuded with some decently established names, and some incredibly over names (The Rock, in their comedy feud) which helped him a lot in becoming what I will consider an in-between.

He didn't establish enough to be considered anywhere near a success in my eyes, but he did establish enough, and was over enough to be above a bust.
I would say In-Between he is a good talent and underated imo. He was really over with The Hurricane gmmick it really didn't get him know were accept one or two tag tuns with Rosey. But I thought he was going to go somewere beyond the cruserweight when he had that really cool gmmick during his longest regin as Cruserweight champion.

He should of won the Ic title at least once though. Yeah he wasn't really a bust cause he did get him self over. But I wouldn't say he was a success either cause he never accomplish anything meaningful accept his cruserweight run but thats it.
While I consider his tag run with Rosey to be a part of the dismal aspects of his career in the WWE/F, his longest reigning Cruiserweight championship feud with the entire Cruiserweight division was phenomenal, and though he was primarily used as a comedy guy, I'd still consider him an in-between.

As Ferbian noted, he did enough not to be a bust, but not quite enough to be a total success.
During his feud with Rock he gained some wins over him and was incredibly over. He certainly had his moments. His time as the CW champ was also a high point in his career. If he didn't have injury issues and wasn't as misused at times than this would be easy to vote for him as a success. Since I don't think he ever lived up to his potential though I'll vote in between.
Definitely In-Between, however, leaning more towards success from there.

Helms is a multi-time Cruiserweight, and a Tag-Team champion. He's also been a European champion and a Hardcore champion. He is also the longest reigning Cruiserweight champion in the history of the WWE.

In WCW, He was known as Sugar Shane, as that character, he also was a Cruiserweight and Hardcore champion.

However, his best days came as The Hurricane. Whenever his theme song blasted throughout the arena, the fans would go nuts. Even after a hiatus that lasted years from the gimmick, fans, old and new were treated to The Hurricane on ECW. He was one of the most over gimmicks in the WWE, in fact, I have a replica Hurricane mask, and I'm 24!

Overall, he was a good superstar, just not great. He was definitely In-Between.
Hurricanes over all career is a success, between mid 2003 (after his feud with Rock/Evolution) until Royal Rumble 2006 he was let down greatly by the higher ups in creative, from 2006-2007 spot on heel, feuds with Matt Hardy long title run can't complain, wrestled in a dark match at Mania (23) nice run, his neck injury until 2010, he did very little, when he returned in late 2008 and looked like an MMA fighter that didn't suit him, his return to hurricane was the start then he was fired for his drunken bs.

Over all sucessful IMO, but he wasn't used very well IMO.
for what he did in the ring and taking that he was under-rated throughout his WWE career and under-utilized near the end of his tenure with the WWE, I would put him at success. But because he wasn't utilized enough near the end, I would put him at in-between.

He also wasn't pushed the way I feel he should have been. WWE did give him a push in the tag team division with Rosey and with the cruiserweight title for a while, but I felt he deserved more, based on his crowd reaction because of his Hurricane gimmick.
Gregory Helms is one of those wasted talents in wrestling. He was over with the fans, he won his share of titles, but couldn't fight his demons.

I remember when he came back from a long absence; became a heel; distanced himself from "the Hurricane" gimmick; and was phenomenal. He challenged for the world title, IC belt, US belt and gave the current champs a wrestling lesson along the way. The guy knows and lives wrestling. I just wish he could find work somewhere...why won't TNA use a guy of his calliber?
This one is a pretty interesting choice here. I mean obviously his WWE career was a lot better than his WCW career, but he could've gone on to bigger things in the WWE. But I gotta go with in-between on this one..

I will say that his LONG title reign as the Cruiserweight Champion and his win over The Rock in '03 were his biggest accomplishments but it was his injuries and his outside-of-the-ring party shenanigans that have to had ruined his career, which was a shame. He was very talented but he just never had that gimmick or feud that took him to the next level. So while his run in the WWE was OK, I gotta go with in-between on this one.
I voted success. Let's get real here. Hurrisensor (my nickname for him) was never going to be anything more than an enhancement talent. He was the Evan Bourne of his time. He was never destined to be a 9 time world champion, or carry the company. In today's age, he might have been given the IC or US strap, but that's only because almost everybody gets to carry those titles nowadays. You might as well call them "enhancement titles", because that's basically what they are. So, forget all the talk about how great of a wrestler he was, what moves he could pull off, what kind of match he could have had given the chance, all that crap.

In the role he was given, he excelled. He had a gimmick that was over with the kiddies. He sold some merchandise. He got to wrestle matches with some of the best. He did his job, he had a good run. He'll be remembered.....not everybody is. He probably made some money too, and hopefully he was smart enough to do good things with it. In those terms, how can you argue that he wasn't successful? I'd argue he was more over than say, Shelton Benjamin.

Anyone who really believed that he was going to be more than what he was needs to temper their expectations.

If they had written this guy's part right over the years,and he had not gotten into trouble,he would be on par with Rey Rey.I say success all the way cuz he was the longest reigning champion on smackdown,the WWE's greatest superhero,and over all well liked among fans.
I wanted to vote success, but had to go with In-Between. Helms can really wrestle and can be very exciting to watch. However, not a big fan of the Hurricane. Yeah, it was a very over gimmick, but it limited Helms in other ways. I was much more a fan of Gregory Helms. He held the Cruiserweight Title for a LONG ass time with this gimmick. Then he went back to the Hurricane and the cheeziest fucking vignettes ever. Sure he was funny at times, but for me it mostly fell a bit short.
Very much a fan but In Between gets the nod.
I have to say success...hurricane was really over, had a great tag partner as well (kane), i think his biggest accomplishment came when he was cruiserweight champion, I quit WWE in 2005-2007, so I wasn't really watching wrestling properly to actually judge him, but he held it for a long time...he showed us that Hurricane Helms wasn't the only good thing about him, he used to get a lot of heat as Gregory Helms!!

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