Success, Bust or In-Between: Awesome Kong

Success, Bust or In-Between: Awesome Kong?

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  • Bust

  • In-Between

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This is a new poll series I'm hoping to run here in the TNA section where (recently) departed former talents of the company will be critiqued regarding their work with the company. You can vote them either a success, a bust or in-between if you don't feel they deserve either extreme.

In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?

Next in the series is Awesome Kong.



Awesome Kong
Years with TNA: 3 (2007–2010)
Number of titles runs: TNA Knockout Champion (2x), TNA Knockout Tag Team Champion (1x)

Notable Feuds:
• Gail Kim (2007)
• Taylor Wilde (2008)
• Taylor Wilde/Roxxi (2008)
• Sojourner Bolt (2009)
• The Beautiful People (2009)
• Tara (2009)
• ODB (2009)

Other Accomplishments:
• Debuted in TNA at iMPACT in 2007, defeating Gail Kim in a singles match.
• Was managed by Raisha Saeed (Alissa Flash)

Previous Polls:

• Booker T – 46.43% Bust, 33.93% In-Between, 19.64% Success
• Christian Cage – 87.72% Success, 12.28% In-Between, 0% Bust
• Petey Williams – 52.50% In-Between, 35% Success, 12.50% Bust
• Gail Kim – 61.54% Success, 19.23% In-Between, 19.23% Bust
• Gail Kim – 61.54% Success, 19.23% In-Between, 19.23% Bust
• Senshi – 66.67% Success, 28.57% In-Between, 4.76% Bust
• Monty Brown – 54.05% In-Between, 27.03% Bust, 18.92% Success
• Awesome Kong – In Progress
• Christopher Daniels – In Progress
Despite being fired for lashing out physically over such a ridiculous comment as "Fuck Haiti" that Bubba the Love Sponge muttered, Kong was a smashing success in TNA IMO, and one of the most dominant women's wrestlers in history. Her feud with Gail Kim over the Knockouts title is still one of the most relevant women's story lines that still sits fresh in my mind because of how powerful the David v. Goliath aspect was.

100% Success for me.
Kong was very successful in TNA, she accomplished a lot while she was in TNA. She was the most dominant females wrestler and TNA, and she also had successful championship reings. Awesome Kong had some good feuds with most of the TNA Knockout roster, But IMO the best feud she had in TNA was the Taylor Wilde feud, Because Wilde took her to the limit and got the best of her. So I could easily say that Kongs 3 years in TNA was a success.
Watching Kong with the KO's title was like watching the Giant with the title back in WCW. She was such a strong figure of destruction. To win the belt from her had to be done with some miraculous display of strength & will. That's how well they built and she performed her character.

With her being a walking tsunami and accompanied with Saeed, ODB looking like a hybrid Austin/Batista, Tara bringing all around talent, and Love leading the Beautiful People, I really thought TNA was building a strong KO's division. Now without that main figure at the top, looks like they lost their direction. We need you Kong!
Awesome Kong was one of the cornerstones of the Knockout Division at the time it was really heating up. She was a dominant force, and I personally don't think that there was a time where Kong was used incorrectly. She ran roughshod over everybody and had a couple KO Titles reigns to show for it. When I think of women's wrestling, she is one of the names that come to mind. Had Kong not been released, she still would have been at the top of the KO food chain and despite Hogan's love for the "Diva look", he'd have no choice but to keep Kong due to her popularity and threatening presence in the ring. Awesome Kong is by far a SUCCESS!!!
First of all, fix your Monty Brown. It says In-Between twice.

I have a big problem with Kong, for one reason. Who the hell is supposed to logically beat her? I mean sure, let's cite the male division. You've got big guys like Big Show, but there are actually people SOMEWHAT close to his size (Cena, HHH to name a few.) Look at the entire KO division. Who the HELL is even close to Kong's size? None of the Knockouts are built like a brick shithouse. There's no Chyna to make it seem like a worthy contender.

That aside, Kong is an AMAZING athlete, someone I've referred to many times as a female Bigelow. Someone that big and agile is a tremendous asset, and I don't see why she couldn't just wrestle some of the guys. She had a huge monster heel run, which in itself established the Knockouts title along with Gail Kim. For herself, AND TNA, a success.
Being the guy to usually spike the kool-aid everyone is drinking, I have to disagree.

Sure, she was the best thing they had and they used her to the best of their ability, doesn't make here a success. Sure, it was believable that since she was the size of a Hostess truck that she could be dominant. Sure, she was successful, in light of the last statement that's the only way they could have gone really because it was so less than likely that anyone else would beat her. But, let's take a step back here, and take a look at the character in general, it was fucking stupid.

Really, what was the gimmick? She was a big pissed off black lady or something? What was the deal? Or she was supposed to be from the jungle some where but was discovered by Raisha Saeed in Japan or Australia or somewhere? None of the character outline was really clear, or ever reinforced should I say. The character acted dumb, never really spoke, and was obviously not going to be getting dominated by anyone, taking away a lot of the interest in her at least to me.

She was good in the ring and I can't say anything against that, but really, who was going to legitimately beat her? No one, so it didn't matter what she was like in the ring, you pretty much knew the outcome, and any outcome outside of her winning didn't seem legit. I didn't like how she acted like a some kind of a monster or crazy person or whatever either. I thought it just made the character seem ridiculous, and made it harder to take the character seriously.

Finally, the main thing here as why I rule this as a failure, is the way she left the company. Most definitely, you bring some problem to work and decide to attack someone because they don't support your cause and said so? Fuck you, you can't separate business from personal matters, fuck you, your a failure. You've proven your a failure by ruining the best thing you had going on which was a top spot in big promotion.

In my eyes that tarnishes anything positive she did for herself, the womens division, or the company. I always thought the character was stupid anyways so this just put the icing on the cake for me. Good riddance, good by, enjoy working in mediocre indy promotions that can't get you the fame or money that you previously had.
Awsome Kong a success. She brought viewers and gave TNA a diff angle instead of a barbie girl. Although I love seeing then as well.

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