

Master of the Aussie kiss
I dont know about everyone else but going to a strip joint is frowned upon. It is deemed sleazy and disagrading to women. but why?. the women there arnt being forced to strip. they are doing it by choice.

I know a couple of strippers from the mens gallary (local strip club) and they enjoy doing it. these girls also get called names like **** skank ect. but i dont see why. Its not classed as prostitution its not like they are having sex or anything like that. its not that bad. Porn stars are really the same they have bad names but nowdays its classed as being better to be a pornstar then what it is a stripper. what do strippers do.? dance around a pole wearing little to no clothing, hmm but singers like the PCD's are allowed to do the same thing on TV. :headscratch: but they dont get the same treatment.

Personally i think if a female wants to be a stripper they should go for it. its their choice and its not degrading. its also a good source for money. they are entertaining young males that want a good time and the old people who wishes they can get it. and going to a strip club isnt wrong it dont mean your a sleaze or anything it just means that your looking for a fun way to spend your night. i can only think of one way i would rather spend my night instead of going out for a few drinks at the local strip club with my mates.

What are your views on this subject. is stripping as a proffesion wrong? or is it fine as long as they aint being forced. and going to strip clubs, is it a sleazy thing to do or just a way to unwind.
I dont know about everyone else but going to a strip joint is frowned upon. It is deemed sleazy and disagrading to women. but why?. the women there arnt being forced to strip. they are doing it by choice.

Pretty much my view on the matter. There's one big thing I find wrong with the feminist movement, and that's that they often complain about stripping as a profession, or anything where women are showing their bodies. They often say the women are being objectified and it's degrading. But why? If the women choose to strip and you stop them, isn't that worse? Aren't you stopping more of their rights?

I know a couple of strippers from the mens gallary (local strip club) and they enjoy doing it. these girls also get called names like **** skank ect. but i dont see why. Its not classed as prostitution its not like they are having sex or anything like that. its not that bad. Porn stars are really the same they have bad names but nowdays its classed as being better to be a pornstar then what it is a stripper. what do strippers do.? dance around a pole wearing little to no clothing, hmm but singers like the PCD's are allowed to do the same thing on TV. :headscratch: but they dont get the same treatment.

I know, it's completely stupid. People should be allowed to be porn stars, or strippers, or glamour models if they really want to be. It's a profession and there's no reason they shouldn't be allowed to do it, as long as it isn't illegal.
I have nothing wrong with people who strip or people who view people who strip. Its a pretty good way to make money, and most of the girls are in incredible shape. Some of them are also in the University here, and are super positive people. Its not like they are much "worse" than waitresses who wear ****ty clothes to get good tips. Now I have only ever been to the strip club twice in my life, once for my friends birthday, and once when my friends were all going, and I was with them, so I went anyways. I have never had the need to visit a strip club, as my girlfriend provides me with way greater pleasures. The strip club here is filled with the same type of people that are attracted to every other bar or pub in town, a lot don't eve care that there is a women naked twirling on a poll. On average there are probably less strange people at a strip club than there are 40 year old men at a night club looking to pick off a 19 year old university student who has had a few to many.
Ahhh Leave it to big NorCal to have to straighten this.

You all seem to be on about the fact that the girls arent forced to do this. And I ask, what difference does it make wether they are forced or not???How does the fact they do it by choice make them less objectified and disrespected?? Um, the girls dont objectify themSELVES. The sleazy fucks who come look at them are. So, inherently, they are degraded, and objectified.

And it IS a terrible thing. Disrobing for others for monetary reward is fucking disgusting, and fucked up. You can try to slight it anyway you see fit, but its not the same as a music video, its not the same as going out dancing, its not the same as any of it.

They should "go for it" Sparky?? You fucking serious dude?? You have a daughter, or a girlfriend man?? If they wanted to get naked for strangers, so those strangers may look at them and imagine doing filthy sexual acta with them for money, you would encourage them to "go for it" ??? Is it alll these girls deserve, is to be someones "good time" for the night as you so eloquently put it?? Thats bullshit. and its fucked up.

You can sit there and give me the "its mah body and I do what I want" rights shit all you want. But it doesnt work like that all the time. People are also prohibited from putting drugs into their bodies, becuase its damaging to them, or can lead to damaging behavior. The emotional/mental damage or gateways to therin, from doing something like this, is entirely immeasurable. Its nothing more than human show, human sport, And I hope it falls to the wayside like gladiator games, drug use, and prostitution.

FUCK no, stripping is NOT ok. And the providers of the audience should be able to take better responsibility within themselves to stop it.
Ahhh Leave it to big NorCal to have to straighten this.

You all seem to be on about the fact that the girls arent forced to do this. And I ask, what difference does it make wether they are forced or not???

Are you honestly asking this question? Doing something by choice and being forced to do something are so opposite it's unbelievable. It makes the world of difference.

How does the fact they do it by choice make them less objectified and disrespected??

Is it disrespectful to know someone just because of their brains then? What makes it so different?

Um, the girls dont objectify themSELVES. The sleazy fucks who come look at them are. So, inherently, they are degraded, and objectified.

Not all people who go to strip clubs are sleazy. Granted, some will be, but not all.

And it IS a terrible thing. Disrobing for others for monetary reward is fucking disgusting, and fucked up. You can try to slight it anyway you see fit, but its not the same as a music video, its not the same as going out dancing, its not the same as any of it.

Half of the music videos are almost as bad as what strippers do. Why does it being filmed make any difference?

They should "go for it" Sparky?? You fucking serious dude?? You have a daughter, or a girlfriend man?? If they wanted to get naked for strangers, so those strangers may look at them and imagine doing filthy sexual acta with them for money, you would encourage them to "go for it" ??? Is it alll these girls deserve, is to be someones "good time" for the night as you so eloquently put it?? Thats bullshit. and its fucked up.

It's not exactly like they're going around sleeping with every man who asks is it? They're showing off what are usually gorgeous bodies that they do well to keep in shape.

You can sit there and give me the "its mah body and I do what I want" rights shit all you want.

Well it kind of is my body, and they kind of are my rights.

But it doesnt work like that all the time. People are also prohibited from putting drugs into their bodies, becuase its damaging to them, or can lead to damaging behavior.

Taking your clothes off isn't exactly damaging behaviour.

The emotional/mental damage or gateways to therin, from doing something like this, is entirely immeasurable. Its nothing more than human show, human sport, And I hope it falls to the wayside like gladiator games, drug use, and prostitution.

If it's what they want to do, why stop them? It's not illegal, it's not wrong. it's not hurting anyone.
I think that if you want to strip that is fine. If you want to go to a strip club that is fine. It's your choice, not mine.

I have two daughters and while I would prefer them not to end up stripping, I would support them if they choose to do it, why because I have unconditional love for my girls.

See I have know a few strippers over the years, just like I have known many other types of people in other professions. The stereotype of strippers being ****es, drunks and addicts make for great press, TV and radio. But the same goes for and industry. Should I think that all radio personalities are drinks because I had a regular when I was a bartender that worked in radio and he was an alcoholic? No. What about the creepy newscaster that liked to "hang out and party" with younger guys. Does that mean that all newscasters are like that?

And as far as the women being degraded and objectified by the patrons of these clubs. I really see no difference between this and posting pictures of yourself on the internet and haveing people comment on how sexy you are.

Yeah I know the last line is going to get me tons of flack.
Are you honestly asking this question? Doing something by choice and being forced to do something are so opposite it's unbelievable. It makes the world of difference.

Not to the people in the audience. Who are the ones doing the objectifying, and disrespecting, and degrading.

If I stick my hand in a fire, it burns my hand. If someone else puts my hand in the fire, it burns it. Makes no difference to the fire. But I would look as if I wanted to hurt myself if I did it to myself no??

Is it disrespectful to know someone just because of their brains then? What makes it so different?

Not exactly sure what you are even talking about here. I hope its not what I think. Becuase "knowing" and "objectifying" are certainley two different things.

Would you rather be "known" by someone as an intelligent friend, or be an object of sexual gratifacation??? Its very different.

Not all people who go to strip clubs are sleazy. Granted, some will be, but not all.

yes they are. sleazier than I. and they are engaging in a sleazy act. Encouraging women to take of their clothes for strangers for money in a debaucherous enviornment IS sleazy.

Half of the music videos are almost as bad as what strippers do. Why does it being filmed make any difference?

Well, that shit is fucking disgusting skidmark on soceity as well. But fuck it, we all love a pair of big ol tits in our faces, so its cool right??

And you yourself just said ALMOST...maybe you should answer the second question yourself.

Well it kind of is my body, and they kind of are my rights.

so why then are you not allowed to smoke crack cocaine?? I mean afterall, its YOUR body, right??

Taking your clothes off isn't exactly damaging behaviour.

It isnt is it?? So you mean to tell me a girl taking her clothes off for anyone isnt mentally and emotionally damaging??? Being a stripped wouldnt in anyway damage a strippers childs mental and emotional state??? The girl doing this depraved provocative act doesnt feed the hedonistic nature of males veiwing???

After all your rape crusades, I would think you of all people would realize that things of this nature and sensitivty cause scars that run far deeper than the outward physical ones.

If it's what they want to do, why stop them? It's not illegal, it's not wrong. it's not hurting anyone.

It isnt illegal, it IS wrong, and it hurts plenty. In manner I have already explained. You need to think of the bigger picture when dealing with things like this.

Stop them, becuase the vast majority KNOW in the back of their head it isnt right. They just need someone unbiased to step forward and tell them so. I know this from personal experience. Its so in with our soceity to try and turn our heads, or make things less than they appear to be. I mean sure the girl is degrading herself to the lowest possible manner of human interaction. But fuck it, we all love a big ass pair of titties in our face, so its cool. We want to say, "Oh its my rights". Well then fuck it, its my right to take steroids then.
Not to the people in the audience. Who are the ones doing the objectifying, and disrespecting, and degrading.

If I stick my hand in a fire, it burns my hand. If someone else puts my hand in the fire, it burns it. Makes no difference to the fire. But I would look as if I wanted to hurt myself if I did it to myself no??

And to the women doing it, what does it matter what the men watching think? To them, they're doing something they want to do. It's different if someone is forcing them to do it.

Not exactly sure what you are even talking about here. I hope its not what I think. Becuase "knowing" and "objectifying" are certainley two different things.

Would you rather be "known" by someone as an intelligent friend, or be an object of sexual gratifacation??? Its very different.

My point is, why is it bad if someone is known only for their body, but not bad if someone is simply known for their brains?

yes they are. sleazier than I. and they are engaging in a sleazy act. Encouraging women to take of their clothes for strangers for money in a debaucherous enviornment IS sleazy.

It isn't. It's pretty much live glamour modelling, something I don't think is 'sleazy' for the most part. I don't see anything wrong with people making money for having a nice body.

so why then are you not allowed to smoke crack cocaine?? I mean afterall, its YOUR body, right??

Basically my view on it, yes. It is my body. If I wanted to smoke cocaine I would. I just don't want to.

It isnt is it?? So you mean to tell me a girl taking her clothes off for anyone isnt mentally and emotionally damaging??? Being a stripped wouldnt in anyway damage a strippers childs mental and emotional state??? The girl doing this depraved provocative act doesnt feed the hedonistic nature of males veiwing???

If she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to do it.

After all your rape crusades, I would think you of all people would realize that things of this nature and sensitivty cause scars that run far deeper than the outward physical ones.

:headscratch: What?

It isnt illegal, it IS wrong, and it hurts plenty. In manner I have already explained. You need to think of the bigger picture when dealing with things like this.

If it hurts them, they don't have to do it. If they're being forced to do it, it's different. It's not wrong.

Stop them, becuase the vast majority KNOW in the back of their head it isnt right. They just need someone unbiased to step forward and tell them so. I know this from personal experience. Its so in with our soceity to try and turn our heads, or make things less than they appear to be. I mean sure the girl is degrading herself to the lowest possible manner of human interaction. But fuck it, we all love a big ass pair of titties in our face, so its cool. We want to say, "Oh its my rights". Well then fuck it, its my right to take steroids then.

If you really want to do it. I've never posted saying people shouldn't. My view on most things are that you can do it as long as it's not hurting anyone else. If you're stupid enough to take drugs which will kill you eventually, your fault.
Point being, is the womans mind, and how they feel about the situation have absolutely ZERO bearing on them being objectified, and degraded, as you somehow seem to think it does. Its the nature of the beast, regardless of you putting yourself there, or not. The people in the audience are the ones objectifying you, and degrading you, regardless of how you feel about it. It is what it is.

And I simply use the crack cocaine as an example of how silly and weak your favorite security blanket argument is. "Its mah bawdy and I do's what I WANTS" isnt the way the world works. As is evidenced by laws that have already been made.

To deny the phsycological and emotionally damaging effects on both the strippers, audience members, and associates of both, is highly naive and blind. You and I both very well know its a far bigger deal than you are making it.
Point being, is the womans mind, and how they feel about the situation have absolutely ZERO bearing on them being objectified, and degraded, as you somehow seem to think it does. Its the nature of the beast, regardless of you putting yourself there, or not. The people in the audience are the ones objectifying you, and degrading you, regardless of how you feel about it. It is what it is.

But why is it so degrading to you? Because they take their clothes off in front of people?

And I simply use the crack cocaine as an example of how silly and weak your favorite security blanket argument is. "Its mah bawdy and I do's what I WANTS" isnt the way the world works. As is evidenced by laws that have already been made.

It's not silly or weak. It's the truth. If I'm not affecting anyone else I don't see why you should have a problem with that. Take smoking for example, I don't mind if other people want to smoke, it's up to them. I only care when they smoke around me, and therefore making me smoke indirectly too.

To deny the phsycological and emotionally damaging effects on both the strippers, audience members, and associates of both, is highly naive and blind. You and I both very well know its a far bigger deal than you are making it.

So every stripper and person who has seen a stripper needs to go see a psychologist? Seriously, why do you feel this is so bad? What is this 'bigger deal' I'm supposed to know about?
No. people try differnt things. If you got hurt but yet decided to do it agien then you would look like you want to hurt yourself

But fire and striping are two diferent things..

that metaphor obviously flew far, far over your head :lmao:

Why not both, its pretty stereotypical that girls at are ""Objects of sexual Gratifacation"" are not inelligent?

I meant in a strip club, clown shoes. Im pretty sure when people are watching a girl shaking her ass, they certainley arent thinking about how intelligent she is. please. :lmao:

Do you find models( such as playmates and other mag cover people) sleazy because the basicly do the same thing same as strippers.

yes. I dont support objectionifacation as sexual gratifiacation in any medium.
If she was feeling that way she probley wouldent do it.

:lmao: A tad naive I would say.
This is one subject that I can truly say I've matured on. Here in Lexington we have an 18 and over strip club which is the place that guys go when they turn 18. I was one of the guys that more or less started counting down the days until my birthday so i could go. As the weeks got closer and closer, I started to think to myself, why? I remember my girlfriend at the time saying it was completely cool with her if I went and I wouldn't get in a bit of trouble. It was two days before my bday and I realized there was no way I was going. What is the point in going? I have no problem with women who are strippers. If a woman thinks that is the only way she can support herself (which I find bogus), then so be it. It's an addictive lifestyle though as the money seems to be good though. For the life of me though there's no way I could do it. Having some fat guy sweating bourbon with a tiny hard on while someone is up on stage grinding on a pole with 50 other guys around at the same time? Just seems awful in my mind. I've never been and I'll never go. No way I'm supporting something like that.
Mid last year I had a 50% share in a strip club. I didn't want to do it, but I was persuaded. It was a waste of time. Strip Clubs really only benefit the strippers. The way it works is that the owner charges entrance fees and sells drinks. The only other money they get is from the strippers themselves. They pay about £100 to work in the club for a certain ammount of hours. In return they keep what they make off the dances.

As a result of making lots of money from dances, most strippers are under the illusion that they are supermodels. This is not the case. Men are easy. £10 to see an ********? Yeah why not. You're drunk and it's not as dirty as the Bacardi Breezer bird you'll pick up in Revolution. This contributes to the women thinking they're attractibve. They're not. If they were attractive then they wouldn't be dancing in shitty little Stoke strip clubs, they'd be at the big franchise places in Manchester. Also if they're so attractive why are their boyfriends so fuckin' ugly?
If you really want to do it. I've never posted saying people shouldn't. My view on most things are that you can do it as long as it's not hurting anyone else. If you're stupid enough to take drugs which will kill you eventually, your fault.

Ah, so Norcal brought up steroids. This isn't exactly the right place, but whatever.

What if those steroids that someone takes makes them snap and kill their family? Is it still alright that that person took them because it is "their body"? Hm?

And on the subject of stripping. I find it disgusting that woman would do that. There are quite a few other ways to make money that don't involve showing your body to perverted strangers. But, whatever. There isn't really anything that anyone can do. It is their choice, even if I find it morally wrong.
Ah, so Norcal brought up steroids. This isn't exactly the right place, but whatever.

What if those steroids that someone takes makes them snap and kill their family? Is it still alright that that person took them because it is "their body"? Hm?

And, as I said, I have no problem with people doing what they want to their body, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else. Steroids are pretty much illegal because of the effect they can have on your brain therefore could hurt other people. With what happened to Benoit, I don't think anyone needs reminding what risks they pose to the people around you.

And on the subject of stripping. I find it disgusting that woman would do that. There are quite a few other ways to make money that don't involve showing your body to perverted strangers. But, whatever. There isn't really anything that anyone can do. It is their choice, even if I find it morally wrong.

FUCK no, stripping is NOT ok. And the providers of the audience should be able to take better responsibility within themselves to stop it.

The strip club owners wouldn't care about whether it was degrading to women, or if people hate it, the strip club owners know that they can make money off it and if they can make money off it, why would they stop it?

Even though I don't have a problem with the strip clubs, I wouldn't go to one. But if the girls want to strip, then let them strip, nobody is holding a gun to their heads and telling them to go out and strip for guys. They are doing it willingly and aslong as nobody is forcing a stripper to strip, I have no problem with strippers or the clubs. Everyone has to earn an income somehow, it's just said that a girl would think she had to resort to stripping.
Providers of the audience. would be the people sitting in the audience. Think about it for a second richard. Im saying if there is no audience for it, no money can be made from it. Thats how people can end this, by taking the responsiblity to to not engage in it. I wasnt talking about the providers of the sevice (the owners) I said the providers of the AUDIENCE. which would be the people in attendance.
Providers of the audience. would be the people sitting in the audience. Think about it for a second richard. Im saying if there is no audience for it, no money can be made from it. Thats how people can end this, by taking the responsiblity to to not engage in it. I wasnt talking about the providers of the sevice (the owners) I said the providers of the AUDIENCE. which would be the people in attendance.

My bad, I misread your post, I'm tired and my eyes are puffy from being sick lol.

While I get what you're saying, no audience = no money, I don't see people just stopping from going to these establishments, because if people really want to go, they will go regardless.

Dare I say going to a strip club could end up an addiction? I think it could and I think that some men would find it hard to give up going to a strip club on the weekends with their mates, being surrounded by skanky girls so there will always be a market for the strip club industry.

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