Strange Beardfellows

The Butcher

As a bearded individual myself, it's been nice seeing beards make a strong comeback over the last few years. So it's with great enthusiasm that I share these videos of Daniel Bryan, possessor of some of WWE's thickest facial hair, as he celebrates wrestling's finest whiskers.



Hard to argue with either of those. What are the best pro wrestling beards in your opinion? I've always been partial to Junkyard Dog's beard and short afro look. His whole head was a hairy puff with two intense eyes staring out at you- not unlike a literal junkyard dog.
I honestly thought this thread was about Theo's WZCW character. Go check him out!
That, or the team of Theo and Grizzly Bob.

... Yeah, I need a life, too

IIRC from the post your pic thread, Theo does/did have an epic beard IRL. I let mine grow out during the winter, but cut it down to a more reasonable length around March.

And it goes without saying that Bryan is on list of favorite wrestling beards, along with this oft-forgotten manager that he's pictured with:


The late Oliver Humperdink. His looked better in red, but I gotta say, I do look forward to the day my beard turns a distinguished gray.
I liked Orton's beard, it looked a little similar to mines. And nWo Hogan's black & white beard.
I grew a beard all through last summer and through into winter. I found out Smackdown was going to do a house show. So I bought a Daniel Bryan T-Shirt, and made a sign that read "I grew a beard to meet Daniel Bryan!".... He no showed the event. Three weeks later, the beard died.
What is Austin without his signature goatee. Nor Undertaker with perfect 1997 all rounder.

If I had to pick a personal favourite, I've been partial to a couple of Jericho's beards over the years. Macho Man had a good deal as well. It's too hard to put a winner on it.
I literally just shaved my beard off. Wasn't trying to, was just trimming it up but the shitty cheap guard fell off and I took a giant chunk out of it.

I'm waiting mine out for the release of Wolverine when I'll give myself the chops for the heck of it. Either that, or I want to check out the style, how it looks and feels (and whether my lady will abuse me over it) and seek an excuse. Always like the Harley Race look...

Back in the college days I would grow all out for the May-September period, beard and hair. Just for the fun of being unrecognisable after a shave and a hair cut.

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