Storylines that could have been with today's superstars

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Do not allow this thread to be a Spam Trap. You can pitch a storyline idea, but you MUST explain WHY you think it is a good idea and WHAT you hope to accomplish with the storyline suggestion. In other words, why are you doing it and what is the end result you are hoping to accomplish?

I havent seen a thread like this in awhile so lets start the discussion.

With all the current superstars in the wwe describe some type of storyline, feud, faction, or something you think the wwe creative should have done. midcard, ME, w/e. move superstars from show to show if you want.

I would have grouped regal, finley, sheamus, and drew mcintyre into a "United Kingdom" faction as heels. drew and sheamus are pretty good on the mike for their level of experiance but regal is just a step above. finley and regal's brawler styles goes very well with sheamus and drew. this could have been a very dominate faction on either raw or smackdown and would actually give some1 like legacy or the hart dynasty something to do.

Lets say smackdown. now sheamus and drew could fight for the tagteam belts against hart dynasty and cryme tyme (this could be a good 3 team feud and could really elevate everyone involved) and regal could go for the intercontinental title against matt hardy, r-truth. rey, even ziggler(i left morrison out because i see him going to the ME soon). finley could be the run in guy and take people out with his shillelagh.

Just something i wanted to see and thought it could develop into some good feuds.

Thoughts? ideas?
I think that would make a fine middle card act. However, i'm thinking a little bigger and without any roster change. IMO the key to elevating any face is to have a dominate heel champions.

So my idea is to give Orton the belt with Legacy as tag team champions. Have them decimate some of the top faces Evolution style(see their beat downs of Goldberg). RKO should hold the belt for a long time. talking in the 9-12 months range. With Legacy assisting and grabbing titles in tag team and US title. Then, when every fan really has a hatred of orton...push a young face. I would suggest Evan Bourne. Evan could compete and lose several times against Legacy/Orton but always lose by trickery. Finally Evan could get a clean win over Orton for the title. The crowd reaction would be electric. I think that people want to see bad guys get beat up and that would make for some very entertaining tv
Of all the possibilities out there, I would take Jack Swagger.

Without writing everything out, basically have Shelton Benjamin and Swagger end up on the same show after the draft (SmackDown ideally). Have Swagger and Benjamin develop (over the course of several months) a friendship and mutual respect due to their athletic abilities.

Swagger and Benjamin will enter the tag team ranks as a team. It will be a heel/face team, and they will end up winning the Unified Tag Team Titles. They defend them on RAW and SmackDown!, and one night on RAW they are both put into a #1 contendership tournament. The tournament is a 16-man 2 week-tournament. Week one has the first round matches. Swagger & Benjamin both make the final four, along with Cena & The Miz. Swagger beats Benjamin in the semi's by cheating, and Swagger becomes #1 contender, and wins the title from HHH at the September PPV.

Benjamin makes comments about how if he cheated he could be the WWE Champion until WM. Swagger eventually snaps, and destroys Benjamin the night after Survivor Series (where he retained). Then at the december PPV they face off, finishing their rivalry at the February PPV.

The goals: to elevate Swagger & Benjamin. Play off the amateur background. The heel/face dynamic for the tag team would be a welcome change, and the inevitable feud would be built in from day one without stretching, as Benjamin keeps trying to convert Swagger to the good ways but Swagger enjoys the ways of always winning.
If Jeff Hardy gets found not guilty this could work.
At the Royal Rumble you could have 3 superstars in the ring. Cena, Punk and Orton. Suprise # 30 entrant.............. Jeff Hardy
Cena eliminates orton and punk eliminates cena
Luke gallows comes in with punk and hardy on the ropes.
He tries to knock out hardy but gets punk instead with hardy winning rumble.
over the next few months gallows fueds with punk untill WM
they have a match at wrestlemania with one stipulation, loser has to quit the straightedge lifestyle.
Gallows wins with help of taker and punk quits straightedge
Hardy challenges Undertaker and wins the WHC and ends the streak.

Purpose: Bring back Hardy, end the WM streak and elevate gallows back to the main event
I have a simple idea to add a new tag team to WWE

Sheamus will lose the WWE title soon, probably back to Cena and it would suck to see him just get thrown back into midcard purgatory like what happened to Kozlov and many others before him.

When Sheamus loses, the next raw he cuts a promo complaining about how he lost. After a minute or so he is interrupted by Finlay who is at raw because he is visiting hornswoggle. He says Sheamus should stop whining and that he gives the Irish a bad name, etc. Finlay comes down to the ring to confront Sheamus some more, they end up fighting and Sheamus knocks out finlay with his bicycle kick

The next raw, Sheamus has a match and Finlay interferes while the referee isn't looking. He should not do a blatant bash to the head with the shelaileigh but just something like hitting his calf with it as Sheamus hits the ropes. Something very small but still causes Sheamus to lose.

On smackdown the same week Sheamus attacks Finlay in the ring from behind before his match starts and leaves him lying.

The next smackdown, the Teddy Long says he's seen whats been going on between Finlay and Sheamus and got Sheamus to come to smackdown for a legal match that night. That happens and in the match when it seems as if Finlay is on the roll to win, Sheamus hits Finlay with Finlay's shelaileigh and gets DQed.

The next raw, Sheamus runs into the guest host or whoever's in charge backstage. They ask what Sheamus is doing there. Sheamus replies that he was looking for whoever's in charge to figure out why he isn't scheduled for a match that night. The person in charge tells Sheamus that's easy to answer. He says he has seen his recent despicable actions and doesn't want someone who behaves like that on his show and has traded Sheamus to smackdown. (I made sure to have them both on smackdown to avoid hornswoggle being thrown into the mix)

On smackdown Sheamus has a backstage interview saying he was unfairly traded and he wasn't done on raw but will dominate smackdown. He is brutally interrupted and attacked by Finlay.

A match gets set up for the next PPV between the two of them as a Belfast Brawl.

They continue to fight up until the PPV. At the PPV they put on a good match using a few weapons. The finish of the match would be a big double knock out resulting in both men leaving on stretchers.

The next few smackdowns would show Finlay and Sheamus as hospital roommates recovering. They would bicker back and forth but eventually warm up to eachother. This could go two routes:

1) They joke around about how much they beat eachother up and laugh about it and eventually return to smackdown as babyface friends and a tag team.

2) They joke around about how much they beat eachother up and share a few laughs while harassing doctors, nurses, and people coming by to wish them a speedy recovery and eventually return to smackdown as a heel tagteam

coming back as babyfaces would work a lot better but if the WWE is in need of heel teams then option 2 could be used

Purpose: give Sheamus something to do when he loses the belt, get Finlay out of low card purgatory, provide an entertaining feud and add another team to the lacking tag division. They could end up sticking together for a while due to both of them using the Irish gimmick.
If Jeff Hardy gets found not guilty this could work.
At the Royal Rumble you could have 3 superstars in the ring. Cena, Punk and Orton. Suprise # 30 entrant.............. Jeff Hardy
Cena eliminates orton and punk eliminates cena
Luke gallows comes in with punk and hardy on the ropes.
He tries to knock out hardy but gets punk instead with hardy winning rumble.
over the next few months gallows fueds with punk untill WM
they have a match at wrestlemania with one stipulation, loser has to quit the straightedge lifestyle.
Gallows wins with help of taker and punk quits straightedge
Hardy challenges Undertaker and wins the WHC and ends the streak.

Purpose: Bring back Hardy, end the WM streak and elevate gallows back to the main event
no no no no and no undertker's streak should never end

my idea would be have John Cena be WWE champion some time before wrestlemania and have JBL be a Raw host one night and seeing as he has all the power in wwe for the night he make this night a living hell for john cena and he books him in a wwe title match that night against some heel with stipulation if john cena loses he can go after the wwe title or world title for a year and known how JBL is he will do anything to make cena lose so he makes a deal with a smackdown heel lets say jericho to cost cena the wwe title and he will get a shot for the world title that night so with that being said jercho cost cena the title and the winner is (heel wrestler) and after the match JBL come the ring and orders a trash can to the ring and he also has i brief case so he ask the new champion the hand the title to him and he throws the title away and blows up the wwe championship like he did to the us title and the heel wrestler is so pist that his title is blew up but JBL opens the case and presents him with a new title and its more traditonal looking so later on that night we have world heavyweight champion undertaker vs jericho they put on a decent match and big show interfears and trys to help jericho and cena comes out and trys to help the undetaker and ends up costing him the match and his title

purpose we get two new champions on raw which will be a total shocker and have new wwe title we also setting up a few feuds here we can do an undertaker and cena feud that can lead to wrestlmania or we get a jericho and undertaker feud that can lead to wrestlmania or we can do a big show jericho feud (big show help jercho win the title so he deserves a title shot) and we also get john cena outta the title picture for a year maybe he can get a partner go for the tag title or get a us title or ic title reign just give him something new and give us sometime new
If Jeff Hardy gets found not guilty this could work.
At the Royal Rumble you could have 3 superstars in the ring. Cena, Punk and Orton. Suprise # 30 entrant.............. Jeff Hardy
Cena eliminates orton and punk eliminates cena
Luke gallows comes in with punk and hardy on the ropes.
He tries to knock out hardy but gets punk instead with hardy winning rumble.
over the next few months gallows fueds with punk untill WM
they have a match at wrestlemania with one stipulation, loser has to quit the straightedge lifestyle.
Gallows wins with help of taker and punk quits straightedge
Hardy challenges Undertaker and wins the WHC and ends the streak.

Purpose: Bring back Hardy, end the WM streak and elevate gallows back to the main event

This story line is idiotic. There is no way Jeff would end Taker's streak when the biggest names in history couldn't even do it.....your ******ed, sir, but thank you for playing.
If Jeff Hardy gets found not guilty this could work.
At the Royal Rumble you could have 3 superstars in the ring. Cena, Punk and Orton. Suprise # 30 entrant.............. Jeff Hardy
Cena eliminates orton and punk eliminates cena
Luke gallows comes in with punk and hardy on the ropes.
He tries to knock out hardy but gets punk instead with hardy winning rumble.
over the next few months gallows fueds with punk untill WM
they have a match at wrestlemania with one stipulation, loser has to quit the straightedge lifestyle.
Gallows wins with help of taker and punk quits straightedge
Hardy challenges Undertaker and wins the WHC and ends the streak.

Purpose: Bring back Hardy, end the WM streak and elevate gallows back to the main event
My god man, Hardy beat 'Taker at WrestleMania? No Fucking Way.
Luke Gallows go over CM Punk at WrestleMania? That won't sell, and no.
This post as a whole, worthless. Sorry Dude.

My idea would be a bit of a stretch but it could be done now and lead the way as a good feud.

Start: At Royal Rumble Christian loses the ECW Championship to, lets say, William Regal, and starts a Mini-Feud with him leading into the Elimination Chamber PPV, Regal retains and says that Christian is no longer aloud a shot at the ECW Championship and its time someone else at WrestleMania, however Christian wins a Number One Contenders Match and will face Regal at WrestleMania in a Street Fight. Christian wins when Ezekiel turns Face and bashes Regal and Kozlov and your new ECW Champ is once again Christian.

Middle: However at the draft, Christian is moved to Smackdown! and since he can't bring the ECW Championship to Smackdown! he has to relinquish it. That week on Smackdown! he tells Teddy Long how its unfair that a Champion like himself just lost his Title and wants a shot at one of Smackdown's! titles.
Teddy gives him the match, it'll be Christian vs Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship, Christian wins the match and starts a mini feud with Ziggler for about 2-3 PPV's. While this is going on, Edge has returned and is feuding with Chris Jericho who is World Heavyweight Champion, they feud for a bit, Edge winning the title but eventually loses it to Jericho and in the there last match Jericho makes the Stipulation that if Edge loses he is no longer Number One Contender for the Title... Ever. Edge loses and is now without a feud, next night on Smackdown! he comes out and cuts a promo, he says since he can't go for the Worlds Title, he'll get the next best thing, the Intercontinental Championship, Christian comes out and tells Edge he won't be getting the Strap off his waist. The next PPV comes along and its Christian vs Edge for the Title, Edge wins and starts proclaiming hes the better man, but Edge of coarse cheated to win, Christian complains on Smackdown! and gets a rematch, in a Hardcore Match.

End: The next PPV roles around and Edge wins the Hardcore Match, Christian is not seen for 2 weeks on WWE TV, and Edge thinks he got rid of him, he then has a match with Ziggler but Christian interferes, he tells Edge that since he DQ'ed Ziggler, making Edge the winner, he gets a Title shot at the following PPV, the following two weeks are matches that decide who makes the stipulations, Edge beats Mysterio and gets to chose the stipulation, he chooses TLC Match, Christian beats Jack Swagger and tells Edge that whoever loses has to go to Monday Night Raw and leave Smackdown!. The PPV comes and in a match for the ages, Christian finally goes over Edge and wins. Edge and Christian both shake hands as Edge leaves the arena. Following night on Raw Edge says hes returned and is hungry for a Title, and out comes then WWE Champion Randy Orton for the feud.
On Smackdown! Christian holds onto the Intercontinental Title for 2 PPV's before loosing it to Finlay, he then begins a feud with Chris Jericho stating he is the better Canadian and will do what Edge could not, Win the World Heavyweight Title from Jericho.

Result: Christian gets his major push and becomes a full time Main Eventer.
Edge gets 3 feuds out of his return that could be epic.

Purpose: Give's Christian his rub to go to great places and gives Edge a new beginning not to mention the two feuds we'd want to see, Edge vs Jericho and Edge vs Christian.
This would be for nostalgia value in a sense. First off i've split the tag belts for this to work

The World Tag Champions (say Legacy for now) have a match on Raw with Christian and Shelton Benjamen they win the match and beat down Christian

On Smackdown The WWE Tag Champions (Hart Dynasty) have a match with Matt Hardy and R-Truth, they win and they beat down Matt.

On Raw both set of tag champions cut a promo on how their better than the Hardyz and E and C (second generation stars etc)

Christian and Hardy tag with Benjamen and R-Truth for a few weeks and have a few wins against the champs. One week Benjamen and R-Truth are attacked and Christian and Matt Hardy are in a handicap match and they get beatdown.

Christian and Matt Hardy are given two weeks to find new partners. They have some interaction with each other about past tag battles (indicating possible partners)

On Raw Legacy have a match with Christian and his mystery partner, they say whoever it is they will win, Christian says his partner is an opppurtunist who likes to win, cue Edge's music. Edge and Christian beat Legacy.

On Smackdown, Matt Hardy says his partner is to extreme for the Hart Dynasty, cue Jeff Hardy's music.

They have a a few matches with each other as well as other tag teams. Eventually the oppurtunity arrives for The Hardyz to have a #1 contender match against Hart Dynasty if they beat Legacy, they can also choose the type of match. Edge and Christian can have a #1 contender match with Legacy if they beat the Hart Dynasty.

E and C and The Hardyz win their respective matches and they pick the type of match (ladder for Hardyz, TLC for E and C) at Wrestlemania they win E and C win the World Tag Belts and The Hardyz win the WWE tag belts, however Legacy and Hart Dynasty take the two teams to the limit and nearly won on a few occasions.

Purpose: gives Legacy and Hart Dynasty credibilty as well as the Tag belts making the belts and tag team wrestling relevant again.
Lets see if I can do this without it being considered spam (sorry all).

What I would do is this;

Now that Sheik Abdul Bashir has been fired from TNA what I would do is have the WWE sign him. I would then make him manage Jack Swagger.

Why? Jack Swagger hasn't got great mic work, it's his one downfall as a competitor. It's probably THE reason why the WWE is so hesitant to give him a monster push. They want their top stars to be able to talk on the mic or to have something that personality wise will carry them at the top of the card.

What would happen? Clearly Daivari (Bashir) is going to have an anti-American gimmick. It would pair the All-American American with the anti-American. Bashir comes out and speaks highly of Swagger; that he's one of the reasons people have such high opinions of America, of the United States, but, the people will not accept him and that they are the reason why people hold disdain for America. Swagger is all that is right but the fans are all that is wrong.

This could go on for about a year as an upper mid card act. I'd have him hold the United States championship for much of this run.

What would be the end point? Swagger eventually says that enough is enough. That Daivari has crossed the line and while he is the All-American American and the crowd hasn't been behind him he's a proud American. He turns on Daivari to become a face.

What is the payoff? The face turn where by he becomes more American than apple pie and the fans appreciate it. He has a mega face push following the Daivari blow off whereby he becomes the main eventer that he has the potential to become.

That's how I'd transition Swagger from midcard to main event. More about Swagger than Daivari but Daivari's role would be to push the talent, something I feel that he has the potential to do very well.
OK how about this, Booker T returns on the January 4th edition of Monday night Raw to challenge John Cena and Sheamus for the world title. I am completely throwing away that "I will not lose until I win back my title" thing for John Cena. That night, Booker and Cena have a match in which Sheamus interferes. The guest host for that night comes out and makes it Booker T/Sheamus/and John Cena at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Championship.

In the weeks following, they cut promos on each other, interrupt their matches, and surprise attack them. Then at the Royal Rumble, Booker T beats both men (Assuming the winner of the royal rumble goes for the WHC, lets say held by Batista). Booker T faces Sheamus, Cena, and others in and Elimination chamber match, and wins. He goes onto Wrestlemania to face someone like Jericho. Meanwhile, Cena feuds with Taker, faces him at Mania, and Sheamus goes onto a US Title feud or something.
Booker T? Just say no.

If this were 5-10 years ago, maybe. However, Booker T is history and offers nothing at all to the WWE for now or in the future.

Why? His age, for one. Secondly, he wasn't ever that over with the WWE fans to begin with. He was a very solid upper midcard act who had some of the more memorable tag-team moments in the past decade (the Goldust and Booker T partnership) as well as the run as "King Booker". If he came back he would serve best as a mid card act who pushed other talent around him. In that role he would be solid.

When Booker T was pushed as a main event calibre guy I don't think it ever really sold. The only memorable run in the main event that I remember was the Booker T Vs Triple H Wrestlemania feud in 2003.

If the WWE signed him to be in the main event it simply would not sell.
on jan 4 edition of raw guest host reveals 3 way trade
cena 2 smackdown, christian 2 raw, ziggler 2 ecw
cena wins rumble (at # 30) again and chooses to face taker for whc at mania
they feud up untill mania including matches to decide the type of match
cena wins and cuts a promo saying he wants to make even more history by making taker submit(submission match)
at mania the match goes for ages untill finally cena wins with stf
however edge makes a comeback saying he has camera footage of cena switching his rumble # from 2 to 30
vickie guerrero who apparently made up with edge says edge gets a go at taker
taker beats him quick with hells gate
on smackdown it is triple threat for the whc
edge wins and feuds with cena for the belt
taker feuds with a midcarder (i suggest Morrison) to bring him to main event
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