

Justin Verlander > You
Hey everyone, this guy is awesome, and deserves his own thread. He's a fan of all New York pro teams (except the Islanders, Giants, and Mets (but who gives a fuck about them)) and Notre Dame. He also gets a raging hard on when you mention Mark Sanchez in a post, so if you wanna hit that up, consider Mark foreplay.

Don't say a bad thing about Sanchez, though, because he'll say fuck a bunch of times and act tough. You can call his mother a crack****e and his father a drunken piece of shit, he won't care. But if you say Sanchez isn't there yet he'll chop your head off.

He's really cool, though. Let's all give him a round of applause.

*praise praise praise*

He comes and visits me in my thread all the time and is a ton of fun to talk to. Also a great poster.
I gotta say, Sanchez does get me up a little, but he's no Romo, that guy gets me harder than chinese algebra. Doc know what that's like right, with D Bryan.
Before I start, Detroit Sportsman Nickname, I might not be great at detecting sarcasm, but I don't suck at it. I saw through this right away.

Hey everyone, this guy is awesome, and deserves his own thread. He's a fan of all New York pro teams (except the Islanders, Giants, and Mets (but who gives a fuck about them)) and Notre Dame. He also gets a raging hard on when you mention Mark Sanchez in a post, so if you wanna hit that up, consider Mark foreplay.
so the legendary Detroit Sportsman Nickname is making a hate thread for me. First of all, it would have been easier to say he's a Jets, Yankees, and Rangers fan, since that's bot accurate and easier then saying a fan of all teams except those 3 (and others you forgot to mention).

Lets see how this turns out.

Don't say a bad thing about Sanchez, though, because he'll say fuck a bunch of times and act tough. You can call his mother a crack****e and his father a drunken piece of shit, he won't care. But if you say Sanchez isn't there yet he'll chop your head off.
1. Here's what I said in the NFL Week 4 LD, when he constantly badgered my about my teams QB, even though he's been playing excellent for the past 3 weeks (and at the end of last season as well). It's actually rather humorous.
Well I'm going to fucking bring it the fuck up every fucking week until you fucking come to your fucking senses and admit that he played fucking great the past 3 weeks and has improved greatly since last season, which even though it's the fucking truth you fucking fail to fucking admit it becuase you're a fucking stubborn fuck who just wants to hate on the kid because he either
A) Played at USC
B) Playing in New Fucking York (Jersey).

Fucking fuck man, how fucking stupid are you? I don't give a fucking shit if you never fucking comment. I will fucking say it every week, and even it if it's only 1 fucking person at a fucking time, they will all fucking agree with me (at least so far) since everything I've fucking said is a fucking FACT.

I counted 23 fucks. I don't know about you, but I found the excessive overuse of fuck to be hysterical. And really, what's so wrong with ranting at someone who doesn't get it?

He's really cool, though. Let's all give him a round of applause.
Lets see where this goes. I honestly don't think I've made too many enemies during my 16 months on this forum, but lets see.
??? What does (Y) mean?
*praise praise praise*

He comes and visits me in my thread all the time and is a ton of fun to talk to. Also a great poster.
Thanks Doc. As I said numerous times, if you don't like Doc, you suck as a person. I really don't think there is a more likable person on the forum. No offense to anyone else, but if there one person whom I would never expect to be a cunt to someone, it's Doc.

I'm in his fucking sig, I looooove him. Too much love for The Cage?
No, it's not too much love for The Cage. The Cage isn't just about ignoramus' who make hate threads when they are wrong about something. And thanks for the love by the way.

I gotta say, Sanchez does get me up a little, but he's no Romo, that guy gets me harder than chinese algebra. Doc know what that's like right, with D Bryan.
And how ironic is it that on one of my fantasy teams, my 2 QBs are Romo and Sanchez? And how about the fact that Sanchez has been a good Fantasy QB for the past 3 weeks, what with 700 yards, 8 TDs, and 0 turnovers in 3 weeks?

He's my dude.
You're my boy, Blue! I know that line is from something, rep (when I can) to whoever tells me what it is, since I'm drawing a blank.

Stormtrooper is a cool dude from what I've seen. Haven't talked to him but he seems chill as fuck.
I appreciate it Immaculate. I do not know much about you, but from what I've seen (this post) you seem cool to me.

I like Stormtrooper, he's a nice fella.
That is very kind of you J-Dogg. And you used Fella, which is Sheamus' word. Sheamus is cool. He's no Zack Ryder, but he's cool.

So Detroit Sportsman Nickname, from the 6 replies so far, I counted praise from one of the most respected people on the forum (Doc), a great up and comer that will likely eventually get a mod-spot, based on NXT (Blue), another fairly well respected person here (J-Dogg), a relative newcomer who is pretty popular not only for his funny username (Crock), and a newcomer (Immaculate). Stickstar made a humorous post that I was unable to detect if it was meant in praise, un-praise, or random humor.

So far, I think I win.
I've read quite a few of Stormtrooper's posts before I even joined the forum earlier this year. Always thought of him as one of the more solid posters. Side note, it's quite nice to see some praise in the Cage for a change. It's refreshing from the usual flame wars (see: Fury and Jenks).
I've read quite a few of Stormtrooper's posts before I even joined the forum earlier this year. Always thought of him as one of the more solid posters. Side note, it's quite nice to see some praise in the Cage for a change. It's refreshing from the usual flame wars (see: Fury and Jenks).

Thanks Notorious. I'm flattered that someone would think highly enough of me, especially since I tend to not post a lot of wrestling on this here wrestling forum.

And you're right about the happy cage threads. Constant hate isn't fun.
Shit, Storm you just quoted alot there.
I quoted Detroit Sportsman Nickname's OP (broke it up into 4 parts), quoted myself from another thread, then replied to everyone. I'm not used to getting praise, and since the OP was a sarcastic hate thread, I'm grateful for people who stuck up for me. I know it sounds corny, but DSN put me in a crap mood, but the rest of the thread alleviated that, and now I can actually get to sleep. It's 3 AM, and I wanted to get to sleep before midnight tonight (I guess I failed at that).
Stickstar made a humorous post that I was unable to detect if it was meant in praise, un-praise, or random humor.

A bit of the first, none of the second a bit of the third. Plus i can tell a sarcastic hate thread when i see one, and i find the best way to deal with someone like that is humour. I mean sanchez is cool, but i doubt he actually gives you an erection.

I enjoy your views on sport Storm, and on most things, and you're a true fan which is hard to find nowadays, with a lot of optimism and faith that the coaches know what they are doing.

Sanchez is a pretty good pick for fantasy, as is Romo, i think he's been developing solidly and now that the Boy's are getting their O-line back and their defence had started to get some take-aways then we'll be able to roll on. I've like Sanchez since his SC days, i love the Trojans.
Megatron, you're a smart kid when it comes to sports, but calling out another one of your own over some dumb shit is, well, pretty dumb. Don't be a cunt, save that for me.
A bit of the first, none of the second a bit of the third. Plus i can tell a sarcastic hate thread when i see one, and i find the best way to deal with someone like that is humour. I mean sanchez is cool, but i doubt he actually gives you an erection.
I like your way do deal with hate threads. I try to laugh it off, but I can't.

And you're right, Mark Sanchez doesn't give me an erection.
I enjoy your views on sport Storm, and on most things, and you're a true fan which is hard to find nowadays, with a lot of optimism and faith that the coaches know what they are doing.
The ironic thing is that I'm a Jets fan, a team with quite possibly the most pessimistic fans in the entire universe, and still manage to be optimistic.

Sanchez is a pretty good pick for fantasy, as is Romo, i think he's been developing solidly and now that the Boy's are getting their O-line back and their defence had started to get some take-aways then we'll be able to roll on. I've like Sanchez since his SC days, i love the Trojans.
Sanchez was my last round pick, and it was a homer pick and a Bye Week QB for me (I got laughed at for it). The fact that Romo had a bye when Sanchez played Buffalo made it even better. He only got me 14 points yesterday, but he still was good. The 2 weeks prior he actually outscored Romo, which was surprising, given Romo's status as a top fantasy QB.

Megatron, you're a smart kid when it comes to sports, but calling out another one of your own over some dumb shit is, well, pretty dumb. Don't be a cunt, save that for me.
Sadly, and I've said it before, I actually like DSN (Detroit Sportsman Nickname). Our only disagreement is his terrible, bias, uneducated opinion on Mark Sanchez's recent performance.

I like Stormtrooper, he's a cool guy. I also like The Giants who kicked The Bear's ass yesterday!
Yes, the G-Men killed the Bears yesterday, or should I say they tried to kill the Bears QBs. Don't take it personal, but I was rooting for Chicago, since I picked them in a pigskin pickem (that had money on it). I normally don't have much hate for the cross-the-hallway rivals.
He's cool for a Yankees/Jets fan
Thanks Guy.
1. Here's what I said in the NFL Week 4 LD, when he constantly badgered my about my teams QB, even though he's been playing excellent for the past 3 weeks (and at the end of last season as well). It's actually rather humorous.

I counted 23 fucks. I don't know about you, but I found the excessive overuse of fuck to be hysterical. And really, what's so wrong with ranting at someone who doesn't get it?

Two things, a) A season isn't measured in 3 games. I've said before he's played well in the past 3, but there's still a long season to go. Who doesn't say he goes out and throws 4 picks next week and the Jets lose? While even I don't think that will happen, you don't know either.

??? What does (Y) mean?

Supposed to be thumbs up. Guess wz has a different emotion for it.

So Detroit Sportsman Nickname, from the 6 replies so far, I counted praise from one of the most respected people on the forum (Doc), a great up and comer that will likely eventually get a mod-spot, based on NXT (Blue), another fairly well respected person here (J-Dogg), a relative newcomer who is pretty popular not only for his funny username (Crock), and a newcomer (Immaculate). Stickstar made a humorous post that I was unable to detect if it was meant in praise, un-praise, or random humor.

So far, I think I win.

For the most part, I don't have a problem with you. But for you to act as immature as you did in the NFL thread, swearing like a sailor, etc., you came off as a douche. Your constantly bringing up of a subject I'm not even gonna bother to address until more games are played is annoying as well. Let it go for a while, because the constant reminder of every game Sanchez plays is ridiculous. Look, I get you are a Jets fan. That's fine. You wanted to defend him then, fine. But bringing it up the way you have the past two weeks makes you look like a cunt who gets a little butthurt when someone takes a shot at your team/QB.

If you would've kept your cool this thread wouldn't have been made. But since you had to say fuck an outrageous amount of times, I'd just address it here.

I'll admit my maturity in making this thread is low as well, but I'm not gonna dick around on these forums making the same argument again and again.

And you can call me Megatron. Detroit Sportsman Nickname is tacky.
No, the way he handled it was. I've said playing 3 good games won't change my mind on the guy, since it's only 1/4 of the season done. Then he went onto his fuck filled rant, and so his immaturity caused me to make this thread.

He's wasting his time on the Sanchez argument with me, because I'm not just gonna flip flop because of a few good games.
Two things, a) A season isn't measured in 3 games. I've said before he's played well in the past 3, but there's still a long season to go. Who doesn't say he goes out and throws 4 picks next week and the Jets lose? While even I don't think that will happen, you don't know either.

OK, all I ever asked is that you admit that he wasn't some untalented hack who couldn't cut it. You still haven't done that, even though he HAS proven that he has talent.

And if he has a shit game, I'll say it, just like I said it last year when he had his shit games.

For the most part, I don't have a problem with you. But for you to act as immature as you did in the NFL thread, swearing like a sailor, etc., you came off as a douche.
You're right, it was a little overboard. As I've said time and time again, I was pissed and needed to vent. I did, in a profanity-filled tirade, which I find humorous. If you didn't like it, well, I really don't care, because don't take this personal, but I don't give 2 shits about you. Not that you're bad or anything, but if I hurt your feelings on the internet, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.

Your constantly bringing up of a subject I'm not even gonna bother to address until more games are played is annoying as well. Let it go for a while, because the constant reminder of every game Sanchez plays is ridiculous. Look, I get you are a Jets fan. That's fine. You wanted to defend him then, fine. But bringing it up the way you have the past two weeks makes you look like a cunt who gets a little butthurt when someone takes a shot at your team/QB.
See, I'd let it go, but 2 things:
1. I didn't even bring it up this week, JMT did.
2. I will comment on my QBs play every week, because I will talk about my team every week.

If you chose to be an ignoramus, then I will defend him, like any good fan would when they feel someone is unjustly ripping them.

If you would've kept your cool this thread wouldn't have been made. But since you had to say fuck an outrageous amount of times, I'd just address it here.
Hey, keep it up, I would say more good for me has come from this thread then bad.

I'll admit my maturity in making this thread is low as well, but I'm not gonna dick around on these forums making the same argument again and again.
again, I'm not making the same argument, I'm DEFENDING MYSELF. You attack my team/QB, you attack me, it's pretty damn simple.
And you can call me Megatron. Detroit Sportsman Nickname is tacky.
Tacky? Maybe
Funnier? YES.
DSN it is.

Kind of a dick. Not horrible though.
Coming from King Dick General Disarray, I take the first half as a compliment. Obviously, the second half is somewhat of a compliment. And when I say King Dick, I mean that in a complimentary way.
I like both of you guys but c'mon, I'm all for a heated arguement but this is just getting obnoxious. Megatron thinks Sanchez has played well so far but is unproven, and Trooper thinks he's a great QB. O FUCKING K, let's leave it at that, it's annoying as hell when you two derail every thread you're in with this bullshit.
I like both of you guys but c'mon, I'm all for a heated arguement but this is just getting obnoxious. Megatron thinks Sanchez has played well so far but is unproven, and Trooper thinks he's a great QB. O FUCKING K, let's leave it at that, it's annoying as hell when you two derail every thread you're in with this bullshit.
1. DSN thinks Sanchez sucks and the only reason he was "half-way NEAR decent" was because the 3 D's he played were shit. Until today, he's never even said Sanchez has played well. That's what I was getting on him for.
2. I think Sanchez has played great for 3 weeks (and he played well at points last year), and has the talent to eventually be a top QB. I never said he IS a great QB, that's just wrong.
3. The only threads I bring it up in are LDs where he mentions it, and this thread where (what a shock) he mentioned it in the OP. Every other thread has had nothing to do with it. Hell, I even said I like the damn kid in a few threads.
4. If you don't like what I said, then just don't read it. No need to attack me (or him) for no damn reason.

Before you rip other peoples posts/threads, why don't you know what you're talking about first.
1. Why do you always number the points you make in your posts?

2. You've been singing his praises non-stop, you might as well say he's a great QB.

3. You guys always are on about it, and it's just getting annoying, and it's me who's saying this. I usually think annoying shit is hillarious.

4. I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying you two are beating a dead horse, no need to argue over what eachother should think, that's fucking silly.

Like I said I like both of you but this shit is silly.

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