Sting!!! Whats the big deal?!

Is Sting wrestling for WWE in 2015 a good idea?

  • Yes he is a Legend and deserves a WM moment

  • Yes he would send PPV buys through the roof

  • No he is way past it

  • No he isnt good enough anymore

  • dont care

  • Yes

  • No

  • Who the bloody hell is Sting

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Total Degenerate
A lot of threads on WZ have this notion that WCW/TNA Icon Sting will be appearing at WM31 to face Undertaker, HHH, Brock Lesnar, Cena etc etc

What I want to know is WHATS THE BIG DEAL????!!!!!!

If he wanted to become a huge huge huge star he would have signed with WWE 10-15 years ago when he was still relevant, he mid fifties now surely, his TNA work has declined, he is not the superstar we all loved in WCW.

He always publicly stated he didnt want to work with Vince, and now wants some of the pie, he already on the new 2K15 game and looks like he will be inducted into the running joke that is WWE HOF, so the mans already earning good dollar out of the company,

However all i seem to read these days is Sting this, Sting that, Stings gonna face this guy, Stings gonna appear in rafters, Stings gonna do another hideous joker impression etc etc

I liked Sting back in the day but its way too late in the game now for him to jump ship, should he really be allowed to walk into WM31 and take an upcoming stars spotlight. and would any of WWE top talent want to put Sting over on the grandest stage of them all.
Oh now you've opened Pandora's Box.

I guess Sting is a big deal because he's the only certified superstar who's never wrestled for the WWE. To tell you the truth why he changed his mind this late in his career is a mystery to me away.

If I had said my whole career that I would never work for Vince McMahon, I wouldn't. We don't know what he was offered, if they went to him, or he came to them. But it's obvious that something did change cause now he's in the game, he was on a panel discussion about it, and has apparently signed some sort of a deal.

I'm really hoping it's just not to send PPV buys through the roof though, he's much better than that. If the WWE needs to do something that drastically to sell their product, they are in worse shape than I thought. The present roster should be able to sell this product as is.

We've yet to see him in a WWE ring, and who knows if we ever will. Until he does appear or dies first, these threads about him will continue to pop up every now and again.
Oh now you've opened Pandora's Box.

I guess Sting is a big deal because he's the only certified superstar who's never wrestled for the WWE. To tell you the truth why he changed his mind this late in his career is a mystery to me away.

If I had said my whole career that I would never work for Vince McMahon, I wouldn't. We don't know what he was offered, if they went to him, or he came to them. But it's obvious that something did change cause now he's in the game, he was on a panel discussion about it, and has apparently signed some sort of a deal.

I'm really hoping it's just not to send PPV buys through the roof though, he's much better than that. If the WWE needs to do something that drastically to sell their product, they are in worse shape than I thought. The present roster should be able to sell this product as is.

We've yet to see him in a WWE ring, and who knows if we ever will. Until he does appear or dies first, these threads about him will continue to pop up every now and again.

Ah the box needed to be opened, everone is talking about Sting atm, its a big ol' mystery and knowing WWE they will keep something like this under wraps for as long as possible.
If Sting wants one last big payday then WWE is were he will get it and everyone concerned will go nuts for it, even me although i will still be yelling "10 YEARS TOO LATE" throughout most of his match; who he will face we can only guess as there are a hell of a lot of options
Didn't he say a long time ago he wouldn't sign with wwe until they cleaned up?

do you mean their product or their flimsy anti doping program?

and i always thought Sting just refused all WWE negotiations because he just didnt want to work for Vince
Sting was a major player in the monday night wars and must have been gutted when Vince bought WCW and then very publicly buried its top names (see youtube), Vince belittled Hogan, Steiner, Goldberg, Booker T and Sting, yet all but Sting ended up working for him, maybe its taken 15 years for that particular wound to heal
The answer is painfully simple, it's a big deal because he is the last true star of the pro-wrestling industry to never wrestle in a WWE ring.

I'm sure people will try and rebut this and say that AJ Styles, or Samoa Joe, or whoever is, but those are not household names. During the peak of Sting's career, wrestling was pulling in numbers as high as 9 million viewers. He is unquestionably a legend. I even heard him mentioned in the song "Bigger Than Me" by The Game, very recently, I mention this because it proves that he is still relevant enough to be getting mentioned in popular culture.

If you ask virtually any casual wrestling fan above the age of 25 (of which there are millions), who the biggest stars are, or if they know who Sting is, the answer will of course be "yes". So I think it's a big deal on many levels.

-It's the final "get" for Vince, to claim he's fully owned WCW's assets.
-It's historically significant to see Sting in a WWE ring.
-It's exciting and nostalgic for '90s/Attitude Era fans.
-It ends Sting's career on the biggest stage of them all, an honor someone of his stature should at least have once in their career.

Also, it's not like this means he becomes a full time guy, it's a one time special attraction to help generate interest in the biggest show of the year, and give the old school fans something to mark out over. Then he rides of in to the sunset.
Sting and The Undertaker are the top two greatest of all time. Only a moron would ask if Sting is worth it. Sting is 20 times the draw than the vanilla midget Daniel Bryan.
Sting was on the same level as Ric Flair in the late 1980's.
Sting was on the same level as Bret Hart in the early 1990's.
Sting was on the same level as Stone Cold Steve Austin AND Hollywood Hulk Hogan in the late 1990's.

That's the big deal.
Sting is absolutely a legend and deserves his moment. He was one of, if not the, biggest star of North America's largest wrestling promotion from 1996-1998 (1995 could arguably be included in those dates). Despite never wrestling in the WWF/E, he's worked with many of the guys who became legends there: Hulk, Savage, Piper, Bret, Mick, Jake, Nash, Benoit, Booker, Big Show, Sid, Kane. He teamed with Warrior and Davey Boy. In TNA he faced Angle and Hardy. Sting wasn't Dean Malenko but he was an incredibly powerful and agile athlete who put on exciting matches.

I do think Sting had some misguided loyalty to... anywhere that wasn't WWE. He became so obsessed with being the heart and soul of WCW, and when that promotion died, so did a large part of the man behind Sting. He frittered away 13 years in bush league promotions, in some attempt to once again reclaim his position as the leader of the other company. Today at 55, he realises that WCW is ancient history, that nobody cares about TNA, and that his 30-year career is in danger of doing down as a footnote in the eyes of many unless he makes a splash in WWE. It's like getting an Oscar nomination: film enthusiasts know there's more than that to great work on screen, but to a large portion of the public, you're only a great actor if you've been up for an Oscar. Many casual fans feel the same way about performing in WWE, and we all care what people think.

Sting is currently in great shape ( I believe he has one classic left in him. If his match is against Triple H, we know from WM30 that Trips can still go. If it's against The Undertaker I'm not so sure, but I think 'Taker can dig deep for one last hurrah. The Deadman did sustain a concussion in his match with Lesnar, so we can't be too hard on his mediocre performance in April.

Sting is the biggest star to have never wrestled in WWE
Sting is a top name in the top tier of legends. NWA/WCW/TNA he dominated and became heavyweight champ multiple times in all.
You can tell by the buzz surrounding the videogame trailer and apperances that he is still gonna draw huge numbers so WWE will cash in.

And I do believe Vince see's it as a mission, sting is the last peice of the puzzle WWE have never been able to get all through the years, now i think HHH sees it as some sort of campaign aswell, ne even said it in that sitdown interview maybe its his ego boost, he got warrior to come back when vince couldnt, he then got bruno to when vince couldnt now the last peice left is the biggest by far... To get Sting in a WWE ring.

No matter what all the smarks say Sting v Taker at WM31 will be awesome, theres no other word for it, the fans will eat it up it will take you back to that rock/hogan atmosphere at WM18.
Sting was great to watch in the 90's, but now that his is 90 he his not great to watch. I'm just waiting for WM to roll around so he can have his moment, as a shadow of his former self, then we can put our attention back on the young talent that is actually relevant in 2014. As much as I used to love watching hogan,sting,Batista,rock,etc They are all past their heyday and should not be involved in anything other than throw away segments and novelty matches
A 14 time World Heavyweight Champion with a 25+ year career known for wrestling in a ton of memorable matches, participating in a lot of memorable stories and feuds and is considered one of the most charismatic stars of the 90's and responsible for the success of 2 major promotions in the U.S.. He's also never been in the WWE.

No, I have no clue what the big deal is either.
Sting used to be a big name, he wrestles a style that he can still maintain in his old age. Put him in a street-fight with his beloved bat and you have a pretty little send-off.

do you mean their product or their flimsy anti doping program?

and i always thought Sting just refused all WWE negotiations because he just didnt want to work for Vince
Sting was a major player in the monday night wars and must have been gutted when Vince bought WCW and then very publicly buried its top names (see youtube), Vince belittled Hogan, Steiner, Goldberg, Booker T and Sting, yet all but Sting ended up working for him, maybe its taken 15 years for that particular wound to heal

He didn't want to work for Vince, because of the way Vince treated most of the acquired WCW talent. I think some of the WCW guys did OK for themselves, but it's the Stinger's opinion and he's entitled to it.
Sting was a mega star in WCW. He was massively over and the face of WCW when the NWO attacked. To see him perform at one WM would be nice; he is deserving of a proper send off. Sting wrestled in the last WCW match before WWF bought them; he never got to say goodbye on a grand stage. It would be nostalgic to see him do one match at WM; it would draw a lot too.
It just dawned on me, he actually wrestled for Vincent McMahon 1 a WCW ring on the last Nitro ever broadcast. But he has wrestled in a WWE ring and I hope for at least one more match he will.
If the WWE needs to do something that drastically to sell their product, they are in worse shape than I thought.

It's a point worth considering. With all the discussion about Sting and WWE, the overriding question is why it's taken this long to get an answer.

If he's actually going to wrestle, well, he's not getting any younger, is he? If he only came aboard to sign a licensing deal, I suppose whatever we've been waiting for him to do has already been done.....mission accomplished. If he signed to carry out some sort of on-screen, non-wrestling role, I can't imagine what's holding up the works.

Of course, if the only reason they've signed him (if they have) is to include him in a glorious Hall of Fame induction ceremony next year, I suppose we'll wind up debating the same old "yes or no" question. I presume he's already a WCW/NWA HOFer, although it's moot to be feted by an organization that no longer exists to celebrate the honor. In TNA, does a HOF even exist?

So, whether Sting "deserves" to go into the WWE Hall of Fame is a question we can debate, swinging back and forth on whether or not WWE should induct a guy who never worked for them simply because they own the library and trademarks of the company for whom he did work.

Either way, put him in or leave him seemed to matter once we read he had left TNA, but it's mattered less in the months since.
I went with "No, he is way past it" because it seemed like the option that seems to flow with the various reports I've read.

I don't know what sort of condition Sting's in, his physical condition hasn't become regular stories like we've seen with Kurt Angle and The Undertaker. All I know for a fact is that he's 55 years old and, using his last few runs in TNA as a gauge, he's certainly not what he once was even 5 years go. If Sting's not able to get into the ring and put on a convincing, entertaining and competitive looking match then, in my opinion, he has no business being in the ring.

I know Sting's a legend, I respect what he's done and has been for professional wrestling. However, when it comes to him wrestling in the here & now, I don't care if he's a legend if he can't get it up inside the ring. When I pay money to watch a ppv, I wanna see wrestling matches that are worth seeing because the men & women wrestling can step into the ring and deliver. If Sting's not in good ring shape and it becomes embarrassing to watch him, I don't wanna see him wrestle. If his physical health is in a precarious state due to a combination of the wear & tear of the business and old age, I don't wanna see him risk being crippled just so I can have a nostalgia moment.

If Sting can still deliver inside the ring and is about as sure of coming out uninjured as anyone can be in pro wrestling, then I'm all for it. Otherwise, bring him out on Raw, generate a huge nostalgia moment with him stepping into a WWE ring for the first time and call it a day.
A 14 time World Heavyweight Champion with a 25+ year career known for wrestling in a ton of memorable matches, participating in a lot of memorable stories and feuds and is considered one of the most charismatic stars of the 90's and responsible for the success of 2 major promotions in the U.S.. He's also never been in the WWE.

No, I have no clue what the big deal is either.

Im asking what the big deal is with him now, im fully aware of what he accomplished but as iv previously stated its over 10 years too late yet still clamour for him to walk straight into WWE biggest event :wtf:
So the OP tells us about all of the threads regarding Sting then asks the question why it is such a big deal.

Clearly you know why it is a big deal and just wanted to start a Ebonics driven thread to bitch about Sting's age and abilities. You are right, he is old and he is not the athlete he was many years ago. But a lot of fans can look past that and get excited for what may be to come based on history. I think there is a possibility that Sting and WWE could and may put something together that entertains me but I am very skeptical. Sting hasn't been my cup of tea since Surfer Sting and WWE has really struggled to tell many compelling stories.
Sting's time in TNA was not that bad. His mystique was definitely damaged and his legacy, no two ways about it, tarnished by some of the more ridiculous moments, but overall it showed how he was still a tremendous showman. In the ring, despite obviously not being anywhere near his prime shape, he managed to keep pace with many of the younger guys. It should have been ludicrous when he was having matches with AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode, but it wasn't.

Considering this is the same company that put Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart back in the ring well past their prime, it seems odd that Sting should draw anyone's ire. Even The Undertaker's been in questionable shape - i.e. only capable of wrestling once a year - for the last half bloody decade.

Put the WWE's media machine behind anything and it will be a big deal, particularly a wrestling legend who only needs wrestle one last match.
Sting was a phenomenal wrestler. In the ring, and out, he delivered. He had tons of personality and was probably THE guy in WCW. If you are the main wrestler in the second biggest (at one time most successful) wrestling company in the world then you are big deal.

The fact Sting never wrestled in the WWE is a builds the anticipation. He is the last great name not to so that in itself will be a spectacle. The crowd will be up for it no matter what and it isn't ridiculous to be excited for Sting in the WWE.

The nostalgia part is massive but a legend in the ring (possibly for the last time) is huge. The fact there is a potential match with Taker makes it even more interesting. To be honest, he could wrestle someone like Cena or Triple H and I'd be excited. The WWE will make it a big occasion and his entire time in the WWE will be special. It won't be watered down like his stuff in TNA. Sting the legend in WWE is a huge deal.
Ric Flair, Bret Hart? Maybe.
Austin, Hogan? You're dreaming...

In 1997 to halfway through 1998 Sting was as big or bigger than Austin. They were both considered the two biggest faces in the industry at the time. By mid 1998 to 1999, no, nobody touched Austin.

Sting was Hogan's equal during this time period as well. I don't know how that's not obvious? Their feud and the build to Starrcade and SuperBrawl proves this. Hell, even before the NWO in WCW, Sting and Hogan were equals, but babyface friends instead of enemies. They main evented Nitro in a match in 1995 during Hogan's "darkside" days vs Dungeon of Doom... and it was obvious that Sting was more over as a face than the fading Hogan.

Regardless, the point remains that Sting has been the top guy and on the same level as other legendary top guys across multiple wrestling eras. He can put on a slower, hype-filled, 15-min match (similar to Hogan/Rock) with someone like The Rock, Triple H, John Cena or even The Undertaker and it will be a classic.
I do want to see sting wrestle again just not an mania......
I'd rather go with cesaro vs kofi or anyone else......but that's not gonna happen
someone trashed bryan for sting up there that was a bit uncalled for
there's no chance in hell there'll be a sting chant at a non wrestling stadium
sting's finisher is lame and his clown act is stupid....
also if he were any older he'd be dust
Im asking what the big deal is with him now, im fully aware of what he accomplished but as iv previously stated its over 10 years too late yet still clamour for him to walk straight into WWE biggest event :wtf:
Grammar school.

You asked a question. I gave you answer. Age is something few people really care about. Besides, Sting was on major televised events not that long ago, they know he can still go in the ring.
Grammar school.

You asked a question. I gave you answer. Age is something few people really care about. Besides, Sting was on major televised events not that long ago, they know he can still go in the ring.

u gave a list of achievements, followed by an answer dripping with sarcasm, do ya reckon you have an actual opinion, next time i ask a question il keep it simple, I respect all comments written on this thread, regardless if they agree with me or not.

My point was not to rip on Sting, but to point out that he missed the opportunity to go big league years ago, so why would it work now.
Some users agree with this, others who dont have backed up the debate with comments about nostalgia and the fact he may not be as over the hill as i think he is, he would be a big draw and could work with some of the guys on the roster.

As for grammar, does anyone on any forum really worry too much about grammar, i thought mine was fine compared to some users

You are such a killjoy:lmao:
Ric Flair, Bret Hart? Maybe.
Austin, Hogan? You're dreaming...

Sting from late 1996 to about half way through 1998 was the hottest babyface in the entire industry. Arguably Austin and WWF Attitude would never have gotten as big had WCW booked and executed Starrcade '97 the way it should have been handled

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