Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Sting's long-drawn program with Abyss should be coming to a conclusion soon.

He is scheduled to feud with Christopher Daniels in a few months. That's the reason Daniels wore a Sting mask, trench coat and used a baseball bat in his return because they are planting the seeds for a program between the two.

The only positive I see coming from this is that Daniels might get the rub off Sting. It worked when Joe teamed with him last year to face Jarrett and Steiner. Hopefully this mean's there going to push Daniels as a serious main event player. I'm not intrested in the actuall match though.
Eh....I feel like stings to old however i agree with pushing daniels.
thats great and all, pushing Daniels to main event status, but seriously, how crowded is it over in Orlando?
I think Daniels deserves the shot at the main event level, but i don't want to see a 5 month program with him and Sting. Sting is ok but not great any more and i dunno doesn't draw much interest to me. But hey TNA is becoming WCW lets the old guys run the show and forget the younger guys as it wouldn't surprise me to see Sting dominante this feud.
I was kind of skeptical about Daniels having the steam response-wise to get and run with a main-event push, but after his outstanding match against Christian a couple of months back on Impact, now I'm just wondering what the hell they're waiting for. He's not getting any younger and I'd damn sure like to see him fighting for the big tamale in TNA because he can not only make himself look good in the ring, but also his opponent. I'd actually look forward to a match between Chris and Sting. He could possibly help knock the dust off of Sting's movement in the ring.
im wondering what the backbone of this feud is going to be. I mean why r they just going start feuding all of a sudden, i mean there's been no bad-blood between there two characters in the past n they r deff. not fighting over the title, just wondering.
im wondering what the backbone of this feud is going to be. I mean why r they just going start feuding all of a sudden, i mean there's been no bad-blood between there two characters in the past n they r deff. not fighting over the title, just wondering.

Most feud's arent about title's. Most are made through backstage confrontations. Or maybe he will just challenge him.
As long as this fued doesnt drag on and on I am looking forward to it.

Its about time Daniels got a push in the Heayweight division and I hope this is the makings of a serious push.

Would like to see him feuding for the title soonish. Show that TNA are also trying to put some work and emphasis into some of their own guys like Daniles, Styles and Joe, and not just to guys that have crossed from WWE in Cage, Angle.
I think this could be a good feud for Daniels, but only if he ends up on top when the feud ends, If Sting does whats right for the business and jobs to Daniels then if the continue to push Daniels after that I could see him in the title picture within the next year, I say a year becuase it's clear that Joe and Angle will both probably have runs with the title too in the next year, probably sooner, after he's done with Sting I'd like to see Daniels go after Angle,I think those to could have a great feud together
I think it should be a great feud, we all know chris has the abiltys to carry any match really with someone equal to his size, so it should be good and sting is a vet of the ring as rusty as he may be talent still lies in him.

I should hope Chris will come out on top of the feud and in the main event, Sting will probably Job to him, i mean he offered to Job to Abyss cleanly at Abyss's title win, so why not daniels...?

im wondering what the backbone of this feud is going to be. I mean why r they just going start feuding all of a sudden, i mean there's been no bad-blood between there two characters in the past n they r deff. not fighting over the title, just wondering.

I am worried they will play the, when you got signed i got held back, story that they tried to work with "Stiff as a board" and Angle.
OK, maybe I'm lost but who are you referring to as "Stiff as a board"? As far as a basis for this feud, which I think will be great for both men, showing that Stinger can still go, and Daniels has main event potential, is everyone missing the obvious? Christopher "The Fallen Angel" Daniels vs Sting, the born again Christian? For real, how many different directions could they go with that? For instance, Daniels could say that he was trying to rise again away from being a "fallen angel", and sought out sting for guidance, much like he offered to Abyss, and Stinger shunned him, and he figured that the best way to get his attention was through force and mimicking his persona.
I see that this feud will obviously give Daniels a push. The guy deserves it. I also see this feud to give Daniels main-event status since TNA is going ot soon be 2 hours. And since it's going 2 hours, TNA is gonna need lots of main eventers to impress the Spike TV Network.
I think this feud will suck Daniels is a small wrestler enough for him yo fit in cruiserweight division he is small and 5'5 what can they possibly do with him?
I say Battle of teh Birds match put Raven vs Sting they had yet to face each other I mean even in WCW they never feuded! Sting is only 44 yo and he has plenty of years left in him he won't retire next year or anytime soon for that matter but I want to see Kurt Angle vs Sting also thats a good match
Now TNA also lacks directions and organized skills they need fresh new talent now more than ever since Angle noone else has joined TNA we are awaiting for news with Christine Jericho who takes forever to decide since all his buddies are in TNA! Where is big show bring him in already!
WHere is Sean Waltman he can wrestle Sting also and that would help the feud they both have a past in WCW and nWo feuds so it would help hell of a lot better than Daniels/STING LOL
^^ Where are you getting your sources for height here, Christopher Daniels is 6'0" and the division between Heavyweights and Cruiserweights is 225 lbs, so at 210 lbs hes not that far off of the division that some promotions have. As for Sting he is 6'2" so not that much difference in height and he is 255 lbs, this aint that much heavier than Christopher Daniels when you consider that he had that feud with Samoa Joe and Joe is 290 lbs. Personnaly I think this is a way of Sting handing on to someone that has a similar gimmick to his, it is a good idea IF Sting plans to retire. As for Chris Jericho, he should take his time and decide what is right for him, I as much as anybody want to see him back in the Ring, but we will wait for any decision from him, whenever that is. As to the Paul Wright, he needs to take time off and not wrestle for a few months and then decide what he wants to do. I agree with one of your points in saying that seeing a Sting/Kurt Angle match would be cool, but Sting is winding down his career and it would be a pointless feud. As to a Sting/Sean Waltman feud what would this achieve but wasting TV time that TNA actually could use to develop the new guys, that is what I see Sting doing now in terms of his feuds for the most part in TNA being as a way to develop the younger guys like Abyss into megastars within the Industry.
Sting has a just a few fueds left in him and this be good. And as far as CD being too small well what about Aj Styles(5,10 215), Rey Misterio(53 165) or Christian (6.1 225) or even a man no one would argue is a maineventer HBK who is merely 6.1 225 none of these guys are much bigger than Daniels and soem are smaller
think this feud will suck big time Daniels is a small wrestler enough for him to fit in cruiserweight division he is small and 5'5 what can they possibly do with him?
I say Battle of the Birds match put Raven vs Sting they had yet to face each other I mean even in WCW they never feuded! Sting is only 44 yo and he has plenty of years left in him he won't retire next year or anytime soon for that matter but I want to see Kurt Angle vs Sting also thats a good match
Now TNA also lacks directions and organized skills they need fresh new talent now more than ever since Angle noone else has joined TNA we are awaiting for news with Christine Jericho who takes forever to decide since all his buddies are in TNA! Where is big show bring him in already!
WHere is Sean Waltman he can wrestle Sting also and that would help the feud they both have a past in WCW and nWo feuds so it would help hell of a lot better than Daniels/STING LOL
I say bring in Vampiro to restart the feud with STING how many of you guys agree? Vampiro gave Sting a run for his money in their WCW feuds
Hey how about bringing in Abdullah the Butcher in TNA to feud with STING and Angle and so on this would work big time!
New talent in TNA is a must as Chris Jericho,Big Show, Sabu,RVD and Chavo are expected there hell even Rey Mysterio could help!
So what do you all fans think I mean I just don't see Chris Daniels vs Sting a feud coz he is a short guy and he is not invulnerable like STING
He got his ass kicked by AJ Styles and Samoa Joe also recall how Samoa put him out of action come on now
Maybe Samoa Joe vs Sting is a great match also hell why not bring in Nash to do some wrestling or even SID VICIOUS for a change to take on Big Poppa Dump hell these matches can work and increase ratings!
I rather see Angle/STING , RAVEN/STING hell even ABDULLAH/STING as well as VAMPIRO/STING why cause these last 2 matches have a history and they can build up better story lines James Mitchell can even manage Abdullah and Vampiro!!!
Dude, Sting was born in 1959, that makes him older than 44, it makes him 48. I gave you the actual height that TNA gives Christopher Daniels, so it means he is not 5' 5". Ive also given you my opinion on why those feuds won't work. As well Raven is on the elder side of things, he is actually physically broken down due to his recreational drug use and this has led to ill health so his role as head of Serotonin is actually a good thing until he is back in ring shape.
Your having Pipe dreams if you think TNA picking up old WWE talent is a good thing, While some of them would suit but TNA has one hour on TV not enough for a bloated roster as involving these guys would do. They need to get big on their own Talent, not on old WWE talent, WCW did that, where did that get them.
It looks as though this is going to have something to do with Daniels dressing like Sting. I hope the feud ends with Daniels breaking both of Stings legs with a baseball bat and Sting announcing his retirement. Then book Daniels/Angle in a no. 1 contenders match at BFG.
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