Sting To Win 5th Annual WZ Tournament.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Sting, Stone Cold, The Rock and Brock Lesnar.

These Four men are the last of the 5th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament. We're currently in the Semi-Final Stages, with the match-ups being Sting vs Rock and Lesnar vs Stone Cold. The way it's going right now is pretty surprising in my own eyes. The Rock is beating Sting by one vote and well....

The Rock has gone too far in this Tournament. I may be in The Prison, but I've been watching over it quite closely. I wanted HBK to take the Crown again, but that's not going to happen, so I'm wanting to see Sting get it. The Rock has beaten Legends that he shouldn't have. I can't remember who said it, but The Rock didn't deserve getting this far. If I had a vote, I'd love to bring it to 61-61, because I wanna see Sting get all the way. I mean, in a Match, which is what the Voting is based on, I see Sting dominating and winning, hands down. He's better than The Rock in his In-Ring Skill. I mean really, The People's Elbow can hurt? Don't kid me. At least the Scorpion Death Drop or Death Lock can take some effect on the Body. Plus, you don't see Rocky hitting the Rock Bottom as much as the Elbow. I'd say 35-ish Minutes in and Sting takes the win. The Rock could put up his biggest fight, but Sting HAS to take the win in the end, nothing else said.

Then on to the Finals. If Sting is facing Austin, it would be one heck of a match-up for a Final. But still, in my Eyes, I would see Stinger taking this one again. Now, Brock Lesnar. The "Other Guy" who I think got too far in this Competition. If he makes it to the Final, you know that loads of people will go "OMG! LESNAR WILL BEET STING DUH!" and vote for Lesnar. But Sting is one Man who could take Lesnar down a peg and put him on the level he should be on. Sting is a dominant force, no matter who he's fighting. He has what it takes to go all the way and win this thing, but if he doesn't, I'll be very surprised.

So, who do you guys want to win? Let me know.
Yep, if I were able to vote, I would vote Sting all the way through, as well.

I'm a big Rock fan, but I think this is Stinger's year. He's a good guy and a great all around wrestler whose played the good guy baby face about as well as you can.

I recently watched a bit of BattleBowl 93' and as usual, Sting put on a great performance. It came down to Sting against Vader and Steve Austin, and Sting looked like he was fighting for his life, doing ninja rolls in between the two.

He really knew how to get a crowd excited. So yes, I'd be voting for Sting as well.

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