Sting: The Laziest Fucker In Wrestling

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
A terrible investment for TNA. Half a million a year to do nothing. He doesn't turn heel, he doesn't do back bumps, he doesn't alter his gimmick for more than two minutes, he doesn't put people over. Yeah, safe to say Sting was a waste of time.

So, Sting, is he the laziest guy in TNA? Or has he been worth the money TNA have ploughed into him?
I think this thread just proves you're the laziest poster on WrestleZone, Jake. Of course Sting wasn't worth the investment. This is too obvious.

I mean, his name value is even grossly exaggerated. And even when he was in his prime, he wasn't really much better than your average wrestler. If Sting is one of the best all rounders of all time, then Triple H is fucking Superman or something.

His title reign was shit, dull... basically any negative word you can think of. The man doesn't even bleed these days. Unless he did at Lockdown. I don't know; I didn't bother to watch it.

And he never finished his feud with James Storm either - a feud that could have seen off the Beer Money idea altogether.
Well, Impact ratings have been increasing apparently since they signed him. As far as not turning heel, they tried this in WCW and it didn't work. It will never work, it would be a waste of time, so why bother? Everyone's title reign in TNA is garbage because they have the marketing of a garage sale in suburbia. The answer is no, Kevin Nash is.
Well, Impact ratings have been increasing apparently since they signed him.

The company has also grown in the past 3 and a half years, oddly. Could it be the growth of the company or Stings occasional iMPACT! appearances?

As far as not turning heel, they tried this in WCW and it didn't work. It will never work, it would be a waste of time, so why bother?

Well, he was in a heel stable yet he was a tweener. A couple of beat downs might have made people embrace the heel turn more. We'll never know because he never tried.

The answer is no, Kevin Nash is.

Actually, Id say that the X-Division were helped by Nash. The same can't be said for Abyss & Christopher Daniels who feuded with Sting.
Nash attempted to "help" Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley, & Austin Starr. Two of them are no longer employed, and the other is in the tag division now, not winning the titles because the damn Dudleys need 8265 title reigns to convince themselves they're the best team ever. Actually, I've changed my answer. The laziest persn in wrestling is Michael Cole. He sits behind a desk for 2 hours and doesn't even do his job.
Well, Impact ratings have been increasing apparently since they signed him. As far as not turning heel, they tried this in WCW and it didn't work. It will never work, it would be a waste of time, so why bother? Everyone's title reign in TNA is garbage because they have the marketing of a garage sale in suburbia. The answer is no, Kevin Nash is.

At least Nash as an excuse with having 24 surgeries in his career and he's still trying to move in the ring to put on a credible match. Sting kind of just takes off whenever he wants too. He looks lazy because of the poor marketing and writing though, the whole company in fact looks lazy. If only Jarrett lost at sacrifice and the stipulation was actually true !!
no he is not the laziest person. they are many more guys lazyier than him .he is not in tna to be the number one best wrestler anymore he is there to bring in the fans and he is doin that

people learn to read and as for bein in some what english i anit english i am 110% scottish FREEEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
no he is not the laziest they are many more lazyier than him he not in tna to b the number one best wrestler anymore he there to bring in the fans and he doin that

I agree.... Every wrestling company does it.... WWE has Flair, Tna is full of former WWE employees....
I read something about an indy show having Sandman, Raven, and New jack...
I personally love Raven off! but none of these people were ever that big.... Yet they main event the show....

I'm not sure if he still works there but Scott Hall and Juggalo wrestling....
Star power brings in the fans.... Talent and T.V. time
(or sleeping with the bosses daughter) creates star power!
Sting has the star power.... Tna uses him the way his persona has been throughout the years....

I wonder if he'll run people over with his hummer again?
Sting shouldn't be blamed for the lack of work he does. 'Lazy', at least to me, means someone who should be expected to do more, and not doing it. I feel as though he's done the job expected of him, the job they brought him in to do. Not 'bleeding' or taking 'back bumps' are horrible reasons for calling him lazy. He wrestles matches, has decent promos, all while not having to do any of it if he didn't want to. I'd say just the fact that he is wrestling at all with how stable his life outside of wrestling is makes him not lazy.
The company has also grown in the past 3 and a half years, oddly. Could it be the growth of the company or Stings occasional iMPACT! appearances?

Actually, Kurt Angle admitted in an interview that Sting was one of the reasons he joined TNA as Sting was at the meeting with Dixie Carter where they signed Kurt Angle... So Sting does more than just wrestle..His name value attracts superstars to TNA.. Kurt said one of the main reasons he joined TNA was a match with Sting.

Well, he was in a heel stable yet he was a tweener. A couple of beat downs might have made people embrace the heel turn more. We'll never know because he never tried.

Actually, it's not that he didn't try, it's that TNA management instructed him not to... The whole "wrestling being scripted" thing.. TNA never wanted him to be a full blown heel...It was just to push the feud with Sting and Angle.. During the Sting/Foley feud, they turned Foley heel.. They wouldn't have done that if they really wanted Sting to be the heel at all.[/QUOTE]

Actually, Id say that the X-Division were helped by Nash. The same can't be said for Abyss & Christopher Daniels who feuded with Sting.

Yeah, the X Division really benefitted from Kevin Nash... All we got was a Macho Man ripoff and a goofy paparazzi gimmick with Alex Shelley that ended shortly after the Nash/X Division feud ended..Abyss benefitted big time from his feud with Sting.. Need I remind you, Abyss DID defeat Sting for the TNA World Championship(eventhough it was a DQ finish, lame booking by TNA) so i'd say Abyss benefitted rather nicely. Christopher Daniels could have benefitted aswell had TNA not pulled the plug after just one match..

Sting's put over Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, not to mention made guys like Abyss look like gold despite them not being that impressive... Is Sting lazy? No... Does he work as hard as he did in WCW? Obviously not.. He's 50 years old.. You can't expect a guy 50 years old to be as crisp as he was when he was 30.. Ric Flair's 60 years old but when he wrestles we don't expect 30 yr old Flair.. We expect 60 yr old Flair.. If you want Lazy, look at Kevin Nash, or Scott Steiner... Sting is simply doing what TNA asks him to do.. Rare Impact appearances? If my math is correct, he's appeared on damn near EVERY Impact of 2009, even after he lost the World Title.. Sting is doing exactly what is asked of him... His reign wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't terrible either.. He had some good matches with Rhino, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and even his match with Mick Foley was better than I thought it would be.Especially at 50 years old...
Sting turning heel is like Undertaker turning heel. Most fans just won't buy it anymore. Sting attacked Joe and AJ and they still cheered him. As far as him being lazy, probably not the laziest we have seen. I do think if he would have joined in more on all of the backstage beatdowns it would have went better. If they signed him to bring in fans then it was worth it. If they signed him to boost the company, then they overpaid. Other than Angle, who else in the MEM can carry a match, let alone a company?
I think people may be avoiding facts here. 1. Stings 50!! 2. Sting is without doubt 1 of the top 5 biggest names in wrestlings entire history. And 3.TNA makes enough doing 1 ppv to pay Sting for the year so just the sheer notoriety makes it worth it.
All the sting hatters need to just shut up...sting made WCW,, not hogan yes i said it...if it wasnt for sting what the hell would hogan have done huh..NOTHING! there was no other name that would of put on the type of story line that sting did! HE IS 50! and he still run and jumps around the ring like hes 25 and he can put on a good match tna writers jsut suck at making matches! he will nver be heel the fans love him to much to do that as they tried in wcw and here in tna with the MEM... Sting is a hall a famer even tho he prob wnt get into it seeing he nver worked for the WWE but he is one of 2 of my favorite and watched all my life and he still puts on a good show!
I think this thread just proves you're the laziest poster on WrestleZone, Jake. Of course Sting wasn't worth the investment. This is too obvious.

I mean, his name value is even grossly exaggerated. And even when he was in his prime, he wasn't really much better than your average wrestler. If Sting is one of the best all rounders of all time, then Triple H is fucking Superman or something.

His title reign was shit, dull... basically any negative word you can think of. The man doesn't even bleed these days. Unless he did at Lockdown. I don't know; I didn't bother to watch it.

And he never finished his feud with James Storm either - a feud that could have seen off the Beer Money idea altogether.
you are wrong sting was worth the investment. sting has been helping out tna since the first year while none of the other big names superstars were not. .stings name value is not even grossly exaggerated. you just don't no what your talking about
sting was onethe best of all times . sting was WCW's franchise & flair oriiginally pased the torch to sting not HBK. sting does not have to bleed for you or anybody because he has already earned it where he does not have to do stuff like don't get how wrestling wporks & you don't know talent . sting was on of the most talent wrestlers in nwa/wcw.TNA did right by signing sting. it would be stupid not to sign sting.also stings title run was not dull at all
Doesn't have to bleed because he earned it? I appreciate that in the wrestling business it seems to be more about "What did you do for me twenty years ago?" than "What have you done for me lately?", but if he's not actually gonna put on, y'know, good matches, then he's going to have to do something to make up for it.

Quite frankly, it's astonishing that Sting did a lot for WCW by waiting in the rafters. That, and the occasional beat down was all he really did, short of having one of the most underwhelming matches of all time. Now he just stands there and looks aged, having the occasional crap match. Not particularly impressive.

And, considering how he got his ass handed to him six ways from Sunday every time he got in the ring, his title reign was very much dull.
He is worth the money because of name value. People want to see the Stinger compete, whether he has it or not. A Pay Per View event healined by Angle vs Sting is going to sell better than a Pay Per View healined by AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe just because more people know Sting and Angle. These big names bring the fans in, then the younger guys captivate the audience in the undercard and eventually people will pay to see them. But for a growing company the best thing is to get people's attention and the best way to do that is with starpower like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash, and of course Sting.
I don't know if he was worth the investment...on the plus side of things, someone said before that he kinda helped bring in Kurt Angle. And that would help draw the company money. At the time his name alone could sell tix. Now after seeing him for a couple years in TNA, one can say it was kind of a disappointment.

Sting probably comes off as lazy also because at 50, who is to say he needs money anymore? Lex Luger and Sting wisely invested their money and are excellent businessmen. In WCW he probably wanted to insure that he'd have the money to secure his family. Flair on the other hand needs the money. That is my reasoning why he is still around wrestling better than most of the WWE roster these days. I don't think he's LAZY per say, but I do think times have changed and he doesn't really have anything to prove.

Nash being lazy is a whole other deal....a lot of people get down on him, but they don't realize he got hurt playing pro basketball in Europe. The man shouldn't be around a ring, and he really doesn't need the money either...but he's still around too. That's gotta say something about him.
If we are talking about the laziest fucker in wrestling, why go for a guy who at the ripe old age of fifty is willing to put his body on the line and defend a title month in and month out. Yeah creative fucked him over, but thats not his fault i dont think. He had bad knees and still defended his title even in a shitty cage match with Foley and went toe to toe with AJ and Samoa Joe.

Now I think the finger should be pointed at Kevin Nash as being a lazy fuck. This man is so smart by making more for less. This guy has made a killing financially and has little to show for it in match terms. I mean don't get me wrong he is entertaining none the less (PCS anybody?) But he does little more now than hobble VERY slowly in the ring, do the same knees to the gut, corner elbows, strap down jacknife moves that he has done in WCW.

Lazy fuck - Kevin Nash
Actually, Kurt Angle admitted in an interview that Sting was one of the reasons he joined TNA as Sting was at the meeting with Dixie Carter where they signed Kurt Angle... So Sting does more than just wrestle..His name value attracts superstars to TNA.. Kurt said one of the main reasons he joined TNA was a match with Sting.

The reason Kurt joined TNA was because WWE released him out of fear he'd die on their watch.

I'm sure Kurt was happy that Sting was in the company, but it's not the reason he joined.

Actually, it's not that he didn't try, it's that TNA management instructed him not to... The whole "wrestling being scripted" thing.. TNA never wanted him to be a full blown heel...It was just to push the feud with Sting and Angle.. During the Sting/Foley feud, they turned Foley heel.. They wouldn't have done that if they really wanted Sting to be the heel at all.

Why would TNA instruct him not to turn full heel? It was a heel stable that would have been better and more intresting with Sting as a fully fledged heel.

You seem to be forgetting that Sting has stroke. If he doesn't want to turn heel then he won't. Next you'll say that Sting has never used his position in a company to influence those in charge.

Yeah, the X Division really benefitted from Kevin Nash... All we got was a Macho Man ripoff and a goofy paparazzi gimmick with Alex Shelley that ended shortly after the Nash/X Division feud ended..

Didn't those bland cruiserweights develope personality as a direcvt result of being involved with Nash?

Abyss benefitted big time from his feud with Sting.. Need I remind you, Abyss DID defeat Sting for the TNA World Championship(eventhough it was a DQ finish, lame booking by TNA)

Yeah, a title win via DQ. Great way for Sting to put over Abyss.

so i'd say Abyss benefitted rather nicely.

Because he's now an established main eventer?

Christopher Daniels could have benefitted aswell had TNA not pulled the plug after just one match..

Or if Daniels, as the heel in the feud, had won the first match.

Sting's put over Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, not to mention made guys like Abyss look like gold despite them not being that impressive...

Did Sting facing any of them help them? Joe was a bigger star in the company before he faced Sting, Christian only found his groove when he feuded with A.J. Styles and what did Sting do for A.J. while we're at it!

Is Sting lazy? No... Does he work as hard as he did in WCW? Obviously not..

Actually, he's working harder than he did in the final few years of WCW, but that's not saying much at all.

If you want Lazy, look at Kevin Nash, or Scott Steiner...

You're mistaking lazy with incapable.

Rare Impact appearances? If my math is correct, he's appeared on damn near EVERY Impact of 2009, even after he lost the World Title..

Well that's 6 months of the three and a half accounted for.
The reason Kurt joined TNA was because WWE released him out of fear he'd die on their watch.

I'm sure Kurt was happy that Sting was in the company, but it's not the reason he joined.

Actually, if you read interviews of Kurt when he first joined TNA, he said talking to Sting at that meeting is what pushed him over the edge to join TNA...If you remember, when he first left the WWE, his intention was to focus on MMA.

Why would TNA instruct him not to turn full heel? It was a heel stable that would have been better and more intresting with Sting as a fully fledged heel.

Because the whole purpose was to build a Sting/Angle power struggle within the Mafia.. Shawn Michaels has turned heel twice in WWE since 2002 and never actually "acted" like a heel.. TNA knew fans wouldn't buy in to it.. Sting came out, insulted AJ Styles, said the young guys had no respect for the veterans, and still the fans cheered his every move.. TNA never had any intention of turning him full heel. It's like Goldberg's heel turn in WCW.. Nobody bought in to it, so they nixed it.. Eventually Sting will turn face or the MEM will turn on him, leading to a Sting vs MEM feud.

You seem to be forgetting that Sting has stroke. If he doesn't want to turn heel then he won't. Next you'll say that Sting has never used his position in a company to influence those in charge.

People seem to think that just because a guy is a legend that he automatically uses his "stroke" to his advantage every chance he gets.. Sting has always done what is best for the company.. If he objected to turning heel, he would've just turned down the MEM idea completely.. But he didn't... I don't know where these arguments come from but just because Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Jeff Jarrett did it, doesn't mean everybody with a little bit of stroke does it.

Didn't those bland cruiserweights develope personality as a direcvt result of being involved with Nash?

The ONLY cruiserweight who developed ANY sort of personality was Jay Lethal and that was at the expense of a Macho Man rip off character... Alex Shelley had personality even before aligning with Kevin Nash... Other than that I think half the guys involved in those skits are gone now anyway.. So your answer is, no, Nash did nothing for the X Division.

Yeah, a title win via DQ. Great way for Sting to put over Abyss.

He did more for Abyss in that month than Jeff Jarrett's done for him in 7 years.

Because he's now an established main eventer?

You can blame TNA for ruining his character not Sting... Once TNA took Father James Mitchell away, they effectively buried Abyss.. And that's a shame but it takes nothing away from the Sting/Abyss feud.. He could've used his supposed "stroke" to drop that belt to anyone, like AJ Styles or Christian... But he dropped it to Abyss.

Or if Daniels, as the heel in the feud, had won the first match.

TNA pulled the plug on that because the fans were not responding to the storyline... Maybe it's Daniels' lack of charisma or personality that does it.. I'd rather watch paint dry than a Christopher Daniels promo. You keep confusing Sting's decisions with TNA's decisions.

Did Sting facing any of them help them? Joe was a bigger star in the company before he faced Sting, Christian only found his groove when he feuded with A.J. Styles and what did Sting do for A.J. while we're at it!

Christian feuding with Sting is what solidified him as a top heel in TNA... His feud with AJ helped AJ more than it helped Christian... But feuding with Sting solidified Christian as a top player in TNA both heel and face..And AJ's feud with Sting pushed AJ as the true Leader of the Frontline.. Now AJ's the Legends Champion..You don't necessarily have to beat the legend to get the rub from the Legend.. And actually, Joe was a bigger star in the company until he lost to KEVIN NASH in what may've been Nash's only PPV win in a year...Then the MEM MINUS Sting attacked him and put him on the shelf... THAT is what killed Joe's momentum, not his feud with Sting.. This whole MEM/Frontline storyline started with Sting's disgust over how Joe treated Booker T.. And if you REALLY wanna go back.. Joe's TNA Title reign wasn't that great either.. And that was before his feud with Sting kicked in.

Actually, he's working harder than he did in the final few years of WCW, but that's not saying much at all.

Noone worked hard the final few years in WCW.. They knew it was a sinking ship so that's really tough to put on one guy.

You're mistaking lazy with incapable.

No actually they're quite capable.. If Scott Steiner can do a damn Frankensteiner in the Six Sides of Steel then he's capable of working a decent match... He just doesn't feel he needs to.. And Kevin Nash has done more with less his entire career.. Always been a great promo guy but when it came down to the ring, he never fully delivered... I havn't been able to really sit through a whole Kevin Nash match since about 1997-98...And even then he wasn't that good... But he's stayed in the business the last 11-12 years because he has a great mind and he's pretty good on the mic... In the ring, Nash has offered nothing since about 1998... He went to WWE with the nWo and everyone wrestled singles matches but him.. He only wrestled tag matches with Hall and X-Pac.. Then when he returned as a face, he stunk up the joint in his feud with Triple H... Even CHRIS JERICHO couldn't drag a decent match outta him.. Neither could Kurt Angle.. Same for Scott Steiner...If you can't have a half way decent match with future hall of famers such as Angle, Jericho, and HHH, then you're pretty lazy imo.

Well that's 6 months of the three and a half accounted for.

In his first run with TNA he appeared on almost every impact... Also remember in his last two contracts, like they do with some of their big name signees, theres a Dates clause where you're only contracted to work a certain number of dates the following year... They viewed Sting as a Special Attraction then, just like WWE views The Undertaker.. But, just like WWE gave Taker one last run(that ended due to injury), TNA gave Sting one last run... With that, Taker's workload increased, as has Stings... Sting works on a year by year basis.. If he was "lazy" and didn't wanna work, he'd just retire at the end of the year... I believe he's financially set so i'm pretty sure he doesn't need the money... But he resigns anyway.. If thats your definition of lazy then I wish alotta guys were as "lazy" as Sting.
Actually, if you read interviews of Kurt when he first joined TNA, he said talking to Sting at that meeting is what pushed him over the edge to join TNA...If you remember, when he first left the WWE, his intention was to focus on MMA.

LOL, and you believe him?

Yeah, Kurt, the 40 year old with a broken neck and no striking ability, was going to move into MMA.

Because the whole purpose was to build a Sting/Angle power struggle within the Mafia..

The climax to that was awesome.

Shawn Michaels has turned heel twice in WWE since 2002 and never actually "acted" like a heel..

Other than when he turned on Hulk Hogan.

TNA knew fans wouldn't buy in to it..

If you've got good enough writers and performers you can manipulate the fans however you want.

Sting came out, insulted AJ Styles, said the young guys had no respect for the veterans, and still the fans cheered his every move..

You couldn't expect the fans to give a shit about the Frontline when it was made up of Joe, Styles and noboddies.

For years TNA has pushed the older wrestlers as stars, that's not going to change with one promo.

TNA never had any intention of turning him full heel. It's like Goldberg's heel turn in WCW..

How do you know? If they don't try they don't succeed.

Nobody bought in to it, so they nixed it.. Eventually Sting will turn face or the MEM will turn on him, leading to a Sting vs MEM feud.

I thought Sting was already a face?

People seem to think that just because a guy is a legend that he automatically uses his "stroke" to his advantage every chance he gets..

He wouldn't be as successful as he is without using his stroke on occasion. I never said he did it all the time.

Sting has always done what is best for the company..


If he objected to turning heel, he would've just turned down the MEM idea completely.. But he didn't...

If he didn't object to turning heel then why isn't heel heelish?

I don't know where these arguments come from but just because Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Jeff Jarrett did it, doesn't mean everybody with a little bit of stroke does it.

I didn't bring up HBK, HHH or Jeff Jarrett. I think you're naive if you think that one of the biggest names in wrestling has never used his name value to change booking plans.

The ONLY cruiserweight who developed ANY sort of personality was Jay Lethal and that was at the expense of a Macho Man rip off character...

And a very successful character he is too.

Alex Shelley had personality even before aligning with Kevin Nash...

But are you saying that Shelly didn't benefit from being put with Nash?

Other than that I think half the guys involved in those skits are gone now anyway..

So! Sonjay Dutt still developed a personality which he can now use in whatever promotion he's now gone to.

So your answer is, no, Nash did nothing for the X Division.

Well he did, even you said so when you pointed to Jay Lethal.

He did more for Abyss in that month than Jeff Jarrett's done for him in 7 years.

Like what, having terrible gimmick matches in which the typical crowd responce was ''Fire Russo''?

You can blame TNA for ruining his character not Sting... Once TNA took Father James Mitchell away, they effectively buried Abyss.. And that's a shame but it takes nothing away from the Sting/Abyss feud..

You can't stay with the same manager forever, you need character development. Coincidentally, Sting, he's been the same for a while now hasn't he!

He could've used his supposed "stroke" to drop that belt to anyone, like AJ Styles or Christian... But he dropped it to Abyss.

Via DQ. A pinfall would have got Abyss over all the more.

TNA pulled the plug on that because the fans were not responding to the storyline... Maybe it's Daniels' lack of charisma or personality that does it.. I'd rather watch paint dry than a Christopher Daniels promo. You keep confusing Sting's decisions with TNA's decisions.

You'd think, with Sting's popularity and all, the crowd would love whatever he does. They do with Hogan, Flair and others.

Also, as the veteran, along with Daniels, isn't it up to Sting to get people involved in the match?

Christian feuding with Sting is what solidified him as a top heel in TNA...

At a time when Kurt Angle was the top heel in the company? Don't think so.

His feud with AJ helped AJ more than it helped Christian...

It was the alliance with Christian that helped A.J.

But feuding with Sting solidified Christian as a top player in TNA both heel and face..

Christian was never the top anything. As a face Sting was always bigger as a heel it was always Angle, or even Jarrett.

And AJ's feud with Sting pushed AJ as the true Leader of the Frontline..

Yeah, when Joe & Rhino were off TV.

Now AJ's the Legends Champion..You don't necessarily have to beat the legend to get the rub from the Legend..

He defeated Booker T for the belt!

And actually, Joe was a bigger star in the company until he lost to KEVIN NASH in what may've been Nash's only PPV win in a year...

Joe was one of the biggest stars in the company until he started losing.

Then the MEM MINUS Sting attacked him and put him on the shelf... THAT is what killed Joe's momentum, not his feud with Sting..

It was the title reign that killed what little momentum Joe had.

This whole MEM/Frontline storyline started with Sting's disgust over how Joe treated Booker T.. And if you REALLY wanna go back.. Joe's TNA Title reign wasn't that great either.. And that was before his feud with Sting kicked in.

Good job this isn't a Samoa Joe thread then.

Noone worked hard the final few years in WCW.. They knew it was a sinking ship so that's really tough to put on one guy.

They were still getting paid though, possibly millions per year in Sting's case. Just because WCW was dying doesn't mean he couldn't have gave it his all to help out the company. Laziness was the exact opposite of what the company needed at that point.

No actually they're quite capable.. If Scott Steiner can do a damn Frankensteiner in the Six Sides of Steel then he's capable of working a decent match... He just doesn't feel he needs to..

A Frankensteiner is one move. A very simple one at that. Visually impressive, but anybody can do it. Just because he can pull off that one move in a match involving 9 other wrestlers, doesn't mean he can put on a decend 1-on-1 match.

And Kevin Nash has done more with less his entire career.. Always been a great promo guy but when it came down to the ring, he never fully delivered... I havn't been able to really sit through a whole Kevin Nash match since about 1997-98...And even then he wasn't that good... But he's stayed in the business the last 11-12 years because he has a great mind and he's pretty good on the mic... In the ring, Nash has offered nothing since about 1998... He went to WWE with the nWo and everyone wrestled singles matches but him.. He only wrestled tag matches with Hall and X-Pac.. Then when he returned as a face, he stunk up the joint in his feud with Triple H... Even CHRIS JERICHO couldn't drag a decent match outta him.. Neither could Kurt Angle.. Same for Scott Steiner...If you can't have a half way decent match with future hall of famers such as Angle, Jericho, and HHH, then you're pretty lazy imo.

You're mistaking laziness with just not being very good.

Nash is lazy, but he's also got busted knees and he's a big man. What exactly do people want somebody of his size to do?

In his first run with TNA he appeared on almost every impact... Also remember in his last two contracts, like they do with some of their big name signees, theres a Dates clause where you're only contracted to work a certain number of dates the following year...

Like I said, limited schedule, less effort, more pay.

They viewed Sting as a Special Attraction then, just like WWE views The Undertaker.. But, just like WWE gave Taker one last run(that ended due to injury), TNA gave Sting one last run... With that, Taker's workload increased, as has Stings... Sting works on a year by year basis..

Undertaker workd house shows and travels when he's champion.

If he was "lazy" and didn't wanna work, he'd just retire at the end of the year... I believe he's financially set so i'm pretty sure he doesn't need the money... But he resigns anyway..

I don't need money. But I'm offered some for doing very little, I'll take it. Same can be said for almost everybody.

If thats your definition of lazy then I wish alotta guys were as "lazy" as Sting.

I wish I was given the oppertunity to half arse at work and still make more than anybody else.
LOL, and you believe him?

Yeah, Kurt, the 40 year old with a broken neck and no striking ability, was going to move into MMA.

I never said he was the SMARTEST person in the world... But any interview you read to this day states Angle wants to try MMA.. I never said it was the right career path.

The climax to that was awesome.

It could've been had TNA developed it better... They tried to recreate Hogan vs Nash from WCW when they both wanted control of the nWo and it didn't work.. But their match was decent enough.

Other than when he turned on Hulk Hogan.

Yeah and he came out the next week, Superkicked Roddy Piper, and the crowd cheered. Nuff said.

If you've got good enough writers and performers you can manipulate the fans however you want.

Well the "good enough writers" part of that sentence pretty much cancels TNA outta the equation then.

You couldn't expect the fans to give a shit about the Frontline when it was made up of Joe, Styles and noboddies.

Like you said, if you've got good enough writers, you can manipulate fans however you want.. They labeled AJ Styles the face of TNA.. That should mean the fans care about you... And didn't they have Rhino and The Dudleys too? The fans still didn't care.

For years TNA has pushed the older wrestlers as stars, that's not going to change with one promo.

And that's Sting's fault, how?

How do you know? If they don't try they don't succeed.

And you actually think Sting would be the top heel with Kurt Angle on the roster? To build the angle they wanted to build, they needed Sting as the reluctant heel.

I thought Sting was already a face?

Technically, he isn't... He won't be officially a face until he leaves the Main Event Mafia...Unfortunately.

He wouldn't be as successful as he is without using his stroke on occasion. I never said he did it all the time.

I agree... But to say he uses his stroke to stay as a face eventhough he's supposed to be heel is a little one sided.

If he didn't object to turning heel then why isn't heel heelish?

Again, because TNA has not booked him that way.. He started out acting like a heel by attacking AJ Styles, attacking Samoa Joe with a bat, etc. But he was still getting cheered.

I didn't bring up HBK, HHH or Jeff Jarrett. I think you're naive if you think that one of the biggest names in wrestling has never used his name value to change booking plans.

I'm sure he has... I don't doubt that... But Sting's never been revealed as the kinda guy who would change booking plans even IF it meant hurting the company like the other 3 have done in the past.

But are you saying that Shelly didn't benefit from being put with Nash?

Not really because for the most part since leaving Nash he's done virtually nothing, been buried at the bottom of the roster, and only just now is starting to be utilized again with his VERY short X Division Title reign. I see the word "benefit" to mean that being paired with someone catapulted you to better things in your career and in that aspect, Shelley has not.

So! Sonjay Dutt still developed a personality which he can now use in whatever promotion he's now gone to.

And what personality is that? And arabian happy-go-lucky goof who carries around a tamborine? Or the guy who competed in Macho/Hogan circa 1990 with Jay Lethal and So Cal Val? I fail to see how rehashing characters and storylines from the early 90's "benefits" the X Division..

Well he did, even you said so when you pointed to Jay Lethal.

Well..In that case... Shouldn't we say Randy Savage is responsible for the growth of Jay Lethal? It is HIS character he's using.

Like what, having terrible gimmick matches in which the typical crowd responce was ''Fire Russo''?

I thought Sting/Abyss matches were decent... The Fire Russo chants have more to do with Russo's incompetance and not Sting's work.

You can't stay with the same manager forever, you need character development. Coincidentally, Sting, he's been the same for a while now hasn't he!

So has The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, pretty much any big name legend still left standing has had the same character for years... Sting started as the bleach blonde surfer dude, transformed in to the crow, and then developed in to The Icon you see today.

Via DQ. A pinfall would have got Abyss over all the more.

In the books, it says Abyss DEFEATED Sting.. That's really all that matters.. And Abyss defeated Sting for the NWA World Title..TNA then dropped the ball with Abyss' Title run.

You'd think, with Sting's popularity and all, the crowd would love whatever he does. They do with Hogan, Flair and others.

Also, as the veteran, along with Daniels, isn't it up to Sting to get people involved in the match?

It's Sting's part but it's not his job, at 50 yrs old, to carry one of the top young guys in TNA.. It's still Daniels' responsibility to develop his own character and personality and get it over with the crowd, a concept to this day I still don't think he's gotten.

At a time when Kurt Angle was the top heel in the company? Don't think so.

Jeff Jarrett was the top heel at the time... Christian turned on Sting during a match with Jarrett... I don't even think Kurt was with the company at the time... And Jarrett was on his way out to take time off.. And when he did, who basically took the reigns as top heel? Christian Cage.

It was the alliance with Christian that helped A.J.

And AJ's feud with Christian(both of them) certainly didn't' hurt.

Christian was never the top anything. As a face Sting was always bigger as a heel it was always Angle, or even Jarrett.

That's why Christian was NWA Champion twice, as a face and a heel.. When Jarrett left, Kurt was the top face and Christian was the top heel.. When Angle turned heel, the top face to oppose him was Christian Cage... Christian was the focal point plenty of times in TNA.. It wasn't til the last few months that he started to fade out.

Yeah, when Joe & Rhino were off TV.

Noone ever cared about Rhino... And when Joe was on TV, he was feuding with Kevin Nash while AJ faced TNA Champion Sting.

He defeated Booker T for the belt!

You say that as if he defeated Eric Young or somethin... Need we remember Booker T is a 6 time World Heavyweight Champion and a legend in his own right.. It's not like he's a scrub off the street.

Joe was one of the biggest stars in the company until he started losing.

My point exactly.. He was still considered a major threat.... Until he lost to Kevin Nash. He hasn't been the same since.

It was the title reign that killed what little momentum Joe had.

That really has more to do with Samoa Joe and the bookers of TNA than anything.

They were still getting paid though, possibly millions per year in Sting's case. Just because WCW was dying doesn't mean he couldn't have gave it his all to help out the company. Laziness was the exact opposite of what the company needed at that point.

Tell that to the other 60+ superstars... Sting was nearing retirement(the 1st time) and WCW wasn't really using him at the time.. Sting in his PRIME couldn't save WCW from sinking.

A Frankensteiner is one move. A very simple one at that. Visually impressive, but anybody can do it. Just because he can pull off that one move in a match involving 9 other wrestlers, doesn't mean he can put on a decend 1-on-1 match.

Scott Steiner did a Frankensteiner Last year for the first time in 10 years so I doubt it's as easy as it sounds.... But Scott Steiner hasn't been the same competitor since he became "Big poppa Pump" all roided up.

You're mistaking laziness with just not being very good.

Nash is lazy, but he's also got busted knees and he's a big man. What exactly do people want somebody of his size to do?

I dunno.. The Undertaker's about his size as he's doin suicide dives over the top rope... Kane's about his size and he's doin Flying Closelines.. Big Show's BIGGER than Kevin Nash and still moves better, even with bad knees.. I just don't think Nash feels he has anything left to prove and if that's the case, get the hell out.

Like I said, limited schedule, less effort, more pay.

Wouldn't you want a limited schedule if you were nearing 50 yrs old and been wrestling non stop for basically 20 years now? It's TNA's fault for payin him that much... He'd be a fool not to take it.

Undertaker workd house shows and travels when he's champion.

TNA never travels with Impact outside Orlando.. WWE Smackdown airs from a different city every week.. Sting doesn't work house shows probly because it's not in his contract... Neither does Shawn Michaels.

I don't need money. But I'm offered some for doing very little, I'll take it. Same can be said for almost everybody.

You just made my point then... Like I said, he's 50 years old... How much do you expect him to do?

I wish I was given the oppertunity to half arse at work and still make more than anybody else.

The biggest waste of a salary belongs to Kevin Nash.. Sting still provides something to TNA.. Kevin Nash rarely wrestles, never jobs, and moves about as slow as my grandmother... Put him behind the Announce table or release him.. Either way, Sting is still a valuable asset to TNA and He, along with Kurt Angle, are two guys who'd hurt TNA if they left.
Well the "good enough writers" part of that sentence pretty much cancels TNA outta the equation then.

Not really. Good performers can always maintain their credibility in the ring, in spite of crappy writing.

Like you said, if you've got good enough writers, you can manipulate fans however you want.. They labeled AJ Styles the face of TNA.. That should mean the fans care about you... And didn't they have Rhino and The Dudleys too? The fans still didn't care.

It's not easy to be a likeable face. Rhino & Team 3D are the most obnoxious faces in wrestling.

And that's Sting's fault, how?

I didn't say it was, although Sting could lose cleanly when he's put in matches with younger wrestlers.

And you actually think Sting would be the top heel with Kurt Angle on the roster?

Of course, I hear he's an ''Icon'' something I've never heard about Kurt Angle. I always thought that to be an Icon you'd have to be great in every aspect of wrestling. If he can't become the best heel in the company then he can't be an Icon.

I agree... But to say he uses his stroke to stay as a face eventhough he's supposed to be heel is a little one sided.

He's deeply religious, I don't think it's one sided at all.

And what personality is that? And arabian happy-go-lucky goof who carries around a tamborine? Or the guy who competed in Macho/Hogan circa 1990 with Jay Lethal and So Cal Val? I fail to see how rehashing characters and storylines from the early 90's "benefits" the X Division..

Jay Lethal wouldn't have faced and defeated Kurt Angle at No Surrender is he hadn't got over with the Black Machismo gimmick.

Well..In that case... Shouldn't we say Randy Savage is responsible for the growth of Jay Lethal? It is HIS character he's using.

Jay Lethal is responsible for the growth of the character. But yeah, the genesis is down to Savage...and Nash.

I thought Sting/Abyss matches were decent...


So has The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, pretty much any big name legend still left standing has had the same character for years... Sting started as the bleach blonde surfer dude, transformed in to the crow, and then developed in to The Icon you see today.

Sting is still the same character he was in 1997. Undertaker has changed numerous times in that period. Tripl H is a lot different now than he was in 1997, although he hasn't changed in 10 years. Shawn Michaels has altered very little too.

But it's because of his status that people are fine with Sting and others playing the exact same character and using the same gimmick without change for years. But the difference is that Triple H & even somebody as lazy as HBK is now, will still pull off the occasional great performance.

In his time in TNA Sting has had plenty of ok matches. But the only two really good matches that I can think of are vs. Angle & Joe at Bound For Glory. Even then the match with Angle had an awful finish.

In the books, it says Abyss DEFEATED Sting.. That's really all that matters.. And Abyss defeated Sting for the NWA World Title..TNA then dropped the ball with Abyss' Title run.

The ''books'' don't matter on the internet, geeks like us remember that Sting didn't put over Abyss. Also, only people like us would be intrested if a book of wrestling records actually existed.

It's Sting's part but it's not his job, at 50 yrs old, to carry one of the top young guys in TNA.. It's still Daniels' responsibility to develop his own character and personality and get it over with the crowd, a concept to this day I still don't think he's gotten.

It is Stings job. Daniels is bland, but Sting should have the knowledge and skill to inject some life into a match or feud.

Jeff Jarrett was the top heel at the time... Christian turned on Sting during a match with Jarrett... I don't even think Kurt was with the company at the time... And Jarrett was on his way out to take time off.. And when he did, who basically took the reigns as top heel? Christian Cage.

Nope. Cage turned on Sting, yet Double J was still the top heel. Angle arrived in September, Jarrett took time off in October.

You say that as if he defeated Eric Young or somethin... Need we remember Booker T is a 6 time World Heavyweight Champion and a legend in his own right.. It's not like he's a scrub off the street.

No, I was pointing out, that by all accounts, Booker T is indeed a legend.

Tell that to the other 60+ superstars...

Most of who were green.

Sting was nearing retirement(the 1st time) and WCW wasn't really using him at the time..

Yet he's wrestling 8 years plus later.

Sting in his PRIME couldn't save WCW from sinking.

No, but Sting making a little efford would help. Even if only a little bit.

I dunno.. The Undertaker's about his size as he's doin suicide dives over the top rope...

He only does it once a year.

Kane's about his size and he's doin Flying Closelines..

Kane is in the minority. How many people his size other than the Undertaker do moves like that? Ask Sid why they don't.

I just don't think Nash feels he has anything left to prove and if that's the case, get the hell out.

I think that applies to him & Sting.

Wouldn't you want a limited schedule if you were nearing 50 yrs old and been wrestling non stop for basically 20 years now? It's TNA's fault for payin him that much... He'd be a fool not to take it.

He should take it. But he should also give it his all. He's ohysically able. Nobody is expecting him to give 100% in a worthless iMPACT match, but at PPVs he should.

TNA never travels with Impact outside Orlando..

That's weird, I saw TNA last year.

Sting doesn't work house shows probly because it's not in his contract... Neither does Shawn Michaels.

A world champion should work house shows, HBK isn't one.

You just made my point then... Like I said, he's 50 years old... How much do you expect him to do?

I expect him to do what he's able. Fatigue, strength and other things might come into play because of his age. But he's not broken down, he's a perfectly healthy 50 year old man.

The biggest waste of a salary belongs to Kevin Nash..

Depends, he's being paid less and he's not in a serious position.
Nash is decent,,,loved the Paparazzi Championship Series. Rather see more of that stuff than 'DR Stevie'.
Sting was the reason i first started watching pro-wrestling. That's all i'm saying, yes i know i'm spamming but meh, i have the excuse of pms :p
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