Sting Still Wants Taker


Sting has very recently given an interview with the UK tabloid "The Mirror" in which he says he wants "one last big match" and he still would like that match to be against The Undertaker.

"I've made it clear I'd love to have one last hurrah, one last big match hopefully. And of course I've been outspoken about Undertaker being the opponent. I know what happened at WrestleMania where Brock Lesnar broke his streak. I think, or at least I'm hoping, that Taker's still going to come back and that he's not done. If he's not done, and he would consider doing it, I'd love to work with him one time. I'd love to wrestle him one time before I call it quits.

As far as Sting making appearances on WWE programming to hype WWE 2K15 he simply said:

"All for it, just put it that way. I'm all for it."

As to why he signed with WWE, Sting responded that it was a "now or never" sort of situation.

"I've done so many things in the wrestling business but the one thing I'd never done was wrestle or be a part of the WWE family. I didn't want to hang it all up and retire and disappear again without having done that in some capacity."

We can all assume that Sting is talking about WrestleMania, given that it's the ppv that Taker's appeared the past several years as a special attraction. The last reports I read on Taker indicate that he's able to workout again, but he's still in rough shape from his bout against Lesnar and that the odds of him returning for WrestleMania XXXI aren't looking too good. Sting's currently 55 years of age, Taker himself will turn 50 just 5 days before WrestleMania XXX and neither man is remotely close to what they were 4 or 5 years ago. Regardless of that, however, the match would be a huge draw simply for the novelty of seeing the two men who're arguably the most respected veterans in wrestling today meet in the ring for the very first time in their 30+ year careers.
I'm glad that Sting's gonna be in 2k15 and hopefully feud with a couple of the top wrestlers in WWE..Sting vs Randy Orton(since Orton's started calling himself the Legend Killer again) and Sting vs Cena.

I'd love to have seen Sting vs Taker at any point before Wrestlemania 30. After seeing how broken down Taker is now, along with the concussion he suffered, I really don't want to see Sting vs Taker at Wrestlemania 31. Also, since Taker's finally lost at Wrestlemania, what's the point for him to come back to Wrestlemania again since he's got no more streak to defend?

At this point I just want to see Taker reappear on TV for whenever he's going to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame. Other than that, I don't wanna see Taker wrestle ever again.
if not taker the 2 best answers in my mind for sting at mania are bray as it books self and taldthe best possible answer is still the rock with both also going in the hof the nite before gives wwe a huge match but also assures that neither are taking a spot from the young guys and can still be awesome and fun
You wwe marks need to grow up and not act like spoiled children demanding what the fans want! These are 2 old out of shaped men with beer guts sticking out . Its like watching Flabby Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan for the 100th time .... cmon already what is this obsession of seeing 2 clowns in their mid 50's out of shaped and overexausted Underfaker limps half the time I like to see STINg beat him that's it but if he jobs there is no point , the streak is OVER its been BROKEN thank Goodness! I rather see STING beat john semen or Y2Jerk or RAndy Orton that's money making matches geeeeez get over it he wants a light schedule that wwe won t give him
WrestleMania would be the best stage for the match up. Unfortunately, it probably wouldn't close out the show if they go with the proposed Lesnar/Reigns, Rock/Lesnar main events at WrestleMania.

It definitely would draw a new set of eyes if WWE can actually put together a Taker/Sting match but I'd only want to see it if they're both in wrestling shape
In 2000 I would've wanted to see Sting vs Undertaker. Hell 2 years ago I might have been interested.

Streak aside, Undertaker's match at WM XXX was painful to watch. Brock was drenched from carrying that match. Now I'm a fan of both but they both can spare me the expense of competing in the ring.

I'll stick to my "What if..." thoughts of Sting/Undertaker rather than to see either one try to put on a match.

I feel Undertaker's WM 28 match against Triple H should have been his last. It was a great match and the ending on the stage was a great moment.

I am still opposed to a Sting match against anyone. Even if he lost the gut and got in better ring shape I have no desire to see a guy in his mid 50s competing in the ring.

I just want to see him make a few appearances and get his HOF bid.
Yeah, this would've been interesting a few years ago. I havent watched much of TNA, so I don't know if Sting still has it in him to do a good match, but Undertaker should just retire.
If he does come to the WWE in wrestling capacity, I want him to face just Taker and Taker alone. John Cena and Randy Orton do not need any more rubs, and the rest are not deserving enough yet to get a rub from one of the biggest deals in wrestling history and a living legend.
As for The Undertaker's health, I think he got injured because Brock is actually a very strong guy, plus he is a real fighter and martial artist too, so he might have hurt Taker with his blows even if he didn't want to. Comparatively, Sting will be a 'Softer' opponent and a lot on Taker's level. They will blend in really well.
Stinger splash avoided and turned into the Old school, Tombstone countered into the Scorpion Death Drop, Hell's gate turned into a Scorpion Death Lock... Even their moves have so much potential!
Taker. Sting. One match. That's it.
Well, it seems like The Stinger has FINALLY agreed to an on-screen role with WWE, THIRTEEN YEARS after WCW closed its doors. Imagine the feuds and matches we could have had if Sting had signed with the company back in 2001. The Invasion storyline would have been far better, feuds with the likes of Triple H, The Rock, Lesnar, HBK, Angle, RVD, Guerrero and of course Undertaker.

I do still want to see Sting have at least 1 match in WWE, just so he's done it. And I think it has to be at Wrestlemania in order to make it mean the most. However, while Sting vs Undertaker is the one everyone has always wanted to see, I just do not see 'Taker wrestling again, and I don't want him to if its taking a year to recover from a single match these days. He is so beat up now, it would be sad to see Sting and The Dead Man embarassing themselves just for the sake of having a match.

However, I've read that Sting has been training very hard over the last few months and getting back into decent shape- obviously not what he was in his prime but good enough that he wouldn't have to wear a T-Shirt (which was embarassing) in the ring. If he wasn't going to face 'Taker, then I'd like to see him go up against Triple H, Bray Wyatt (giving Bray a huge rub if he was able to beat Sting) or CM Punk if he is back in WWE by that point.

The dream match is still against Undertaker, but only- AND I STRESS ONLY- if Undertaker is capable of delivering a good performance. If there's any doubt in Taker's mind he shouldn't get back in the ring. I don't want to see him get seriously injured just trying for that last classic match.
The sheets have been reporting every year since WrestleMania 26 that The Undertaker is just too banged up to ever wrestle again. Not saying he's in great shape, but he can still work. 'Taker has been outspoken about his love for the business and its fans, so he's not going to pussy out. Sting at 31, then he bows out against Cena at 32.
IF, and I highly emphasize that word here, they do match these two up I personally could care less about the actual match. I'd watch it, of course, but I expect the buildup to be what most people would want more than the actual match itself...That part SHOULD be of epic proportions.
Imagine the feuds and matches we could have had if Sting had signed with the company back in 2001.

I still maintain that if a wrestler is widely considered one of the best in the history of his sport, he's cheating himself and his fans by performing anywhere but at the place best able to market his services. The example I keep citing is if the New York Yankees wanted Derek Jeter to play for their team, but he chose to spend his career in Triple A because he better liked the schedule. To me, that's the same as Steve Borden spending the last useful years of his career in TNA. Yes, he still gets TV exposure, but as a wrestling immortal-to-be, he should be plying his trade where the most folks can watch him do it.

Okay, so now he's coming to WWE.....apparently. I'm still not sold on what his role will be....and the whole thing has taken so long and become so anticlimactic that I've grown reticent about him appearing. One might say "What's the hurry?".....but if he actually plans to wrestle, there's hurry enough. In fact, the Undertaker-Sting match he's looking forward to might already have exceeded it's expiration date, no?

For all that, if the two were to meet at WM31, would I be interested in seeing it?.......sure, I would., figuring the two geezers wouldn't be stepping into the ring at pro wrestling's grandest venue if they couldn't give it everything they've got. While it might not be a classic match, it would still be an event, for sure.

Even if it's billed as "Wheelchair in a Cell"..... we'd be watching, right?

C'mon already, Borden. Time's a-wastin'
Sting has finally signed a deal with the WWE.. As far as nostalgia goes of course i want Sting to compete hell who wouldnt.. But taker,is pretty beat up.. It was painfully obvious at WMXXX. Concussion aside,taker looked slow,old,and just flat out worn out.. Sting from what i have seen is not much better..

Put on quite a bit of weight,is 55 years old and out of shape.. If he is trying to make a one match and one match only send-off,then I dont mind that as i have said many other times.. But IMO it has to be against someone other than taker..

The Taker and Sting match needed to happen at WM22! If you insert Taker against Sting instead of that debacle casket match,WM22 would have been that much more epic. Possibly top 5 with that match alone..

Taker is just too old now,i like to think of what ifs i particularly dont want to see that match.. I am not arguing the Taker and Stinger match would be epic,drawing power alone. But not now,that ship sailed years ago when sting and Taker could have had many feuds..

Sting is someone not trying to bash him,but came to the bar at closing time.. He should have singed a deal when WCW closed its doors.. The feuds that could have happened,SCSA the Rock,Y2J,Taker etc etc..
I think Sting made a smart business decision to not sign at the time of the buyout as he would've likely been lost in the shuffle or improperly used, there was just way too much talent at the time. That said, he was smart to wait maybe 2 or 3 years, maybe come in around 2004-2006, but at this point I think he's waited way too long. I DO still want to see him wrestle in a WWE ring, one time only, WrestleMania next year, and that's it. period. No stupid throwaway tag match beforehand at Survivor Series or anything, use every minute from now until then getting in the best shape of his life, and put on one final classic for the ages, then let WWE preserve his legacy using the WCW library.

Now the question is who does he face? I'll be brutally honest here, I think it was pretty chickenshit of Sting to wait until Taker was on his last legs before doing this, because everyone knew that was the match. Even before he lost the match, I though Taker's performance at WM this year was terrible, no disrespect to the man at all, but he doesn't have it left in him to put on another five star classic. So who do you put Sting with? Do you really want to risk him against an unproven commodity like Wyatt or Reigns? Sure they're up and comers, but if their career gets derailed for some reason then you've wasted Sting's only WWE match on them. Do you go the safe route with Cena? Is it just a rehash of the Rock storyline then? Who's the face? Does Cena go over, or Sting?

If Sting faces Taker now, obviously everyone will still be excited to see the match, but the mystique is gone, you've got two guys both way past their prime, and in Taker's case the thrill of the streak being on the line is gone. I think it would be a complete waste to do this match in 2015, but if I'm the one fantasy booking Sting's one and only WWE match, I'm at a complete loss on this one.

The only thing I could maybe (and this is a big maybe) see happen, is Sting comes to the aide of whoever is feuding with the authority, and gets in a months long staredown from the rafters with them until he faces HHH at WM, and Sting wins. Honestly though, I'd like to Sting win against whoever he faces, but I have no interest in him and HHH, which is why they'll probably go that route.
Honestly, I don't want to see this match. Sting and Taker are both at the age now where they have to be carried to a good match. Sting is so old now that he can't even apply the Scorpion Deathlock correctly anymore. Taker, on the other had, had one of his worst performances in years at WM30. Luckily for him, Brock Lesnar carried him to a pretty good match. If this match does happen, though, don't be surprised to see a shitty match between these two.
Streak or no streak it's still a dream match. What I don't understand is everyone is ready to put The Undertaker out to pasture because he had one lackluster match at WM30. So I guess it doesn't matter that he got injured during the match? I trust The Undertaker to be pretty honest with himself, if he thinks he has something left then I believe he does.

No this won't be the in-ring classic it could have been 5-10 years ago, but it could still be a classic based on nostalgia similar to Rock vs Hogan. Undertaker and Sting both deserve to go out on a much higher note than they are both currently sitting on.

If this match happens, personally I feel it should be the final match for at least one of them. Put both of their careers on the line. When comes down to who should win it has to be The Undertaker. Sting is an icon but there's way he should win this match.

Hopefully we finally get to see this match at WM31 and hopefully it's Stings final match. It would be a great way to see him go out on the biggest stage possible.
I think there's a chance Sting will be on the July 28 Raw for a few reasons:

1) It's in his home state, and The Undertaker's home town. Where better to plant the seed?
2) JR pushed back his Sting podcast from July 15 to July 29 and gave no reason.
3) Both Triple H and Sting himself have hinted at a debut. In his weekly interview, Trips was asked if Sting would appear live. In response he mentioned how people said Bruno and Warrior would never work with WWE, and stated, "never say never". Sting, when asked by the Mirror if he would appear live to promote WWE 2K15, answered: "All for it, just put it that way. I'm all for it".
I really don't care if these two don't put on a 5 star classic, just so long as I can get to see them both finally step into the ring with each other. Like a couple of previous posters said, the match would still draw, could be a classic based on nostalgia, and the build up would definitely be worth it. This is one of those times where people are burying something before it happens. It's been said that Sting is working hard to get back in shape, and there's still plenty of time left between now and Wrestlemania for Taker to recover and get back in shape in too. I hope Sting and Taker do have a match at Wrestlemania 31 and they end up proving the doubters wrong and put on a good match for two guys their ages, but we'll see.

Also, I don't get why some people wouldn't wanna see this match just because the streak is dead. Has that always been the appeal of this dream match up - to see Sting take on the streak? Cause I thought it was about two legends with dark gimmicks, getting it on for the first time ever. This was a dream match for people before the streak even became a thing at Wrestlemania. Who cares if the streak is dead? That should be a good thing. It makes the winner of the match unpredictable now. I bet if the streak wasn't dead and the match was taking place next year, you'd get people complaining because Sting would have no chance at beating Taker and it would be obvious that Taker was gonna win.
enough of all the "over 50, old men" blah blah.

id bet either one of those old men could leave a lopsided majority of this board blown up and bruised.

the match would be a classic. both men are old school and have always been more storytelling wrestlers than magnificent moves men.

the bookings more than simple. undertaker says hes retiring...sting interrupts and says not without putting all the years of speculation to rest.

taker wins...half ass redeems himself at wrestlemania. vince proves his vincey point. sting gets paid and a wrestlemania moment.
I've read some many reports on how WWE have tried to strike a deal with Sting while also possibly trying to get Goldberg... wouldn't it make sense that they carry on with this Authority angle up until Wrestlemania 31 which leads to Vince to return.. and instead of the predictable help off Cena or Daniel Bryan, he takes two of the biggest names ever in WCW to take on the Authority, Goldberg and Sting leading to them teaming up in a tag match again HHH and Orton.

Both Goldberg and Sting are in their 40's and 50's and what better way that to cover their rather slow paced style and ring rust than a tag match at mania?
The Idea of Undertaker vs Sting at Wrestlemania is a dream match that fans of many generations have wished for awhile. In theory it sounds perfect, a sure fire hit and Wrestlemania Moment for the ages.

In 2015 though, when that it becomes not just an Idea, and it turns into reality. . . .It is not what it could've been. Both men cannot go like they use too and there match would be very very rough for anyone whose watch them in their prime to witness. I may get hate for this but I wanted that match up until about 2011. Because I havent seen Sting wrestle a good match sense then. Not like he's not trying but, he just can't go like he could. But hey, I can fire the same shot at the Deadman he was on a five star show stealing match tear from WM 23 - 29, then 30 came around. He got legitimatley hurt, and both the build and the match were forgettable. All that we'll remember is the final 3 count, and the shocked sold out crowd. In order for The Undertaker, who is one of my all time favs, to have a great match and go out strong he has to be paired with someone who can go and can help carry that match, and has a style that meshes well. Sorry, but thats not Sting.

Too sum it up, I would be so let down by the match at the end of the feud that it would ruin it for me. I think Sting vs Taker should stay a dream match the people live out on a Video Game, and a stays in the category of what a great match it could have been, when the time was right.
Ok when you talk about DREAM matches IMO there was only 3 top level ones:

Hulk hogan vs SCSA
HBK vs the Rock
Sting vs Taker

we finally could see last one, I don't care how old they are, Sting's been training heavy and Taker has plenty of time to get back into good shape, Taker has 1 bad match out of an incredible last 6 matches and all of a sudden hes done? he was injured... its crazy people are saying that.
And you just know sting and taker will re run this match hundreds of times at takers home gym in Texas, they will perfect it.

It will be epic, I'm from the UK and never have went to wrestlemania but if this match gets booked I will see it live. never mind rock and cena, hogan vs rock this top both, I feel this match will have more nostalgia and people being more hooked than the other two matches, once the promos and feud starts to really build, both men have the best ring physcology and can tell a story they have both been there and done it, it will be awesome

2 of the greatest of all time.. On the biggest stage of them all. WM31 we can only hope...
Even though they are on in years, and Taker's streak is gone. I think this is still a money match. If they are serious about wanting Sting in the fold. Then just make the match happen. As a Sting and Taker fan, i just say make it happen, and allow the combined experience in big money matches through their career make this thing GOLD!

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