Stevie Richards Blasts Hogan & Bischoff

Shadow of Darkness

Occasional Pre-Show
Hell Yeah,

Wow, Just saw the latest RF shoot video of Stevie, and he just blasted Hogan and Easy E. That was quite revolutionary. He said -

"Basically Bischoff and Hogan and all of these other guys are just milking her [Dixie] for her money. She's a money mark, That's all she is and i say that with the outmost respect to Dixie Carter as a human being that she is being taken for a ride."

It would be interesting to see how Bischoff and Hogan reacts to this.

as for source...

Hell yeah...
Stevie's an idiot then. Hogan and Bischoff have done a fuck of a lot more for TNA in than he has. He should thank his lucky stars TNA was dumb enough to give him a major angle in 2010.
Stevie's an idiot then. Hogan and Bischoff have done a fuck of a lot more for TNA in than he has. He should thank his lucky stars TNA was dumb enough to give him a major angle in 2010.

Come on Killjoy. We people love the product, but the ratings and public reactions are giving us different opinions. Just look how the ratings are behaving. If TNA needs to survive, they need to get ratings, last episode got just 1.00. I like the product there's lot of great wrestling now, but the storylines suck. They dont have that edgy programming. Hogan and Bischoff did some great things like OFN, Championship Thursday, and ONOs. Most importantly they gave us our dream news of TNA finally going on Road. Thats awesome. But if after all these things ratings dont go up, then its a matter of anxiety. I hope TNA has everything planned out. :blush:
Well all I can say in response to that is that Hogan (maybe not Bischoff) has fallen on tough times recently and I say good on him for trying to make a bit of money back. If I was him I'd be taking it form where I could get it too.

It's just another case of criticism and Steven Richards obviously has his own agenda by making the comments too. Hypocritical.
While I wont blame all of TNA's issues on Hogan and Bischoff, I will say that it is their fault that TNA changed from the product that fans wanted to see, to the product that has drawn uncertainty and struggled to find its footing.

Don't forget that it was Hogan and Bischoff who were adament about TNA getting RID of the SIX SIDED ring that made TNA stand out in the first place. And with the loss of the SIX sided ring, all the unique styles they had for things, such as cage matches, etc, went out the window.

Alot of TNAs unique appearance departed when Hogan and Bischoff got say over TNA. So I can easily see what Stevie is talking about, calling out Hogan and Bischoff who are using Dixies money to pretty much run the show how they think it should be, which thus far seems to have slowly made TNA go down the drain. Anyone else notice that most of TNAs ratings increase lately, came from Hogan and Bischoff having TNA go back into directions that interested fans? They pulled out things like Open Fight Night, etc, concepts that would make TNA semi-unique again. I just think there is at least some validity to Stevies statement.
Stevie Who???? haha Bischoff and Hogan wouodnt even know who he was. Irrelevant on the big scale, he got his 15 minutes of fame shooting, good on him. Both have drawn more and made more money in one Wrestlemania then Richards entire career
Stevie's an idiot then. Hogan and Bischoff have done a fuck of a lot more for TNA in than he has. He should thank his lucky stars TNA was dumb enough to give him a major angle in 2010.
Stevie Richards wasn't making a comparison about who's done more for TNA. For that matter, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have certainly been getting shitloads more money than he has; one would think they'd be expected to carry more of the work load.

He makes his comments in a less then politic way, but the question is out there- are Hogan and Bischoff worth the money? Were they brought on board so that two years later they could have a show with the exact same ratings? (Oh, but wait, they're shooting on the road soon, and assuredly no one could have figured out how to do that except the pairing of Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan.)

From a straight money in, money out perspective, you really do have to ask the question- has Bischoff/Hogan been a bad investment? Has whatever celebrity they've brought to the product been worth whatever their fees are? Is the job that they are doing capable of being done by someone else, for less money?
So "the king of swing" drops a shocking bombshell on the world by stating that Dixie is a money mark being taken for a ride by a couple of wrestling business veterans! I am shocked that there is gambling in the casino!

Dixie had been doing this for a few years before hogan and easy e came in. She already knew what wrestling folks are like backstage. She also must have been aware of the rep these guys carry. It is inconceivable that it did not precede them. Dixie knew they were snakes and gambled that she could handle them well enough to pay them and still increase profits. More power to her.
You cannot work with the carny mentality that goes with wrestling and be oblivious to the dangers involved for long. Some people I have worked with are amongst my favorite people in the world. I would not trust any of them with anything I could not afford to lose.

If Dixie is shocked when the Hogans and Bischoffs of the world bite her, she shouldn't be. "You knew I was a snake when yo picked me up."

Personally, I think Dixie (or if not, at least Bob Carter) is smarter than that. I think it was a calculated risk; a gamble which may pay off in the long run, or will not.
Stevie Richards is correct Hogan is using TNA and Dixie Carter to feed his on big fat ego. Dixie Carter is nothing more than a figure head, She can say she not but I bet you if hogan said jump she would ask how high? Eric bishoff also took orders from hogan as well but that's another story for another time anyways
Why would you want the two egotistical leeches that ran WCW into the ground controlling your company, i don't understand that.
There are several aspects to this.

On one hand, I think there's probably a good degree of truth to what Richards is saying. There've been lots of people from dirtsheet writers to former TNA wrestlers who have called Dixie Carter a money mark. When you consider how deeply she's invested in Hogan & Bischoff based on past successes in WCW more than a decade & a half ago, it's not an unreasonable assumption. The assessment of Hogan & Bischoff not being worth what TNA is paying them is one that I do personally agree with. I've seen nothing take place in TNA from a creative standpoint that couldn't have been accomplished by someone else for far less money.

At the same time though, Richards sounds like yet another in a long line of bitter former wrestlers who never really made it as a big time star. I always thought Richards was pretty solid inside the ring but, all in all, he was just another member of the herd. I thought he was somewhat entertaining as part of Right to Censor but, all in all, the guy just never really did anything for me. He simply sounds like another wrestler that's angry because he views himself as being a superior talent but never made superior money. He gave an interview a while back that I read on in which he basically said he wasn't making any money in TNA, which is why he asked for his release. If the guy wasn't really making any money then, of course, you can't blame him.

If Hogan & Bischoff are basically squeezing Dixie dry, however, then more power to them. First & foremost, a wrestler or wrestling personality wants to get paid. If Dixie is willing to keep forking over millions to someone who, frankly, hasn't delivered on what they promised, then it's her own dumbass fault.
Can't say I blame him, Hogan and Bischoff have done alot to blast over the years. Wherever Stevie goes, whether it be WWE, WCW or TNA, there's Hogan clinging on for grim death.

Also, if I were Dixie Carter, I'd be prepared to have a make or break conversation with Hogan very soon. In the past month alone, he's blasted her in the press TWICE. It's always in the most condescending tone possible. He blatantly doesn't respect her. He's only there to use TNA for global exposure he couldn't get otherwise and a ridiculously large paycheck.
Meh, I'm not saying he's wrong but I highly doubt Stevie Richards knows what Bischoff or Hogan have brought or took from the table. Dixie can cut Hogan loose at any time and she chooses not to. From what I understand, she resigned him after his first two years. When he started Dixie may have seen more matches from Hogan due to him recently competing in Australia. The fact that he has only fought once (or is it twice?), could be seen as ripping Dixie off in the first two years but at this point it should be pretty obvious to her what she is getting.

Richards is coming off here as bitter and about two years too late.
So why is it when anybody calls people out on how they are, they're automatically "bitter", yet the people who call them bitter can criticize anybody they like and preach it like gospel when they aren't even as close to the situation as these people in the business?

Fact is, plenty of people, who have been "bigger stars" than Stevie, have said the same thing. I find it absurd and fucking stupid as hell to paint each and every person who says something against a bigger name "bitter". It's a cop out excuse which has gotten old a while ago.

But to the subject at hand, I don't doubt it one bit. That's been their MO in the past, it's obvious they haven't changed since the show's still "Hogan and friends", and quite frankly, they haven't lived up to their price tag.

Bischoff is playing with his biker show (which I'm sure is where the idea for Aces and 8s came from. Any surprise they're still around for the start of season 2?) and is more than likely getting funding from his payroll check, and Hogan is still the glory hound. It's painfully obvious, yet they still get defended.

Even if you don't subscribe to the obvious, there is still one point that is even more so. The fact that they haven't done what they claimed they would do, they haven't lived up to their investment, and the show should not revolve around his storylines.

The same thing happened with Jarrett. Sure, he founded the company, but that doesn't mean he has to insert his ego into everything at the expense of everything else. It's in a holding pattern, and things won't get better until the egos are at least put on a leash.
Stevie's one of the nicest, most intelligent, level-headed, and genuine human beings in the entire business. That is a 100% fact. It's not like him at all to bash anyone without some strong merit to back it up.

That said, I'm sure this is more of a personal belief based off rumblings he's heard from his friends in TNA, rather then it is something he knows for a fact is going on.

Personally, while I deeply respect Stevie Richards opinions, I think he's wrong here. After ten fucking years, TNA is finally getting their shit together and moving the company in the right direction. Are there still problems? Yeah, there are, but there are still problems in WWE too and they're doing just fine.

Both Hogan and Bischoff obviously have very selfish qualities and pretty much only care about themselves and loved ones, but they still know what they're doing. If they want TNA to truly be a successful pro wrestling company, then they can make it happen. And while I wouldn't give them 100% credit for the company's turnaround lately, they're still a major factor in it. Do Hogan and Bischoff have their own agendas to make TNA grow? Sure, but so what? As long as TNA continues to evolve and become better... does it really matter how it happens?
It isn't Dixie's money. Panda owns TNA. If those guys are just there for the paycheck then they have a strange way of showing it. Why would they pushing for her to spend more money on something like going on the road if they want all of her money for themselves?

People have been hating on what legends get paid in TNA vs what the other guys do for a long time. I don't blame them for being mad but the fact is that many of them actually are a dime a dozen while the legends aren't. Paying each separate group as such seems like smart business to me instead of being a mark. People continually make the mistake of thinking the wrestlers know anything about running a wrestling company or writing an entire wrestling show. They don't, they are smarks just like us when it comes to those matters except they are privy to additional fodder for their spewing of bullshit.

When you consider how deeply she's invested in Hogan & Bischoff based on past successes in WCW more than a decade & a half ago, it's not an unreasonable assumption. The assessment of Hogan & Bischoff not being worth what TNA is paying them is one that I do personally agree with.

Quite frankly this is bullshit. Hogan has a track record of success much beyond WCW and you don't even know what they are being paid. How can you make such a statement without any knowledge of what they get paid, their job description, their merch sales etc.? The answer is you can't unless you want to be a simpleton about it. Running a business isn't simple. Stevie has taken numerous chair shots to the head. What is your excuse?

Then again, I get the feeling that TNA is gearing up to run an ECW angle so kudos to Richards for selling it.
For ya'll saying things got better under Hogan/Bischoff...let us not forget the depths they took us to having the Nasty Boys go over Team 3d in multiple matches and bringing in Orlando Jordan. (The Abyss Hall of Fame ring angle gets dishonorable mention.) So yeah, things got better because they made it worse first. Honestly I believe if Hogan and Bischoff were as talented as they claim to be that Hogan wouldn't need to show up on TV almost every week to help draw ratings. (and the sad thing is he really doesn't draw ratings just by showing up)
This type of stuff is great and all, if you of course feel like paying 20 of your hard earned dollars to RF Video, JUST so you can hear another veteran of the business spout off about behind the scenes happenings that might have really happened. Or then again, might have been embellished or hell even outright fabricated. After all, isn't this the wrestling business we're talking about? The whole artform and presentation of wrestling is based on bullshitting people. It's been that way for years upon years, and that's never going to change. I don't care how "realistic" and/or "reality based" the business presents itself as. I'm still not buying most of what I read, see and hear.

However, with that said though yes I think we can all wholeheartedly agree that TNA's not fast tracked to the heights of a true wrestling juggernaut. Myself amongst many other people fooled ourselves long enough to think that Hogan's debut in the Impact Zone was going to be just like his WCW arrival, well I have to admit I exaggerate on that. I had a feeling it was going to be an interesting showing to see Hogan's first night inside of a TNA ring. But the fact is this, WCW was a long established brand albeit under a different name when Hogan got there, sure they weren't setting the world on fire at this point in time. But they were on the road and touring on a regular basis unlike what TNA did by just staying relegated to Orlando and then leaving for the occasional PPV outside of the Impact Zone. However, WCW or Jim Crockett Promotions as it was known for many years did do a lot of touring. Plus JCP/WCW has a significantly more established history than TNA and a loyal audience that stayed put even when Ted Turner bought the promotion from the Crocketts. So for all the love that even I have for The Hulkster, he might have been the catalyst to a renewed interest in WCW but there was a HUGE foundation laid out for him prior to his arrival after jumping ship from the WWF. Of course, seven years later the organization was sold once more and this time absorbed into the WWF. Many people want to label Hogan as one of the biggest reasons, and while I'm inclined to admit that Hogan was of course a big power player in the company with an ego no doubt, he wasn't alone. He shared that same star power with guys like Flair, Savage, Sting, Nash and others over the years. Let's not forget that creative control clause Hogan had, if it was the be all end all of things, wouldn't he have just used it and kept the title for his whole stint in the company? Wouldn't we have seen the booking triumphs such as David Arquette and Vince Russo World Title reigns not even see the light of day? I would reckon so. The Death of WCW is something that never stops to get mentioned, and while I know a lot of Hogan's angles and storylines weren't always the best, if he never came to the company in the first place, it's very possible that the promotion might have died out in the 90s. Considering their struggles that continued when Turner bought it, and let's also not forget all those guaranteed contracts that several performers got, including ones that make you ask yourself the question "Why?". If what they say is true I could see how that would have led to the downfall of the company. Because I doubt it was the viewership, sure it was taking a big hit, but at the time WCW was being sold, it was still some of the most watched programming on the Turner stations. That's not to say I am right of course, but those are just my opinions. But since most people prefer to just read yellow journalism as the gospel, usually Hogan and Bischoff is the best answer to give.

Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that yes I am not thrilled with everything Hogan says, thinks or does at times. But I also stop to tell myself that Hogan's in a "bullshitter's business". And that these days with the internet most of the nonsense he says is to get a rise out of us. Basically you could consider Hogan and his rantings on the net nothing more than internet trolldom, and it works everytime because whenever he says something a thread just springs up on the internet about it. But hey, what can you do? While I respect most of the opinions even the ones I disagree with (as long as they are well structured), I refuse to just give in to buying the goods that places like Kayfabe Commentaries, High Spots and RF Video are selling. These shoot interviews are all redundant and bland (unless we are talking about the Iron Sheik and Billy Jack Haynes) and I just keep thinking that I'm hearing a broken record. But hey all the power to Stevie Richards for making a quick buck off of singing the same tune everyone else on the internet does when it comes to talking about Hogan and Bischoff.

We'll see how things work for TNA in a few short weeks when they start showing Impact on a regular basis elsewhere.
There are several aspects to this.

On one hand, I think there's probably a good degree of truth to what Richards is saying. There've been lots of people from dirtsheet writers to former TNA wrestlers who have called Dixie Carter a money mark. When you consider how deeply she's invested in Hogan & Bischoff based on past successes in WCW more than a decade & a half ago, it's not an unreasonable assumption. The assessment of Hogan & Bischoff not being worth what TNA is paying them is one that I do personally agree with. I've seen nothing take place in TNA from a creative standpoint that couldn't have been accomplished by someone else for far less money.

At the same time though, Richards sounds like yet another in a long line of bitter former wrestlers who never really made it as a big time star. I always thought Richards was pretty solid inside the ring but, all in all, he was just another member of the herd. I thought he was somewhat entertaining as part of Right to Censor but, all in all, the guy just never really did anything for me. He simply sounds like another wrestler that's angry because he views himself as being a superior talent but never made superior money. He gave an interview a while back that I read on in which he basically said he wasn't making any money in TNA, which is why he asked for his release. If the guy wasn't really making any money then, of course, you can't blame him.

If Hogan & Bischoff are basically squeezing Dixie dry, however, then more power to them. First & foremost, a wrestler or wrestling personality wants to get paid. If Dixie is willing to keep forking over millions to someone who, frankly, hasn't delivered on what they promised, then it's her own dumbass fault.

Well, cant agree more, I have to say that Jack-Hammer pointed out the Truth. Kudos to you. Its true Hogan and Bischoff has given a new brand value to TNA, but they are equally responsible for the ratings loss. From the creative point of view IW is in shit now. The only reason the show still stands is because of the good Wrestling out there. Wrestlers are without any proper solid gimmicks. They are not able to act and build a relationship with the crowd. Hogan and Bischoff did some great ideas like the OFN, ONOs, CTs, but the creative aspects still sucks. Its good that TNA is going on road, but what about the future? Without ratings how in the blue hell TNA would survive? Dixie needs to ask these questions to H and B.
It isn't Dixie's money. Panda owns TNA. If those guys are just there for the paycheck then they have a strange way of showing it. Why would they pushing for her to spend more money on something like going on the road if they want all of her money for themselves?
Because otherwise, the gravy train will stop.
People have been hating on what legends get paid in TNA vs what the other guys do for a long time. I don't blame them for being mad but the fact is that many of them actually are a dime a dozen while the legends aren't. Paying each separate group as such seems like smart business to me instead of being a mark. People continually make the mistake of thinking the wrestlers know anything about running a wrestling company or writing an entire wrestling show. They don't, they are smarks just like us when it comes to those matters except they are privy to additional fodder for their spewing of bullshit.
Theories like this are what get Alex Rodriguez one of the largest contracts in baseball to be a below-average third basemen. You don't pay a group at a certain rate "because they're legends". You pay them a price which is justified by what they put back into your product.

Kvetch all you'd like that people don't know what Hogan and Bischoff are being paid. It's a pretty safe assumption to make that they are amongst the top earners in TNA. I admit that I don't watch the program religiously, but I still haven't seen Hulk Hogan in a UNICEF jacket. Running a business isn't simple- I can certainly attest to that better than you can. But the fact that it isn't 'simple' doesn't mean you get to start ignoring hard psychoeconomic issues, like people expecting a certain rate for their services.

For the past two years, except for a brief respite last year, the overriding theory in TNA has been "Hulk Hogan can bring in the ratings". The phrase "spike the needle" may have been used. The needle is currently sitting where it has been before Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan were hired. Has that theory panned out for them? Don't talk to me about "track records of success", I'm talking about recent history and recent future. Alex Rodriguez had "a track record of success".

Over the next two years, what could Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff do that would bring value for the price that they would request for their services? Stop dicking around with the "you don't know what they're being paid" line; if it wasn't substantial, they'd have no reason to work for TNA.

And an ECW angle? In the same post where you called people who disagreed with you marks??? EV2 is calling, they're trying to round up the three people that thought that angle was worth anything.
Because otherwise, the gravy train will stop.

Clearly you don't get it. A riskier move makes it more likely the gravy train will stop. If they just want to bleed the company dry then they shouldn't push for more risky ventures. They should just show up, collect a check and keep the status quo. If you are suggesting they are trying to build the company up more so there is more money to get and Dixie wants to keep them around then you just described the whole point of work for anyone anywhere. They seem to do a whole hell of a lot more than the bare minimum so the idea that they are doing nothing for TNA other than taking money is just silly.

Theories like this are what get Alex Rodriguez one of the largest contracts in baseball to be a below-average third basemen. You don't pay a group at a certain rate "because they're legends". You pay them a price which is justified by what they put back into your product.

For starters even last year Arod was still certainly above average. He also signed a 10 year contract for the most money in baseball. Dixie first signed Hogan for just 2-3 years and he wasn't the highest paid wrestler in the industry. These are not comparable situations. One of TNAs largest problems is getting noticed. Hogan is one of the most recognizable faces on the planet. There is one aspect of this that might have some relevance though. Arod got that contract partially for reasons beyond what happens directly on the field. He was paid some additional money based on the money the Yankees thought they would make on marketing his chase of the all-time home run record. So we begin to see the problem with only focusing on what he does with his play much like there is a problem with only focusing on what Hogan does on TV. They are paid as such for factors beyond that.

Kvetch all you'd like that people don't know what Hogan and Bischoff are being paid. It's a pretty safe assumption to make that they are amongst the top earners in TNA. I admit that I don't watch the program religiously, but I still haven't seen Hulk Hogan in a UNICEF jacket. Running a business isn't simple- I can certainly attest to that better than you can. But the fact that it isn't 'simple' doesn't mean you get to start ignoring hard psychoeconomic issues, like people expecting a certain rate for their services.

I never claimed they don't earn a good amount. What I am claiming is that we don't have enough information to claim that they are not worth it, especially since their roles go beyond what happens on tv.

For the past two years, except for a brief respite last year, the overriding theory in TNA has been "Hulk Hogan can bring in the ratings". The phrase "spike the needle" may have been used. The needle is currently sitting where it has been before Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan were hired. Has that theory panned out for them? Don't talk to me about "track records of success", I'm talking about recent history and recent future. Alex Rodriguez had "a track record of success".

I'd liken it more to the idea that Hogan can take impact mainstream. Rome wasn't built in a day and I think anyone that has been paying attention would be hard pressed to argue that Impact Wrestling isn't more mainstream now than it was then. Their expansion in global markets has been obvious among other things that don't have anything to do with the ratings in the US. Furthermore you need to examine the environment before getting too vindicative based solely on ratings. Based on your logic Cena is bleeding Vince dry. Comapring 2009 to 2012 Raw is down about 16 percent ( a .57 drop in ratings on average) while TNA is down about 11.5 percent (a .13 drop in average ratings). Clearly Cena isn't worth what he is being paid and WWE should get rid of everyone that they hired since 2009 :rolleyes:

The fact is that the rating in the US is no where near as important as it was 10 years ago. Merch has always mattered and Hogan still moves it. Now it is all about sponsorships, tv deals, expanding your global presence etc. Hogan is decent at all of those things. He also serves as a good recruiter for "the boys." Also the rating doesn't take into account far too many ways people can watch the product and then ultimately buy something.

Over the next two years, what could Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff do that would bring value for the price that they would request for their services? Stop dicking around with the "you don't know what they're being paid" line; if it wasn't substantial, they'd have no reason to work for TNA.

Hogan would still have plenty of reasons, not as many as Flair but you get the joke. Does Bischoff actually work for TNA much? They get paid well but they do more than they get credit for.

And an ECW angle? In the same post where you called people who disagreed with you marks??? EV2 is calling, they're trying to round up the three people that thought that angle was worth anything.

I never said I thought it was a great idea but you seem to be forgetting that Hardcore Justice allegedly was one of the best selling non major PPVs in TNA history.

This is why I called people marks. They only care about perceived quality instead of what actually matters.
Clearly you don't get it. A riskier move makes it more likely the gravy train will stop.
Just stop here. The whole "you don't get business" line might work on a lot of the dumb schmucks around this place, but certainly not with me. If you aren't moving forwards, you're going backwards.

I started responding to the rest of your post, but for some reason, you're allowed to talk about merchandising sales and success outside of the United States- things you don't have any more information on than anyone else, but are making the assumption off of no information that they must be higher. Meanwhile, I'm not allowed to make the assumption that Hulk Hogan is being paid well. It's intangibles, brother! Hulk Hogan makes things BIGGER, you just can't see it!

That's exactly the Kool-Aid I've been accusing the Hulk and Eric Show of putting out; convincing idiots that they've been raging successes despite not having anything tangible to show for it. But they're more 'mainstream'!

There's a shitload of other double standards in your post, but let's work our way around this huge one here first.
Just stop here. The whole "you don't get business" line might work on a lot of the dumb schmucks around this place, but certainly not with me. If you aren't moving forwards, you're going backwards.

You say this as if it always makes sense to blindly go forward no matter the risk or consequences. Sometimes standing pat until you get your ducks in a row is a sound strategy. Regardless of the potential long-term benefits, such a venture clearly cost more in the short-term. Ipso facto less money for Hogan to swindle unless this is a success. Hardly the path I would choose if I was trying to bleed someone dry.

I started responding to the rest of your post, but for some reason, you're allowed to talk about merchandising sales and success outside of the United States- things you don't have any more information on than anyone else, but are making the assumption off of no information that they must be higher. Meanwhile, I'm not allowed to make the assumption that Hulk Hogan is being paid well. It's intangibles, brother! Hulk Hogan makes things BIGGER, you just can't see it!

I think you misconstrue my point. Your assertion is that it is impossible that Hogoff is worth what they are paid because of the rating in the US. My assertion is that it is possible that they are worth it in spite of that. All I have to show is reasonable doubt that it is impossible. Also, I think you need to re-read my post if you think I argued that Hogan is not well paid. Are you claiming Hogan can't move merch? Sure I don't have specifics but I didn't make any specific claims on that subject. As far as success outside the US I think I could reasonable prove it is better. More programming deals = more money.

That's exactly the Kool-Aid I've been accusing the Hulk and Eric Show of putting out; convincing idiots that they've been raging successes despite not having anything tangible to show for it. But they're more 'mainstream'!

The idea that Hogan has no tangible successes is amusing. If you don't see any prevalent Bischoff ideas still around in the biz then you need to pull your head out of the sand.
Tangible successes aren't "I like the product more!" They aren't "I think this guy is responsible for this." That's intangible. I am looking at things at which anyone can see and say "this is better than that". We have ratings information in the US, which is flat.The information we have been repeatedly expected to accept about the international market is "of course it's up, they say it is!" We don't have merchandising information, but you've already expected me to believe that Hulk Hogan must have improved that, based on absolutely nothing.

I can point to stagnant ratings in this country as a sign of TNA's lack of growth. I have actual figures I can point to. You have "the international market", but no figures there. You have Hogan's "track record of success", which doesn't say anything about what he's done over the past two years. You have "Bischoff's ideas". You have "increased merchandising", but absolutely no evidence to back that up- which, in fact, would fly in the face of the rule-of-thumb that says merchandise sales roughly correlate to television ratings. You have your "more programming deals"- and here's where your lack of business sense is showing- they don't necessarily even imply more money. The quality of those deals is far more important than how many of them that you have. (Seriously, don't talk to me about the merits of risk-taking in business. I literally gut-laughed. You're out of your element on THAT one, Donny.)

I have actual numbers, which are representative of actual people viewing a product. Look, you've always had a hard-on for defending TNA, even when they didn't deserve it. Like I said two years ago, Hogan and Bischoff were going to worm their way so deeply into TNA that the ignorant would be unable to tell the difference between the two, and that's come to pass. You can support TNA without supporting the Hulk and Eric Show! All it requires you to do is be honest about the state of the product, instead of constantly trying to sell people on it. You don't work there, quit working for them.

You also completely misunderstand the concept of "reasonable doubt" and how it applies to two people expressing opinions. We are not in a United States court of law; Hulk Hogan doesn't get to continue being a leech simply because it can't be conclusively proven that he is. Saying "your opinion might not be completely true... so people should believe that mine is!" is only an effective debate technique amongst the impotent and ignorant.
It isn't Dixie's money. Panda owns TNA. If those guys are just there for the paycheck then they have a strange way of showing it. Why would they pushing for her to spend more money on something like going on the road if they want all of her money for themselves?

People have been hating on what legends get paid in TNA vs what the other guys do for a long time. I don't blame them for being mad but the fact is that many of them actually are a dime a dozen while the legends aren't. Paying each separate group as such seems like smart business to me instead of being a mark. People continually make the mistake of thinking the wrestlers know anything about running a wrestling company or writing an entire wrestling show. They don't, they are smarks just like us when it comes to those matters except they are privy to additional fodder for their spewing of bullshit.

Quite frankly this is bullshit. Hogan has a track record of success much beyond WCW and you don't even know what they are being paid. How can you make such a statement without any knowledge of what they get paid, their job description, their merch sales etc.? The answer is you can't unless you want to be a simpleton about it. Running a business isn't simple. Stevie has taken numerous chair shots to the head. What is your excuse?

Actually I do know how much Hulk Hogan makes in TNA. If you bothered to do a little bit of research yourself, maybe you wouldn't sound like you're on TNA's payroll all the time. Hogan makes $30,000 per appearance on TNA television according to a report put out by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter about a year ago. If he appears on TNA television each week, that comes to well over a million dollars. While not confirmed, it's thought that Hogan gets more if he makes an appearance on a pay-per-view. If Hogan & Bischoff were bringing in big business in TNA, then TNA would shout it from the roof tops, privately held company or not, just like they do whenever they accomplish anything no matter how grand or insignificant. So save all the you don't get the business bullshit until you bother to actually get your facts straight.

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