Steve Corino what if?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking what if Steve Corino when he was in his prime and had all his hype in ECW came to the WWE when we had the invasion,
what feuds do you think we could of seen? and do you reckon he could of improved the whole invasion angle?
Well..... Shitty post starter, but I'll answer your question. Corino is still a good wrestler which was demonstrated with his time in ROH last yr. How ever if he was in wwf during the invasion nothing would have been different.
Compared to Dreamer, raven,dudleyz, justin credible , tazz, rhyno, ,mike awsome.
Corino wasn't as big as most of those guys in the orginal ECW....
So I think nothing would have been different. He just would have been another body
This is weird. I was just watching a shoot interview with Steve Corino no five minutes before I saw this thread. I think that Steve could have brought a lot to the WWE. However, I don't think he would have been used very well during the Invasion. Ideally, Corino would have come to the WWE around 2003-2004 when the company was in a real downturn. He wasn't the best wrestler the world has ever seen, but he was great on the mike and had that sort of no nonsense old school gimmick that would of worked great. I think he could have had some great feuds with the likes of Jericho or Booker T, or he could of aligned himself with someone like JBL for great TV.
Although Im a fan of Corino's, he would have been buried. It's best that he wasn't involved, I think.

As much shit as the Invasion angle gets, it brought out a lot in guys like the Dudleyz, Van Dam and Jericho. The angle was driven towards the WWF fighting for survival and not necessarily based upon stars as individuals. WCW/ECW ended up being buried as a whole anyway and the only guys to really stand out were the ones I mentioned earlier, along with The Rock, Austin, Angle and Booker. T - so that only really makes two non-WWF guys (Booker and RVD) who got noticed and I think RVD's success was his own doing, not that of writers.

Basically, Corino wouldn't have made a difference and thank god he wasn't wasted in that angle anyway.
As you can see from my avatar, I am a big Corino fan. I thought he was awesome back in the original ECW, and can still go today as we are seeing in ROH now.

I would have really liked to have seen Steve involved in the WCW/ECW invasion back in 2001. The ECW faction in the alliance was basically a group of former ECW champions (Credible, Rhino, Raven, Tazz, Awesome, Dreamer) as well as their other major stars in RVD, Storm and the Dudleyz. Corino would have fitted well into this group as a former champion (as would Jerry Lynn who was on the WWE roster, but was never added to the group after returning from injury.)

Corino is excellent on the mic, and would have been able to get major heat had he been given the chance. BUT, apart from RVD and Rhino (to a degree) none of the ECW guys were really pushed during the Invasion. Most of the attention focused on Stone Cold and Kurt Angle switching sides and on the Dudley Boyz..all of whom were already in the WWE at the time of the invasion.

Guys like Raven and Dreamer could really have given the ECW invasion an authentic feel by attacking WWE guys and actually being booked as threats to them, while Mike Awesome was another who was criminally underused. With Corino's reletively unimpressive physique and old-school style of wrestling, I do not think that he would have been given a push in the faction and would have been pretty much ignored, as Credible and Raven were, which would have been sad to see.

Add to that the WCW side of the Alliance, with big names such as Booker T and DDP, as well as all the camera time taken up by Shane and Steph and Corino would have been pushed way down the pecking order, and would have achieved little.

I would have really enjoyed seeing Steve wrestle in the WWE at some point, I know he has had nunerous tryout matches without anything ever coming of it, and I do think that his style would be more accepted now than during the big bumping attitude period. I think matches against guys like Benoit, Jericho, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan would have been/could be very entertaining.

They just wouldnt be able to punch him in the face, as Corino can bleed from literally anything. His forehead is just a mess of scar tissue now lol, didnt he blade something like 20 matches in a row in ECW? It always looked crazy how his bleached blonde hair would turn bright red from the blood almost immediately.

Also, is it bad that I wanted hair like Steve Corino back then.......I am guessing it probably is lol

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