

Master of the Aussie kiss
I hade to do this in my english writing class i thought it would be good for discussion here.
what is it with people Stereotyping everybody nowdays. If i was to walk through any College in tasmania it would be sectioned into,
Goths Dressed in Black these people are afraid to go outside or anywhere where the sunlight can reach. These people are rumoured to try and take your blood, Dont walk the hallways that are not lit up
Jocks Jocks always spotted by the Tracksuits and the Frequent sudden Jogging bursts when a normal person would be walking. these normally hang in groups and are found hanging around the Oval Playing football and are rarley found without a sportsbag drapped around their shoulder.
Nerds:lmao: these are the ones Confining the Computer labs at break. if not on a computer or doing their homework they are playing a game like Dungeons and dragons, these are the Guy's that will in time become the bogans boss but until then have to put up with being bullied.
Bogans These are the "Tough guys" Normally hanging around the boundries of the school with a joint in head bragging about the Bitch they shagged the night before. These are defined by the Baggy Jeans and the Hooded jumper These are the ones that love fighting and causing trouble.

Why is it that people will choose to be devided like that? is it to "fit" in? or is it because they cant form there own path? and go the way thats paved the safe road if you may. also as a bonus what ^ one would you place yourself under?
I think people choose to be in different groups because they might not like theirself and they think that they will at least fit in with some people if they act like a goth, nerd etc.
They think that they won't get picked on (unless you're a nerd) if they fit in with everybody else and follow the crowd. But then they might not fit in with everybody in the group and become a social outcast.

There are too many stereotypes. People picture Chinese as really smart people with a funny accent and weird eyebrows. People think Aussies always have an obvious Aussie accent, when most of us don't, and that we always drink beer and "throw a shrimp on a barbie". I've never seen a shrimp on a barbie. Ever

I don't really fit into any of them, but if i had to pick i'd have to say a nerd. But i'm not really a nerd, i just get good grades and i'm smart. I don't od my homework until the last minute (or not at all) and i don't even know how to play dungeons and dragons.
And since I am Canadian, I rode my moose to the hockey game with my pet beaver? In my university, the stereotypes are not as present as they were when I was say, in my old home town, which is a lot smaller than my new home town. My old home town where I went to school was what you would call a backwater, and had the groupies of people that most do, the stoners, the preps, the jocks (who were hockey players), the "nerds", the emos, etc. But in University, you get the athletic people, the Artsy people, and the popular people break into their own groups, but there is a lot less division. Maybe because we seem to be more closely related in social standings compared to High School.
I'm not too bothered by stereotypes, simply because everyone has them even if they don't like to admit it. What people also do not like to admit is that stereotypes are there for a reason. Someone didn't wake up one day and decide all teenagers wearing trackies and smoking are chavs who are good for nothing. Because the truth is, many are. If you get on a bus there's always a group of chavs drinking cider and playing awful music as loud as they can. Stereotypes can be real, and serve a purpose.
I'm Scottish so I'm ginger, love haggis along with deep fried mars bars and say och aye the noo...

Okay I do say Och Aye a lot but out of the choices above I'd be the nerd but like some others I got good marks but I no nothing of Dungeons and Dragons (except the awful movie) and never did my homework on time but I did strap myself to the computer.

You get the Neds, Chavs, Geeks and the like - everybody is something no matter what

Hoots mon! There's a Moose Loose Aboot This Hoose!
There's never been a stereotype that existed without factual backing. That's a true story. The problem with stereotyping is that it's the same as the expression "Don't judge a book by its cover".

As for WHY people tend to gravitate towards different sects of society? That's easy. One of the very basic human needs is to feel like they belong to something or someone. This makes the human being feel special, and gives them a sense of self-importance. Many times, this you can see in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades of schooling (13, 14, and 15 years old). You can see how the kids begin looking so hard for something to belong to, as it is generally the time when those kids seek independence from their parenting family. However, since it's basic needs to fit in, they begin to form separate sects together.
However, some stereotypes do exist for a reason.

Indian cornershops. In England, something like 74% of cornershops are run by Indians.

Nerdy chinese people. At my school, they never ever socialised with anyone else, sat on their own table, and refused to leave their desks.

Whilst I'm saying that not all stereotypes are correct, there is no smoke without fire. Especially with regards to the 2 examples above, if there is a difference to this rule, then it is not how things actually are, it is an anomaly.
When I look at all the different stereotypes and then myself, I don't really put myself under any stereotype, but I have been called a lot of stereotypes before. Basketcase, Goth, Emo, Punk, Nerd, Junkie.

I don't think I really fit into any of them fully.

One thing I noticed aswell, is that a lot of Americans call people Chavs, now in Australia, especially where I live, we have 'Lads or 'Esh-Lads' which are the male forms and 'Ladettes' for the females and these are the people who wear the Nike TN shoes, Nautica striped shirts, Nike dry fit hats, who smoke pot, think it's fun to go on 'paints' or to 'graff' some place up with grafitti and who walk around with their mobile on loudspeaker and play their silly little techno songs.

Is that the same as Chavs?
I do not believe in stereotypes AT ALL.... I wish they did not exist....

Before I get into that, I will address the topic.. I think people align themselves with these looks, and characteristics because their peers do... It started whenever the hell, by one person who thought that look defined them as a person and pop culture swooped in and took over.

Now, if you listen to heavy metal you should wear band shirts, have piercings and tattoos, not believe in god and have long hair!

Which I don't agree with..

Why should your clothes define you as a person? I will post a photo of myself:


Now wearing this... People would imagine I listen to rap music and talk in "stereotypical" thug slang..

Which I don't.... I listen to Death cab for cutie, System of a down & Serj Tankian.... Nothing the typical bearer of my "threads" would ever listen to.

However, the overall person (I can't speak for everyone) feels the need to fit in..Be cool and accepted by those they mostly relate to...They wear goth clothes...Now said person does too.

I never situated myself with that aspect of a person however.. I wear what I think looks nice and listen to what sounds good... I don't need what I look like to define what I am.

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