Stephanie McMahon

Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
I posted a similar thread titled The Price is Wrong.. bitch but the link is broken somehow. It appears with that with the celebrity guest hosts getting tons of media exposure Stephanie McMahon said that WWE does not plan on ending guests host to Raw anytime soon. She also confirmed that Freddie Prinze Jr, Bob Barker, and Rev. Al Sharpton will be Guest Hosts. Is it just me or has Stephanie along with the whole creative team lost their minds? I understand why they have the celebrities to gain media attention and to catapult ratings. However, are they concentrating more on the media then the overall product? I've read the last few weeks of Raw have been very hectic as in booking matches and segments. Most of Raw is still written on the fly during the show just like Nitro used to be. Is Stephanie along with creative taking their eye off the ball? Will their actions benefit WWE in the long run? and can't they get more relevant celebrities then Bob Barker?
I posted a similar thread titled The Price is Wrong.. bitch but the link is broken somehow. It appears with that with the celebrity guest hosts getting tons of media exposure Stephanie McMahon said that WWE does not plan on ending guests host to Raw anytime soon. She also confirmed that Freddie Prinze Jr, Bob Barker, and Rev. Al Sharpton will be Guest Hosts. Is it just me or has Stephanie along with the whole creative team lost their minds? I understand why they have the celebrities to gain media attention and to catapult ratings. However, are they concentrating more on the media then the overall product? I've read the last few weeks of Raw have been very hectic as in booking matches and segments. Most of Raw is still written on the fly during the show just like Nitro used to be. Is Stephanie along with creative taking their eye off the ball? Will their actions benefit WWE in the long run? and can't they get more relevant celebrities then Bob Barker?

A-list celebrities are going to be few and far between, unless they are actually fans of the product. There has been and always will be reluctance from Hollywood stars to appear or be associated with a wrestling program. It's amazing that a man of Donald Trump's stature has actually even done so. It is still viewed negatively in the eyes of the overall populace. People just don't get it. Again, which is the exact reason why I would push even more for WWE to market itself as more of an Action/Drama program more so than a sport. They seem to have not made the same degree of effort in doing so since the end of the Attitude Era.

However, as far as the Guest Hosts of Raw .... Raw has been stale for a long time now. The wrestling alone, is not going to cut it. And if you need any further example of that, simply look to the declining ratings on Smackdown and ECW over time. You need to give the fans something new and exciting to look forward to each week, in order to get them to tune in, and its obvious that WWE is having a lot of difficulty in doing just that, in-house.

The Guest Host concept is okay. It isn't necessarily my favorite cup of tea, but I at least give them credit for trying. And I would much rather have this than listening to the same old shit with Vickie "Excuse Me" Guerrero week-in and week-out.
Yeah, WWE obviously can't write compelling television anymore and the PG rating doesn't help things, so if they can garner interst by using guest hosts, I'm all for it. It at least gives the show somewhat of an "anything can happen feel". And media attention is always good for business, so I have to agree with Steph on this one.

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