"Stephanie McMahon will be a significant upgrade..


Shawn Michaels ❤
JR said:
...over former GM Mike Adamle. Good move for Raw."

I'm inclined to agree with this. Stephanie McMahon is the most amazing woman in the professional wrestling industry. She is the business. Not only is she amazingly attractive, but she's strong and focused. Unlike Adamle and Guererro, I WANT to see her in the ring or backstage. I want promos from her, and I never get sick of hearing her voice. She's the GM you know will do what's best for Raw, and fuck everyone else. That's the type of GM Raw needs right now.
With all due respect for Stephanie McMahon's ability, anyone is a significant upgrade over Adamle. His whole run was pretty bad both as an announcer and GM (although I feel he was treated a little too harshly by the fans).
Anyway, her run as GM on SD was great IMO, she brought back the US title and established the WWE tag titles on SD. I'm looking forward to seeing how RAW will improve with her or Shane in charge.
Stephanie McMahon is certainly one fo the best female entrenpenuers in wrestling history, she is head of the creative writing team and i suspect she has shares in the WWE. Stephanie McMahon does come over as a strong willed women with plenty to say, she would make an excellent GM because so far she has made some good matches and in the past when Vince has been on a break and RAW has'nt had a GM she's done the same. I think she knows what us, the fans want. Adamle and Vickie G did do promos, Adamle done very poor promos and Vickie done some absolute blinders whilst she was enrolled in the Edge and Taker feud. I personally think that GM's should stick to being a GM and not getting in the ring, anyway Stephanie recently had a child and i coul'dnt see her risking her health and body one again. She's had her glory and i think thats the end of in ring work for her at the moment.

I agree, RAW does need someone like Stephanie McMahon, she is a major step up in class and even though GM's do not have a say in what matches are written Stephanie is head of creative and i think she is starting to get the message things have to change. I can see her being one heck of a GM
Considering that the role of GMs are storyline driven and they don't actually make the matches themselves, I kind of wonder if right now is the time for stephanie to fill in the role as raw GM. She is a heel female, who is likely to be a thorn in the side of heel champions or heel championship contenders. Perhaps this is assuming a lot, and I hope so, because that's pretty much what we have in vickie on smackdown right now. I don't think we really need the same GM character on both shows, do we?

Perhaps I'm wrong, and she will be more neutral or even face...she was more of a face manager on smackdown. And I suppose a power struggle between a heel stephanie and a face shane could be interesting, similar to the heel vince/face stephanie on smackdown a while back.

So I guess in my ramblings I'm basically stating that this has potential to be interesting, and I hope it's not just the same GM character that we already have on smackdown.
I think it is smart to inject both Shane & Stephanie into the WWE right now. The ratings are slipping and I think Raw needs a big time feud to help stabilize the ratings(Cena does that aswell). Having Stephanie McMahon as the GM is a good thing imo and Let's not even mention Adamle's uneventful run. I see alot of Vince in Stephanie and she has the ability to obtain a great deal of heat. She seems more hated than Shane ever was and comes off as a bitch which is great for the part. Also with the possible brother vs. sister feud with Shane, I think this is just the storyline WWE needs to give them a boost, and I'm exited to see what Steph can do. On a side note, I cannot stand her voice, but that makes it easier for me to hate her.
I like this move also. Love them or hate them, the McMahons bring a level of excitement to the show. They hold all the power, and it almost always elevates a wrestler, either heel or face, when they feud with any one of them. Stephanie as GM works just fine as her character has this confidence about her that just works for me. Not to mention the slap which is always a bonus gift. Having her and Shane feud for once without Vince around would be interesting as I don't think it's ever happened before. Easily an upgrade as Stephanie has been around for a long time, but is a fresh change over what we've had.
Yeah, even though she is no where near as attractive as she was 2002/before, this was a great move. In fact, I think the uglier she gets, the better. Because you just hate the bitch anyway. How can you not just want to punch her fucking smug face every time she opens her goddamn mouth? The only time you didn't get that feeling was when you were distracted by her beauty, but now since she's aging and fucking getting knocked up repeatedly, that distraction isn't there anymore so she comes off even worse now, which is great for a heel GM, especially when she has a babyface like Shane to feud with, a guy who you can't help but like.

So, all in all, it's a great move. She's a good promo, and she has that "thing" about her that all the great heels in the past have had, and her unattractiveness now adds to that. I look forward to her future storylines on the show.
Honest to God I'd rather watch Stephanie McMahon stand there for the entire show than to watch adamle ever come back and be as monotone as he was. This is a great addition and I have always loved the McMahons on TV. Those 2 years they wree off TV was horrendus for me (04-05). Stephanie is still amazing attractive at her age and she does make a good heelish character while her brother can be the megaface that is still making decisions just to piss her off, I love that development. The storylines are filled with potential.
With all due respect, the comparison being made here is quite comparable to saying an i-pod is a significant upgrade and a cassette player. Duh. Not that I didn't mind Adamle much as GM, but really almost anyone would've been a significant upgrade over him. Now with the Adamle out of the way, we have Shane and Stephanie McMahon. Now Stephanie is in no way shape or form the i-pod, more like a CD Player kinda upgrade, good but with its own faults. Keeping aside the mild attraction that i have for her, I find here annoying, generally quite awful on camera, and with no real focused character, she is often all over the place. She has improved from the early billionaire princess phase and showed she can do an admirable job as GM, and she has shown to be a strong, confident women and is in charge of just about everything behind the scenes in WWE, but I think the focus of this discussion should be on the other person leading RAW, Shane.

Shane has been kept in the background in the WWE for quite some time now. Rumors have been made about Steph and Shane's backstage attitudes when it comes to business and it sounds like Steph has been trying to make sure Shane is far below her on the company ladder and that she will always have more control then him. Shane I've noticed always gets loud reactions whenever he makes an appearance. He has a real strong connection with the fans, something Steph probably wishes she had more of. Shane's endured himself to the fans through his hardcore and brutal matches and by frequently stepping up against his father, possibly the biggest heel ever, Vince. Shane seems way more confident and relaxed on the mic or in front of the camera than his sis. I look to Shane to be the future figure head of the on-camera product and not whiny shrieking Stephanie, and if were going to praise Stephanie for being a significant upgrade over Adamle, then we should really give Shane his equal justice as well.

So in closing, Shane and Stephanie equally better than Adamle. Now is it Shane that's an upgrade over Stephanie, or is Stephanie a better choice than Shane. Well, that's an argument for a different day.
Yes, I also agree here. Stephanie McMahon should do a great job as running Raw. However, I am so sick of the GM being the main focus on the show. I don't watch Raw to see the general manager, I watch Raw to see the actual superstars wrestle. There's nothing wrong with having a GM as the show usually needs one. Stephanie could be one of the best General Managers in a while. Mike Adamle just wasn't connecting with the fans and he was fairly poor on the mic. Her feud with brother Shane could be very interesting. It seems as if Steph is the heel and Shane in the face, and I quite like it.

But, I hope these two don't take up 30 minutes of air time every week, unlike what Vince did before he had his little "attack". The feud could be good for Raw in general and could last a fairly long time, maybe right up until Wrestlemania where they can choose a superstar each to have a big time match. Similar to Lashley vs Umaga at Wrestlemania 23. I also like Steph's voice when speaking, she sounds devious but sexy at the same time. And hey, she's eye candy which is a huge bonus. There's no doubt she's a significant upgrade, and she could even have little relationships with guys like Chris Jericho and Randy Orton.

I hope both her and Shane run the show as we could see some bizarre match ups that we hopefully haven't seen before. Raw right now seems more entertaining than what it was when Adamle was the GM. The fan's seemed to love their little argument as well on Raw this week. I really hope the WWE don't drop the ball on this feud though.
I am quite happy Stephanie McMahon is back on raw. Besides being fuckin hot. She can cut a promo and plays a great heel GM. Along with Shane being on raw also. This can lead to great feud over power on raw. Hopefully though they don't take up to much tv time. Now i have to agree what has been said by Show about the comparison of Steph and Adamle. Mike was new to Wrestling while Steph was around it her whole life. Mike was basically destined to fail.
I believe Mrs. McMahon-Levesque has already had a "significant upgrade".

I'm just sayin'.

Ah, but really, anyone would have been better than Adamle. God bless Adamle, he tried, but it was an epic flop. I can't figure out why he was ever GM in the first place, when they could just as well have reinstated Regal into the job. Clearly they're not keeping him down as a result of the suspension, as he has the IC title. I don't know. Perhaps Regal wouldn't have been a good choice, but surely there was someone better for the job. Christ, Michael Cole would have been better. At least he can talk.

But Stephanie has proven she can handle the GM role, is entertaining, is a good piece of eye candy, and should be a good part of the story without overshadowing it. McMahons are always entertaining, so I certainly see Steph helping out Raw significantly. All in all, I'm excited for her to be GM of Raw, and hope she does very well. Monday night she seemed to pull everything off well, and it ought to be entertaining to watch the Shane vs Steph power struggle.
What if .....
steph takes over raw and shane takes over smackdown , and we have a kinda raw vs smackdown fued with shane vs steph ?
and kinda have ecw as a tweener figure were they neither go to raw or smackdown :p
could be a intresting little fued were both them use there roaster ti compete for power , little bit like wwf/e vs the alliance , could have superstars turn on there brand and certain drafts and stuff like that :p
could make some good rateins , besides nothing can really get any worse than the now surley , and the mcmahons always make good viewing.
hell you could even have vince come back at some stage and say it was shane or steph that caused the stage to collapse and he could take one of there sides , or he could even take ecw (doubt that would happen since he hates ecw) and have vince vs shane vs steph , ecw vs sdown vs raw.
could be good :p
this will be good. as said Stephanie is hot to look at. the storline will be shane on smackdown and Steph on raw. this will lead to Vince coming back again. but hey should be good if superstars join the storyline. i see this as HHH way to get back on raw with his wife to run the show and be the top guy.
I always liked her. I especially liked her when she was GM on Raw. However, do you think that she will do any difference? Don't forget she was probably already working with the staff already. And while she does make a nice heel GM, that does not mean that she is going to do anything about Raw. I mean HBK joining JBL, the IC tourney, and the lack luster tag team situation, these are not going to help attract people to Raw or the WWE.
Quite honestly, as much of an affection as I have towards Stephanie, at the current moment, she bothers me. Her role on the program bothers me. It feels like she has been thrust into a position she cannot handle, and perhaps that is the ultimate point, but "shaky" leadership is not what Raw and the WWE need right now. There is just something about her recent performances that lack the confidence and that certain je ne sais quoi she has had in the past. Shit, maybe it's the fact that she's covered up and isn't standing in provocative poses -- I don't know. All I know is that when she appears on my screen, I want to switch channels. And that isn't a good sign.... :/

I don't understand why everyone was so hard on Adamle... I remember making the observation that this guy is a seasoned commentator, there is no way he can't "catch on" to how to work "WWE Style." I mean, it isn't hard. I loathed the man as an announcer, but it seemed that he was actually trying and attempting to do something when he had the GM spot. I say he should've been given time instead of a pink slip.

O well.
at the very least, she is far more interesting than adamle, which isnt much to say. Im neither here nor there on Steph, as its not actually her running the show, but merely playing a character, in which she is fairly bland (as of right now) but far more fun to look at than Adamle. She of course cant hold a candle to Vince, but, who can?? Persoanlly I would enjoy a Good gm/bad GM sibling rivalry thing involving Shane, which is also a possibility for them were they to write Vickie Guerrero out of the show, or throw her on ECW (which I dont feel would be a bad idea)
I think there's one main reason taht Stephanie is an improvement: she's a McMahon. Bischoff, Austin, Adamle, Coachman, Regal, all of them were average at their very best. To me that always was teh case because it felt like they were just placeholders. In the WWE there are few contants, but one of the big ones is that the McMahons run things. They have since day one and will likely do so until the company closes its doors. Any of the four would do just fine, with Vince obviously being the best of the four. There's a passion there that can never be equaled when you hear them talk about their love for wrestling. Also at the end of the day, when one of them says that they'll fire someone for something, they actually could. A bit of realism is never a bad thing in a character, and Stephanie being someone that has legitimate authority in the company is a perfect example of that.
Lol did anyone notice Steph slipped up and got her words jumbled and said "oops i pulled an adamle" i laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed for a good 2 minutes.....i thought it was great....

And yes, anyone is better than adamle, the guy tried, and failed, and thats all you can do, he was costing wwe money, so they just got rid of him, easy business choice

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