Stardust = MEGA-Superstar


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Stardust is one of the best WWE Superstars in the roster today. He has a spectacular move-set that includes the powerful Dark Matter and the high-flying Falling Star. Every Stardust match is top-quality entertainment, from championship bouts against the Usos to the battle of good and evil against the NEW DAY. There is a level of bizarreness, from the hissing to the backstage segments where he goes/does-something ultra-weird, that makes him stand out from the rest of the crowd. Every Raw, Main Event, and Smackdown I see members of the WWE Universe flash their Stardust gloves or wear their Stardust masks. The wrestler is marketable, darn it! Its not just kids that buy his merchandise. Everyone, young and old, connects with Stardust because he represents the child-like wonder in all of us. "All I can see, all Goldust can see, is a never ending abyss of Darkness. A BLACK HOLE! Where that never ends." is one of many memorable quotes from Stardust. Not just that, but his media interviews are hysterical! He sometimes randomly inserts a space fact and his terms of expressions are as odd as can be (lets get naked). Stardust has all the tools to become a MEGA-Superstar. He connects with the audience, has that captivating charisma, uses his spectacular in-ring skills to entertain the crowds, is unique from the others, is marketable, etc. Its time to let Stardust become a singles competitor so that he can reach his full MEGA-Superstar potential. KHEEE!!!

Stardust is so damn talented it ridiculous! I admit, I rather see him as Cody Rhodes though. Although, he is like a comic book character (like some sci-fi riddler or something). He's growing on me, but I want to see this guy in the main event at some point in his career. Hopefully, they go more darker with his character. I could see him having some weird crazy feud with Bryan, lol.
Is this thread legit? 'Cus Stardust is the shits. He's a budget, ultra camp, ridiculous looking Goldust. Not only that, he's portrayed by Cody Rhodes. A perfectly serviceable wrestler but nothing more.
Yes Stardust is an awesome version of Cody. So was the "phantom of the opera"-esque gimmick he was rocking a couple years back. As was the "Dashing" gimmick. Everything Cody touches turns to gold(no pun intended).

Cody Rhodes is criminally underutilized by the WWE. It's funny that a company that gives every second and third generation wrestler willing to take a bump every chance on the planet to get over, no matter how talentless they are, has a guy on the roster with main event talent written all over him and who happens to be the son of an all-time great and they treat him like just another fledgling midcarder. Cody should've gotten the Randy Orton level push a long time ago.

And if anyone questions Cody's ability to perform at a main event level, or to be over at a main event level, go back and watch MITB 2013, and the aftermath. He was red hot both in the ring and with the crowd. That is until the WWE killed his push in favor of a stupid "firing" angle. Who would've thought that a fake firing angle could be so stupid, help no one, and do such damage to a wrestler's momentum? :icon_rolleyes: At least the WWE learned to drop those pointless firing angles. :icon_rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:
Cody needs to put on about 20 pounds of muscle. He has all the talent but not enough size to be a main event talent. No doubt in my mind if he weighed north of 240 he would be getting the Roman Reigns push right now.
I was wondering if I was the only one. I totally agree. Stardust has mega-potential but I can see into the future and I have virtually no doubt that the character will never see that potential, for whatever reason. Maybe 10-15 years ago he would have?

It will be interesting to see if he at least makes a run at the IC title. I think he at least deserves that much. I see him as an upgraded/evolved version of Goldust, and Goldust managed to stay in the IC title picture for several years, so logic would have it that Stardust should as well.
Not a fan. Although I tremendously enjoyed Cody with his "Beauty tips" and "Paper bag" Personas, this one does nothing for me. Golddust originally worked so well because of shock value. "Stardust" lacks that at every turn.
Not a fan. Although I tremendously enjoyed Cody with his "Beauty tips" and "Paper bag" Personas, this one does nothing for me. Golddust originally worked so well because of shock value. "Stardust" lacks that at every turn.

True about the shock value, but long after the shock wore off Goldust still went on to have a career of success and longevity and championships. I think Stardust should at least be in the IC picture in the future.
After watching RR, I said to myself, I really hope that Cody keeps this persona. He rocks it , and it could be a upper-midcard mainstay for years if played right
Cody is gifted, and as someone already said, everything he touches turns into gold. Stardust is great and wwe should take it to the next level. Same with wyatt, hell....the should feud down the road for a title!.
To me, Cody Rhodes is as versatile a performer as WWE has today. It doesn't hurt that he has the genes to do it, either. Think about it. He's simply been Cody Rhodes, he's been Dashing, disfigured, a member of Legacy, a Rhodes Scholar, and now this odd duck called Stardust. He's been a face, heel, and has worked as both a singles performer and with tag teams. He has quite possibly been asked to change his character more in the last few years than anyone on the roster and he has done well each and every time.
Stardust is one of the best WWE Superstars in the roster today. He has a spectacular move-set that includes the powerful Dark Matter and the high-flying Falling Star. Every Stardust match is top-quality entertainment, from championship bouts against the Usos to the battle of good and evil against the NEW DAY. There is a level of bizarreness, from the hissing to the backstage segments where he goes/does-something ultra-weird, that makes him stand out from the rest of the crowd. Every Raw, Main Event, and Smackdown I see members of the WWE Universe flash their Stardust gloves or wear their Stardust masks. The wrestler is marketable, darn it! Its not just kids that buy his merchandise. Everyone, young and old, connects with Stardust because he represents the child-like wonder in all of us. "All I can see, all Goldust can see, is a never ending abyss of Darkness. A BLACK HOLE! Where that never ends." is one of many memorable quotes from Stardust. Not just that, but his media interviews are hysterical! He sometimes randomly inserts a space fact and his terms of expressions are as odd as can be (lets get naked). Stardust has all the tools to become a MEGA-Superstar. He connects with the audience, has that captivating charisma, uses his spectacular in-ring skills to entertain the crowds, is unique from the others, is marketable, etc. Its time to let Stardust become a singles competitor so that he can reach his full MEGA-Superstar potential. KHEEE!!!


He had potential. He could have easily been in the same position as Ambrose was last fall. I remember summer 2013, him and Sandow had an underrated feud and then him and Goldust had a great match with Reigns/Rollins, they just didn't take advantage of that. Instead, they have Goldust holding him down. It's not too late for Stardust to blow up, he's a brother vs. brother feud away.

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