Star Trek or Star Wars?

Which is better?

  • Star Trek

  • Star Wars

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As a lifelong Trekkie, I'm curious as to which more people prefer. Personally, I always thought Star Wars was far too mythological. I mean legends, strange creatures, the force, all that.

I prefer Trek because all that happens in Trek is plausable. Okay, warp drives, time loops, androids, and numerous aliens that all seem to stand upright and look mostly human.

Okay, so Trek is a little crazy, too. But, I think it is the far superior series, with better acting and better characters. But, you can imagine those types of ships existing in the future, and a lot of the technology is based on the present, and what we are likely to invent. I also like the navy-like attitude in Trek, with Captains, Commanders and the such.

The Next Generation was the best Trek series, by far.

Picard > Kirk

I know I'll hear it from a lot of passionate Star Wars guys, but...

Trek > Wars

That was my mandatory fan yelling inside me.

I love both. Though that's not really true in a sense. I absolutely love the original Star Trek series. But the spinoffs I honestly just hated. They didn't have nearly the level of talent or creativity, or the campiness and fun of the original IMO. Captain Kirk is and forever will be the man.

But I love Star Wars even more. The original (or parts 4-6) trilogy are among the finest films made in any genre or category. They've transcended from simply movies into cultural phenomenons. Star Trek, while having a huge niche following, could never match that impact.

So, I had to go with Star Wars. While the recent films haven't been spectacular (really just Part 1 was the only really bad one) the originals boost their vote for me.
Haha, well that's the first time I've heard someone try to make an argument for one being better then the other because one his more realistic.

Anyways, I'm with Sandman as far as the Next Generation being the best one. Piccard is the best Captain on Star Trek bar none. The Next Generation owned all.

And as the question being asked in the title. Star Wars, and pretty simple. I'm a Star Wars kid and have been watching those movies pretty much since birth. I think a lot of people unfairly bash the prequels, when in fact they are all pretty dman good movies. I even like the Phantom Menace. If you can tune out Jar Jar, and believe me, it's nearly impossible, the seeds for the entire saga are planted there.

I like both, just prefer Star Wars.
Star Wars I must go with. Star Wars is probably my favourite movie series of all time (yes I'm a nerd.....) . I just love the movies, the first 3 created werefantastic, and created some of the finest movie technology we have today. Not only that but it is a great storyline, as well as some nice graphics.

Honestly i never watch Star Trek, I don't like the way it is. I personally can't stand it.

Ans as for this 'nazy-like' attitude in Trel, Star Wars has Generals, Captians, and Commanders too ya know. :thumbsup:

Star Wars> All
Star Trek by a landslide for me. Why? Much more scientific basis and genuine originality in Roddenberry's concepts (and eventually even more in the Berman era). Star Wars is good and I'm a fan, but episodes I-III were a horrible skidmark on a franchise that could do no wrong up until Jar-Jar poked his ugly fucking head out of the woodwork and graced everyone with his presence. Trek has more consistency for me. I'm in the rare group that finds Deep Space Nine to be the high point of the Trek Universe aside from the films. I especially loved the Dominion Wars. Greatest ongoing saga in televised Sci-Fi for my money.

The original Star Wars Trilogy is phenomenal to me, but I know that Kurosawa and the Flash Gordon serials are definitely being aped there. With Trek, I never saw that much blatant lifting from previous material. Not to say that I dislike Star Wars, because I'm a nerd of the Nth degree who can quote episodes IV through VI like it's second nature, but I just like Trek that much more. I can't tell my older brother that, though. That fucking guy is a lunatic about Star Wars. It's a miracle he's ever touched boobies.

That was my mandatory fan yelling inside me.

I love both. Though that's not really true in a sense. I absolutely love the original Star Trek series. But the spinoffs I honestly just hated. They didn't have nearly the level of talent or creativity, or the campiness and fun of the original IMO. Captain Kirk is and forever will be the man.

But I love Star Wars even more. The original (or parts 4-6) trilogy are among the finest films made in any genre or category. They've transcended from simply movies into cultural phenomenons. Star Trek, while having a huge niche following, could never match that impact.

So, I had to go with Star Wars. While the recent films haven't been spectacular (really just Part 1 was the only really bad one) the originals boost their vote for me.
Generations was the best movie, with Picard and Kirk together. It's not so much the acting, just that Shatner tends to get played out. I also find it interesting that in a recent interview Shatner said everyone on the cast hated him!

However, Picard is still the best captain. Janeway on Voyager was good, too. She's hot! I actually have not seen many of the original series. I plan to rent a few, and maybe my opinion will change. When I was a kid, it was Next Generation on every channel, so I got used to it.

But, by far the best actor in the trek series was Brent Spiner as Data on NG. One of the best acting jobs I've seen in awhile. I don't believe they killed him in the last movie. Bastards.
I definitely prefer Star Wars I honestly don't know much an awful lot bout Star Trek other than the basics such as characters and things of that nature. I did see most of the movies, several episodes of the next generation, and a few episodes of each of the other series, but don't have the passion or knowledge of everything that some of you might.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie prequel, mostly cause it's fresh spin on everything even though it'll have plenty of references that trekkies are highly aware of. I'm a fan of the director and of some of the cast members so I'm sure that I'll enjoy it.

I've seen all of the Star Wars movies dozens of times literally and still am not tired of them. I know that the prequels at least episode one and two are highly criticized and I admittedly don't hold them in quite the same esteem as the other four but I still really enjoyed them. Episode One actually has some sentimental value for me as well.

I do love the admiration that people have for both series. I've seen people in jedi robes at Star Wars movies or wearing spock ears at Star Trek ones.
This is a hard one, I grew up watching The Next Generation and also watched The Original Star Trek Series reruns constantly as in early 90's they were heavily syndicated. Star Wars happened a little before my time and although I did watch Star Wars as my dad was a Star Wars nut and we had the movies on VHS I was more fully immersed in the Star Trek universe as a child. So my hart has to go with Star Trek though looking back at the original trilogy of Star Wars it's hard to deny it's cinematic merit as it not only took you on the fantastic ride but it also brought into play all sort os mythology and stuff of that nature.

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