Stand up for WWE official thread

Next Jericho

Robbie E's number one fan BRO
Okay WWE wants the fans to stand up for them well I think it's about time we did. So from now on if you support this cause then post your support in this thread may it be you tube or a simple 'I am standing up for WWE'.

Here are some videos on the matter




Hey why not some TNA fans stand up as well because you are standing up for wrestling as a whole.
I support WWE by watching it every week. I couldn't care any less about Linda's Senate Campaign seeing how I live in NY
Yes, stand up for WWE. It finally got its act together and started doing slightly more than the minimum for the last year or two. The prior 30+ years should certainly be ignored. Makes you wonder if the only reason they started being on good behavior was a campaign of some kind ...

I love wrestling, but to pretend there were not some pretty horrible practices in the past is to be part of the problem and not the solution IMO. How long have they spent denying issues likely related to concussions in Benoit's brain? Yet they are to be praised when they take out headshots a few years after the fact and in reaction to another death?

This just seems like a veiled attempt at vote for Linda because you like WWE more than politicians. Seems pretty sleazy to me if that is the case. I'll stand up for the media because even if the coverage is usually pretty biased without it we would likely see no improvements made to attempt to combat the problem of wrestlers dying so young among other things.
Yeah which is why I don't care.

I can't vote in Conneticut elections anyway.

Yeah I get your point you can't vote in Connecticut because you don't live there well okay I am English and not able to vote anyway so either defend WWE or well no other option
how does me defending WWE in KS help a CT candidate win anyway? Besides, I may try to apply for that episode of Marriage Ref where they are looking for couples that are WWE fans. I'm a HUGE wwe fan and I know its ruined relationships for me. lol too bad none of the guys have been as AWESOME as Matt Striker or Wade Barrett. lol
defend it from what exactly?

Skeezy politicians who are trying to take pot shots at Linda by talking shit about her husband's comany?
defend it from what exactly?

Defend it from politicians and the god damn media who are taking shots at the WWE for no reason what so ever!

I will give you some examples how does the Eugene charter affect someone's political viewpoint?
Politicians talking about anything but politics when it comes to their opponents?

Gee, what shocking and exciting news this is!
how does me defending WWE in KS help a CT candidate win anyway? Besides, I may try to apply for that episode of Marriage Ref where they are looking for couples that are WWE fans. I'm a HUGE wwe fan and I know its ruined relationships for me. lol too bad none of the guys have been as AWESOME as Matt Striker or Wade Barrett. lol

Well found some videos of people doing the right thing

And well your favoirite wrestlers are now standing up for WWE

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