Sports and Holidays

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
I thought about this after reading Phil Jackson's comments the other day about having to play on Christmas day yet again. If you haven't read or heard his comments, here's the link:

He talks about how its a holy time, and how how Christan holidays mean nothing anymore. I don't really want to focus on the religious part, although for many that's what these holidays are. What I want to get to is what do you think about sports being played on holidays? Should athletes have to play on these special days?

There are two ways to look at it really. One, is that these athletes (and coaches) are making millions of dollars doing something they enjoy doing. At least most athletes enjoy doing. In a time where a lot of people are out of work, to hear someone who is making the kind of money he's making, complain about playing on Christmas is absurd. Millions of people would take that money and gladly work on any holiday they are asked to.

Then, there is the other side. Many of these guys have families and kids back home. They are already gone for the better part of the year, whether it be for training, roads games and whatever else comes with it. To require them to play when they could be spending time with their kids opening gifts or at the table enjoying a nice thanksgiving dinner. May not seem right.

Now, I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this. I'm not outraged that they don't have the holidays off or anything like that. But I am curious as to what you guys think about it. Last night on a local station they asked this question to the audience, and while most of the answers were for athletes playing on holidays, there were a lot of different reasons why people felt that way.

Let me add one more thing. I understand this country is culturally diverse, and many people don't celebrate the same holidays as most Americans, which include athletes as well. They are included in this discussion as well.

So the question is- Should athletes have to play on holidays? For athletes who celebrate other holidays, should they have to play if it conflicts with that day?

I know I could have worded the questions a little better, but whatever. I'm sure you guys get where I'm going with this.

Share your thoughts.
I thought this was an interesting topic when I heard the Zen Master talking about it. There really are two sides to the story.

On one hand, you have the league who is looking to generate revenue and viewers on days when families get together and the men usually sit around the couch and watch sports. Part of the job of being an athlete is to entertain your fans. They get paid millions of dollars to do it. And what better time to entertain your fans then a time when many of your biggest fans are bored at a family get-together looking for some sports to watch. But, you really do feel bad for these guys who want to spend the holidays with their families, but now have to work.

For me, the biggest problem is tradition. The NFL and NBA are both looking to set traditions for these holidays. In the NFL, you always have the Cowboys and Lions playing on Thanksgiving, and in the NBA, its always the Lakers and LeBron James. What I think should be done is if you really need to put on a game, spread it around. Having the same teams play each holiday could be a good tradition, but to keep the players happy, have new teams play every year. That way, its only once or twice in a career that a player has to miss the holidays. There are probably holes in that solution, but I dont think there is a better way to fix the problem.
If you're scheduled to play on a holiday it really isn't a huge deal. Yes it sucks but it also sucks for people who work at a local Meijer or Walmart. These athletes and coaches get paid millions each year so I'm sure some of them can sacrifice a holiday here and there.

Let's also not forget the fact that not everyone celebrates the same holidays. What if certain athletes are Jewish? Should there be no games played for 8 straight days? This isn't really something that can simply be solved by saying there will be no games on Christmas. The NBA is usually very good about giving the teams who play on Christmas a day or two off after Christmas day (although the Bulls play the 25th and 26th this year), and they also have no games scheduled for Christmas Eve this year so athletes can still celebrate the holiday with their families, it doesn't necessarily have to be on Christmas day.
Let's also not forget the fact that not everyone celebrates the same holidays. What if certain athletes are Jewish? Should there be no games played for 8 straight days? This isn't really something that can simply be solved by saying there will be no games on Christmas. The NBA is usually very good about giving the teams who play on Christmas a day or two off after Christmas day (although the Bulls play the 25th and 26th this year), and they also have no games scheduled for Christmas Eve this year so athletes can still celebrate the holiday with their families, it doesn't necessarily have to be on Christmas day.

I said in the OP that not everyone celebrates the same holidays. The majority do, which is why the suggestion of not playing on Christmas, but for the athletes that don't celebrate the same holidays, then they personally get that time off. And this would be for major holidays, not just any random one.

I personally don't have any problems with games on the holidays. But to look at the other side, why on Christmas, just as an example? Why not the day before or after? If its a marquee game, like they always are (were) on Christmas, then people will watch whether its on Christmas or the day after. Lebron vs Kobe will draw the same on the 24th or 26th just as much as the 25th. Again, looking at it from the other side, is it necessary? Not really.
I said in the OP that not everyone celebrates the same holidays. The majority do, which is why the suggestion of not playing on Christmas, but for the athletes that don't celebrate the same holidays, then they personally get that time off. And this would be for major holidays, not just any random one.

Using the NBA and NHL as examples, there are tons of foreign players. I'm no expert on world culture but I'm sure there are some major holidays around the world that these players have to play on. You say just give them that day personally off, but if it's a big game no coach or owner wants to have possibly one of their best players taking the day off to celebrate some random holiday that no one else cares about. I just don't see the big deal in having to play on a major holiday with the amount of money these guys are paid.

I personally don't have any problems with games on the holidays. But to look at the other side, why on Christmas, just as an example? Why not the day before or after? If its a marquee game, like they always are (were) on Christmas, then people will watch whether its on Christmas or the day after. Lebron vs Kobe will draw the same on the 24th or 26th just as much as the 25th. Again, looking at it from the other side, is it necessary? Not really.

On Christmas day more then any other day people are off work and with family/friends, many times at big parties. I guarantee the amount of people watching a big marquee regular season match up on Christmas is going to on average be higher then at any other time throughout the year. Just look at this article from a few years ago to see some of the big numbers these games put up.
Let's also not forget the fact that not everyone celebrates the same holidays. What if certain athletes are Jewish? Should there be no games played for 8 straight days? This isn't really something that can simply be solved by saying there will be no games on Christmas. The NBA is usually very good about giving the teams who play on Christmas a day or two off after Christmas day (although the Bulls play the 25th and 26th this year), and they also have no games scheduled for Christmas Eve this year so athletes can still celebrate the holiday with their families, it doesn't necessarily have to be on Christmas day.

Jews? That's just silly to say there shouldn't be any games during Hanukkah (however the fuck you spell it). I may be wrong, but upon doing a little reading, Hanukkah isn't the most important Jewish holiday, and from what I have read it is very minor. One of our Jewish posters can correct me if I'm wrong on that.

However, players like Shawn Green have taken off games for Yom Kippur. Sandy Koufax didn't pitch in Game 1 of the World Series in 1965 because it fell on Yom Kippur. Hank Greenberg was the same way. Jews take off one of their most important religious days. I think it was my Jr. or Sr. year of high school we got off for Yom Kippur (and possibly Rosh Hashanah) and the conference football games were moved up to Thursday so they wouldn't interfere.

I agree with Phil. Jews take off for Yom Kippur, and others still play. Shame it can't be the other way around in the NBA, but still. It wouldn't kill the NBA to take off for Christmas. I think hockey has it right by not playing on Christmas. It's one holiday, and for me Christmas is about being with your family. Professional athletes may not complain about it because of the money they are making, and it may not be a huge deal to some, but I think they should be able to spend time with their families, even if it is just one day.
While I recognize the idea that there should be more important things in life than sports, here's how I see this.

Don't want to work on the holiday? Then quit your job. It's no different than any other job. Nobody forces Phil Jackson to work as an NBA coach...if he doesn't like, then he is welcome to turn in his resignation. The fact is the job he has works on the holiday, it's just a simple fact.

I DO agree that the same teams shouldn't play every year on Christmas. Mix it up a little bit, so the same team isn't playing on Christmas 5 out of 7 years (which is what I think the Lakers have done). But, as far as playing on the holiday, if you don't like it, quit. Otherwise, buck up and go do your job.
I think it's just another case of athletes not realizing how lucky they really are. I know a guy who works at a movie theater this Christmas, and another that works at a Sonic, and they get paid jack shit. These guys are getting paid millions of dollars to do something that the majority of them love doing.

I do think it's silly that the Lakers seemingly play every Christmas though, they should spice it up every once and a while.
I’m sure not spending Christmas with the family sucks, but it’s a small price to pay for the lifestyle these guys live. I hate to give a typical response but I can’t ignore that these guys are making millions of dollars to do their dream job. Not small money to do their dream job. Not millions to do a job they hate. Millions to do their dream job. Most people go to a job they don’t like for enough money to just get by. I think trading a couple holidays is well worth it for the luxurious lifestyle. Let’s also not forget there is an off season in sports. So in addition to millions of dollars to work a dream job they have a couple months out of the year off. They’ve got the time and money to have whatever kind of family celebration they want during that time. December 25th is arbitrary to a lot of people. Honestly they have enough money to fly their whole family to whatever city in which they happen to be playing. They could have the morning with their family before game time. Another thing, it’s not like they’re the only ones who have to work on Christmas. People like nurses for example have to work Christmas without the fame and fortune. There’s always so much talk about how hard it is for soldiers to be away during the holidays. Playing in a basketball game doesn’t sound so bad compared to that. I don’t think any of these guys should ever complain about working on Christmas. I’ll gladly trade lives with them and never have a Christmas off again.
Yeah I mean I love play on christmas day if I'am gonna get paid millions of dollars. Give me something to do since on christmas day my family not gonna do shit. And I agree spice it up on all holiday events with sports. Tired of seeing Detroit Lions get man handled on thanksgiving. Give us different teams each year and I know people will say NFl Network has game on but NFL Network games they have the worst games the NFL can offer on the NFL Network.
Jews? That's just silly to say there shouldn't be any games during Hanukkah (however the fuck you spell it). I may be wrong, but upon doing a little reading, Hanukkah isn't the most important Jewish holiday, and from what I have read it is very minor. One of our Jewish posters can correct me if I'm wrong on that.

I was just using a quick example to get my point across, I have no clue what Jewish holidays are the most important nor do I really care. The NBA doesn't give Christmas off but they do give Christmas Eve off plus every team playing on Christmas has either a couple days before hand or a day or two after Christmas off so they can still celebrate just on a different day. It's not like Christmas day is the only time they can spend the holiday with their families. Like Sly said, it'd be nice if some of the teams got switched up every year but other then that I have zero problem with the Christmas day games.
Professional athletes are entertainers. Christmas is the epitome of a day full of the need to be entertained. So, it would only make sense that they would work on Christmas. Not working on Christmas would be like preachers not working on Sundays.

In order for a holiday to exist...someone has to be working in order to make it possible. Pro athletes are some of those people.

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