

Gone but never forgotten.
Ok listen, I know we've been down this road before. I understand that the Cage is the only place where this stuff is allowed. But honestly, is that a good thing? Spoilers are popping up in the Cage more often that regular threads, lately, and it's ruining the product for me.

I know that it's as easy as not clicking on the spoiler tags and stuff, but that's like dangling a heroin-filled needle in front of a former heroin addict and telling them, "It's easy... just don't inject it." I avoid spoilers at all costs but it's kind of tough when I have to constantly do my mod duties and see those threads pop up everywhere.

I also understand that in the eyes of Buffaloed, any traffic is good traffic. However, I'm not sure if you guys keep up on current wrestling programming like I do so the spoilers won't bother you as much as they bother me. I think I speak for many other posters in regards to this.

With Wrestlemania coming up and MANY potential rumors and spoilers being posted in the Cage, I highly recommend banning spoilers from all sections of the forums. If posters want to find them out, they should read the front page news... just like the way things used to be around here.

Please consider this.
Well I don't think we're going to ban spoilers but if you'd prefer we can get someone else to keep an eye on the cage. It's understandable to not want to have the product spoiled for you.
Once again, on paper, avoiding the Cage sounds about as easy as going through the Cage and not clicking on the spoiler tags. Regardless of whether I avoid the section or not, it's going to pop up when I click on "New Threads."

So I guess it's either go back to banning threads or I'm going to just have to deal with it.
I'm going to just have to deal with it.

This probably. Sorry, D-Man, you know I love your opinions, but the point of the Cage is no rules, except for illegal activity. And we are still a "behind the curtain" website, so the fact we've banned spoilers everywhere else is probably more unique than most places.
Ok, Sly.

I totally understand where you guys are coming from with it all. Once again, I'm having trouble trying to keep my personal gripes out of what is best for the forum. I knew the decision could go either way but it was worth a shot.

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