South of the border: Medias

El Rev sXe

If you have ghosts...
In case you are wondering, yes this thread has something to do with the film of the same name made by Oliver Stone. However it isn't about the film. It is an incredible film, you should all take a look to understand better Latinamerica.

So let me start first by saying that this is going to be a series. I'm done reading all the time things about US and Canada and the fact that no one knows nothing about my country and my continent. I just hope that with the help of Xemnas, Hamler, LSN and Mr. Awesome this series could have at least 4 responses.

As you may know, since the beggining of the 2000's there has been a new "wave" (if you will) in Latinamerica, a left wave. With presidents like Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Lula da Silva and her now succesor Dilma Rousseff (Brasil), Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), the late Néstor Kirchner and her succesor/wife Christina Kirchner (Argentina) and Rafael Correa (Ecuador), the diplomatic situation with the US has been more than fragile. Today, most of the continent doesn't share the same vision how to rule our countries as the US. But the topic for this thread isn't this (don't worry we are going to talk about it), the maint focus are the role that medias play here. As we know, when someone calls himself socialist, he is called by the US a dictator, a communist and is even compared to Hitler :wtf:
A couple of years ago I went to Miami, and I was watching some latin channel and I couldn't believe my eyes. A criminal was giving an interview, a man that has been as corrupt as a politician can be, a man that is searched by bolivian justice was talking about the "communinsm in Bolivia" since Evo Morales became president. Then, like it is shown on Stone's documentary, Evo is presented as a drug addict cause he is chewing coca leaves. On Fox news we can see how Chávez is a thread to his country and the entire world. Back in 2002, in Venezuela there was an attempted coup d'État. The New York times showed his favoritism saying that "democracy" was being re stored. However, Chávez came back to power and the Times were forced to say thath they didn't like the coup d'État but they didn't like Chávez either. M point with all this examples if how the US presents our leaders to all of you. So my questions are:

Do you believe everything that medias say about Latinamerica and their left wing leaders?

Don't you think that there is a medias manipulation in order to generate repudiation towards those leaders/presidents?

And this one is just for fun, what do you know about coca? Is it a drug?

Let's have some real politic discussions here.
Do you believe everything that medias say about Latinamerica and their left wing leaders?

This is a difficult topic. Its hard not to, iit sometimes seems we are only getting the facts when we read the newspaper or watrch the news. America's media can influence people's thoughts and way they veiw certain issues. I mean look at the way they influenced many Americans views on thep Michael Jackson molestation case. They turned so many people against him. The same can be said for Latin American leaders. Now I know nothing about Latin America, but the way the media does present them is one sided. Do I believe everything they say to be true, no. But that can be said for any matter.

Don't you think that there is a medias manipulation in order to generate repudiation towards those leaders/presidents?

Of course. I think it has a lot to do with patriotism. 'Our country is gold and yours is shit'. We tend to look down on countries that we don't necessarily agree with. The media only seems to bring out the bad in everyone. Forgive me as I do not know much about Latin American politics. I did this for you Rev, hope its a good answer.

What do you know about coca? Is it a drug?

I love Coca-Cola.:lmao:
The US rightfully has called out the socialistic leanings of your region. The portray your socialist leaders certain ways to rile up pressure against the country so that it would adopt a more proven economic policy.

The current situations in Venezuala and other countries should be attacked by the media as it's absolutely disgusting and will not help the country.
Do you believe everything that medias say about Latinamerica and their left wing leaders?

Nah. In today’s world, there is always a bunch of bullshit that is spatted out by the media that it’s just pretty hard to even consider it true. Though, that doesn’t stop the masses from believing it is so. People, in general, are very gullible; if they hear something new that holds a tiny bit of credibility or simply see someone else that believes it, then, they will start to see it as something that is true as well. But is it really true? Probably not, but that’s just the reality that’s been spread throughout the general public.

Don't you think that there is a medias manipulation in order to generate repudiation towards those leaders/presidents?

Let me dully note that I am not aware of the political issues that are faced south of the border. The capacity of my knowledge on said subject reaches Mexico and the drug cartels, to be blatantly honest. Though, I will point out that America, or rather everyone in the entire world, has different versions of what they see as "right" or "true." While one country may see something as "right" another country could easily view it as "wrong." It really all depends on the point of view. The media just spreads their version of what is right or wrong.

what do you know about coca? Is it a drug?

Not directly, but it IS a raw material used for the manufacture of the drug known as cocaine. Coca is pretty much illegal everywhere outside of South America. Though a little fun fact: it was the original ingredient for Coca-Cola (hence the name).
Do you believe everything that medias say about Latinamerica and their left wing leaders?

No, becausde its the media. Whether it be conservative, liberal, or claim to be in-between, eaxch group has their owqn agendas to serve. What better way to do it then through the oldest and most popular outlet there is, the media?

Don't you think that there is a medias manipulation in order to generate repudiation towards those leaders/presidents?

Of course. This isn't something that's exclusive to Latin America however. It happens in the United States, and countries all over the world. Manipulation is the oldest trick in the book that any government uses in order to get people to see things "their way", even if it's blatantly wrong and full of lies.

what do you know about coca?

I know that its a plant native to South America that's high in the alkaloids used to make cocaine. It can also be chewed to be used as a mild stimulant, I believe, and supresses things such as pain, hunger, fatigue, and thirst.

Is it a drug?

I dont believe on its own it is. From what I know of it, when one absorbs the cocaine aspect of the leaf, absorbtion is far less rapid and efficient when compared with the purified manufactured aspects of cocaine. It doesn't cause euphoria and have a psychoactive affect that cocaine does either. I also believe that it is without the addictive properties that would make it a drug. While it's used to make cocaine, I don't believe it to be a drug in and of itself. Ill be the first to admit that my knowledge of it is limited however.

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