sorry but had 2 get this out


wp2 4 life

Originally Posted by scalizi
LOL@Douglas sold out...

everybody left ECW to get paid...not just Douglas...your favorite champion TAzZ held the ECW title as a WWF(E) jobber....hahahaha...when you think of the most identifiable "extreme" era ECW champion there are the same names mentioned...and they all left ECW before the dam fuck anybody narrow minded enough to believe that Douglas is a "sell out"...

(so fuck anybody narrow minded enough to believe that Douglas is a "sell out"...) OK Bro let's Look at this 4 a min. Douglas was the man who help start the EXtreme era right? So why was he the 1st to sell out and 2 times at that now I love this guy but come on open your eyes bro. he jump ship when the company he help start and who help star him, needed him most. now if that's not a sell out iI don't know what is.

Now on to Tazz he was and is the most Feared ECW champ
your boy Douglas when he was champ back in the day ducked and ran from Tazz cuz at the time Tazz was a killer look even Sabu at one time was 1st and is now the 2nd most feared man in ECW and Tazz made him TAP 2. And talk about a wwe or wwf jobber did you 4-get Dean Douglas 1 of the bigest jobbers of all time 2 HBK. Now Tazz is viicious and would kill any and all who needed a good ass kickin

and that's that's Bro sorry. :wtf: :fuckoff: :schild13: :2up:
ESeeDubbya said:
Agreed, Tazz does indeed suck.
Wow, tazz sucks ass no wrestling skills or announcing skills i would rather listen to JBL then tazz, omg, i can not beleve i just said
Taz has no wrestling skills? Have you ever actually SEEN a match with Taz in it? Granted his announcing isn't the best, but his wrestling skills were top notch. I would put him right up there with Kurt Angle. He could suplex you from a million different angles, very technicly minded wrestler.

It just kills me to see great wrestler being put down by Batista fans....sheesh
sevastra said:
Taz has no wrestling skills? Have you ever actually SEEN a match with Taz in it? Granted his announcing isn't the best, but his wrestling skills were top notch. I would put him right up there with Kurt Angle. He could suplex you from a million different angles, very technicly minded wrestler.

It just kills me to see great wrestler being put down by Batista fans....sheesh
ok u pick one thing suplex who cant do that batista could do it way better than shaort fat tazz and yes i have seen his matches he sucks
Not just a regular suplex numbnuts. I said Suplexes. This includes germans, T-Bones, Belly to belly, fishermans, double unerhook, tiger....Batista doesn't have the agility to do anything more than a verticle suplex, a slam, and a powerbomb. He's charismatic as hell, and can be entertaining, but he can't wrestle for shit.

Not to mention that Taz was a mat wrestler as well. he could get down and dirty with the best of them, including Kurt Angle, and Benoit.

I am guessing though, I that I am speaking to a fan of sports entertainment, not wrestling. Its ok, someday you will hit puberty, and realize there is more to entertainment than staring mindlessly at a TV while people just punch each other and talk on a microphone.
sevastra said:
Not just a regular suplex numbnuts. I said Suplexes. This includes germans, T-Bones, Belly to belly, fishermans, double unerhook, tiger....Batista doesn't have the agility to do anything more than a verticle suplex, a slam, and a powerbomb. He's charismatic as hell, and can be entertaining, but he can't wrestle for shit.

Not to mention that Taz was a mat wrestler as well. he could get down and dirty with the best of them, including Kurt Angle, and Benoit.

I am guessing though, I that I am speaking to a fan of sports entertainment, not wrestling. Its ok, someday you will hit puberty, and realize there is more to entertainment than staring mindlessly at a TV while people just punch each other and talk on a microphone.
first off i would say i have been a fan longer than u i have wach it since i was 3 and iam 23 now but any way i give credit when its due i have arguments with tna fans they send me stuff on tna like ppv and i have alot respect for some of the guys in tna now but i have seen old ecw every fri back in the day and tazz sucks and when he was in wwe he suck so get over it
sports entainment fan
thats funny and tazz can wrestle alot better than batista can
name some moves batista does other than spinebuster,batista bomb,crap i think thats it
Tazz was the shit then...he handed Kurt Angle his first defeat. By the time he signed with WWE he was so close to retiring.

Batista is improving but may be one of the worst workers in the ring. He and Cena have a 5-8 move list.

Tazz is in that area of wrestlers like Benoit, Guerrero, Samoa Joe (Wink Wink Assassin), Bryan Danielson, Dean Malenko, CM Punk, ect who can adapt and use almost any wrestling hold.

God I miss the days when WWE had actual wrestlers as champion ie. Kurt Angle, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H...can't believe I said that, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels..and the list goes on and on
hahahaha said:
Tazz was the shit then...he handed Kurt Angle his first defeat. By the time he signed with WWE he was so close to retiring.

Batista is improving but may be one of the worst workers in the ring. He and Cena have a 5-8 move list.

Tazz is in that area of wrestlers like Benoit, Guerrero, Samoa Joe (Wink Wink Assassin), Bryan Danielson, Dean Malenko, CM Punk, ect who can adapt and use almost any wrestling hold.

God I miss the days when WWE had actual wrestlers as champion ie. Kurt Angle, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H...can't believe I said that, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels..and the list goes on and on
u named alot of good ones but dont start that fat joe stuff he sucks every one of hes matchs who hes in the ring with carries him till the end i dont care if u think tazz is great but it seems u and few others take up for the men who suck the most and put down real talent
Batista is a freaking Wrestling Machine! Batista is way better than Taz. Hell maybe we could see Batista face Kurt Angle in a Ultimate Submission match at Wrestlemania 23. That would sure be a catch as can wrestling classic! Taz yes he was a good grappler back in the day but he is no match for the Superstar and Wrestling Machine , Batista! I could watch a 3-4 hour DVD full of Batista's matches because that would be just totally cool and I'd get to see lot's of wrestling action. My Dream match would be Batista v Booker T in a 1 hour man match. Instant classic. Yea Tazz was ok.:lol2:
PornstXr said:
Batista is a freaking Wrestling Machine! Batista is way better than Taz. Hell maybe we could see Batista face Kurt Angle in a Ultimate Submission match at Wrestlemania 23. That would sure be a catch as can wrestling classic! Taz yes he was a good grappler back in the day but he is no match for the Superstar and Wrestling Machine , Batista! I could watch a 3-4 hour DVD full of Batista's matches because that would be just totally cool and I'd get to see lot's of wrestling action. My Dream match would be Batista v Booker T in a 1 hour man match. Instant classic. Yea Tazz was ok.
nicely put
Yea I dunno bout that either *cough**cough* but yea power alway's makes someone a good wrestler *cough*.
Ohhh I think Goldberg is the best because he has lot's of power and to keep this ECW related I think Mike Knox and Test are Main Event Wrestlemania Material!
PornstXr said:
Batista is a freaking Wrestling Machine! Batista is way better than Taz. Hell maybe we could see Batista face Kurt Angle in a Ultimate Submission match at Wrestlemania 23. That would sure be a catch as can wrestling classic! Taz yes he was a good grappler back in the day but he is no match for the Superstar and Wrestling Machine , Batista! I could watch a 3-4 hour DVD full of Batista's matches because that would be just totally cool and I'd get to see lot's of wrestling action. My Dream match would be Batista v Booker T in a 1 hour man match. Instant classic. Yea Tazz was ok.:lol2:

hahaha that could be one of the funniest posts I'v read in a while. And if your's even more halarious. Anyways...Taz was a great wrestler. He had a very strong presence in the ring. I'm not sure you can really compare Batista and Taz. Batista is pushed because Vince gets boners over big strong stiffs like batista. Now I'll give him credit....batista has some agility. But he's still a stiff. And I believe the only reason Taz left ECW was because he was very close to retiring and he figured he'd get the big pay cheaq before he was out. I think as a person, it was a smart move. But as an ECW fan...i wish he would have stayed.
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
first off i would say i have been a fan longer than u i have wach it since i was 3 and iam 23 now but any way i give credit when its due i have arguments with tna fans they send me stuff on tna like ppv and i have alot respect for some of the guys in tna now but i have seen old ecw every fri back in the day and tazz sucks and when he was in wwe he suck so get over it

If what you say is true, then we have been watching wrestling the same amount of time. I am 23, and have been watching since I was 3 as well. Kind of funny. Anyway, as far as TNA goes, I am happy to hear that you at least respect the guys, wether you like them or not. I am truthfully not a big fan of Samoa Joe, but I respect him because he is a hell of a worker and damn good in the ring.

Taz, yeah, he mainly did suplexes. But, he was also one of the best workers. He could sell a match like crazy, work a hardcore match, and was a beast as far as strength goes. I'm not talking their TNN deal that they had. Before that, back in 95 and such. I didn't really watch it much once it got on tv. In WWE he was misused. He had a couple solid matches with Kurt Angle, and that was about it. I think after his first match against Kurt at the Rumble, Angles first time being beat, they banned him from using half of his moves. Mainly because during a t-bone suplex, he almost landed Kurt on the back of his neck.

He was held down a lot. And sadly, the parts of him that they held down where what made him one of the greats back in the day. That being said, I doubt you will ever see him in the Hall of Fame.
sevastra said:
If what you say is true, then we have been watching wrestling the same amount of time. I am 23, and have been watching since I was 3 as well. Kind of funny. Anyway, as far as TNA goes, I am happy to hear that you at least respect the guys, wether you like them or not. I am truthfully not a big fan of Samoa Joe, but I respect him because he is a hell of a worker and damn good in the ring.

Taz, yeah, he mainly did suplexes. But, he was also one of the best workers. He could sell a match like crazy, work a hardcore match, and was a beast as far as strength goes. I'm not talking their TNN deal that they had. Before that, back in 95 and such. I didn't really watch it much once it got on tv. In WWE he was misused. He had a couple solid matches with Kurt Angle, and that was about it. I think after his first match against Kurt at the Rumble, Angles first time being beat, they banned him from using half of his moves. Mainly because during a t-bone suplex, he almost landed Kurt on the back of his neck.

He was held down a lot. And sadly, the parts of him that they held down where what made him one of the greats back in the day. That being said, I doubt you will ever see him in the Hall of Fame.
well i agree with u but not on joe i think his opponets carry him but thats me
batista in real life would be stronger than probably everyone else apart from big show and great khali (who would easily be the strongest.) he would be stronger than people in their prime like rock, austin, hogan, undertaker, kane, but maybe not lesnar or goldberg.
sachintendulkar said:
batista in real life would be stronger than probably everyone else apart from big show and great khali (who would easily be the strongest.) he would be stronger than people in their prime like rock, austin, hogan, undertaker, kane, but maybe not lesnar or goldberg.
he would be stronger than lesnar and goldberg

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