Soon To Feel The Crunch

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- There's talk going around TNA that a handful of wrestlers will be released in the coming weeks. We haven't heard any names of who might go, but anyone who has requested their release will probably be given it. TNA is looking to cut costs and due to the recent contract renewals of some of the higher paid names,

they're now more open to cutting some of the talent that they haven't invested a lot into.

Every mid carder then.

So it looks like a couple of wrestlers will be getting their pink slips. But this poses an important question - How will they fill the Terrordome?

It's hardly going to be as intresting as when WWE wrestlers get released. Because TNA is all mid card, so the main wrestlers are safe. You'll get no shock releases. Although this is TNA so they'll probably release a champion. So I'm going Sting.

Or because this is TNA they'll get rid of everybody bar 10 wrestlers. And then somebody will point out that they need them to fill a PPV, so they'll make those released wrestlers return.
Heh, knowing TNA they'll probably make a good storyline out of it. But seriously, I can't for the life of me figure out who's likely to be released and who's not. This could of course be due to the fact that I don't even keep up with TNA's roster unless I can help it and I have a real problem discerning main eventers from mid-card talent.

For instance, the notion of Jeff Jarrett main eventing sounded ridiculous to me, but then of course it did. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why since I nor anyone I know have ever seen anything special about JJ. Then of course I figured out he was the owner, go figure. Had I looked at the roster without any knowledge of TNA beforehand, upon seeing JJ I would have thought "Great, another stale old man sustaining a dead career on cheap pops and jobbing out to the rest of the roster"...

Odds are, with this being TNA, is that a majority of their young, exciting and talented workers get cut instead of stale old guys like Steiner and Sting. If only TNA knew what could do their product good...ah well, guess we'll see.
I think TNA will release nobody because Most of their roster in main evenet sux while the Mid card is really good so if they release based on talent then their main event roster is gone if they go by Mid card or lower they lose the skilled wrestlers
Well I think it's smart that TNA is releasing some of their dead weight. TNA needs to really start to make their roster the strongest it is, and they have no use for guys who don't contribute to the company. Some guys who I think will probably leave include The Duddleys, Christy Heme, Rhyno, and others who really don't do anything, anyways. I could maybe see Sting or Christian leaving just because their have been reports that both are unhappy. Anyways most of the guys who are gonna get fired, may think that WWE will be calling but I wouldn't hold my breath.
If thats true, TNA is going to be sorry for releasing the true talent. I know for (WCW) FACT, they will not release any of the WWE has beens or absolute crap, but people like Lethal, MCMG, Eric Young, And others are in serious trouble. They will be dropped before BOOGER T and his ******ED ACCENT, or Nash, Sting, Team 3D, Cage, or others. I know I would personally LOVE to see anyone like MCMG or others in the WWE. Maybe rebirth the cruiserweight Championship or make a division similar to the X Division. That would be AWESOME.
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