Something that disgusts (Boston related)

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Now I've kept this under wraps since it happened however a good amount of my friends were in Boston either running the marathon or cheering on friends and family that were. Luckily none of them were affected, however I've been sick to my stomach for a while following the event. All this is merely backstory and an admittance to the bias I indeed have towards the event.

What disgusts me though is when I'm reading articles on the internet about the event and get to the bottom of the article and end up seeing hateful comments. Now there's always going to be the jackasses in the world that say shit like America had this coming, and about time, but honestly they make up only a small percentage of the messages I hate to see. I hate seeing messages from "experts" that say "Oh this is definelty a terrorist attack but those damn middle easterners." Or even more so "This happens to Israel all the time, hopefully the West finally feels some pitty for us." I hate that our world has to view one another as segregated and wishing equality in pain.

I feel that especially after recent events the world shouldn't think of itself as East and West, ethnic divides, or by region, the World should think of itself as what its name is: The World. We are all members of the same planet and should view ourselves asUnited and not writing messages of hate towards sections. The only way to reduce shit events like this is to start loving, and start wanting peace. Blaming and laughing in the face of those hurting and saying now you know how we feel is very shameful. (Although Ryback and Cena last night...yeah)

Anyways, I guess the end message is to not be hateful or stereotypical. Spread love and try to build bridges not burn them.

Rant over.
I agree that the population of the world shouldn't be so divided, as people are generally people, regardless of race or creed or any of that bullshit, but sadly, it's never going to happen. Racism is still strongly ingrained in a lot of peoples' DNA and that's never going to change.

And most of the people who cause the biggest problems are extremist wingnuts (of all sorts. Political/religious/classist... whatever really) who aren't intelligent/compassionate enough to use their fanaticism to do great things.

And the saddest thing of all, an awful lot of those extremist wingnuts have an awful lot of power and money so they can take their shitty attitudes out on normal people who generally don't have a whole of beef with other normal people.
Now there's always going to be the jackasses in the world that say shit like America had this coming
Can you blame them? America has done a lot to make people of the world to hate her...

I am empathic person and feel sorry for dead and injured in atacks but lot of my countrymen cant do same thing. Reason is quite simple, America bombarded us and lots of them lost their properties and even worse, lots of them lost their families in that act. So can you really blame them for showing no remorse when they talk about American people?

It isnt some excuse and inocent people are not responsible for the actions of goverment so i agree that they should be more empathic but lot of them do have legit reason toward that hate and it isnt just because they are "haters"...
Can you blame them? America has done a lot to make people of the world to hate her...

Yes America has done a lot on the world stage I agree, some of it good and some of it bad, however how can you agree a person of ANY nationality not just American should die based on simple hate. Sure hate the country, but saying that people defending the attack are justified in their comments is just plain illogical.

I am empathic person and feel sorry for dead and injured in atacks but lot of my countrymen cant do same thing.

I'm sorry but I really don't know your background so this isn't as pointed as I'd like it to be, however in my last paragraph I address how it is necessary to start acting as a world united and not a segrated world. Sure there will be those who begrudge America, however to say that anyone is justified in murdering an innocent child is just wrong on many accounts.

Reason is quite simple, America bombarded us and lots of them lost their properties and even worse, lots of them lost their families in that act. So can you really blame them for showing no remorse when they talk about American people?

Once again I have no idea your nationality, however it's rediculous notion to say because one nation attacked another that there should be no more remorse at all for anyone. If that is how the world ran America would have almost nobody feeling remorse for them in tragic events. In every war, every battle, every "attack" there are those who die and lose lives. So yes I can blame them for showing no remorse cause as I've pointed out since the dawn of humanity there have been fighting and bloodshed however somehow we've always managed to get through it.

Better example the United Nations. By your argument this entity shouldn't exist based upon the fact that 95% of the countries inside of it have gone to war with at least one other member within the UN and so unity and prosperity could never be achieved.

It isnt some excuse and inocent people are not responsible for the actions of goverment so i agree that they should be more empathic but lot of them do have legit reason toward that hate and it isnt just because they are "haters"...

Hate the game and not the players. (great quote for the situation.)

Sure. Hate the government all you want. But advocating violence just to make yourself feel better because someone else is suffering is low.

I think the entire problem that I was addressing was the fact the world doesn't see itself as the world but rather subdivisions of a large landmass. Take away the divides and you have a much friendlier world.
however how can you agree a person of ANY nationality not just American should die based on simple hate.
I did not agree on that. Said that my attitude toward that is a complete opposite...

Sure there will be those who begrudge America, however to say that anyone is justified in murdering an innocent child is just wrong on many accounts.
If you go by that, America did the same to them...

Once again I have no idea your nationality, however it's rediculous notion to say because one nation attacked another that there should be no more remorse at all for anyone.
Not saying that, just saying that they have legit reason for that hate. They should be more empatic toward inocent people who had nothing to do with Americas action(said that before) but lot of them have very good reason toward that hate. America killed their children, they have no remorse for America. That simple...

Once again, not saying that it should be like that but they have hard times on forgiving that fact so can you really blame them?

Now i agree, would be nice to achieve world without divides and hate, but it isnt possible and its utopian idea. There is always gona be divides and always gona be people who say things like you quoted. But hopefully we can achieve that comments like that be minority of comments. Most of humanity feels remorse at what happened at Boston so that should be counting more than a few hatefull comments because of nations and stuff like that. :)

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