Something I would love to see come back in wrestling

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Is jobber squash matches.

It's something you would see all the time before the Monday Night Wars and its something you barely see now. The match may not of have been competitive but it helped keep your stars over without having them in a program or something. Although squash matches happen from time to time its very rarely a legit jobber.

Take WWE for example, they basically rotate their jobbers and mid carders on a yearly basis which makes it hard to get behind anyone, especially when you try to make them champ (like Sandow or Swagger). They lose for a year straight then all of a sudden they are champ, its really hard to buy the guy as champ if he's just randomly thrown in that spot.

Now if you want to build someone like Wade Barrett but have nothing for him to do just give him 5 minutes a week to showcase his skills in the ring and on the mic, have him squash some no name guy and give him the mic to help garner heat. It's such a simple, yet effective way to get over your stars and it's such a simple device to make the talent in the locker room more relevant.

Ted Dibiase almost always lost his big matches but stayed a top heel for years by hanging with the top talent and beating the crap out of no name guys, humiliating them, then talk about how "Everybody's got a price!". It made him look like a top caliber talent even though he was just beating up Pez Whatley or someone like that and gave people a reason to boo him. Even Ryback got extremely hot for a while there and it all started by him coming out and dominating 2-3 guys at a time. It helped get him over and it just worked.

I'm not saying make every match a squash match like the old days but if they had 2-3 every show (which takes up maybe 20 minutes total) it can really help in getting their talent over more. It's hard to buy into lower and mid card talent if they just trade victories with no one really going over the other, or having them win for a month straight then have them lose for a month straight.
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The way I see it, wrestling works like a pyramid - you need a lot of wins to gain a little credibility and you need a lot of guys jobbing to make one star.

I'm all for local jobbers, but when the gap between two guys are two big, would that squash mean anything? Would a guy like Sheamus or Del Rio gain anything extra by squashing a no-name jobber? Maybe. Would guys like Cena and Orton? I don't think so, really.

Last year, Ryback was laying waste to multiple jobbers at a time, making them look like pale teenagers. Although I didn't care much for it at the time, in hindsight, I have to admit that it worked. Ryback looked strong and those jobbers can get to say they wrestled a match on international TV.

Conversely, when it comes to the mid card, I'd have the tier1-guys have 25/30 minute matches with them. The top guys would still go over, but the midcard guys would still get an optimised rub. One example would be Undertaker v Hardy:

They don't all have to be like that, but the idea remains the same - the vets helping to establish the young guns. In kayfabe, it makes more sense too (the newer guys learning from their mistakes and slowly getting up that hill) than what they are doing now (new guy gets jobbed for months and suddenly they're good enough to be WHC, without any explanation).

What I think is happening now, is WWE (TNA as well, but not to the same extent) playing hot-potato with midcard pushes and hoping something sticks (like it seems Daniel Bryan is doing).

What also mixed up the balance of jobber-undercarder-midcarder-maineventer was the acquisition of WCW. Suddenly, there was an absolute abundance of top, top talent and those guys were already established, so the careful build of new guys with a lot of potential didn't get so much attention.
Yeah I didn't expect my OP to be so long winded at the time lol.

I understand why it stopped in the mid 90's, in essence it had to happen to keep people from turning the channel but since they aren't competing for the audience like before now (or 10 years ago) it would be a good time to bring it back as it establishes.

Although lets say Orton facing a jobber wouldn't do much for him it would at the very least keep him on TV and let him show off a bit, nothing wrong with that. When it comes to guys like Miz and Kofi though not only would it let them show off but it would help them no question, same with someone new like they Wyatt family.

I'm also all for a Hardy/ Taker scenario as well. Its little things like that can make all the difference in the world.
You'd love NXT.

"_________ is looking to score an upset here tonight."

"_________ shouldn't be taken lightly, he's a very talented individual."

"_________ might be making an impressive debut here tonight."

Nope - they're getting squashed.
If it doesn't happen on Raw no one cares.

Like if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it does it make a sound?

It does but no one heard it so no one cares.
Well I'm really glad it happens on NXT but that's a developmental show no one watches, make it happen on a show with talent people actually care about.

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