Some people disgust me, y'know?

Last weekend, two kids who attended my high school (they were juniors) were found dead while river rafting in my town's creek. It's really been a depressing week for the entire community and the deaths hit everyone hard, even those who didn't know those kids. Last Wednesday, a candlelight memorial was held in honor of Matt Miller and Gavin Powell. It was very beautiful. It was one of the only times I've ever seen an entire community come together. It was an emotional but overall good night and the only thing that put a really sour note on the entire thing was this:

If you don't want to click on the link, I'll basically summarize the gist of it. During the memorial, the home of the Miller family was burglarized. Needless the say, the entire community was in shock and frankly disgusted. I've been told that robberies such as this are pretty common but... still. This is the first time I've ever seen something like this happen. Some have said, "well maybe the robbers didn't know that there was a death in the family" which I find to be a terrible justification. I don't know, guys... I know humanity has a lot of its faults but this just makes me wonder how there can really be people like that living and breathing.
Sounds like a great time to do it. Everyone out of the house for the memorial and whatnot. Kudos to the robbers on their planning.
Not only do I doubt the robbers knew there was a death in the family, I doubt they would have cared if there was. If you're resorting to stealing other people's personal belongings, you probably wouldn't care whether their goldfish just died, they lost their jobs, or their son died. It's disgusting, but not surprising.
I think it's reprehensible too, but you have to realize the element you're dealing with.

These types of people don't give two shits about anybody. If they did, they wouldn't take something that somebody else worked hard to earn anyway. Classic laziness and disrespect to others.

So if they're going to be the scum of the earth and disrespect others anyway, I don't think they're going to start for any reason really.
Good on them for the forethought and planning. If you're going to burgle you"ll want to maximize your chances of avoiding an awkward situation of robbing a house full of (sad) people.
Not only do I doubt the robbers knew there was a death in the family, I doubt they would have cared if there was. If you're resorting to stealing other people's personal belongings, you probably wouldn't care whether their goldfish just died, they lost their jobs, or their son died. It's disgusting, but not surprising.

Clueless statement right here.

I saw this story on the local news last night, and it couldn't be more obvious that it was some lowlife scumbag from the school that OBVIOUSLY knew everyone at the household was going to be attending this funeral.

No doubt this was a calculated act.
Good on them for the forethought and planning. If you're going to burgle you"ll want to maximize your chances of avoiding an awkward situation of robbing a house full of (sad) people.
Not half as awkward as disposing of witnesses is.
Fucking parasites

Stealing from a grieving family who had just lost their child. Fucking makes me sick.

I would have no problem putting those motherfuckers in the electric chair. Such little compassion for their fellow human, disgusting wastes of oxygen.

Hope someone finds them and fucking beats the shit out of them.
When my father-in-law died of cancer we actually had a friend watch the house while we were at the funeral. It's a common occurrence and we didn't want to take chances because of all the pain meds and such we had around.
So burglars are supposed to respect your feelings more than they respect your fucking property and belongings? Right, that makes total sence. Burglars treat the homeowners with complete and utter disrespect already. So why would they give a damn whether you were going out shopping or to a funeral when they break in and take your stuff?
So burglars are supposed to respect your feelings more than they respect your fucking property and belongings? Right, that makes total sence. Burglars treat the homeowners with complete and utter disrespect already. So why would they give a damn whether you were going out shopping or to a funeral when they break in and take your stuff?

Get yourself some education, boy.

No shit they don't care, that obvious point had been brought up already.

These where highschool kids that where killed accidentally in a rafting accident. A public funeral was then announced during school so these kids could show support for there dead classmates. these punk ass kids KNEW nobody was going to be there, and that's why they did it. You're in here trying to pump up what these kids did, giving them credit for there cowardly act. These punks don't have the cockn'balls to rob a house blind. This was pre meditated, anyone who says otherwise if fucking delusional. Robbers r bad guyz.... NO FUCKING SHIT. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PEOPLE. Maybe when your family members die of a tragic accident you'll be fucking lucky enough to have some local scum bags ransack your house and rape your mother, all while your crying your eyes out at the funeral of lost loved one.
These where highschool kids that where killed accidentally in a rafting accident. A public funeral was then announced during school so these kids could show support for there dead classmates. these punk ass kids KNEW nobody was going to be there, and that's why they did it.

Was it established that it was a bunch of "punkass kids"? Could have been anyone who heard about the funeral and took the oppertunity to break in when he/she/they knew that nobody would be home. Shockingly, that takes little more planning than any other burglary, with considerably less risk of the homeowners catching them in the act.

They're theiving scumbags who chose to do their theiving while the family was at a funeral. But is that really any worse than the regular sort of thieving scumbag?

You're in here trying to pump up what these kids did, giving them credit for there cowardly act. These punks don't have the cockn'balls to rob a house blind. This was pre meditated, anyone who says otherwise if fucking delusional.

And my neighbour's house was broken into recently. Know how? They knew she didn't double lock the door. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most, if not all burglaries are premeditated.

Robbers r bad guyz.... NO FUCKING SHIT. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PEOPLE. Maybe when your family members die of a tragic accident you'll be fucking lucky enough to have some local scum bags ransack your house and rape your mother, all while you're crying your eyes out at the funeral of lost loved one.

Well most of my loved ones are unlikely to have a tragic accident. Though I do have the pleasure of watching my Dad slowly turn into a vegetable, but i digress. The bastarding bastards who broke into the house were and are scumbags and what they did is unjustifiable, however all that's irrelevent to when they chose to rob the house. They picked a time that suited them and to hell with the person they're robbing from's feelings.

It sucks to be the family that this happened to, and I'm sorry for their losses but if you're going to be a complete piece of shit, you may as well be a piece of shit that got away with it.
So burglars are supposed to respect your feelings more than they respect your fucking property and belongings? Right, that makes total sence. Burglars treat the homeowners with complete and utter disrespect already. So why would they give a damn whether you were going out shopping or to a funeral when they break in and take your stuff?

You ******, you spelled "sense" wrong.
I don't know why people in here are praising the thieves for anything.

Yes, they may have known the family was not in, therefore lowering the chance of bring thought but robbing a house is bad enough, knowing that you are robbing the house of a family who has just lost a child and knowing you are adding to the pain of those people is unforgiveable and is so cold hearted.

I just wish that house had a fucking massive dog that could have had a couple of minutes alone with one of those thieves. Fucking disgusting people, I hope something similar happens to them one day if they have to go through what these people have been through
As sad as it is to say this is a fairly common thing to occur now. It happens in New Zealand. It was happening just after the recent Earthquake in Christchurch as well. (They need to put the looters in one of the buildings that is likely to fall in another aftershock) But this is why when you put obits in the paper funeral homes often say send all flowers and all that and correspondence to them, but for Funerals you need to get someone to stick around the house just to keep an eye on things.

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