Some new transformations

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
Suddenly, this huge muscle bound wrestler has jumped in the ring. He's attacking the face ... who the heck is this huge guy with short bleach blonde hair here in WCW ??

After a dozen seconds it sinks in, holy crap ! That's Scott Steiner !

There has been grand transformations in the world of wrestling , Beach Party Sting transformed to Crow Sting , The Ringmaster to Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rocky Miavia to The Rock, Hulk Hogan to Hollywood Hulk Hogan and so on. With most it has vastly improved their careers , in some cases it did not. ( Kevin Nash doesn't count, he went through half a dozen changes before hitting the WWF)

Today's roster could use a transformation here and there IMO. It's not done very often anymore and I'm not sure of the reason when it's been very successful in the past. It doesn't have to be a drastic change either, even the most minor change in attire or entrance music can do wonders for a wrestlers image.

A guy like Cesaro could benefit into a new character system. The guy needs a new Schtick, new entrance music, ring attire and whatnot. I like Cesaro but a change needs to happen.

The Ascension need to be repackaged ( obviously, not sure why it hasn't been done already ).

Darren Young and Titus O'Neil could use a new gimmick of some sort. Possibly try to get away from each other and give single wrestling a try as well.

The entire SmackDown Program needs a rework or deletion. It's become stale as hell. Replace it with NXT Thursday Night or something different.

I could say Stardust ...but I'd be wary, he might not get T.V time without the Stardust gimmick.

A tweak of Roman Reigns. The guys entrance , attire , music are all stale IMO. Slightly modify his ring gear, new music and walk down the ramp like everyone else dammit.

A very slight adjustment to Seth Rollins entrance, this doesn't count as a transformation but a slight tweak. I'd have it when the music pauses at the start of the theme, pause it two seconds longer in silence ....then hit two exploding pyros at opposite ends of the stage when his music kicks in again and he walks out. It would have a bigger impact for his entrance right when that heavy guitar kicks back in.

Randy Orton, same entrance music , new ring attire , long hair with a trimmed neat goatee. The guy hasn't changed his look in 10 years.

Who would you transform ?
New attire for Cesaro could work. Something to distinguish him from being a default male wrestler palette in a video game. It would also give him more merch to sell. Something new, fresh, catchy. That's always good.

As for transformations, they tend to work best when they're on either extreme of the spectrum: small and sometimes subtle, or huge and completely redefining. Sheamus is the prior, and Cody Rhodes -> Stardust is the latter. I'm not a fan of either shift, to be honest. Sheamus' look is just dumb. I'm not irritated by it, but every time I see him, I keep thinking about how much daily maintenance it requires, and thus I zone out from his matches.

Cody plays the Stardust character well, but I'd like to see something beyond Goldust 2.0. I'd like to see his character evolve into a crazy Mad Max villain, and he could take the Ascension with him. Model their attires on one another. Make Cody a boss and have his two followers try to live up to the god of the Cosmic Wasteland. Bray Wyatt has the cult leader thing down, so stay out of that territory. Go over the top crazy. Like, lunatic asylum crazy. Stardust believes he is a god in his own head. It could work.

Another I miss is Damien Sandow's "Mizdow" stunt double gimmick. If I had my way, after he split from Miz, he would keep the stunt double shtick, and "steal" his opponent's moves in matches, winning with their finishers and such. His interviews could also be imitated mic work from others, be it catchphrases, mimicked gestures, or perhaps even voice work. He'd be the WWE's copycat, and there are plenty of stories that could work with that.
A guy like Cesaro could benefit into a new character system. The guy needs a new Schtick, new entrance music, ring attire and whatnot. I like Cesaro but a change needs to happen.

Agreed. You know I was playing Fallout 4 recently and there was a character in the game that looked exactly like Cesaro. And then it hit me, how come Cesaro apparently does not "have the look" I mean his charisma is ok but his looks is very marketable.

I also talked about how WWE could capitalize his look an attract an older more crowd that's into MMA. Then I also noticed that he has a look that attracts a lot of gamers. He has the typical "video game male protagonist" look white, bald, facial hair etc.

I am thinking there's a character and look that will make Cesaro a huge star.
I agree... a lot of the WWE could benefit from some slight tweaks.

Dolph Ziggler needs a haircut. I think he's going for a "bad guy with slicked back hair" look, like CM Punk admitted to in his Colt Cabana podcast, but Ziggler's hair gets weird as the match goes on.

His hair gets all wavy and his roots peek through. It makes me think of all the ramen hair jokes about Justin Timberlake and Chad Kroeger from Nickelback.

By the end of the match, Ziggler's hair makes him look like a silly beat up Punch Out! character.

Which is good if WWE is going to keep him as a goofy mid carder... but a haircut will help with taking him more seriously.

Haircuts have helped both Chris Jericho and Jeff Jarrett. Short Hair Jericho actually got a serious title run with the Heavyweight title compared to how he kept the Unified title warm for HHH. Short Hair Jarrett went from mid card stagnation to WCW Heavyweight Champion and calling people Slap Nuts.

Neville could use a haircut too.

The Authority should be replaced with Vince McMahon's Office. No more backstage vignettes with the Authority. Just a wrestler gets summoned to the Office and we're kept in suspense until the match is announced.

No more evil Authority figures dominating entire segments of Raw. The Office could be a neutral force. Heels can make an appointment with the Office, then the Face gets summoned to the Office. We all know the Face is in BIG TROUBLE as the Heel smirks.

After the commercial break, Lilian Garcia will announce an against Cena-like odds match for the Face to overcome. Or the Heels get punished by being forced into a fair match against the Faces.

Or if the WWE insists on keeping the Authority (which they will), then they should bring back Corporate Kane. Only now he's the District Manager. Or Regional Manager.

This new Corporate Kane keeps the mask on with a suit. But it's missing one sleeve and his tie has a black and red design to callback to Kane's OG costume.

Also, send Kane and the Big Show back to the mid card or NXT. The mid card did wonders for John Cena's career. This way NXT call ups are at the stage in their careers where they can benefit just by losing matches to and feuding with Kane and Big Show
The problem with repackaging these days is too much information. I laughed my ass off when Bray Wyatt debuted and the idiots started chanting "Husky Harris!" Because it was a pure taste of their own medicine. But I can fully appreciate a quality wrestler who was saddled with a crap gimmick.

You would think that it wouldn't follow over to IWC darlings, but Wyatt is proof it does. Cesaro could use some kind of refreshing, but today's world will kill it. All the information provided ahead of time will kill any momentum he might've used on his redebut.
Antonio Cesaro definitely needs a transformation.... Things I would change are..
1. His name From Cesaro to Antonio Cesaro...
2. Unique attire
3. Should be presented as "The Swiss Superman" Antonio Cesaro
Others which i want transformed include Paige, Becky Lynch, Stardust.....
Bring Paige back to Anti-Diva gimmick and an unique attire looking different from all divas ...
Bring Becky with nXt attire....
Some wrestlers I'd simply tweak while others would need a gimmick overhaul.

Roman Reigns-Along with having Reigns keep his promos short and sweet(think Nash-style promos)I'd also add 2 more finishers to his movelist-

Along with keeping the Spear, give him the Samoan Stump Puller as a submission finisher, which would make sense for him to use after delivering an Orange Crush Sit-out(sometimes with a spin-out motion as well) Powerbomb Pin, which would be Reigns' other alternate finisher..

Reigns could definitely pull off a convincing Orange Crush on a good 80% of the WWE roster, plus with Reigns also using the Samoan Stump Puller, JBL could put the move over by mentioning how Peter Maivia innovated that move so Reigns is honoring his family's heritage by using the move.

Becky Lynch- She's nicknamed "The Lass Kicker" but I'd like her to keep that moniker, along with having a more serious character, "breaking" the arms of her opponents with her nice variation of the Fujiwara Armbar she uses. She could also use new theme music..Some type of Celtic traditional music like Sheamus'.

Cesaro-I'd change his finisher to the Ricola Bomb..It's a great move that he used to use in ROH/other companies and he should definitely use this move as his finisher..It has the impact above all else to put over his freakish strength. Also, his theme music would be changed to say, some Swiss music that would more fit his character.

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