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Some let me borrow 3.8 million dollars please.


You don't want it with me.
Photo courtesy Foxnews.com
A 22-year-old woman is selling her virginity online — offering her body to bidders nationwide in an auction that reportedly has netted a $3.7 million offer — and the law isn't doing a thing to stop her.

The FBI isn't interested. The U.S. attorney doesn't care. Everything is fine by local police, and she isn't breaking any laws.

That's because Natalie Dylan, a made-up name for a real 22-year-old California college grad, is marketing her maidenhead in Nevada, where prostitution is legal.

But some religious legal groups are objecting to the sexual sale, saying they are concerned that its influence may reach beyond the borders of the "Battle Born" bordello state.

"It does seem crazy," said Mathew Staver, director of the Liberty Center for Law and Policy. "The rest of the country has an interest in stopping that kind of activity from spreading from Nevada to their home state."

Staver said because the bidding was being conducted online, federal law could be applied to stop the auction from going through.

"Nevada has been out of step with the rest of the country for many years with regards to prostitution, and that's why I think it's important for federal prosecutors to look into this, so that Nevada does not dictate the morals and moral decency for the rest of the nation," Staver told FOXNews.com.

But federal authorities said there wasn't much they could do about the case, and deflected attention toward local statutes.

"Being that prostitution is legal in the area that she's listing from, and she's over 18 and it's consensual, I would defer it to local police authorities," said David Staretz, a spokesman for the FBI's Las Vegas field office.

The Postal Inspection Service, which monitors the Internet for some illegal transactions, is "currently unaware of any specific fed prohibition against this activity," said spokesman Al Weissman.

The office of the U.S. attorney in Nevada said that it has prosecuted over 200 cases in the last six years involving the solicitation of minors online, but it had never worked on a case like this involving adults.

The Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the brothel that is arranging and hosting the deal, sounded especially gung-ho about Dylan.

"Natalie is a virgin and would like to sell this priceless and rare commodity in a very exclusive and private setting," says the Bunny Ranch Web site.

While the commodity's rarity may be debatable, more than 10,000 bidders have come forth to put a price tag on Dylan's purity. And if the Bunny Ranch's owner is to be believed, someone has offered $3.7 million, a price far above rubies.

"One time only she will appear at the bunny ranch and give up her virginity to the highest bidder," says the brothel's Web site in a needlessly repetitive statement. Dylan says she is trying to finance graduate studies for her sister and herself.

Some legal experts say they're well within their rights to make the sale.

"It's a First Amendment issue. You can advertise goods or services that are illegal where they're advertised but legal where they're performed," said Marc Randazza, an attorney specializing in first amendment law. "What's she's advertising is as legal as toast with the crust cut off where she is."

Randazza said some prosecutors might be eager to jump on the case, but that this "commercial speech" is protected.

"If this is legal where it's being advertised" — in Nevada — "the government can't say you can't advertise it here," he told FOXNews.com.

I love this issue simply because it entails so many different aspect of American lives. First of all, there is the moral issue. Is it moral to sell your body? While the snap answer may be no, there are questions to ask.

The first question that arises is; who are we to tell a woman what to do with her body? Have you heard that before? This is the line used by pro choice advocates. Is abortion different from prostitution? I would say no. I would say that if a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy, and it's legal, with someone dying, then why is it illegal for a woman to choose to rent out her body? This is the world's oldest profession for a reason. It is something that people want.

Next, who is immoral, the woman or the man? To say that this woman is immoral is wrong. She is a 22 year old virgin. I come from Nueces county in Texas, which, year after year, has the highest rate of pregnancy amongst teenage girls in the nation. It is so refreshing to see a 22 year old virgin when I have seen too many 13 year old mothers. How can we call the man immoral? For years, men have been taught that the correct path into a girl's pants involves movies, meals, and jewelery. How is that different than prostitution? A $10,000 ring isn't solicitation, but a $1500 check is? Ridiculous!

The first amendment issues interest me as well. Constitutionally protected commercial speech is the basis of legality. This is a dicey issue, but as always, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. The service provided is in Nevada, where prostitution is legal. This is key. Shutting down this auction would mean that all flights to Vegas would have to be banned, as the trip is intended to make you cross state lines to gamble. Should I not be able to book a room at the Bellagio with my Texas credit card? That seems like a preposterous idea, even if gambling is illegal in Texas.

As a personal choice, I have never paid for sex. It's not for me. I also feel that it is no one's business if someone else wants to. All of the public health concerns are alleviated in Nevada, where hookers are tested by the state. Once again, prohibition of something makes it more dangerous than legalizing this corrupt immoral behavior. Prohibition of alcohol gave us Al Capone and his murders, prohibition of narcotics has led to a trillion dollar war on drugs that the feds are losing, prohibition on abortion leads to death by coat hanger, and prohibition of prostitution leads to diseases and the end of Jerry Springer's term as mayor of Cincinnati.
Why didn't I think of this? While that was a joke, I'm pretty sure a few women have thought of this, and I think it's perfectly in their rights to do so. I don't see how this is different from regular prostitution, which I also think should be legal in the world.

While prostitution is not ideal in any sense, and it's something I don't think I could ever bring myself to do, a lot of women do. While some use it to fund a drug habit, many women in their thirties with families have turned to prostituin to be able to buy their children what they need. It says a lot about the state of the government and benefits if this is what a woman has to do. Once again, while I don't think it's ideal, it's her body. And if she can have sex with whoever she wants for free, I see little difference in people being paid to have sex, and people paying for sex.

Having prostitution legal would also make it a lot safer. You often hear stories about prostitutes disappearing and being raped and killed, and that's because they get into a strangers car and drive to his house. Would you do that at any other time? I didn't think so. If prostitution was legal 'massage parlours' wouldn't have to hide, there'd be a safe men to have sex, and women get paid for it. Male prostitution, while less common, is an issue, and men should also be allowed to have sex with women and make them pay. I think it's their body, and should be able to do whatever they like.
Why the eff would someone want to pay almost close to 4 million dollars to bang a virgin? As a man, I seriously don't get the obsession some other men have over deflowering a virgin. I mean, besides bragging rights, what else do you get? Pretty much nothing. But, come to think of it, if you desire to have both awkward sex with an uninitiated woman who will more than likely grimace throughout your experience together and a bloody johnson, maybe it is worth 3.8 million dollars to have sex with a virgin.
You'd have to be really desperate to pay 3.8 million dollars just to have sex with someone. And even if it is a virgin, i'm pretty sure if you really wanted to you could get a virgin some other way. So its pretty pointless paying that much. And as for the issue, it's the woman's choice, and if she wants to do it then nobody should stop her. If she wants to sell herself like this, then that's her choice, but in the end it will probably end up badly for her. There's the possibility of getting an STI, or getting pregnant. I hope she thought this through before doing it.
You'd have to be really desperate to pay 3.8 million dollars just to have sex with someone. And even if it is a virgin, i'm pretty sure if you really wanted to you could get a virgin some other way. So its pretty pointless paying that much. And as for the issue, it's the woman's choice, and if she wants to do it then nobody should stop her. If she wants to sell herself like this, then that's her choice, but in the end it will probably end up badly for her. There's the possibility of getting an STI, or getting pregnant. I hope she thought this through before doing it.

She isn't stupid. She's apparently screening applicants and requiring STD testing. I would assume she would be on the pill or require this guy to use a condom.
All the power to her, I say.
Yes, this is prostitution, but it can hardly be compared to the prostitution we see among the homeless and addicted. In those cases, prostitution is sadly the only job the women (and men) are qualified for (even McDonalds won't keep around a meth/heroin addict). In these cases, prostitution is hardly the person's choice, their drug addiction is making that choice for them. Same goes for mentally ill homeless people (which has proven to be somewhere in the 90% range. If you weren't mentally ill when you became homeless, you will likely become that way soon enough).
In this particular case, this woman has made a conscious and well thought out decision to take charge of her education. She could get loans, but why? She's willing to auction off her virginity (which, for whatever reason, is held so highly prized in this and many other cultures) and she knows there will be high bidders. If she personally has no problem sleeping with a middle aged douchebag once in exchange for being comfortably wealthy for the rest of her life, then that's awesome.

Basically, the most common form of prostitution is not really the person's choice and is more of a necessity/the only way for the person to get money.
If you actually WANT to do this, that's a whole other story. I don't care what the motives are (liking anonymous sex, wanting money, you have a good emotional separation between your mind and body and realize that giving someone your body is not giving them you, etc). If you actually respect yourself (the homeless and addicted who make up a lot of prostitution have phenomenally low self esteem for a myriad of reasons), you're likely to make sure this is a safe situation for yourself to be in through the use of STD testing, protection, having someone close enough in case you scream or want help
Like HBK said, prostitution isn't going anywhere. It needs to be safe for the women and men who participate in it, which is why it needs to be legalized.

Also, as an aside, the OP mentioned that an engagement ring was akin to a $1500 cheque for sexual favours. I suppose I can see the argument in a very broad sense, but isn't an engagement ring more of "I want to spend the rest of my life with you and no one else"? If you really think a marriage is all about sex, then yes, an engagement ring can be a VERY off base form of prostitution. An engagement ring is more than "I was horny and my wife's a prude, here's your payment", which is what the cheque would be in a lot of cases.
I don't have a problem with it at all. She has something that people want and is willing to sell it. It's her body and more than likely someone will take it eventually, so why not be an American and make a little money off of it? For the life of me I have never figured out why prostitution is illegal. People have sold their bodies for money since the beginning of time and it's going to happen one way or another. It's between two people and it's not like anyone is going to get hurt. If the government legalized it then they could tax it and therefore make money from it. I have never heard of a reason as to why it's illegal, and i can't think of a reason as to why it should be. The girl wants to do it, that's her business.
Firstly, I wouldnt pay any amount of money to have sex with that nasty bitch. Why anyone would is beyond me. Having sex with a virgin isnt exactly cool or glorious.

This is probably one of the more horrid, disgusting, pathetic things I have heard of in my life and times. What a fucking peice of garbage. But shoul it be Illegal??? no, I guess not. Its her body, if she wants to sell this, then i guess its her right. From a morality stand point, its probably the worst thing I have ever heard of, and an incredibly bad, stupid idea overall. Legality wise though, it doesnt break a law of any sort. Morality and legality have to stay seperate. So. Legal.
First I'd just like to say.. I know that Woman, and she's definately no virgin. :p Well, maybe in the ass. That might be worth 2.5 mill, but definately not over 3. :lmao:

Anyways, to the point. This is a simple case of religion and law coming into conflict. As some have already said, prostitution is what it is, and it's a mystery on why for the most part it's illegal to begin with. You can have sex with someone for free and it's perfectly legal, (barring age limitations) but to actually get a profit out of the deal, it's both a sin as well as a crime. Purely unknown to me.

The only thing that truly gets to me regarding this issue is because she "claims" to be a virgin, and let's be openly honest.. can anyone really tell these days? However, if she is, my first problem is because of the belief that your "first time" is one that you would likely remember forever. So many females (and some males) moan and groan on and on about how if they could, they would've changed how their first time went, or with whom.

And here's a girl, who's willing to sell it. She clearly didn't learn about that whole "Your Body is a Temple" concept, because for all purposes required.. her body's basically the next item up for bids on AuctionHouse.com :lmao:

This is the statement I laughed at the hardest though..

"Natalie is a virgin and would like to sell this priceless and rare commodity in a very exclusive and private setting," says the Bunny Ranch Web site.

Priceless? Apparently not. Rare Commodity? In the sense that everyone begins as one, sure. Exclusive & Private setting? It's fucking Las Vegas! There's a pervert camera in every bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen & parking lot. How much more private could you get?!
As the veteran of a cherry popping I've elected to not put forth a bid of £100. It's awkward, messy and too much pressure for a laid back guy like myself. I wouldn't like to impose myself onto somebody who isn't properly broken in, the girl I broke in is now fat. I can't help but blame myself.

And I've fucked better for the price of a Bacardi Breezer.
After giving this story some more thought. (and properly checking my bank account :p) I've come to the conclusion, that whomever does end up "winning" her virginity.. isn't going to be anyone under the age of 30, or possibly even 40.

I mean, let's randomly think about this for a second. How many people, under the age of 30, randomly have 3.8 million dollars just randomly laying around that they could freely and without cause.. blow. (literally)

So, whomever does cast the winning bid, is likely going to be an older Male who's the head of a corp. I'd possibly believe Bill Gates.

So, in the end.. the second thing I've come to think of, is it will be anything but gentle, as whomever "buys her" is likely going to fully intend "giving it to her, roughly". Why not? It's something that you'll only use once.. so you might as well wear the shit outta it, right?

And thus, in the end.. I don't fully believe this girl realizes how much this event will traumatize her life. Again, assuming she's even a legit. virgin. And with the gathered information.. (she's from the Cali/Las Vegas areas, she's over 20 yrs. old, she's beautiful) I would be highly willing to bet she's pulling a scam.
Will's right. I could make a run at buying this and could win it if I really wanted to, but like hell would I do it. Seriously what would be the point? Ok that's a dumb question, but it would take someone with more money than I have to be willing to pay this much. Are you telling me that taking a girl's virginity is worth that much? I highly doubt that. She'll have no idea what she's doing assuming this is legit. It's at the bunny ranch right? If you're willing to pay for sex, wouldn't you want to pay for something that's going to be better? I don't know how much a night at the bunny ranch costs, but no way is it closing in on 4 million dollars.
I cant believe that this is even still a fucking issue... The media is taking this WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too far. I remember when the story first broke... She was/is trying to get money to pay for college. She had a gentleman offer to pay her entire tuition with no interest in her "virginity". Just a good Samaritan. He offered to give her, I believe it was $500,000 for her efforts... And the media STILL makes this a fucking circus. She had initially posted it on Ebay, but it was pulled because it wasn't legal. So the bunny ranch offered to take the helm on the whole project... Why is it any different than the billions of flyers, cards, and propaganda littering the Las Vegas strip? Because it gained nationwide attention? Again, I call bullshit. Let it go... It's her virginity and if some stupid prick is willing to pay millions for one time sex, he's a fucking idiot and she's a fucking genius. Case Closed....

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