Some ideas WWE needs to pull off for the go home edition of Raw Monday.


Championship Contender
Something big will happen. Maybe even have league of nations take the belts from new day. And demand a no DQ rematch at mania would work.

Then everybody aHAS TO be there. Taker, Shane, Vince, Steph , HHH, reigns, Lesnar, ambrose, AJ, y2j, Sasha, Charlotte, Becky...etc.. And they all need to interact physically. We have to have a hint as to what the heckcthe Wyatt's will be doing too.

The Rock will be there and maybe elaborate as to what his role will be..

Now this is 1 more match id. And I know scsa is retired but iv seen his broken skull stuff he does.. I'd do it like this . it'll have to be a fast paced . but rock opens and talks and scsa comes out saying Wrestlemania in his state and he says hr WANTS TO RELIVE THE PAST and challenges rock to a good ole match. I know he said he'd never wrestle again but hear me out...
Rock comes out first then Austin poses 4 corners, drinks his beer. Stone cold could take a few hits from rock. Thence SCSA throws him to the corner. Precedes tostomp s mud hole in him. A few more times... Rock gives a couple rock bottoms (if he is able) . stone cold drops 3 stunners for the pin... Drink some beers, glass breaks again.... Draw insane numbers for mania. And insane raw numbers for making the match on Raw.

Ohhh on Shane has to importantly has to take a take s big bump to show fans he still can!!!

There needs to be a title change, or a debut. I'm digginca enzo and Cass main roster run.
they need something because tonight was one of the worst RAWs in a long time. It is mind blowing how bad that RAW was with just 1 more until Wrestlemania. Holy cow. Braun Strowman in the main event??? I don't blame the crowd for chanting "this is boring!!!"
Ok, so you love SCSA. Fair enough.

1. You've mentioned in your post that he has said himself he won't wrestle again.

2. He has countless times said he won't wrestle again

3. Pretty sure that he has said he could be very seriously injured if he takes a big bump and you want him to take 2 Rock Bottoms.

4. He has said many times he won't wrestle again and even had the opportunity in several years gone by, to wrestle when he was a lot healthier than he is now. And in better wrestling shape.

5. He said he won't wrestle again quite a few times
Why? Have you ever watched wrestling? Every idea is awful. As the poster above said, Austin said numerous times over he won't wrestle again. Leave it alone. The go home shows for Mania are always the worst because they've already done what they can to sell the event to you. If you're still up in the air whether to spend a measly $10 and get Mania after Monday, you probably should stop watching all together.

Why do they need to interact physically? What purpose does that serve? You're not going to get it for free when the biggest PPV of the year is 6 days away. Every idea is a convoluted mess of 5 seconds of thought and fantasy booking. WWE NEEDS to pull of zero of these ideas.

Edit: As for being one of the worst Raws in a long time, someone forgot about the AJ/Owens gem we saw at the beginning of the show. That alone disqualifies it from "worst in a long time." Someone must have a VERY short memory.
- Stephanie looks for Reigns in the back and enters his dressing room. He is shirtless, maybe in a towel and Stephanie gets flustered. Reigns teases her ('Steph, my eyes are up here') and she flips out and walks away. Reigns comes out later to cut a promo, Stephanie interrupts to distract him while HHH tries a sneak attack with a sledgehammer, Reigns ducks, hits a spear, breaks the sledgehammer over his knee, does his howl thing.

- Heyman cuts a promo and Ambrose interrupts. Lesnar brutalizes Ambrose with a chair similar to what he did to Show at the Rumble a couple years back. As Lesnar is leaving he looks back to see Ambrose trying to pull himself up. Lesnar smirks and walks away.

- Bray Wyatt cuts a cryptic promo about Wrestlemania, teasing a major event to get people interested. OR they do a brawl related to the ATGMBR and the Wyatt Family interrupts and cleans house.

- Zayn picks up a win over Owens in a lumberjack match with the rest of the participants and the faces toss him out after he tries to attack Sami after the match.

- Jericho makes Styles pass out to the Walls of Jericho after a low blow.

- Ric Flair tries to hit on Sasha Banks and gets dropped with a stiff slap.

- Undertaker puts his hands on Vince and Shane makes the save. Undertaker is lying on the announce table and Shane is on the top rope about to hit an elbow drop, but the lights go out. When they come back on Undertaker is gone and Vince is laying on the table instead. Shane shrugs his shoulders and drops the elbow on Vince to end the show.
Something big will happen. Maybe even have league of nations take the belts from new day. And demand a no DQ rematch at mania would work.

Then everybody aHAS TO be there. Taker, Shane, Vince, Steph , HHH, reigns, Lesnar, ambrose, AJ, y2j, Sasha, Charlotte, Becky...etc.. And they all need to interact physically. We have to have a hint as to what the heckcthe Wyatt's will be doing too.

The Rock will be there and maybe elaborate as to what his role will be..

Now this is 1 more match id. And I know scsa is retired but iv seen his broken skull stuff he does.. I'd do it like this . it'll have to be a fast paced . but rock opens and talks and scsa comes out saying Wrestlemania in his state and he says hr WANTS TO RELIVE THE PAST and challenges rock to a good ole match. I know he said he'd never wrestle again but hear me out...
Rock comes out first then Austin poses 4 corners, drinks his beer. Stone cold could take a few hits from rock. Thence SCSA throws him to the corner. Precedes tostomp s mud hole in him. A few more times... Rock gives a couple rock bottoms (if he is able) . stone cold drops 3 stunners for the pin... Drink some beers, glass breaks again.... Draw insane numbers for mania. And insane raw numbers for making the match on Raw.

Ohhh on Shane has to importantly has to take a take s big bump to show fans he still can!!!

There needs to be a title change, or a debut. I'm digginca enzo and Cass main roster run.


First off, do you honestly think the WWE would have a ONE WEEK BUILD for Austin/Rock? Maybe 20 years ago when neither wrestler was a LEGEND in the business.

Second off, Austin is NEVER wrestling again. Deal with it. Get over it.

Third, The Rock isn't wrestling EVER again unless his movie schedule allows him to. He's not wrestling this year because insurance companies for the production companies of movies he's doing won't cover him getting hurt in a wrestling ring. He won't jeopardize his movie career for one night.

Fourth, physical encounters are good to start feuds. The RAW go home show needs to be about teasing the physical interaction and saving it for the big matches at Wrestlemania. Only physical encounters I can see or would be ok with happening are the IC Title Match competitors and AJ/Y2J. That's it. MAYBE some of the guys in the ATGMBR brawling or Ambrose/Lesnar. They need a face to face with Charlotte/Becky Lynch/Sasha Banks, Shane/Taker, Lesnar/Ambrose (whether it erupts into a fight or not) and Triple H/Reigns.

Finally, NOBODY is debuting at the RAW BEFORE Wrestlemania, nor should they.
Stone Cold Steve Austin's final match with the Rock was a perfect Epilogue. The 2 icons of the era finishing it toe to toe in a hell of a match, and being done.

The Rock isn't wrestling, this isn't a work or shoot. The Rock has real life reasons that will stop him from any real physical action. He'll talk, he'll Ref, or he'll take a small protected bump, but he's not doing a match this year.

We need to know Why the Undertaker is fighting Shane. We know why Shane is fighting the Undertaker. this story is missing half of it's narrative and it's making it hard to care for.

Aj vs Styles is fine, they've overbuilt it, to where I don't care for the match.

Brock needs to get 1 upp'd by Dean. We need more believability that Dean can beat Brock, Dean needs to go into the PPV with momentum going.

HHH vs Reigns is fine, I don't care for the match, but the back and forth random beatings and blood packets are pointless at this point, this match won't be getting too much hype because LOLROMANWINS.

Kalisto/Ryback - This match only needs to concern the title, nobody cares.

Ladies Triple Threat - Just need to showcase all 3 in the ring in some confrontation, make an announcement Ric is banned, or do something to keep Ric out of the match. If you want some real Fuel here, Bayley needs to show up and talk about her Besties from the nXt days, she doesn't need to randomly get tossed into the match, but give Bayley exposure on the main roster, use her to put over the match.

Andre Battle royale - Nobody cares, don't waste 30 minutes with the Jibber jabbers from jobbers.

Something big will happen. Maybe even have league of nations take the belts from new day. And demand a no DQ rematch at mania would work.

Then everybody aHAS TO be there. Taker, Shane, Vince, Steph , HHH, reigns, Lesnar, ambrose, AJ, y2j, Sasha, Charlotte, Becky...etc.. And they all need to interact physically. We have to have a hint as to what the heckcthe Wyatt's will be doing too.

The Rock will be there and maybe elaborate as to what his role will be..

Now this is 1 more match id. And I know scsa is retired but iv seen his broken skull stuff he does.. I'd do it like this . it'll have to be a fast paced . but rock opens and talks and scsa comes out saying Wrestlemania in his state and he says hr WANTS TO RELIVE THE PAST and challenges rock to a good ole match. I know he said he'd never wrestle again but hear me out...
Rock comes out first then Austin poses 4 corners, drinks his beer. Stone cold could take a few hits from rock. Thence SCSA throws him to the corner. Precedes tostomp s mud hole in him. A few more times... Rock gives a couple rock bottoms (if he is able) . stone cold drops 3 stunners for the pin... Drink some beers, glass breaks again.... Draw insane numbers for mania. And insane raw numbers for making the match on Raw.

Ohhh on Shane has to importantly has to take a take s big bump to show fans he still can!!!

There needs to be a title change, or a debut. I'm digginca enzo and Cass main roster run.

Steve Austin wrestling again? Won't happen, and nor should it, he's had a Hall of Fame worthy career, let him hang up the black trunks in peace guys.
Allc7 of you that say "Austin is never wrestling again!"

Ever heard of Bret Hart? Left WWF under the worst scenario ever. Said a trillion time shed never be back incwf again. Then after his major injury what happens? HE ENDS UP IN WWF AND HE "WTESTLES" Vince at a mighty high age and worse health.

Remember Bret? Sounds a lot likaustin. Both said a billion times they'd never wrestle again. Pretty sure Brett did. And Brett's not the one butcher is the best example.

I'll address anything else you need. Thank yee!!
Allc7 of you that say "Austin is never wrestling again!"

Ever heard of Bret Hart? Left WWF under the worst scenario ever. Said a trillion time shed never be back incwf again. Then after his major injury what happens? HE ENDS UP IN WWF AND HE "WTESTLES" Vince at a mighty high age and worse health.

Remember Bret? Sounds a lot likaustin. Both said a billion times they'd never wrestle again. Pretty sure Brett did. And Brett's not the one butcher is the best example.

I'll address anything else you need. Thank yee!!

You're right he did have a match. Remember all the bumps he took against Vince? When Vince Rock Bottomed Bret.....No that didn't happen. When Vince Stunnered Bret.....nope. When Vince nailed him with a trash can over the no. When Vince done any offensive move apart from pretending to punch Bret?

Oh you mean that match? Yeh exactly the same as Austin having a proper physical match against the Rock?

Absolutely clueless!!!
Allc7 of you that say "Austin is never wrestling again!"

Ever heard of Bret Hart? Left WWF under the worst scenario ever. Said a trillion time shed never be back incwf again. Then after his major injury what happens? HE ENDS UP IN WWF AND HE "WTESTLES" Vince at a mighty high age and worse health.

Remember Bret? Sounds a lot likaustin. Both said a billion times they'd never wrestle again. Pretty sure Brett did. And Brett's not the one butcher is the best example.

I'll address anything else you need. Thank yee!!

Oh just stop will you. You put out an idea and it was shot down, get over it. Austin said he would never wrestle again, it could cripple him, so why should he. This isn't coming from a dirt sheet it's coming from the man himself. Just be glad he still shows up every now and then to promote this product, I don't see Batista doing that, do you?

As for Bret Hart, he's had a stroke and what he did with Vince really wouldn't pass the mustard for a match would it. Stop grasping at straws. Austin isn't going to wrestle. The Rock has other commitments and he's not going to wrestle either, we are stuck with what we have.
I have an idea that just may work. An hour and a half in to the pre-show announce that the Pope (not the TNA announcer, the actual Pontiff) would be wrestling Donald Trump in the mid card. Winner gets the trademark to the title of Most Infalliable Man in the World.

Think about it, the Pope sells out huge stadiums all the time, Trump is a huge media draw right now, and these two have history.

WM needs this to happen. I also have a small fortune that I would give to Vince (pork belly money) to make this happen. If anyone has any connection to Vince call me.
Allc7 of you that say "Austin is never wrestling again!"

Ever heard of Bret Hart? Left WWF under the worst scenario ever. Said a trillion time shed never be back incwf again. Then after his major injury what happens? HE ENDS UP IN WWF AND HE "WTESTLES" Vince at a mighty high age and worse health.

Remember Bret? Sounds a lot likaustin. Both said a billion times they'd never wrestle again. Pretty sure Brett did. And Brett's not the one butcher is the best example.

I'll address anything else you need. Thank yee!!

Dude, just stop.

Bret is a COMPLETELY different story. He said he'd never go back to the WWE because of Vince and the Montreal Screwjob. Time passed, the wounds healed, and Bret and Vince buried the hatchet. Same way Bret and Shawn did.

The match with Vince was the worst match I had ever seen Bret be a part of because he wasn't the same Bret. He couldn't take a bump. He could barely move in the ring. It was a fanboy match to show Bret get his revenge on Vince for the Montreal Screwjob. That's it. It was honestly a waste of time on that card.

Austin on the other hand could risk SERIOUS physical injury by taking ONE bump incorrectly. He would need the safest of workers to work with to ensure that doesn't happen. You'd see Austin/Triple H before Austin/Rock, and even that will NEVER HAPPEN.

Austin is done in the ring, and done being in WWE more than for a one off appearance. Get over it.

Rock/Austin in 2016 or beyond wouldn't even be a huge sell because we've seen it before and it would mean NOTHING now. No titles, no revenge, nothing.

Rock vs Cena was huge because it was two of the biggest stars of all time that were able to cross paths in a dream match.
1 simple enough thing i at least CAN imagine them doing is to put the strap on Lesnar. Then it's Ambrose winning the belt at Mania, and Reigns winning over HHH in non title match, which i think will satisfy people enough.

Face it, last good WM was 24 - years ago, today WM is like 1-2 good matches and others are forgetable and add nothing.

I even forgot the WM date, something that never happened before
You're right he did have a match. Remember all the bumps he took against Vince? When Vince Rock Bottomed Bret.....No that didn't happen. When Vince Stunnered Bret.....nope. When Vince nailed him with a trash can over the no. When Vince done any offensive move apart from pretending to punch Bret?

Oh you mean that match? Yeh exactly the same as Austin having a proper physical match against the Rock?

Absolutely clueless!!!

No I'm not clueless. I said a match just a couple minutes. A rock bottom IF IF IF he agrees and can. I didn't say a lproper match. The entrance, a stunner, turnbuckle beer guzzling in his home state would be top draw.

I know he has a HoF career, duh, he never needs to step foot in a ring again but if it draws money and he okays it (like Bret) then so be it.
In my opinion, there shouldn't be any title changes, debuts, or returns.

Sorry man but Austin isn't coming back, and he doesn't need to. Rock can't wrestle.

The Wyatts will probably be in the ATGMBR (sadly). What a massive waste of talent if they are.

I seriously doubt Shane will take a big bump or if he's even able. It wouldn't that surprising if he did, but he is 46 so I doubt it.

So yeah nothing THAT big should happen. Save all the good stuff for Mania.
Dude, just stop.

Bret is a COMPLETELY different story. He said he'd never go back to the WWE because of Vince and the Montreal Screwjob. Time passed, the wounds healed, and Bret and Vince buried the hatchet. Same way Bret and Shawn did.

The match with Vince was the worst match I had ever seen Bret be a part of because he wasn't the same Bret. He couldn't take a bump. He could barely move in the ring. It was a fanboy match to show Bret get his revenge on Vince for the Montreal Screwjob. That's it. It was honestly a waste of time on that card.

Austin on the other hand could risk SERIOUS physical injury by taking ONE bump incorrectly. He would need the safest of workers to work with to ensure that doesn't happen. You'd see Austin/Triple H before Austin/Rock, and even that will NEVER HAPPEN.

Austin is done in the ring, and done being in WWE more than for a one off appearance. Get over it.

Rock/Austin in 2016 or beyond wouldn't even be a huge sell because we've seen it before and it would mean NOTHING now. No titles, no revenge, nothing.

Rock vs Cena was huge because it was two of the biggest stars of all time that were able to cross paths in a dream match.

I know it ain't gonna happen.

Completely different than Bret? No.

Oh how are things with Bret and Vince now? Lol things flip in wrestling on a daily basis. If Vince seen a dollar in it and said he'd "induct" the hart family then Bret would go from hating to kissing his ass again. In another example, taker in reality is Vince's bitch. Just like everyone under contract or just lime Austin if Vince said "hey Steve...".
Its all life portrait on TV.

Those examples aren't about Austins health. I'm talking about Vince's wielding of power.

You honestly think Austin stomping to the ring for a 2 minute stunner, pinfall, turnbuckle, beer, exit wouldn't draw? Nostalgia alone would.
Why don't we get Edge back and have SCSA vs Edge in a "broken neck" match? The first one paralyzed loses.

There is a huge difference between saying "I'll never wrestle again" and being physically incapable of wrestling again.

Exactly. With all the hoopla over concussions in the NFL the last thing Vince McMahon or any wrestling promoter wants is a shitstorm like that raining on them. As it is professional wrestling still has to deal with the aftermath of Chris Benoit all these years later along with all the wrestlers who've died from drug overdoses. A wrestler getting paralyzed or killed on primetime cable TV is not Best for Business as Triple H would say.

If you want to see Stone Cold, watch his podcast. If you want to see him wrestling either buy some of his old DVDs, watch past shows on the WWE Network, or play WWE 2K16.
And what kind of health shape was Bret in again when he had his "match?"

Exactly. 👏👏

Bret wasn't in a position where one wrong bump paralyzes him.

Austin is. Edge is. Austin takes ONE bump wrong and his life as he knows it is over. If you were Austin would you be willing to let someone who has wrestled a handful of times in the past 10 years be responsible for keeping you safe?

IF Austin were to ever step into a ring again, it would be against someone who is considered a safe worker and has been doing it consistently. A couple of years ago, the best shot at him doing one last match was against CM Punk.

But face it, Austin will NEVER EVER EVER step into a wrestling ring again for a match. He might come out drink beers and stun people, but that is the extent of it and that's not something you can really sell to fans.

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