Some funny, and random WM 17 thoughts


Pre-Show Stalwart
At the time of WM 17 I had only gone to several Raws, both about 15,000 people. Went to both Nitros in the Astrodome, they drew around 33-35,000 each I believe. Went to Royal Rumble in San Antonio, 95-96 maybe? My memory is shit. I even attended the first royal rumble here as a wee little wolvster.

But Wrestlemania 17 was it. It was the granddaddy of them all. Now, I'm going to pull a Ron White and tell you this story to tell ya another story. Around January of 2001 I was involved in a wreck where my friend thought it would be funny to drive my car with my hanging on the side door. Long story short, He drove 40, swerved like the gangsters do on BET, swangin and bangin or whatever, I get dropped on my head suffer a contusion, and I'm loopy for a week. So loopy I had over a thousand posts it all over my room with "I'm sorry it wasn't my fault".

Ok now I told ya that to tell ya this. The Wrestlemania ticket was 550.25 or something like that. 1 ticket. I was going to go by myself cause frankly nobody else could afford half a grand for a ticket. But fuck it, I wanted a good seat. And a good seat I got. 3rd row ringside. 2nd seat from the aile.

Anyways, one month before Wrestlemania, I couldn't find my ticket. Looked everywhere. Apparently I moved it during my week of being insane. Of course I couldn't remember where it was. Looked for it for over a week. Finally called ticketmaster and they informed me that several steps would need to be taken. Call the police, have it reported stolen, then grandma who bought ticket would have to come up the day of the event and pick up the ticket herself. But it had to be like 2 hours before the show, not at 9 in the morning. Well thats fine for most familys. But my grandpa has Alzheimers so she can't leave him. Uh oh. I'm in deep shit. for the next few weeks I looked in every damn space I could think of.

Then on Saturday night, my GF I LOVE YOU, found my ticket. So all was great, I am BACK on for Wrestlemania. I made me a CD with Austins music and the nWo music and Rocks music, I'm going to jam out and have a blast. Get to the Arena at around 12:00 pm. That's when the Axxcess opens up. A zippo, a zippo holder and 2 hours later I'm bored. I've done everything I can, I've got autographs from Nikolai and saw Andres hands, drank about 4 beers and I was 17 at the time. And the doors don't open for another couple hours. Oh well, worth the wait.

Finally get in inside the dome and I'm stoked. This is the happiest day of my life. I feel like king of the world. Nothing could bring me down.

So I get to my seat, 3rd row ringside amazing view. This is awesome. 45 minutes before Heat goes on the air I spot two of the hottest fucking women I have ever seen. And they are coming right towards me. OMFG they sit RIGHT NEXT TO ME. Holy shit, I'm dreaming. I'm dead, and I don't realize it yet. AND these girls are lesbians, I know that cause they kissed and I asked. But apparently they aren't lesbians for the Taker. Cause they told me and anybody else who would listen, "When Taker shows up I'm flashing my tits, hope you don't mind". Will I mind? FUCK NO. It's official at this point. I'm dead, and this is heaven. WM, 3rd row, two hot lesbians one's a redhead, and they are going to show tits. Thank you god. Those two years in middle school with acne are now an afterthought.

10 minutes before Heat goes on the air and I see a an older man, in his 40's alone, with 2 police officers and they are point RIGHT at my row. Now the first thing that runs in my head is I reported my ticket stolen, and I just used it. Yeah forgot to mention that earlier on. Never did call TM back. Oops.

So it's over. My dream is done. I'm not dead, this isn't heaven, I'm fixing to be kicked out Wrestlemania and maybe sit in jail til grandma is called.

But no no no, it's actually FUCKING WORSE. They walk down my row, and they are pointing at the HOT lesbians. No. No. NO NO NO FUCKING NO. I knew what was coming.

"Excuse me ladies, are these your seats"

"Yes they are"

"May I see your tickets......Ladies, are you aware these tickets were stolen"

"Oh God no, we bought them off ebay, we live in Chicago we don't even live here. We just got off the plane about an hour and half ago"

"I'm sorry ladies, but you two need to come with me, you can't occupy these seats"

At that moment, the 2-5,000 people that had already seen these hot smoking ladies, and prolly heard of their plan to bare breasts begin changing "Let them stay"....At least 30 guys offered their laps. All the while this was going on, the single 40ish guy kept apologizing cause he knew what just happened. He took two hot girls away from us, and in their place was an out of shape balding man. He apologized to me personally about 20-30 times. I hated him, I still hate him. I'm sure that night I was going to have a threesome with those ladies.....

Ok that probably wouldn't have happened by NOW WE WILL NEVER KNOW WILL WE FUCKER

Wrestlemania was great, enjoyed it even got on TV.

When Kane and Bigshow climb over the rail to enter the fans, I would be the dumbass in the white shirt with two cameras, two camera bags on my belt, standing up trying to take a picture. Of course out of the two I get the camera with the dead battery. BUT, I got my foot stepped on by Big Show so it was ok.

So there's my story. Not sure if anybody will enjoy it, or even give a shit, but I was bored and figured what the hell

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